Thursday, December 29, 2011

Saved By A Church - Or A Relationship?

Today, looking at the Facebook Info page of a long time Friend, I noticed her Christian and Political views -- which led me to comment on them. My Friend wrote:

Religious Views: United Methodist - It's not about religion, it's about a relationship. I am a Bible believing Christian and do my best to walk out my faith every day.

I agree. It's not the church one attends which makes us a Christian. Some of my Religion Forum Friends who are in the more legalistic churches, or are non-believers, already have me condemned to hell for my sharing of the Gospel. I cannot agree with the legalistic "you can only be saved in our church" theology churches -- or the "you can only be saved if you follow all of our traditions, dogmas, and rituals" theology churches.

And, then, I also have a problem with many Liberal Theology churches which teach that the Bible is only a good Christian Life guidebook - and, not the Holy Spirit Inspired, Holy Spirit Inerrant, Literal (God says what He means, and means what He says) Written Word of God.

Now, please do not misunderstand what I am writing. I am not saying that these dear Friends in the legalistic churches and those in the Liberal Theology churches are not Christian believers. That is not determined by which Christian church one attends; but, what is in your heart. Jesus in your heart = Salvation in your soul. What I am saying is that these dear Friends are so busy trying to earn their salvation, their way into heaven - and trying to make sure they do not lose it, once they have it - that there is no time for them to relax and enjoy "peace with God" (Romans 5:1).

I will always believe that God's full revelation to man is found in the Bible - and that, when reading and studying the Bible - we should first read the verse or passage as the Literal Word of God. If a literal interpretation fits, that is your message. If a literal interpretations does not fit - THEN, look for a symbolic or metaphorical interpretation. He is not a God of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33).

Like all authors who write a User's Manual, this one, the Bible, is written to be understood and without mistakes or errors. After all, the One who is author of the Bible is without mistakes ("Oops" is not in His vocabulary) - so His User's Manual, the Bible,is without mistakes or errors in its original manuscripts.

Yes, minor copy errors have occurred over the years of reproducing the books of the Bible to be distributed; but, none that have altered nor changed God's message and instructions for mankind found in His User's Manual. That is my Conservative Theology take on it.

One of my favorite Southern Gospel songs explains this "which church issue" so clearly.

It’s Not What's Over The Door

1. Some people think today, If heaven you would see,
You must belong to their church, Or be lost eternally.
But according to God's word, What He's still looking for,
Is what He finds within your heart,
And not what's over the door

It's not what's over the door Of the church that you attend,
That makes you a child of God, And a heavenly citizen.
As the eyes of the Lord look this world o'er,
There's just one thing He's lookin’ for
Can’t you see that's what's in your heart,
And not what's over the door.

2. Does Jesus live in your heart, And have you been born again,
Has the blood of Calvary's Lamb, Washed away all your sins?
Are you fully trusting in, The crucified risen Lord,
Can't you see that it's what's in your heart,
And not what's over the door.

It's not what's over the door of the church that you attend,
that makes you a child of God, and a heavenly citizen.
As the eyes of the lord look this world o'er,
There's just one thing he's lookin’ for
Can’t you see that's what's in your heart,
And not what's over the door.

And, my Friend has written on her Facebook Info page:

Political Views: Moderate -- I'm really tired of politics and politicians and the havoc they wreak. God is in control and that's who I trust, so I'm wondering "should I bother?"

While I realize that you, after working in a government position, might be tired of politics (I believe I would be also) -- I always have to ask myself, "What if the candidate, or the bill, which I support -- loses by one vote -- and I did not vote. How would I feel?"

And, that makes me stay in the voting fracas, even though, like you -- I am sick of politics, politicians, political advertisements every five minutes on television, finding my snail-mail mail-box full of political fliers and mail, getting 200 political e-mails every day, and seeing a political candidate on the Jay Leno or David Letterman shows every week.

In other words, I am sick of politics -- but, fearful of letting an incompetent fox like Obama stay in the American Hen House, also called the White House, for four more years. He has already done almost irreparable damage to America in four years -- what could he do in another four years?

So, when you or I feel "should I bother?" -- I say that WE MUST BOTHER.

Please, let's not subject ourselves to another four years of Obama and his Socialist Team.

And, these, my dear Friend, in my subtle way -- are my thoughts.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,
