Sunday, September 10, 2023

Is Your Bible Study Or Forum Group A "One Person Show" - Or A Discussion Group? ~ There Is A Big Difference!

FOLKS, IN THE PAST 36 YEARS, I have been in many Bible Study Groups, most very good, others not so good.  "Bill, Bill, Bill, what makes one Bible Study Group good - and another not so good?  Isn't studying the Bible always good?"  

Glad you asked.  Yes and no.  Studying the Bible is always good, but sitting for an hour or more when only one person, the Leader, is allowed to speak is nap time.

What makes a Bible Study Group, or a Forum Group, Discussion effective - as opposed to a "one man show" Study/Forum Group meeting?  This goes back to what makes a good Study Leader?  Notice I said LEADER and not TEACHER!  I love to Lead a Bible Study or Sunday School Class - but I will never say that I Teach a Bible Study or Sunday School Class.

A TEACHER is one who is only happy when he/she can stand before a group and do all the talking.  A LEADER is one who will get a group discussion going, then encourage others in the group to participate, ask questions, make comments, etc.  In other words, when the Group becomes a Discussion Group and not a "Listen To Me Talk" nap time Group - that is a good study group.

A good Leader gets the discussion moving, encourages questions/comments, even at times allowing the discussion to go off on a tangent - before bringing it back on subject.  Why would a Leader do that?  That is why it is called a Discussion Group - and not a Sermon!

When we begin to discuss a Bible verse or passage - there may be many different thoughts or interpretations of that verse in the minds of the people in the group.  Isn't it better to hear what a person believes about that verse / passage - and then to lead that person, and maybe others in the group, back to what the Bible truly tells us? 

Will there still be different thoughts or beliefs regarding that passage?  That is quite possible, but at least we have the group looking at that verse, where before, in their own private studies, they may have just skipped over it to avoid confusion.  Now they can experience the group thoughts - and let the Holy Spirit guide them to a truer understanding.  Some may still disagree, we are all still flawed humans - but at least all the group is now thinking about that verse or passage.

The Leader's job is to get folks talking and sharing.  At times when the discussion goes totally off into left field, the Leader's task is to gently nudge the discussion back on track.  And after allowing a serious discussion to run its course, within time limits, the Leader will take the discussion back to the one true authority - the Bible.  "What does the Bible say about this?"

What has prompted me to take this wee journey down the "Good And Not So Good Study Group" path today?  Well, now that you have asked, recently I have been in an End Times Facebook Discussion (?) Group - which only wants members who agree with the Group Admin.  It seems to have evolved into a "My Way, Or The Highway" discussion group - and today I was suspended.  Oh, well, it happens to the best of us - and I am far from the best!

In this End Times Group, a fellow member posted about the book "The Coming Prince" by Sir Robert Anderson - and I shared with him that this book is also available as a PDF file for all who want to download it for further studies.

The Group Admin posted:  "Bill - for the sake of the group please don't introduce off-topic subjects like the age of the earth/universe."

And I responded to Admin:  "In your group a member mentioned the book 'The Coming Prince' by Sir Robert Anderson, and I shared that it can be downloaded as a PDF file for further study.   I also told the person who mentioned the book that I do not necessarily agree with Anderson's date of the Creation being specifically 4004 BC.  But I do strongly agree that the date of the Creation is thousands of years, not the millions nor billions of years needed by Evolutionists and Old Age Creation folks."

Rather than ignoring my fellow member, I was only responding to him and offering a suggestion.  But, quite honestly I cannot see how posting an accurate comment about any of the Bible can be considered offensive.  How can we think of an Ending without thinking of the Beginning?

Then Admin told me the part which I should not have posted was"I do not necessarily agree with Anderson's date of the Creation being specifically 4004 BC.  But I do strongly agree that the date of the Creation is thousands of years, not the millions nor billions of years needed by Evolutionists and Old Age Creation folks. "  Then Admin finished: "This post is off-topic and that is what I addressed."

After that, in this Group Discussion several other members responded to that train of thought with comments about the Biblical genealogies and rather than ignore them, I responded:

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Hi Paul:  You tell me, "Bill Gray, The genealogies of Genesis ch5 (etc) are quite precise though. . ."

And Tom responds: "Paul,  Yep.  Any genealogical gaps would be during the shorter life times in the Chronicles.  Maybe a century or two; but not 1000s of years.  And secular history timelines closely match up with the Biblical timelines during that period."

I respond to their comments There are many versions of the timeline of the Bible and the genealogy of Jesus Christ.  His genealogy is divided into three 14-generation periods in Matthew.

Matthew 1:17, "So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations - from David until the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generations - and from the captivity in Babylon until the Christ are fourteen generations."

Pastor David Guzik, in his Study Guide for Matthew tells us regarding verse 17:

a. Fourteen generations … fourteen generations … fourteen generations:  With this Matthew made it clear that this genealogy is not complete.  There were not actually 14 generations between the landmarks he indicates, but Matthew edited the list down to make it easy to remember and memorize.

b. So all the generationsThe practice of skipping generations at times was common in the listing of ancient genealogies.  Matthew did nothing unusual by leaving some generations out.

However the two most commonly accepted view of the Creation timeline, in my view, would be those found in "The Coming Prince" by Sir Robert Anderson, and the
17th-century chronology "Annales Veteris Testamenti" by James Ussher, the Archbishop of Armagh (Church of Ireland).  Both use 4004 BC as the date of Creation.  Both are available as PDF downloads for deeper study.

Those are respected chronologies and I do not dispute them - except in their effort to pinpoint the date of Creation as specifically 4004 BC.  The most important chronology or genealogy is that of Jesus Christ.  Matthew's genealogy, written for the Jewish mindset, traces Christ's genealogy from Abraham forward through Joseph -  and Luke, the only Gentile writer in the Bible, in his genealogy looks from our modern Gentile view, from Jesus looking back to the beginning.

The two following excerpts are from previous blogs I have written in past years:

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The first excerpt is from:  "Christmas In His Presence 2017 ~ International Bible Baptist Church Choir" - Dec 21, 2017

Jesus Christ came as the Incarnate God to save a flawed people. 
And, although Jesus was sinless - His genealogy found in Matthew contained women (which was not normally done in Jewish genealogies), prostitutes, and Gentiles.  His genealogy contained flawed people, a number with great flaws. 

This was to show us that no matter how flawed we are, no matter how far we have fallen - we can still meet Him at the cross, believe and receive His "paid in full" pardon - and receive His gift of eternal life.  Even though He came as the Jewish Messiah - having Gentiles in His genealogy shows that He came to save, not just the Jews, but all people who will, by grace through faith, believe (John 3:16, John 1:12)

The genealogy of Jesus Christ found in Matthew 1 is typical of Jewish family trees in the time of Christ, it begins with Abraham and traces His family line forward through Joseph, the step-father of Jesus. 

Matthew 1:1-2, "The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham: Abraham begot Isaac, Isaac begot Jacob, and Jacob begot Judah and his brothers."

Matthew 1:16, "And Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus who is called Christ."

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And my second excerpt is from:  "Salvation First - Works To Follow!" - April 9, 2014:

Christ's genealogy found in Luke 3 starts with Jesus, in typical Gentile fashion, and looks backward all the way through Adam to God.

Luke 3:23, 37-38, "Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, the son of Heli, .  .  .  the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel, the son of Cainan, the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God."

Looking back at Joshua in the Old Testament, we know that the harlot, Rahab, and her family were saved from physical harm or danger - but, we are not clearly told that she had initially converted to Judaism or became a believer.

Joshua 2:1 - 2:25, "Now Joshua the son of Nun sent out two men from Acacia Grove to spy secretly, saying, “Go, view the land, especially Jericho.” So they went, and came to the house of a harlot named Rahab, and lodged there.  .  .  .  (25) And Joshua spared Rahab the harlot, her father’s household, and all that she had.  So she dwells in Israel to this day, because she hid the messengers whom Joshua sent to spy out Jericho."

Hebrews 11:31, "By faith Rahab the harlot did not perish along with those who were disobedient, after she had welcomed the spies in peace."


We assume that Rahab became a believer, from what we see in Hebrews 11:31, "By faith Rahab the harlot did not perish."   We assume (and I believe) that the Rahab in the genealogy of Jesus Christ - is the same Rahab the harlot.


Matthew 1:5-6, "Salmon was the father of Boaz by Rahab, Boaz was the father of Obed by Ruth, and Obed the father of Jesse.  Jesse was the father of David the king.  .  . "


But was it the act of saving the Israelite spies that gave Rahab eternal life?  Or was it a conversion which happened later while living among the Jews and marrying the Jewish man, Salmon?

Since Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us that "For by grace you have been saved through faith. . . NOT as a result of works. . ." - we must believe that Rahab's faith which saved her eternally - was her faith in the coming Messiah which she later learned about and accepted, through her association with and marriage to Salmon, King David's great-grandfather.

To my fellow group members, Paul and Tom, although these thoughts do not directly align with the main purpose of this group "Eschatology - End Times Study" - I believe this short dialogue can be a benefit to many folks.  So, in conclusion, Paul and Tom, I pray that you and many others have benefited from this short tangential diversion from the main group thought.

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And because of this dialogue exchange in response to their comments, I have been booted off that group.  This seems to be getting to be a habit.  In 2015 the new publisher of my hometown newspaper, the TimesDaily (Florence, Alabama) booted me off "his" Religion Forum - because my posts were too Conservative Christian in tone. 

I had been on the TimesDaily Religion Forum for 8 years, since Jan 2007.  And when an avowed Atheist member posted, "Bill Gray should be killed!" - I reported that to the Forum Moderator, who by then had become the Atheist-leaning Publisher himself. 

Not sure why the Publisher would take on the task of forum moderator, but I was banned for life!  Yet the man who posted that threat was back on the Forum a week later.  It seems that Secularism and Atheism are cancers which continues to metastasize in our modern society.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Click on the image to enlarge:

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

What Does America’s History Reveal About Abortion?

Does America’s History Reveal A Common Consensus On Abortion?  ~  In America today, thanks to Leftist Activists and self-promoting Politicians - there are two major issues which seem to be dividing Americans Abortion and Racism. 

And in our White House today, it seems that the persons occupying the presidential and vice-presidential chairs are more concerned with these issues, especially abortion, than they are about the millions of unvetted and untested Illegals flowing across our southern borders continually. 

In other words, those two and their Leftist associates could care less about Americans and American families.  All they care about is their own greed for money and power.  They will continue to "buy" votes through catering to those special interest groups and the Illegals they import - as long as we allow them to continue.  Our most powerful solution to this problem is OUR VOTES!

This morning I received an e-mail which tells me about a new book which should interest all Americans - and all Conservative around the world.  The following is from that e-mail message telling us about a new book, which shares a factual history of abortion in America - from 1652 to 2022! 

Yes, the war against babies has been waged since 1652 in America.  Can you believe that?  And the book shows that since the 1600s in America it has been common knowledge that "Life Begins At Conception" - and to kill that unborn life is MURDER! 

The following is from that article:

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Does America’s History Reveal a Common Consensus on Abortion?

In their book "The Story of Abortion in America" co-authors Marvin Olasky and Leah Savas detail the long history of abortion and its impact on American culture through vivid personal stories that humanize people on both sides of the debate.

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Science and History Today we have ultrasound technology.  We have the science of how human life begins.  We know that when a sperm meets the egg, that’s when a unique individual is formed.  The unborn life that’s growing inside of a mother’s body - we can see it through ultrasound technology and recognize that this is a unique individual human.

From that knowledge, often we get to the conclusion that abortion is murder.  Killing this unborn child in the mother’s womb is murder.  But that consensus is not something that is new, something that is just a result of modern technology.  It has been the common sense of people in America for centuries that unborn life is human life, and we should protect it and that killing it in abortion is murder.

For example, back in the 1600s, we have these cases of men forcing abortifacients on women and then going on trial for murder.  Why would they go on trial for murder unless the community and the people around them believed that unborn life is human life?  And then we have doctors in the 1800s that said things like Life begins at conception.

That’s not something that they needed ultrasound technology in order to know - they knew that already - and they were encouraging women to keep their babies and to not get abortions because they knew that unborn life is human life.

And then we fast forward to the 1939 World’s Fair.  People were lining up to see these models of unborn life sculptures depicting the growth of a human baby in utero.  And the Gerber baby products company was handing out pamphlets saying, "Don’t get an abortion!  Don’t get an abortion!  Don’t make a decision that you’ll regret!"

So that was the the common narrative, even at this World’s Fair in the 1930s.

Fast forward to today, and we’re even more without excuse.  We have ultrasound technology.  We have science to back up the fact that abortion is killing unborn human life and it is really something that we should be protecting.

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Co-author Leah Savas reports on abortion for WORLD News Group, where she writes the weekly Vitals roundup and newsletter of pro-life news. Leah lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with her husband, Stephen.

Co-author Marvin Olasky, PhD University of Michigan, is a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute and an Acton Institute affiliate scholar.  He is the author of twenty-eight books, including The Tragedy of American Compassion and Lament for a Father.  From 1983 through 2021 he was a professor at the University of Texas at Austin and the editor in chief of WORLD.

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If you believe, as I do, that Abortion is morally wrong, is ethically wrong, is murder, and is offensive to God - I ask you to share this with all your FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors) and ask them to do the same.  Just imagine how many unborn and new-born lives that could save.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Click on the image to enlarge

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Bill & Dory Gray ~ "Our FIRST 43 (46) Years Of FIRSTS" ~ And Counting!

YESTERDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2023, DORY AND I CELEBRATED A JOURNEY OF "FIRSTS" WHICH BEGAN 46 YEARS AGO!  ~  The video below follows us for only the First 43 Years of Firsts, but is indicative of how God has blessed us for 46 years, and counting!  Look out 50, here we come!

In the Spring of 1977, two lives came together for the first time.  In Santa Ana, California, Real Estate Agent Dory Daludado was attending a weekly Red Carpet Realty sales meeting at the Saddleback Inn Hotel and Conference Center ~  and Bill Gray was at the Saddleback Inn Hotel to join friends for an evening of entertainment. 

At that time, while Disneyland and the Anaheim Convention Center were the hub for national and international business and visitors - ten miles away - the Saddleback Inn Hotel and Conference Center in Santa Ana, California, was the hub for local business meetings and entertainment.

Today as I look back over the years, I can see how God orchestrated a meeting between those two unlikely participants, Bill and Dory, which would eventually fulfill His eternal plan for our lives.  Over the years, I have had three very special relationships.  All three were special, but all three were different in a very important aspect of what I believe was God's plan for my lives. 

The first was Roman Catholic, the second was into Eastern Mysticism, and I believe the third, Dory, fulfilled God's spiritual plan for my life, which set me on a path I have followed for the past 36 years, that I should be a Christian believer and have a Christian writing ministry.

If Dory and I had not met and married in 1977 - I would not have met Pastor Sam & Ida Lacanienta - and very likely I would not be a believer.  It is my firm belief that God used the Christian love I experienced when I met that Godly pastoral couple which would point me to the cross of Jesus Christ.

When I think of how Pastor Sam & Ida Lacanienta showed me the path to eternal life in Christ, I am reminded of
a story I read years ago in Our Daily Bread, Fall 1991 issue.  It was written by Henry Bosch and tells of a missionary to the Kiowa Indians.  The first missionary to the Kiowa Indians was a woman named Miss Reside.  After living with the Indians long enough for them to understand what it meant to be Christian, they began calling her "Aim Day Co."

Explaining the significance of this name, Chief Bigtree said, "When we Kiowas see anyone on the wrong trail, we call out, 'Aim day co,' which means 'Turn this way.'  Our sister came to us from a far land and found us on the wrong path and in great danger.  She stood and called out to us saying, 'Turn this way.'  Then she showed us the Jesus road.  God bless Miss Aim Day Co."

Miss "Aim Day Co" did not stay in her comfort zone.  Instead she went to where the Indians lived, she went to their comfort zone.  I'm quite sure she did not start beating them over the head with non-stop Scripture or demand that they learn her "Christianese" language.  No, I'm sure that she first learned how to tell them, in their own language, "Turn this way!  Aim day co!"

Thirty-six years ago, Pastor Sam & Ida were my "Miss Aim day co!"  Yet it is my firm belief that God began my journey on that Wednesday evening in 1977 when (by divine purpose?) I met my future Life Partner, Dory - 46 YEARS AGO!

I invite you to take just a few minutes, relax, and journey with Dory and me as we relive the "First 43 46 Years" of our eternal life, with God, and with one another.


Every year as we celebrate the blessings of our lives together, we thank God.  With God's blessings we have celebrated our 46th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY! 

And with His continued blessings, I say, "Look out 50th, 60th, and counting!  Here we come!"

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Click on the image to enlarge: