Thursday, April 21, 2016

Bill Gray, This Is Your Life!

My dear Friend from years on the TimesDaily Religion Forum and on Facebook, Crusty (a pseudonym, for he is not willing to write his comments under his real name), finally believes he has the one hook which will discredit Bill Gray forever - Bill does not have a college degree!  Well, that is true. 

However, I do have many college credits:  In mathematics, through calculus - In English, from grammar through Creative Writing - Corporate Management, taught by a gentleman who was with Walt and Roy Disney when they first began - Theater Arts, two fun years which only proved to me that the computer industry was my true calling.   So, I do not believe the lack of a degree has hog-tied me as Crusty would imply. 

Today, anyone going into the computer industry had better have that degree, for the recognition and demand for the certificate, and for the knowledge attained while working toward the degree.  However, considering that I went into Air Force Electronics, Radar, and Analog Computer training starting in 1955 and then, in 1958 jumped into the infant commercial computer industry with Burroughs Corporation - many of us did not have formal degrees.  Yet, we made a difference; a difference that today would be difficult to accomplish without a formal college degree.

I recall, in 1968, I was taking a group of eight from Vanderbilt University to visit the home office of my company, Digital Equipment Corporation, in Boston.  On the flight to Boston, I sat with Dr. Bill Baker, head of the Biomedical Engineering Department at Vanderbilt.  As we were chatting, he asked where I went to school.  Knowing that he was asking about college, I told him, "I don't have a degree."

His comment, "Really doesn't matter, does it?  What really matters is that you know your business - and obviously, you do."

During this trip, the one man I did not want to sit beside on the flight was Dr. George Haynam, head of the Computer Sciences Department at Vanderbilt.  I will confess that I was in awe of this man and I was afraid that talking with him I would put my foot in my mouth.  But, when we boarded for the flight home to Nashville, the only seat left was beside Dr. Haynam.  I took my seat, the flight attendant brought us a pre-flight cocktail - and with a good scotch on the rocks under my belt, I relaxed. 

As we were talking, Dr. Haynam made a statement regarding computer technology - and I disagreed with him.  Now, you might think that would have been the end of our relationship, but actually it cemented our relationship.  I suppose no other youngster like me had ever disagreed with him - and when I did, his eyes lit up, and we had a wonderful flight back to Nashville.  I never had a problem getting into his office after that.  And, Vanderbilt committed to a multi-million dollar purchase for two DEC PDP-10 computer systems, one for Vanderbilt and one for a cooperating institution, Meharry Medical College.

So, what got my Religion Forum/Facebook Friend, Crusty, all riled up?  Well, last week I shared on Facebook a pastor's open letter to Bruce Springsteen:

"The pastor's Open Letter to Bruce Springsteen and his guitarist most likely will not even sink into their super egos.  For we know that all the ultra-liberal musicians and (other) Hollywood heroes know what is best for all of us.  Why, some of them most likely even graduated from high school - so, they obviously are well versed in how to run a country!"

Well, this upset my Friend, Crusty, and he once again, for the umpteenth time, reminded me that I am just a poor uneducated product of the Sheffield High School system in Alabama - and could never amount to much.  So, let me see if I can summarize my plodding career since leaving Sheffield, Alabama, in June 1955.

Not sure what Crusty has in mind, how he would judge something to be an accomplishment. But let's see if we can briefly encapsulate the career of this uneducated graduate of Sheffield High:

1.  In 1956-57, I was responsible for keeping the Airborne Radar/Weapons Fire Control systems on a squad of eight F-86F Fighter-Bombers working at peak efficiency so that our pilots flying in Korea and Formosa would be able to win if they were forced to do battle against the MIG-15 or any Communist China forces.

2.  In 1959-60, I was a member of a team of four Burroughs Corporation Field Engineers responsible for keeping the Norfolk Naval Supply Depot computer system working so that they could supply the Atlantic Fleet.

3.  In 1961, I was the Burroughs Corporation Field Engineer who was chosen to install a modified Burroughs 220 General-Purpose Computer (a vacuum-tube computer system) - the heart of the Melpar Corporation Finder system, which occupied 7000 sq ft of floor space, and was comprised of the Burroughs 220 Computer and 89 Melpar-designed racks and consoles of transistorized electronics.  In 1961 we delivered and installed this system in the subterranean level of the Headquarters Building of the Air Force Strategic Air Command at Offut AFB in Omaha, Nebraska.

4.  In 1963, I installed the Ramo-Wooldridge AN/UYK-1 MilSpec Mini-Computer onboard the USNS Kingsport Satellite Tracking Ship.  That Syncom satellite tracking system enabled President Kennedy to make the first live two-way satellite telephone call, when he spoke with Nigerian Prime Minister Abubakar Balewa.

5.  In 1963, I was asked to divide my time between my duties as a Field Engineer with Ramo-Wooldridge and the company Training Department, teaching classes on the AN/UYK-1 computer to engineers and technicians sent from client companies.

6.  In 1964, I worked with the Project Genie team of Dr. Melvin W. Pirtle at and Dr. Wayne Lichtenberger at UC Berkeley to modify a Scientific Data Systems SDS 930 24-bit commercial computer so that it could be used with the timesharing software that was being developed by the Project Genie team.   The resulting system was launched as a commercial product and renamed the SDS 940 Time Sharing System.

7.  In 1964, I installed the first commercial SDS 940 Time Share computer system at the newly formed company, Tymshare Corporation, which was founded by Tom O’Rourke and Dave Schmidt as a time-sharing company to sell computer time and software packages to commercial users.

8.  In 1965, I installed an SDS 930 computer system at Boeing Corporation in Seattle which was the heart of a Flight Simulator System built by Boeing to train NASA Astronauts for the critical skill of reentry into earth atmosphere.  I was there when the first team of astronauts arrived for training.

9.  In 1965, while working as a Field Engineer for Scientific Data System, because I was frequently being called out to fix computer problems that our Field Engineers should have been able to diagnose and repair - I requested that I be allowed to teach an indepth class on diagnosing and repairing the SDS 930 and 9300 computer systems to our Field Engineering staff.  The first week, I taught half of the staff.  When the second week was ready to start with the other half of the staff, the head of the Training Department asked if he could send his instructors and some customers to sit in on my class that week.

10.  In 1966, I was called upon to design around a priority interrupt scheme problem on the SDS 9300 system at North American Rockwell, Downey, CA, when they could not get their SDS computer system to work properly with their Reentry Capsule Simulator System.

11.  In the early 1970s, I presented Logic, Computer, and Micro-Computer Seminars to clients of Digital Equipment Corporation, Control Logic Corporation, and MITS, Inc. - to enable them to utilize our products in their company's end-products and projects.

12.  In 1975, at one of my MITS sponsored Micro-Computer Seminars in Palo Alto, CA, Paul Terrell was convinced that he should sign on as a Independent Manufacturers Representative for the MITS Altair computer.  One month later, that relationship led to his opening the Byte Shop computer store in Mountain View, CA (the second computer store in America).  And, the success of that store encouraged Paul to found the Byte Shop computer store chain, which grew to 250 stores and was the first chain of computer stores in the world.  By the way, after opening the Byte Shop store, Paul was also instrumental in giving Apple Computer (Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs) a jump-start, buying their first 50 Apple 1 computers and selling them from his Byte Shop store.

I will stop here with my Bill Gray Dandy Dozen, and just round out my resume by saying that I went on to (1) being responsible for the company, Interstate Electronics of Anaheim, CA, putting millions of dollars of Interdata Corporation computers into sub-tenders for the U.S. Navy, and for Rockwell Autonetics Division putting Interdata computers into the Minuteman silos - (2) to being one of the first Sales Managers for the General Electric Graphicon Computer Graphics division; and (3) to being Director of Sales for a Southern California computer company.

So, Crusty, my Friend - not bad for a poor Alabama born and bred high school graduate, wouldn't you say?

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

This Story Is Sad - And Must Be Shared!

THIS SAD STORY reflects truths of our Christian faith that I have often shared.  That Christ died to offer eternal life, i.e., salvation, to ALL people.  His blood shed on Calvary purchased a full pardon from the prison of sin and death for ALL people.  However, until each person individually claims that free gift through receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, through faith alone - there is no pardon.  Those people who do not freely accept and receive His "paid in full" pardon - remain in their sin prison, condemned to eternal spiritual death.

This is taught in Jesus' parable found in Matthew 20:1-16, where the landowner hired workers to work in his vineyard.  He hired some at the beginning of the day, and he hired others only an hour before quitting time.  Yet, he paid all the workers, regardless of how many hours they had worked, one denarius, a day's wages.  When the early workers complained that they had worked longer for the same amount, Jesus told them, "Did you not agree to work a day for one denarius?  If I wish to pay others the same denarius - is it not lawful for Me to do so?"   That is God's mercy, that in His grace He offers full forgiveness to all who, through faith, will believe and receive Him as Lord and Savior - at any time in our lives.

The moral of that story is:  The greatest gift that Christ can give is His promised eternal life in the presence of God the Father.  There is no greater gift.  And, those who receive this gift earlier in life are blessed, for we get to share His Gospel truth with more people.  Yet, those who receive this gift at the last hour - still have been given that same blessed gift, eternal life in His presence.

And, this is what we Christian believers must continue to tell people.  Everyone has until that last breath to receive Christ and His assurance of eternal life.  However, once that last breath has been breathed in this mortal body - there is NO second chance.  Once that last breath is taken - our next breath takes us into eternity. That eternity for a believer is to be spent in the glorious presence of God.   That eternity for a non-believer is to be spent outside, void of the presence of God, and that can only be called "hell."

Consider the danger of waiting to receive His gift, eternal salvation, at a later time.  None of us knows when that last moment will come upon us.  We may be in good health one moment - and taken in death by an accident, an act of violence, or an unknown, unexpected illness the next.  What if that person had waited to receive Christ later, not wanting to miss any of the world's fun - and that last moment came upon him/her unexpectedly? 

Most of us recognize the two most renown atheists in our world today - Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens.  Both have been very active over the recent years writing books and participating in public debates where they attempt to prove that God does not exist.  Not long ago, Christopher Hitchens died.  And, some who knew him well say that, once he found that he had terminal cancer, he was starting to question his own atheism, starting to consider becoming a Christian believer.

But, a question we will continue to ponder:  which was more important to Hitchens, his eternal soul - OR - his world class reputation as an atheist, a denier of God?  That is a question that even his close friends cannot answer, only God and Christopher Hitchens know - and now that last moment for his eternal decision has passed for Hitchens, his last breath has been breathed in his mortal body.  Personally, I do pray that I will see him in heaven.  That would be an added blessing for me.  But, as we read in the article below, no one really knows.  These excerpts are from that article: 

The famed atheist writer Christopher Hitchens was contemplating converting to evangelical Christianity before his death, according Christian author and friend Larry Alex Taunton. . . .

Taunton is not saying the search was successful. “It’s not my claim that Christopher converted.  It’s that Christopher was contemplating conversion.”

By this point, Hitchens was battling the esophageal cancer that would claim his life.  “Christopher was in a difficult place,” Taunton remembers. “He’s a dying man.  He asked me why I thought he didn’t convert.  I said ‘You’ve created a global reputation as an atheist.  Your fortune, your reputation is based on it.  I can’t imagine how hard it would be to admit you were wrong.  You created a prison for yourself.'”

. . . .

Only God knows whether there was, in (Doug) Wilson’s words, “a gracious twist at the end.”   Taunton said that he only knows Hitchens’ ears and heart were open.

This story rather reflects the saying we have all heard over the years, "In war, there are no atheists in the foxhole."

I urge you to read the full article - and then share it with any unbelieving FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors) in your circle of influence.  The one put on the right track toward the cross - may be a close FRAN! 

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Trump vs Cruz - How Will "YOU" Decide?

While I know it is not always pleasant to mix discussion of politics with discussions of Christian faith, there are times when we must.  Let us not make the same mistake America made in the presidential election of 2008 - showing erroneous bias because one man was in a false religion and the other was in a cult church.  Nor should we make the same mistake as in 2012 when comparing a cult church follower with a man of undisclosed faith.

TRUMP VS CRUZ - Is reminiscent of Obama vs Romney!  And, in a sense
reminiscent of Obama vs McCain!

Think about it, why did YOU not vote for Mitt Romney - because he is a Mormon?  Look at what that got you - eight years of Obama's destruction of America's morals, economy, and sovereignty.

So, let's talk about Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.   I will admit that Trump may be an "Easter and Christmas Only" Christian, while I believe Cruz is an involved Christian.  So, what do we learn from this?

All of the candidates for president seem to be spending 90% of their public air time talking childish school-yard trash about their opponents - rather than talking nitty-gritty about the true issues facing all Americans, issues important to all of us.   And, when Donald Trump does address the issues in a common sense way - Cruz, Hillary, Bernie, all the Liberal Socialists, and all the RINOs want to crucify him.

But, let's talk specifically about Trump and Cruz, for I do not believe any American in his/her right mind would want more of the Obama-styled Liberal Socialism we have been subjected to in the past seven plus years of King Obama's rule.  And, that is what you would get if Hillary or Bernie were to win - Liberal Socialism on steroids!

Back to the real world.  We have Cruz taking personal, childish potshots at Trump and his family.   And, we have Trump taking personal, childish potshots at the Cruz family.  Enough!  Grow up!  Both of you!

So, how should we weed through all this school-yard "spitting contest" between Cruz and Trump?  Well, we just have to listen to what they say when they DO talk about issues. 

Which candidate truly offers the best solution to issues such as:  (1) Moral decay in America, (2) America drowning in Illegal Immigrants who have been given carte blanche by the Liberal Socialist regime of Obama, (3) America's economic woes and who can best resolve them - a successful businessman OR a Senator who has been a part of creating that mess in our Legislative Branch of government, (4) America's bloated health care industry created by ObamaCare (or better named ObamaCouldCareLess).

Then we have to look at how each would handle foreign affairs.  In that arena both are relative
neophytes and it will be a learning curve.  But, I do believe that Trump will be more of a Reagan type foreign affairs president.  In other words, I believe he will state the true Conservative position - and stand with it, much like Reagan did when in office.

Now, let's get to the issue I keep hearing regarding Trump and Cruz - which was the same we heard with Obama and Romney - RELIGION!

Who is the stronger Christian?  I believe Cruz wins that accolade.  However, with that accolade also comes greater responsibility:

Luke 12:48, ".  .  .For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more."
Pastor Chuck Smith tells we Christian believers, in his commentary on Luke 12:48: "God holds you responsible for your knowledge.  Knowledge creates responsibility before God.  And having the knowledge that you have, brings you into a greater responsibility before God.  God holds you responsible." 

James 4:11, "Do not speak evil of one another, brethren.  .  ."

Pastor David Guzik tells us in his Study Guide for James 4: 

a. Do not speak evil of one another:  Humbling ourselves and getting right with God must result in our getting right with other people.  When we are right with other people, it will show in the way we talk about them.  So we must not speak evil of one another and not judge our brother.

i. James rightly will guard us against the illusion that we might be right with God, yet evil towards our brother.  As John says, he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? (1 John 4:20)
While I do believe that Ted Cruz is a true Christian and the jury might still be out on the Christian faith of Donald Trump.  Yet, based upon the Scripture passages above - which of the two has the greater responsibility to reflect the nature of a Christian - Cruz or Trump?

Both are taking a stand based upon what they perceive to be their greatest strengths.  Both are laying their cards on the table and saying, "This is who I am!"

Trump tells us he is a successful businessman who understands that the Christian faith is important to most Americans - and, although it does not appear that he is a Bible-based Christian believer - he does recognize that our Christian faith is important to us and I believe he will stand with us on moral issues and other issues which affect our Christian faith.

Cruz is a Christian believer; at least that is the way I view him.  However, he seems to be willing to lay aside all Scripture pertaining to gossip, Christian responsibility toward his fellow man, and is willing to speak evil of another - in his attempt to win an earthly election.  It seems he is laying aside his Christian mantle when he stands before the cameras.   That makes me nervous.

Well, my Friends, this is MY take on the 2016 Presidential Election.  What is yours? 

Keep in mind that America could be at a crossroad today - attempting to rise out of an entrenched Liberal Socialist regime and stand on strong Conservative Values once again.  The way YOU VOTE will help decide where America goes in the future.  Think about that as you consider who will win your vote.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Gay Rights Agenda - Expanded!

DOES ANYONE STILL BELIEVE THAT THE FIGHT FOR GAY MARRIAGE was only because homosexuals wanted the right to marry?  Well, the article below, written by Ben Johnson in LifeSiteNews, sharing the writings of New York Times columnist, Frank Bruni, should squelch that thought.  

This is not about allowing homosexual marriage.  It is about demanding that Christians throw out God and the Bible, which tells us that God approves only Traditional Marriage, the union between one man and one woman.  It is about forcing those of us in the Christian faith to accept homosexuality as a normal, approved lifestyle.  

The ONLY way that we can accept homosexuality as a "normal" lifestyle - is to throw out God.  Are YOU willing to do that?  If not, then you most likely will find yourself and your church on the Liberal Socialist, Secular, Humanist, and Atheist hit lists.  The post below explains what was written in the New York Times column.   Where do YOU stand on this issue? 

NEW YORK, April 7, 2015 ( – A New York Times columnist and a corporate leader have agreed that Christian churches “must” be convinced, or coerced, to change their teachings on sexual morality and abandon an “ossified” doctrinal teaching that sex outside heterosexual marriage is immoral. 

Frank Bruni wrot
e that traditional Christianity – whether among evangelicals, Catholics, or Orthodox – provides the greatest resistance to normalizing homosexuality in the United States in a recent column in the New York Times.

“Homosexuality and Christianity don’t have to be in conflict in any church anywhere,” Bruni insisted.  “The continued view of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals as sinners is a decision.  It’s a choice.  It prioritizes scattered passages of ancient texts over all that has been learned since — as if time had stood still, as if the advances of science and knowledge meant nothing.”

Bruni quoted furniture tycoon Mitchell Gold, who has used his millions to found a liberal pressure group "Faith in America" - writing that Gold believes Christian churches “must be made 'to take homosexuality off the sin list.'”

On June 2, 2014, I posted a Facebook Note titled "Are You Standing With God - Or Against God?"   Below are excerpts from that Facebook Note which clearly defines the Same-Sex Marriage/Gay Rights Activists' true agenda.  

The article above from LifeSiteNews, regarding Frank Bruni's column in the New York Times, just adds an exclamation mark to my previous Note.  The following excerpts are from my 2014 Note:

One case last year was the lesbian homosexual activist who openly said, on a radio talk show, that the homosexual activists do not want to change the marriage laws -- but, that their goal is to destroy the whole concept of marriage, period.

Homosexual Activist Admits True Purpose of Battle is to Destroy Marriage
The Illinois Family Institute, By Micah Clark - April 6, 2013

Even knowing that there are radicals in all movements, doesn’t lessen the startling admission recently by lesbian journalist Masha Gessen.  On a radio show she actually admits that homosexual activists are lying about their radical political agenda.  She says that they don’t want to access the institution of marriage; they want to radically redefine and eventually eliminate it.

And this one, a response written by Dr. Albert Mohler to a recently published book pushing the gay agenda:

Another more recent catalyst is a book recently published.  Matthew Vines, a 24-year old Harvard student, has published a new book titled "God and the Gay Christian." 
And, to the glory of God, conservative Christian leaders at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary have made available to everyone, free of charge, a 100-page e-book which addresses, from the Biblical view, the claims written by Matthew Vines. 

This new book and its message are Matthew Vines' attempt to cling to earlier learned Christian values - while still clinging to a secular world's blessing of his homosexual lifestyle.   Below is an excerpt from a recent article announcing the new e-book offered for free download by this leading Christian institution:

Mohler, Colleagues Publish E-Book Refuting New Book, ‘God and the Gay Christian’
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
James A. Smith Sr. - April 22, 2014

A new book’s “exceedingly dangerous” assertions that homosexual orientation and gay marriage are consistent with a high view of the Bible is refuted by President R. Albert Mohler, Jr. and four of his colleagues at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in an e-book, published today.

"God and the Gay Christian?  A Response to Matthew Vines" released this morning, the same day as the official release of Vines’ volume, "God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships,"  which has garnered significant attention in the days leading up to its release.

Vines, a 24-year-old former Harvard student, weaves his personal biography of growing up as an evangelical Christian and “coming out” as a homosexual to his parents and now former home church.  In the process, Vines left Harvard in order to study the Bible’s claims about homosexuality, which later resulted in the publishing of his book.

I strongly urge all my Friends to download, archive, and read this valuable new e-book "God and the Gay Christian?  A Response to Matthew Vines."   The new e-book is available free as a PDF download on the seminary’s website:
As Christian believers, we must arm ourselves (Ephesians 6:10-20) to defend our Christian faith.  This new e-book will answer many of the questions your secular friends, or liberal Christian friends, may raise as they attempt to defend Gay Marriage and the homosexual lifestyle.

Will we stand and defend our Christian faith?   Or will we allow the Liberal Socialists and their strange bedfellows, the Secular Society, to totally evict God from America?   In this battle for our families, for our homeland, and for our spiritual lives, our battle cry must be:   " .  .  . But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."   (Joshua 24:15).  

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Click on the image to enlarge"

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Once Again: Is Writing Or Saying "OMG" Acceptable To God?

This is a "throw-back" to an article I posted on March 12, 2012.  But, I have found that it does not hurt to keep reminding ourselves that our Lord God is above all, beyond all - yet He is so close to us that something as simple as using His name in a flippant manner, i.e., such as using His precious name as an exclamation point to pep up our conversations - hurts Him, deeply.

This is what I posted in 2012; but it is even more relevant today:

IS WRITING OR SAYING "OMG" ACCEPTABLE TO GOD?  In earlier TimesDaily Religion Forum and Facebook posts, I have suggested that this is taking God's name in vain - and should not be used by any Christian believer.  To go even further, it should grieve all Christian believers who hear it spoken or read it in a writing.  For it offends our God.

In a response posted about this, a Religion Forum Friend offered this opinion:

"Just for the record, I am a Christian and I try very hard to moderate what I read on Facebook.  I do have many pastors and ministry staff on my Facebook and see nothing wrong with that.  I do sometimes have friends who say things that I really wish they wouldn't, and often they go back and delete the post when they have had time to re-think what they wrote.

But just so you know, OMG doesn't have to mean anything a Christian shouldn't say.  I choose to read and type it as 'Oh My Goodness!!!'  Of course it could be, 'Oh my gosh,' too."

It is true that a person could be meaning "Oh, my goodness" - but, in most cases, if the person who says this is asked, he/she will admit that what was said really did mean "Oh, my God!" 

How often, on television and in person, have we heard people exclaiming "Oh, my God!" - to add emphasis to a statement?  Watch Jay Leno or David Letterman.  They, and many of their guests, must say this dozens of times in each show.   This is why I seldom watch Letterman for he is the worst offender - and I have begun to stay away from Jay Leno for similar reasons. 

And, in person, when I have experienced a Christian saying this - if I smile and ask them to finish their prayer - most often they will have a red face, having been caught in a momentary indiscretion. 

My Religion Forum Friend suggests that a person might be meaning to say, "Oh, my gosh!"   But, what is that person really saying? 

gosh [gɒʃ] interj --an exclamation of mild surprise or wonder [euphemistic for God, as in by gosh!] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003 

So, just as a person uses the word "Geez" or "Geezus" - as a worldly society-accepted alternate for Jesus Christ; so is a person who uses the word "Gosh" using this as an off-handed way of saying God. 

No matter how we slice it, it is still taking God's name in vain - for it is using God's name as an exclamation point to emphasize a statement - to gain attention to that spoken or written statement. 

And, this is why when I hear a Friend say "Oh, my God" or write OMG - I will frequently suggest, "Please, go ahead and finish your prayer" - for we know that any Christian who begins with, "Oh, my God" - must be on the way to finishing that prayer with, "I ask this blessing upon my family" - or a similar prayer closure. 

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day, 


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Ten Commandment Concisely Explained!

Today, I posted on Facebook what I personally feel are two very important posts.  The first addresses the Tenth Commandment and shows how it is directly applicable to the world governments of today:

WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, FASCISM, and other "ISM" forms of world government?  I believe most of us know the answer to that question.  But, where did we get the innate knowledge and wisdom to form that belief?

Are you ready for this?  God, in the Biblical Ten Commandments, tells us that all those "ISM" forms of government are wrong.  More specifically, that is found in the Tenth Commandment, "Thou shall not covet!"

I thank my Facebook Friend, Lance Ralston, for sharing this eye-opening video on Facebook today. 

What does Dennis Prager, the creator of this great video, tell us about the Tenth Commandment?

"Socialism and all systems of government predicated on the taking and redistribution of wealth is based, above all, on one thing. . .ENVY.

And within the 10 Commandments, there is only one commandment that prohibits a thought, and it is this: "Do Not Covet."  Why does the Bible, which is preoccupied with behavior, legislate a thought? 

Because to covet, to want what belongs to someone else, is the root of the preceding four commandments - and often leads to evil.  Before someone murders, steals, lies, or commits adultery - the desire to take what is rightly someone else's usually comes first."

"Bill, what are you telling us?"  Glad you asked.   YES, I am saying that God does not like a Communist government; God does not like a Fascist government, AND, for sure, God does not like a Liberal Socialist government.   In other words, God does NOT like the form of government which Obama represents - AND - God does not like the form of government which Hillary and Bernie represent.

But, just as God will not stop YOU from coveting what others have - He also will not stop YOU from voting for a government which goes against His Tenth Commandment, i.e., stealing from those who will work TO GIVE it to those who will not work, i.e., Liberal Socialism!

I pray that this video will help open your eyes and you will not vote for a government which the Tenth Commandment tells us is wrong.

And, my second post shares a series of ten short videos which explain the Ten Commandments in a way that all of us, including our children, can comprehend and understand:

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS CLEARLY, CONCISELY EXPLAINED! - This short series of videos from Dennis Prager is a great explanation of each of the Ten Commandments and how it can and should impact our world today. 

Dennis Prager introduces the video series:

"Humanity has everything it needs to create a good world.  We've had it for 3,000 years.  It's the Ten Commandments; ten basic, yet profound instructions for how to lead a moral life.  If everyone followed the Ten Commandments, we would not need armies or police; marriages and families would be stronger; truth would be a paramount value. 

Dennis Prager explains how the Ten Commandments led to the creation of Western Civilization and why they remain relevant to your life today.  This video course introduces a ten-part series."

I pray that you will watch each video, preferably with your family - and then share this series with all your FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors).  The more we share these Ten Commandments with the world, the more that folks around the world will know how we can make a better world - for ourselves, for our families, for our future children, grandchildren, and all their children.
Share these videos with those you love, those you want to protect, and those you want to join you in eternal heaven one day.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,
