Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Separation Of Church And State ~ The Fallacy!

When I was a young man and became interested and involved in the politics of America, it hardly mattered whether one was Republican or Democrat - for liberals, moderates, and conservatives could be found in both parties.  It just became a matter of which color you like - red or blue (being a wee bit facetious!).

However, today, the two parties have become very polarized - with the Democrats all sliding into the Liberal Left or Extreme Liberal Left barrels.  And the Republicans into the Conservative Right or Extreme Conservative Right barrels.  This led me to put on my Conservative Right Republican hat and to be leery of those on the Liberal Left and those on the Extreme Conservative Right.  Moderates, today, are as extinct as the dinosaur, although some who reside in the Liberal Left barrel will often don their "moderate" hat when addressing church groups.  Be not fooled, my Friends.

In a way, I will give credit to those dear folks in the Liberal Left barrels - for they have become most creative in pushing their agendas.  One of their most effective, and deceitful, tools is the creation of new words and phrases to describe those who oppose them or to describe a desired falsehood which they want the population at large to believe.

Let's examine a few of those.  First I will give the new word/phrase - and then the true definition: 

1. Racist ~ One who disagrees with any of the Liberal agendas.

2.  Homophobic ~  Those who still believe in the God-ordained sexual morality and marriage standards.

3.  Islamophobic  ~  Those who cringe every time Obama, et al, tells us that Islam is a religion of peace.

4.  Separation of Church and State ~ A phrase created by Liberals who are uncomfortable having "any" Christian influence within our government.

There are more, but let's just concentrate on these for now.   And, for now, let's just concentrate on the biggest falsehood ever to be foisted upon the American people, "Separation of Church and State."   Let me pause a moment and give you the Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of "foisted upon" ~ "to introduce or insert surreptitiously or without warrant; to pass off as genuine or worthy."

In more vernacular terms, I describe this as, "Throwing  'IT' against the wall to see what will stick" or more basically, "Throwing 'IT' against the wall to see what the gullible masses will accept as being true."

There is no better example of that than the phrase which has become so common in this generation, "Separation of Church and State."   Friends, to put it bluntly - neither that phrase nor its meaning can be found anywhere in our United States Constitution.

I was going to write my own thoughts on that erroneous, fallacious phrase.  But, in doing my research, I found a web site which has explained it so well that my attempts would be like reinventing the wheel.  That web site is titled "All About" - is Christian based - and offers an amazing source of writings on subjects such as Separation of Church and State, Secular Humanism, Moral Relativism, Cultural Relativism, etc.

This is their take on the subject of
Separation Of Church And State:



Separation of Church and State - The Metaphor and the Constitution:

"Separation of church and state" is a common metaphor that is well recognized.  Equally well recognized is the metaphorical meaning of the church staying out of the state's business and the state staying out of the church's business.  Because of the very common usage of the "separation of church and state phrase," most people incorrectly think the phrase is in the constitution.

The phrase "wall of separation between the church and the state" was originally coined by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the Danbury Baptists on January 1, 1802.  His purpose in this letter was to assuage the fears of the Danbury, Connecticut Baptists, and so he told them that this wall had been erected to protect them.  The metaphor was used exclusively to keep the state out of the church's business, not to keep the church out of the state's business.

The constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."  Both the free exercise clause and the establishment clause place restrictions on the government concerning laws they pass or interfering with religion.  No restrictions are placed on religions except perhaps that a religious denomination cannot become the state religion.

However, currently the implied common meaning and the use of the metaphor is strictly for the church staying out of the state's business.  The opposite meaning (the state is to stay out of the church's business) essentially cannot be found in the media, the judiciary, or in public debate - and is not any part of the agenda of the ACLU or the judiciary.

This, in conjunction with several other factors, makes the "separation of church and state" metaphor an icon for eliminating anything having to do with Christian theism, the religion of our heritage, in the public arena.  One of these factors is the use of the metaphor in place of the actual words of the constitution in discourse and debate.  This allows the true meaning of the words in the constitution to be effectively changed to the implied meaning of the metaphor and the effect of the "free exercise" clause to be obviated.  Another factor facilitating the icon to censor all forms of Christian theism in the public arena is a complete misunderstanding of the "establishment" clause.

Separation of Church and State - The Establishment Clause in Context:

In addition to the "Separation of Church and State" metaphor misrepresenting the words of the establishment clause, the true meaning of the establishment clause is also misrepresented.  The "establishment" clause states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . ."

Before these words can be put in context and the true meaning of the clause can be correctly identified, we need to examine the word "religion" and put it in America's historical context at the time the constitution was framed.  In addition, we need to examine the previous European historical background of the founders of our country to identify what specifically motivated them to place the "establishment" clause in the constitution.

To accomplish this, we need to add more specificity to the word "religion" to clarify both the American and European historical backgrounds and put the word "religion" in proper context.  We need to delineate between doctrinal and denominational religion.  We also need to understand that the doctrinal religion being discussed is Christian Theism, which is defined by a belief in the Bible.  We know what specific Christian denominational religions are.

Separation of Church and State - Constitution Framers Historical Context:

The "Separation of Church and State" metaphor blurs the distinction between a doctrinal religion and a denominational religion.  This places the doctrinal religion we have embraced in the same basket as an organized denominational religion with potential to merge with the state. 

The documentary evidence of the doctrinal Christian religion origin of this nation is voluminous.  The Supreme Court thoroughly studied this issue, and in 1892 gave what is known as the Trinity Decision.  In that decision the Supreme Court declared, "this is a Christian nation."

John Quincy Adams said, "The highest glory of the American Revolution was, it connected in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity."  The founders were definitely Christian for the most part.  At least 90 to 95 percentage of them were practicing, Trinitarian Christians.  This and the additional supporting evidence below show conclusively that the concern that motivated the framers to include the establishment clause in the constitution was definitely not fear of the doctrinal religion of Christian Theism. 

It was understood that Christian Theism was the default state doctrinal religion.  As opposed to being something to fear, it was something believed to be vital to the success of our government.  Consequently, the framers feared a state denominational religion not a state doctrinal religion!  Some additional evidences that indicate Christian Theism was the national doctrinal religion are listed below:

  • Emblazoned over the Speaker of the House in the U.S. Capitol are the words "In God We Trust."
  • The Supreme Court building, built in the 1930's, has carvings of Moses and the Ten Commandments.
  • God is mentioned in stone all over Washington D.C., on its monuments and buildings.
  • As a nation, we have celebrated Christmas to commemorate the Savior's birth for centuries.
  • Oaths in courtrooms have invoked God from the beginning.
  • The founding fathers often quoted the Bible in their writings.
  • Every president that has given an inaugural address has mentioned God in that speech.
  • Prayers have been said at the swearing in of each president.
  • Each president was sworn in on the Bible, saying the words, "So help me God."
  • Our national anthem mentions God.
  • The liberty bell has a Bible verse engraved on it.
  • The original constitution of all 50 states mentions God.
  • Chaplains have been in the public payroll from the very beginning.
  • Our nations birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence, mentions God four times.
  • The Bible was used as a textbook in the schools.

  • Separation of Church and State - Founders European Historical Context:

    As indicated above, the "Separation of Church and State" metaphor blurs the distinction between a doctrinal religion and a denominational religion. The lack of this distinction automatically assigns the potential evil of the denominational religion to the doctrinal religion as explained below.

    The pilgrims were ultimately forced to leave Europe and flee to the land we now know as America because of persecution and oppression.  This persecution and oppression was a result of the Church of England, the Anglican Church, becoming the state church.  It was an unholy alliance giving more power to both the church and the state to control the people.

    The Anglican Church was a denominational church that persecuted religious nonconformists like the Puritans that just wanted to believe in the Bible and worship accordingly.  As such they were not really a denomination.  They were more of a doctrinal religion.  In this case the denominational religion was the evil and the doctrinal religious group was the victim.

    However, the denominational religion was not the only perpetrator of evil.  The state was also a perpetrator.  Neither states nor denominational religions are inherently evil.  We are not always fearful of either a state or a denominational religion.  It is the persecution and the oppression that are inherently evil.  They can come from any organization that has power.  However, the establishment clause was definitely added to the constitution to prevent a denominational religion from becoming the state religion - not the doctrinal religion of Christian Theism.

    Separation of Church and State - Summary of Fact Vs. Deception:

    The current implied meaning of the "Separation of Church and State" metaphor and its use is just the opposite of what was intended and what historical facts justify.  Our framers feared a state denominational church based upon European history.  The constitutional restrictions were targeted at our government to prevent it from making a denominational religion the state church.

    We actually embraced the Christian Theism doctrinal religion as the state religion.  Now we are rejecting any expression or symbol of our doctrinal religion, which our framers embraced.  We are treating the doctrinal religion of our heritage like a virus that must be expunged from the public square.

    We also have inverted the original intent of the "Separation of Church and State" metaphor.  The oppression that the Christian Theism religion is now undergoing through the ACLU and activist judges is the same evil that the establishment clause in our constitution was intended to prevent. 

    Our current state religion of humanism is using the full power of the government to oppress the nonconformists to its doctrine, which is exactly the opposite doctrine of Christian Theism.

    Note:  Information taken from: Dr. D James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe, "What If America Were A Christian Nation Again."
    Below are excerpts introducing you to more very well written explanations of cancerous growths from the Liberal Left which have been metastasizing throughout our America society and around the world for the past several generations:

    Secular Humanism - Excluding God from Schools & Society

    Secular Humanism is an attempt to function as a civilized society with the exclusion of God and His moral principles.  During the last several decades, Humanists have been very successful in propagating their beliefs.  Their primary approach is to target the youth through the public school system. 

    Humanist Charles F. Potter writes, "Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American school is a school of humanism.  What can a theistic Sunday school's meeting for an hour once a week and teaching only a fraction of the children do to stem the tide of the five-day program of humanistic teaching?"  (Charles F. Potter, "Humanism: A New Religion," 1930)

    Moral Relativism – What is it?

    Moral relativism is the view that moral or ethical statements, which vary from person to person, are all equally valid and no one’s opinion of “right and wrong” is really better than any other.  

    Bill Gray Note:  Relativism is basically the teaching that, "If it feel right to you - it is right!"

    Cultural Relativism: All Truth Is Local

    Cultural Relativism is the view that moral or ethical systems, which vary from culture to culture, are all equally valid and no one system is really “better” than any other.  This is based on the idea that there is no ultimate standard of good or evil, so every judgment about right and wrong is a product of society.

    My Friends, I pray that, even though this has been a long read, it has been helpful to you and that it will help you enter the voting booth in November better informed and ready to Vote to bring America out of the Liberal Left Socialist barrel - and help us plant America firmly on solid, Conservative American values once again.

    God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


    Monday, June 27, 2016

    Pray, Seek, And You Shall Find - An Answer To Our Prayers?

    Last Sunday, my wife, Dory, and I visited a new ( to us) Filipino-American local church fellowship, IBBC-Riverside (International Bible Baptist Church), and were very pleased with the welcome we received there.  When we arrived I had an immediate flashback to 1987 - and the first Sunday we visited the Fil-Am Church of Irvine (CA).  

    In 1987, at FACI, we were greeted with such love and warmth - that, even though I was not yet a believer - this made me want to keep returning to that fellowship.  And, six months later, through their weekly home Bible study I became a Christian believer.

    That is the same kind of loving welcome we received at IBBC-Riverside last Sunday.  And, we will be returning.

    However, having been a Christian believer for 29 years and a Christian writer for most of those years - I have always found it fruitful to first visit the Statement of Faith of any new ministry, fellowship, or organization I encounter.  That due diligence has served me well over the years in my own personal Christian walk - and that is why, when I began our personal Christian blog, the first thing I posted was our personal Statement of Faith, what WE BELIEVE -

    Some years ago I was referred to the web site of a Christian church fellowship in the Midwest.  As is my practice, I first looked for their Statement of Faith, for that tells me what they believe and what they teach.  For that church, search as I might I could not find their Statement of Faith on their web site.  So, I sent an e-mail asking about it.  Within a half hour I received an e-mail reply telling me, "We do not post our Statement of Faith - for we do not want to offend anyone."

    Wow!  My immediate response was a reply e-mail stating, "Well, you have most certainly offended me.  And, I have no doubt that you have also offended God."

    Matthew 10:32, "Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven."

    Luke 12:8, "Also I say to you, whoever confesses Me before men, him the Son of Man also will confess before the angels of God."

    Romans 1:16, "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek."

    In searching for the IBBC-Riverside web site and/or Facebook page, I was referred to the main IBBC (San Leandro) web site.  I went to their site and found their Statement of Faith page: - and found that I do agree with them on their doctrinal beliefs.  However, on one of their doctrinal statements, I am not quite sure what they mean:

    13. We believe in the doctrine of separation from worldliness and doctrinal error.  Psalm 1; Amos 3:3

    My reason for concern is that, over years of apologetic writing, I have encountered people and fellowships which will declare that once we become Christian believers - we are separated from the world and will no longer sin, nor make doctrinal errors.   In my Biblical beliefs, that is stretching Scripture's meaning a wee bit too far.  Can we ever be free of temptations and the resulting sins?  No.

    1 John 1:8-10, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us ~ If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness ~ If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us."

    Praise God, this tells me that when we become born-again believers - we are "saved sinners!"

    So, what are the Scripture passages, Psalm 1 and Amos 3:3, telling us?  Let's Look at those Scripture passages:

    Amos 3:3, "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?"

    Psalm 1, "Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.  He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper. 

    The ungodly are not so, But are like the chaff which the wind drives away.  Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.  For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, But the way of the ungodly shall perish."   

    I believe I understand what the dear folks at IBBC are saying - but I will appreciate it if someone in that organization will respond to this e-mail and be a bit more specific.  For as you and I both know, two people can quote the same Scripture passage - and come to very different understandings of the meaning.  Some could read that as, "Have no dealings whatsoever with unbelievers" - while I might read it as, "When you walk among the wolves, don't forget to 'have on your Full Armor of God' (Eph 6:10-18)."   

    About 18 years ago, waiting in the ER at the Riverside County Regional Medical Center, I encountered a young man who could have been the poster boy for the White Supremacists movement - buzz cut hair, tattoos, muscle shirt, and H A T E tattooed on his four fingers.  Yet, I noticed that he was reading a Bible.  When I had the opportunity, I asked him, "Pardon me, but your hand says HATE, but the book you are reading says LOVE.  What is your story?"

    We sat and talked for several hours, exchanging Christian tracts we each had written.  He affirmed that he had been a devout White Supremacist, he and his whole family - living that lifestyle and, as he stated, "Listening to nothing but 'black music'."  By "black music" he explained that he meant Satanic music.

    Yet, one day as he was walking in Riverside, California, a Christian believer approached him and began sharing Jesus Christ with him.  That day, on the sidewalk in Riverside - that young man left the White Supremacist life forever behind him and became a born-again Christian believer.

    This raises several questions:

    1. First, would that have happened if the Christian believer had practiced, "Have no dealings whatsoever with unbelievers" - instead of living the Great Commission, "Go, Make disciples, Baptize them, Teach them.  .  . Be My witnesses in all the world. (Matt 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15)"?

    2.  And, second, would you and I have the Great Commission so firmly embedded in us - that we would openly approach an obvious White Supremacist on the street and tell him/her about Jesus Christ?

    I thank my new Friends at IBBC for taking the time to read my concerns.  And, if you have the time, I will really appreciate your answer concerning that one part of your Statement of Faith.

    God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


    Saturday, June 25, 2016

    The Threat Of California SB1146 Against YOUR Family!

    Once again, California is on the forefront of Secular Society's attack against our Christian faith.  As you know, I have long praised God that our son and daughter-in-law have been so willing to sacrifice financially to allow our five grandchildren to attend Christian schools (K-12) and for our oldest granddaughter, Elyssa, to recently graduate from Westmont College, a wonderful Christian Liberal Arts college in Santa Barbara, California.  Elyssa graduated with her Teaching Credentials and I know wants to begin a long career as a teacher whose core belief is her Christian faith.

    Now, all of that is in jeopardy.   Why?  Because of a current secular movement in California to severely tie the hands of all Christian educational organizations:   A threatening and overreaching bill (Senate Bill 1146) is working its way through the California legislature.  If passed, this bill would substantially interfere with the ability of California’s faith-based colleges and universities to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with their Christian beliefs.

    Please watch this video of Biola University president, Barry Corey, as he explains more about this latest attack on our Christian faith:

    President Barry Corey on SB1146

    Friends of Biola University:  Please join me in raising awareness about a proposed California bill (SB1146) that could have severe consequences for faith-based colleges and universities like Biola. 

    If passed as is, SB1146 would substantially interfere with the ability of California’s faith-based colleges and universities to believe, teach, worship, and establish standards of living within our community that are consistent with our Christian mission and convictions. 

    Learn more about the bill, and how you can promote religious freedom in California and preserve Christian higher education:
    More info on SB1146 from California Family Council:

    We want to tell you about a critically important (and completely awful) bill that is slithering its way through the state capitol in Sacramento: SB1146.  This bill is intended to force religious colleges and universities into a dreadful choice: either give up all state funding and state financial assistance for their students, or give up any ability to maintain the school’s religious convictions and institutional identity.

    The chief mechanism of this law is to restrict the non-discrimination exemptions that religious colleges and universities possess for student admissions, student life, and conduct codes for students or faculty/staff.  Secular colleges are not allowed to discriminate against students on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, religion, and a variety of other categories.  In this way, they follow similar standards applied to businesses in the Civil Rights Act and other nondiscrimination laws.

    Religious colleges, however, are exempt from these nondiscrimination requirements.  Why?  Because these schools need to be able to integrate their faith into every aspect of their curriculum, student life, and educational requirements.  Requiring students to take courses in Christian theology, beginning classes or convocations with prayer, offering credit for missionary activities, or maintaining Biblically-based student conduct codes would be deemed religious “discrimination” in a secular school, but is simply the norm within a Christian school.

    SB1146 would change all of this.  If a religious college or university receives any form of state assistance (as almost all do), the school will no longer be able to discriminate in this way, except in specifically theological faculties.  “State assistance” includes any participation in the Cal Grants or Pell Grants programs, which provide critical financial assistance to lower-income students.

    The intent of this bill is transparent: to target Christian schools that maintain Biblical beliefs on marriage and sexuality - and to use the threat of losing government funds to force them to change those beliefs. 

    It puts schools into a terrible predicament.  If they maintain their beliefs, their prospective students will not be eligible for Cal Grants, and the schools will suffer significant financial loss.  If they give in to this requirement, they compromise their core principles.   (

    To my Christian Friends, if we do not take a strong stand for our Christian faith - the day may come when we will not be allowed to openly practice that Christian faith.  Does that sound only like strong rhetoric to you?   Well, consider what happened in Germany and in all of Europe in the 1930s when that society allowed anti-religious actions against the Jews.  

    Are we in America to become the Christian "Jews" of this and future generations - through the overbearing movements in secular society to make all aberrant lifestyles the "norm" for all of us?   Think about it - for such movements as SB1146 may only be the tip of the iceberg.

    And, to my Friends who are Conservative Americans, though not of the Christian faith - please do not allow yourself to feel smug because this latest movement is not trampling on your rights - yet! 

    Consider the fateful words of Martin Niemöller (1892–1984), a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent seven years in Nazi concentration camps.

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out — Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me — and there was no one left to speak for me.
    Friends, if we do not fight to maintain a moral balance in our current society today - will there be a future society in which you, your children, and your grandchildren will NOT be allowed to live, love, and worship in the Christian faith you hold so dear?  

    Think about that - and then SHARE this message with ALL your FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors).  Let's not allow our world and our faith to be taken hostage by the Politically Correct corruption of today's secular society.

    God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


    Wednesday, June 22, 2016

    America Is Fast Approaching What Is Probably The Most Important Election In My Lifetime


    "You" can chose to stay with the status quo of the current Obama administration and a revised, probably even worse, Clinton administration and their concerted attempts to pull America, and all Americans, into their quagmire of Liberal Socialism

    - OR -

    "You" can chose to elect a president who will work to pull America out of the quicksand of Socialism and restore a Conservative leadership in our homeland. 

    We have only to look around the world (take a peek at the current socialist regime and situation in Venezuela) to see that Socialism (and it close siblings, Communism and Fascism) make a nation weaker, not stronger.  

    Today, in an e-mail, I received the message below from AFA (American Family Association) president, Tim Wildmon, describing the recent meeting in New York between Donald Trump and Conservative Christian Leaders.  I have copy/pasted it all here because I sincerely believe it is very important for all Americans to read and understand its meaning for the future of America.  I also give the link below so you can verify that I have not altered the report from Mr. Wildmon.

    Is Donald Trump the "perfect" person to be president of the United States and sit at one of the most important desks in the world, the Oval Office?  No.  But, when God needed someone who WAS perfect to save mankind - He could not find a "perfect" man either.  So, He had to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us. 

    We all know that Jesus Christ is coming back again one day and will restore a new heaven and new earth.  However, until that happens - we must be doing the best we can, as rational and thinking Americans, to save this great country God has given us, America.  

    How do we save America?  Well, voting to elect a person such as Hillary, who will just be a continuation of the previous Liberal Socialist Clinton administration and the current Liberal Socialist Obama administration - will only mean accelerating their existing efforts to destroy America. 

    By voting for Donald Trump to be president of America, we have the opportunity to see what God will do with that unfinished lump of clay we fondly call "The Donald." 

    "So, what are you suggesting, Bill?  Are you saying that God favors Trump in this election?"   Glad you asked!  But, to give you a concise answer, "No!  God is not taking sides in this election.  He is trusting us to be wise enough to elect the right leader."

    However, I am suggesting - no, I am screaming it at the top of my lungs, "Hillary will mean the continued destruction of America and our American way of life.   Allowing God to mold Donald Trump into a strong Conservative president can mean the salvation and prosperity of America."

    Am I saying that God favors Donald Trump in the next election?  No.  I am saying that God has given us, all of us, the common sense and intelligence to NOT vote for the continued destruction of America by Hillary and her Liberal Socialist party.

    Please read the following report from Tim Wildmon of AFA (American Family Association) and decide for yourself who will be best for America and all Americans.  God bless, Bill

    I just wanted to report back to you about the meeting in New York today between GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and Christian leaders from across the country.

    Franklin Graham prayed to open the event. Dr. Ben Carson spoke and told us about the Donald Trump he had come to appreciate.  Gov. Mike Huckabee served as moderator and sat across from Mr. Trump.  Trump entertained questions from the likes of Dr. David Jeremiah, Dr. James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Kelly Shackelford, and Sammy Rodriguez.  The questions were about religious freedom, Israel, potential Supreme Court nominees, and abortion.

    I thought his strongest answers were about the type of judges he would appoint.  I believe he fully understands the importance of this issue and said all his judges would be vetted by the Federalist Society - a stalwart conservative organization.  To me, this may be the most important issue of this campaign from the perspective of AFA and our supporters.  After all, the next president will likely appoint two or more Supreme Court justices in the next four years.  As we have seen over the last few years, it doesn't matter how many good laws are passed if the courts are going to strike them down.

    Trump's weakness is that he did not clearly state his views in answer to the questions asked by Perkins and Shackelford about when religious freedom and the LGBT movement come into conflict, other than to say that these matters will be decided by the courts.  He repeatedly said he was for religious freedom and his fallback position was that he would appoint judges who would defend religious freedom.

    Mr. Trump also said he was tired of the political correctness surrounding matters of our Christian heritage and used Christmas an an example.  He said companies want to profit off Christmas but then don't want to use the word "Christmas."  He said he says "Merry Christmas" and thinks the PC crowd just wants to change the greeting to something more generic - because it's another attempt to diminish the role of Christianity in America.  (This made me wonder if he's been reading the AFA Journal. Ha!)

    Trump answered Dr. Jeremiah's question about Israel saying he would be a strong supporter of the nation of Israel and never understood Jewish Americans who vote for Democrats who don't support Israel.  Trump also understands the threat to our country by Islamic jihadism.  He has taken a lot of heat from the liberal media for criticizing the problems within Islam.

    On a personal note, I met several people who have known Donald Trump personally for several years and said he is not the brash, arrogant, sometimes rude person he appears to be on television.  I will say without the media cameras in his face, he was pleasant, relaxed, funny, and more thoughtful.

    I think it was admirable and honorable for Trump to meet with Christian leaders.  He is not our enemy.  I believe he has instincts that are reverent and patriotic.  He's 69 years old and remembers an America that was once a great country but has lost her way. 

    But he also comes from a very secular world and that way of thinking is a part of who he is.  In some ways, he strikes me as an enigma, a man still searching for spiritual answers in his life.  But that's just my opinion.  I will say this, he is listening to some great men of God that I have a lot of respect for, and that's a good thing.

    To conclude, who but the Lord knows what lies ahead for Donald Trump?  He wasn't my first choice for president but the majority of GOP voters chose him.  Now either he or Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States of America.  So if one of them shows genuine interest in understanding Christians better and says he will be our friend, I believe we should tell him what we think and where we stand.  To use a sports word, I think he's coachable.

    I'm glad I came to New York.  It was worth it.  I would ask you to pray for Mr. Trump and our country.

    Tuesday, June 14, 2016

    Let Us View the Orlando Massacre In The Proper Light, Keeping God Front And Center!

    NONE OF US CAN DENY THE HORROR OF THE ORLANDO MASSACRE; none of us should even try to justify, excuse, or embrace the killing of even one person, nor the mass killing of many people - heterosexual or homosexual - American or any nationality. 

    This was a horrible tragedy carried out against Americans and against America.  And, we ALL should be in mourning for those who lost their lives and for their families - ALL of us should be praying for the people wounded - ALL of us should be praying for all the families of all the victims.  This is an inexcusable time of suffering and pain brought upon those many families.  And, it should not and cannot be condoned in America.

    That said, we Conservative Americans must be careful that we are not drawn into the web of deceit being spun by the Liberal politicians and the Gay/Lesbian/Transgender activists, who immediately began weaving their web of deceit - using this event to garner support for and to empower, validate, and enfranchise the homosexual lifestyle.  Regardless of the fact that all those people were killed and wounded - that does not, in any way, validate their homosexual lifestyle.  That lifestyle is still outside the boundaries of traditional family values and Biblical moral values.

    Obama and his Liberal Socialist teammates, Hillary, Bernie, et al, were quick to jump on the bandstand and start making political declarations - gun control, gay rights, transgender rights (which is diametrically opposed to the rights of the vast majority of Americans), and many other Liberal Socialist Agendas being pushed by this administration and those who wish to succeed this administration.

    As Conservative Americans, as Conservative Christians - we can still mourn with, pray for, and hurt with those families.  But, we cannot allow that to weaken our stand for a Conservative America where ALL of us live under the law of the Constitution, guided by the teachings of the Bible.

    Let's pause for a moment to look more closely at another problem.  When Nancy Reagan, a former First Lady, died, Obama was too busy (golf?) to attend her funeral.  Last week, when a gunman shot and killed Christian singer, Christina Grimmie, because she was a Christian - I don't recall Obama going on television to comfort her family, or offering to visit her family.

    Yet, when a Muslim Terrorist caused the Orlando Massacre - Obama immediately announced today that he is on his way to Orlando.  Why this tragedy - and not the Christian singer tragedy?

    Could it be that this event, which included a larger death count, which touched the gay community, which is shining the light of indignation upon the Islamic Muslim community - can possibly help Obama diffuse the negative light shining on the Muslim community and help the Liberal Socialist party garner more sympathy votes?

    So far, Obama has yet to admit that Omar Mateen was a Muslim Terrorist.  Yet, the gunman's father,
    Seddique Mir Mateen, admitted on national television today that his son was a terrorist.  He was Muslim and his father said that he was a terrorist.  That can only be read that Omar Mateen was a Muslim Terrorist.  Omar Mateen called 911 and declared himself associated with ISIS.  How do we sum this all up?  Omar Mateen was an ISIS influenced Muslim Terrorist!   Why cannot Obama, Hillary, Bernie, et al, see and admit that?

    My Friends, mourn this tragedy, pray for those wounded and all the families touched by this tragedy - but DO NOT allow Obama & Team to turn this into an "Empowerment Of Gay Rights In America Movement." 

    Let us all keep God, His Word, and our Christian faith front and center of all that is happening.

    God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,
