Saturday, February 26, 2011

What Is The "JEDP" Bible Theory?

Shortly after I became a born again Christian believer in 1987 and began my lifelong study of God's Word, I read a book written by a Professor of Religion from San Diego State University. In his book, this professor went into elaborate detail explaining how Moses was not the real author of the first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch -- but, instead there were four authors whom he identified as J, E, D, P instead of by name.

To say the least, as a new Christian, I was confused and began to question the Bible. Who is right, the scholars -- or the Bible? Well, praise God, over the last 20+ years, I have determined that, when in doubt, always depend upon God's Written Word, the Bible. And, this got me back on track and helped me toward maturing in my knowledge of His Word.

So, I submit this writing to you today for two purposes: First, to help some who may have fallen into this same "Bible Scholars" trap -- to understand that not all Bible scholars are Christian believers. And, not all Bible scholars live to prove the Bible to be the inspired, authoritative Written Word of God.

My second reason for this writing is to introduce you to a really good web site resource: GotQuestions.Org

Over the years, I have found and used many online resources and found many of them to be acceptable; some quite good. Yet, when I have a question and want a concise, accurate answer -- I have found GotQuestions.Org to be one of the best. Below is their explanation of the, in my mind, erroneous teaching of the JEDP theory regarding the authorship of the Pentateuch.

I was prompted to write this because I found a post by Ken Ham, of Answers In Genesis, on Facebook today: It's hard to believe -- but even today, in Christian Colleges and seminaries, the idea of multiple authors (instead of Moses) for Genesis -- and the rest of the Pentateuch is still being taught. I urge you to read:



Question: "What is the JEDP Theory?"

Answer: In brief, the JEDP theory states that the first five books of the Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, were not written entirely by Moses, who died in the 1400's B.C., but also by different authors/compliers after Moses. The theory is based on the fact that different names for God are used in different portions of the Pentateuch, and there are detectable differences in linguistic style.

The letters of the JEDP theory stand for the four supposed authors: the author who uses Jehovah for God's name, the author who uses Elohim for God's name, the author of Deuteronomy, and the Priestly author of Leviticus. The JEDP theory goes on to state that the different portions of the Pentateuch were likely compiled in the 4th Century B.C., possibly by Ezra.

So, why are there different names for God in books supposedly written by a single author? For example, Genesis chapter 1 uses the name Elohim, while Genesis chapter 2 uses the name YHWH. Patterns like this occur quite frequently in the Pentateuch. The answer is simple. Moses used God's names to make a point.

In Genesis chapter 1, God is Elohim, the mighty Creator God. In Genesis chapter 2, God is Yahweh, the personal God who created and relates to humanity. This does not point to different authors, but to a single author using God's various names to emphasize a point and describe different aspects of His character.

Regarding the different styles, should we not expect an author to have a different style when he is writing history (Genesis), writing legal statutes (Exodus, Deuteronomy), and writing intricate details of the sacrificial system (Leviticus)? The JEDP theory takes the explainable differences in the Pentateuch and invents an elaborate theory that has no basis in reality or history. No J, E, D, or P document has ever been discovered. No ancient Jewish or Christian scholar has even hinted that such documents existed.

The most powerful argument against the JEDP theory is the Bible itself. Jesus, in Mark 12:26, said, "Now about the dead rising -- have you not read in the book of Moses, in the account of the bush, how God said to him, 'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'?" Therefore, Jesus says plainly that Moses wrote the account of the burning bush in Exodus 3:1-3.

Luke, in Acts 3:22, comments on a passage in Deuteronomy 18:15 and credits Moses as being the author of that passage. Paul, in Romans 10:5, talks about the righteousness Moses describes in Leviticus 18:5. Paul, therefore, testifies that Moses is the author of Leviticus.

So, we have Jesus showing that Moses was the author of Exodus, Luke (in Acts) showing that Moses wrote Deuteronomy, and Paul saying that Moses was the author of Leviticus. In order for the JEDP theory to be true, Jesus, Luke, and Paul must all either be liars or be in error in their understanding of the Old Testament. Let us put our faith in Jesus and the human authors of Scripture rather than the ridiculous and baseless JEDP theory (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Recommended Resource: "Inspiration and Authority of the Bible" by Benjamin Warfield.

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I pray this has been worth your reading time. If so, please feel free to share it with your Friends, Relatives, Associates, and Neighbors -- all your FRANs. Let's all keep sharing the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ -- until He returns.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Bill Gray

Sunday, February 13, 2011

We Can Change Our World -
One Person At A Time!

In the TimesDaily Religion Forum today, my Friend, Vic, began a discussion titled A Miraculous Cure" -- about a man blinded in one eye by an explosion. Then, twenty years later, he recovered his sight when he bathed his eyes in the waters of the Our Lady of the Grotto fountain and prayed. I will not say that the water had any special affect -- but, we all know that prayer can and does have amazing results.

Of course, all our atheist, secularist, and other non-believing Friends immediately started mouthing those worn out old questions, "If He is a God of love; why does he allow people to be sick and injured? Why does He allow bad things to happen?"

My answer to those queries today:


God loves us all so much that He gave us "free will" -- the ability to think and choose as individuals. Can anyone really say that he/she would prefer that God makes all the decisions and allows us no choice in any matter? I would not want that -- and neither does God. I don't believe anyone wants this.

Why? Well, if you had FORCED your spouse to marry you -- how would you know if you are loved? You might as well go to the store and buy a robot or a rubber doll if that is the kind of love you prefer.

When God gave man "free will" -- with that came the ability to do good or to do evil. When one person chooses to use his/her free will to harm another -- that is man working, not God. Could God stop such actions? Yes. But, then He would be invalidating His gift of free will.

So, when you see a person committing genocide, infanticide, or just murder in general -- that is not God working, that is man's creative genius at work.

But, Uno, and our other atheist, secularist, and vanilla flavored non-believers -- if you want to stop some of these horrible actions from occurring, I have a suggestion. Pray! But, first, you must sincerely pray to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior -- and, then, your prayers will be heard in the throne room of God the Father.

If all the atheist, secularist, and other non-believers did this -- can you imagine the effect it would have on the world? This, alone, would virtually stop all murders, terrorism, and other crimes. For, if these people become Christ Followers, how can they be praying to God and committing such evils at the same time?

I know, I know -- you will bring up the people in churches who are child predators. However, you are forgetting one thing -- I said if these people sincerely become Christ Followers. Just because a person is a priest, pastor, or anyone else "claiming" to be a Christian -- this does not make him/her a Christian.

Being a Christian is not putting on holy robes or putting on your Christian hat. Being a Christ Follower is to sincerely seek and find your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ -- and, then to repent, turn from the ways of the world, and turn to follow Him. This, if done by all atheists, secularist, and other non-believers -- could be world changing.

Why not give it a try -- and see what effect YOUR turning and praying can have upon our world?


Imagine a world where many atheists, secularists, and other non-believers turn from their worldly endeavors -- and sincerely turn to Jesus Christ? Can you see the dramatic effect this would have on our world? What have YOU done today to make this happen?

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Bill Gray