Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Until We Have Erased Prejudice And Bigotry. . . .

UNTIL WE HAVE ERASED PREJUDICE AND BIGOTRY, this video and the associated posts and comments below will continue to be very relevant. And unfortunately, in this fallen, broken world we will never erase those evils. The best we can hope for is to minimize them as we wait for His Second Coming and His Millennial Kingdom. Until then we all need to work together to make our world a better place, not perfect, but better.

Until then we can agree with the apostle John when he wrote in Revelation 22:20, "He who testifies to these things says, 'Surely I am coming quickly.' Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"

And I will add this from Revelation 22:21, "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.  Amen."

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Bill Gray posted: October 22, 2017

WHEN I VIEW THIS VIDEO ~ I have mixed feelings. The man who is making the racist speech is not the typical American. I was born in Alabama in 1937 and grew up there during an ugly period (1940s-50s) when segregation was prevalent. Yet, in my home we were not raised to be prejudiced against anyone.

Yes, in those early years, I saw prejudice all around me. I saw separate drinking fountains, separate bathrooms, separate schools, i.e., everything separate - Colored and White. Growing up there, even though I was not raised to be prejudiced - I thought the whole world was that way.

It was such a sweet taste of life and light when I went to the Air Force Tech School in Denver in 1955 and found that the whole world was not separated by race.

The character (played by an actor) making the speech in this anti-racism movie is an ignorant fool. Unfortunately, in the 1930s-1960s there were a lot of cloned ignorant fools just like him, all over America. And, to my embarrassment, the governor of my home state, Alabama, at that time, George Wallace, was one of the biggest real life fools.

He was one of the worst kind - playing the Race Card to win votes. Yes, when running in Alabama, he really played the Race Card. But when he wanted to run for president - all of a sudden his rhetoric was toned down. Yes, he was a hypocritical fool.

But, my Friends, in the last several decades it has been black and brown people and their Liberal friends who have heavily played the Race Card: the Obamas, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and yes, the Clintons - all supported, funded, and nurtured by the Liberal Left Democratic Party, the United Nations, and wealthy globalists such as George Soros.

Today, when we see the Race Card played, most often it has a black or brown face behind it - funded by Liberal Left money. And that is sad for they are hurting their own people. And, why? For votes - for money - for power, for so many selfish reasons.

America really needs to UNITE, forget skin color, forget ethnic background, forget religious differences, and other such divisions - and start working together toward Making America Great Again.

if you are an American citizen, you should be working to make America a better place for all to live. If you are an undocumented person who is in America illegally - you should go home and enter America legally - the way millions of other immigrants have done, including my Filipino wife, who is today a naturalized American citizen.

If we are going to make this happen, it must start with and include the college age people - for they are the future of America.

Let me leave you with this thought. Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps. Niemöller is perhaps best remembered for this quotation

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out - Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out - Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me."

Is that going to be our American Legacy? We began a change in America when we elected President Trump. We can continue that change in November 2018 (now 2020), the Mid-Term Elections, when we can vote into office Conservative Americans who understand the meaning of "We The People" and will work with us to bring UNITY back into America. I pray that will happen. But, that is up to YOU! God bless, Bill

The following are Comments to my original post:

Philip D: I’m not going to read all this jargon. But I expected more than just more finger pointing. Americans will never progress with that attitude, whether they be Conservative or Liberals. It’s laughable really. Americans can be better, can rise above finger pointing. Debate issues, determine the root cause of real issues, then find compromises to bring solutions to the table. But then again, we are American. There will always be some egos to inflate or deflate.

Bill Gray: Hi Philip, No one hates prejudice, of any kind, i.e., skin color, ethnic, cultural, religious, etc., - more than me. I was raised in the South during some of the worst of it. But it did not become a part of me.

In 1956-57, I was in the Air Force stationed in Korea. My best friend for that year was a black guy, an accomplished guitar player, from Detroit named Bob White. After the Air Force he was a founding member of the MoTown Funk Brothers inhouse band. In Korea, I would go to the Enlisted Men's Service Club practice room with him while he and his jazz trio practiced. Even in those dark days of segregation in America - I never noticed that, of the four of us in that practice room, I was the only white person. We were just friends.

When Bob and I were rotating back to the states for assignment at Bergstrom AFB in Texas - it was Bob who had to remind me that in Texas, in 1957, it would be hard for us to hang out together. It never dawned on me, a white boy from Alabama. It took a black man from Detroit to remind me of what I had left at home.

Yes, today the spectre of racial divide has become very bad in America. And yes, I do lay it mostly at the feet of people like Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and many other black politicians, and other Liberal Democratic politicians, who have encouraged and nurtured it - for their own benefit.

I would dearly love to see ALL the racial schism done away with and unity nurtured in America. Don't you agree with that? God bless, Bill

Philip D: I agree to tolerance and the stop of racism. I don’t agree to place blame on any leader - black, white, yellow, orange, or whatever. You point one finger at a person, you have three more pointing back at you. Instead of pointing, what can an individual do to rise above finger pointing? It doesn’t get anybody anywhere. Funny that you didn’t point out Bush or Trump. Not saying you're right or wrong. And I’m not saying I’m right or wrong. I have my own opinions (which) I keep to myself. I just enjoy playing Devil’s advocate to play both sides.

Bill Gray: Hi Philip, We are told in Scripture, "Therefore by their fruits you will know them" (Matthew 7:20). And I don't think ANYONE can deny that Racism and the use of the Race Card - grew by leaps and bounds during the Obama administration. I don't believe anyone can deny that Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and a number of other Liberal politicians have cultivated the cancer of Racism - to their own benefit. So, to me, their fruit is rotten.

You mention Bush and Trump. I will admit that, after 9-11, Bush was too eager to call Islam a religion of peace. He may have had good intentions - but the end results were far from good.

As for Trump, yes, I believe what he is doing with the problem of illegal immigration is right. You and I have family who are naturalized American citizens, they all came to America legally. Today there are many more folks who are working to come to America, legally.

So, why should America reward those who have broken our laws and come into America illegally - at the expense of those who are doing it the right way? Your dad and Dory came here legally? So why should we turn our face and ignore those who came illegally? And why should America reward those here illegally by giving them millions of dollars in Freebies? They are not American, they do not deserve to be coddled and rewarded.

There are our immigration laws in America (and other countries have the same laws) which show that illegals are breaking the law - and that legal immigrants are welcome. Would you have us change that and reward law-breakers? God bless, Bill

Bill Gray: Hi Philip, I was not going to respond to your first statement above, because I was not sure if you were addressing me personally - or what was said in the video. But since you did address what I initially posted when you wrote - "I’m not going to read all this jargon...but I expected more than just more finger pointing" - I have to ask this question: "If you will not read what I wrote - HOW can you know that you disagree with what I have written?" Just saying! God bless, Bill

Philip D:
Best of luck to your opinions, Bill. Someone always seems to have the last word. It’s all yours.

Tim W: People are not born racist. They have to be taught. So sad.

Maggie W: This is what comes of letting the government subdivide us into groups. Like African-American, Hispanic-American, White-American, Asian-American, etc.. When are we going to drop the "other" and just be AMERICANS?

My Friends, please take a moment to view this short video, then share it with all your FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors). They may not all agree with you, as my long time Friend and family member, Philip, did not agree with me. But that only creates discussions where we all can share and we all can learn. If we stop having discussions, we do not make progress. That applies equally to political and secular issues, as well as to Bible studies. If we just sit and listen instead of discussing God's Word, you can see that our progress toward maturity as believers will be stunted. That is equally true of political, secular, religious, and Christian maturity.

Sharing this video may be YOUR next step toward an America which does not nurture prejudice, bigotry, and racism. We start with FRANs, and all our young people, such as these students, who will be our future leaders - and we move America forward. If we erase the divisive teachings and arm our Millennial Generation to lead America forward as it was founded, America will be a free nation open to all who will come to America legally and live the American life.

Anti-Racism Video Discussions with College Students - 2017 https://www.facebook.com/FBE/videos/10155614913249522/

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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