Monday, November 23, 2015

Can A Christian Believer Be Demon Possessed?

Recently a long time Christian Friend, Ren Pana, posted an interesting question on his Facebook group page, Christians For Jesus:

"Can Christians Have Demons?"   The short answer is no.  Satan and his demons may tempt us, but they cannot dwell within us.  .  .  .

The Holy Spirit who lives in a born-again child of God bears witness with that person’s spirit that he is a child of God.  If the devil or a demon lived in that Christian, and possessed that Christian - the Holy Spirit could neither dwell in that person nor bear witness that such a person is a child of God.

Reading his post, my thoughts immediately went to several incidents in my own life.

Ren, I agree with you, and the Bible, 100%.  Before becoming a believer, we are open targets for demonic possession and harassment.  But, once we believe and receive Him as Lord and Savior we have the Holy Spirit living within us.   When God gave us His Ten Commandments in Exodus 20, He tell us in verse 5, ".  .  . For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, . . . " - and that jealous God, the Holy Spirit, will not share His indwelled home within us with demonic spirits.

I know this by personal experience.  For I can relate specific incidents in my life when demonic spirits have been after me.  First, let me share an experience which happened to me as a believer.  And, then I will share one which occurred before I became a believer twenty-eight years ago.  A drastic difference.

About twelve years ago, a young Filipina friend's mother-in-law was really into psychics and other such New Age and paranormal pursuits.  After the mother purposely ruined the marriage between her son and our Filipina friend, causing them to separate, our Filipina friend came to stay with Dory and me.  One day the mother-in-law called and since our friend was not home at the time, I talked with her.

I asked the woman to please leave this young couple alone and let them rebuild and strengthen their marriage.  But, she was determined to split them apart so that she could keep her baby boy.  As I was talking with her on the phone, I began to sense that my home office had become filled with demonic spirits.  Yes, I could sense and feel them very strongly.  Yet, I had no fear - because I know that although such spirits can harass a Christian, they cannot possess us.   Some may suggest this was only my imagination.  But, there is no doubt in my mind that I was surrounded by those demonic spirits which are found among non-believers caught up in the demonic paranormal world.

Regardless, some will still suggest that it was my imagination.  However, when she called and as I was talking with her - I had no reason to imagine this would happen.  I was not sitting there waiting for her to call so that I could imagine demonic spirits.  And, when I began to talk with her, it did not occur to me that such a thing might happen.  I knew she was into New Age and the paranormal very strongly - but, what happened took me completely by surprise.  

We talked for about half an hour and all that time the sense of demonic evil spirits was very strong around me.  Yet, the moment we ended out telephone conversation - they disappeared.  How does one sense demonic spirits?  I cannot say.  I suppose it was through my spiritual eyes, the Holy Spirit, helping me to sense (spiritually see) and be aware of their presence.  I will say that my Full Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20) was protecting me.

I have had other incidents when I know that demonic spirits were trying to play games with me.  One such incident happened in the early 1980s, when Dory and I were in our home in Orange, California.  At that time, not being a Christian believer, I was delving into the paranormal myself.  I had talked with a psychic about my maternal grandfather's death in 1937.  He had been shot and the local police department (both of them) in that small Alabama town listed his death as a suicide.  Yet, as I began to investigate the event - there is no way that he could have shot himself.  He was shot by someone else.  Suicide was just a convenient out for those two untrained police officers.  The day in the early 1980s when I talked with a psychic about his death, I recorded our conversation on a cassette tape.

Later that day, as Dory sat on our bed and I stood by the bed playing the cassette tape - suddenly, and very unexpected, I felt a strong hand grasp my right shoulder from behind.  My thought at that time, because I was not a Christian believer, was that it was my maternal grandfather attempting to communicate with me.  There was a strong hand grasping my shoulder from behind and, at the same time the room went icy cold like I was standing in a freezer.  I asked Dory if she had noticed anything or felt the chill - and she had not.  I rewound the tape and replayed it.  At the exact same place on the tape - I felt that hand on my shoulder again and the room went cold again.   Yet Dory noticed none of this.

This happened years before I became a Christian.   In 1987 I became a believer and began to study God's Word.   As I became more mature in my Christian faith and knowledge, when I thought back to that previous occurrence - there is no doubt in my mind that it was demonic spirits playing with me, pretending to be my dead grandfather.  

So, Ren, back to your original question regarding demonic possession.  My strong suggestion to everyone who is concerned about this happening to them - is that they make a concerted effort to seek God and become a Christian believer, a member of God's family.

Get into God's Word, get into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, for that is the only place we can find true peace and security.   As Linus tells Lucy in the cartoon below - sound Biblical theology has a way of bringing us peace.

If you will do that, He will absolutely protect you from any demonic possessions.  For, He is living within all believers - and He will NOT share accommodations with any evil spirits.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Saturday, October 31, 2015

Preparing Our Children - Through Bible Study And Sunday School

HOW IMPORTANT IS BIBLE STUDY IN A CHRISTIAN CHURCH?   For those Friends who have received my writings over the years, you may recall that I have often compared the Christian church to a three-legged stool.  What do I mean?  Well, a three-legged stool is pretty stable.  However, remove on leg and sitting on it becomes rather precarious.   Remove another leg and you are only bracing upon a single leg, not so stable.

A Christian church is much like that.  In my thinking, the three legs of Christian learning and maturity in a church consists of:  (1) the Sermon, (2) Sunday School, and (3) Bible Study.   How do I balance growth toward Christian Biblical maturity with those three?  The Sermon: I would suggest that, on the average, maybe 20% of what is taught is retained and leads toward Christian maturity.   In a church with a strong Christian Education foundation - I would say that Sunday School and Bible Study each contribute about 40% toward Christian maturity in believers.  

Why are Sunday School and Bible Study more effective than Sermons in growing believers toward Christian maturity?  Because in Sunday School and Bible Studies we have discussions, we share our thoughts, and we look at that Scripture verse or passage from the viewpoint of several other Christian believers.  In other words, we take apart each verse, jointly examine it in the light of our current knowledge, and we may even bring out thoughts that we have harvested from good commentaries.  In other words, we do what is taught in Christian seminaries - we are using some level of "exegesis" to examine, analyze, and seek divine knowledge of God's message to us in that verse or passage.

In a Sermon, even the best, we only sit and listen.   Do we learn from a good sermon?  Unless we are mentally blocking it - yes, we do.  But, recall how many times you have been listening to a Sermon - and your mind wandered to a task you need to finish, how many you were distracted by the actions of someone sitting near you, or you dozed off - just for a moment - but, what key point of God's Word did you miss in those moments of distraction or dozing off?

In an active Sunday School Class or Bible Study - that will not happen for you are participating in an active discussion on a subject dear to you, God's Word.

I was recently reminded of this when I received an e-mail from Scott M. Sullivan, Ph.D., President of Classical Theist Productions.  Yes, he is a Roman Catholic theologian.  So, why am I, a Protestant, quoting a Roman Catholic theologian?   For the same reason that I will quote a Calvinist or Arminian theologian on some of their writings - even though I do not support the full theology of either.

First, let me reiterate that no one is saved by a church, any church.  A person is saved in only one way (John 14:6):  through having a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ.  And, we do that "by grace through faith" alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).

If you recall, in another writing I recently shared the words of a Christian Gospel song which I find holds so much truth.  The chorus tells us:  "
It's not what's over the door of the church that you attend - That makes you a child of God and a heavenly citizen - As the eyes of the Lord look this world o'er - There’s just one thing He's lookin’ for - Can’t you see that’s what’s in your heart - And not what's over the door."

I cannot explain the Gospel any better.  It's Who you have in your heart, and not which church you attend (1 John 5:12) - that makes you a Christian believer.

Based upon that, I can read the writings of theologians from the Roman Catholic church,
I can read the writings of a Calvinist church, or from an Arminian church, or from a Pentecostal church, etc. - and learn from those writings.   But, let me be clear.  I will not share a writing which encourages praying to anyone except God.  I will not share a writing which negates the balanced attributes of Love and Justice of God - which both Calvinist and Arminian theologies teach.  In other words, before I share a writing with you, I will do as the apostle Paul teaches in Acts 17:11.  I will examine the teacher and the teaching against Scripture.   And, I strongly recommend you do the same when reading my writings.

So, why am I going to share with you the writings and video published by
Scott M. Sullivan, a Roman Catholic theologian?  Because what he is telling us goes beyond the Roman Catholic and Protestant boundaries.  He is telling us how to protect our children from the secular world's teachings.  He is telling us that we need to make sure our children are well grounded in their faith, not just from hearing the pastor or priest talk about if from the pulpit - but, from being deeply involved in the study of God's Word on a corporate level and on a personal level.  Help your children get into God's Word, the Bible.

Sullivan is telling us that we must help our children build a firm foundation of their faith now - so that when the winds of secularism begin to blow hard against their spiritual foundation, they can stand strong and defend their faith.  In other word, help your children build their spiritual home on the Rock, not on the sands of secularism (Matthew 7:24-27).  And, if you do, they will be able to stand against the storms of atheism, secularism, humanism, and other world teachings when they go out into the world, for education or for work.

Once again, let me be clear.   In Scott M. Sullivan's writing and video, he is offering a package which consists of books and further videos.   I am not recommending my Protestant Friends go that far; but, I am strongly suggesting that you take the meat of his discussion to heart.  And I am recommending that you find further apologetic material which supports and teaches your Biblical theological beliefs - teachings that you and your children can use to help prepare them to face the world outside your home and family environment.

This all boils down to one thing:  Prepare Your Children!  Prepare your children through your own Christian witness, your own strong Christian walk.   Prepare them by making sure they are well grounded and mature in the teachings of God's Word, the Bible.   Prepare them by attending church, Bible Studies, and Sunday School with them - in a church which you have already determined teaches solid Christian theology and doctrine.

Prepare them so that when they go away to school, to college, and later into the working world - they will have the Biblical foundation, knowledge, and wisdom to defend their faith - a foundation for them to stand upon when times get rough.

As you know, I have spent years debating and refuting atheists and other non-believers on different forums and venues.  But, unlike the three young ladies in
Scott M. Sullivan's example below - I was well grounded in my faith and in God's Word.  So, when atheists threw Richard Dawkins' book "The God Delusion" - and the writings of other atheists, at me - I was prepared to refute those false teachings.   Make sure you children are also prepared. 

Before you read the writing I share below, let me make one comment on Mr. Sullivan's story. 

In Scott M. Sullivan's e-mail story, he writes:

So when these two girls read "The God Delusion" - they were won over.  Richard Dawkins convinced them that Christianity was a bunch of nonsense.   Yep, these two girls lost their faith from reading just that one book.

Bill Gray Refutation:  In his writing, he seems to be suggesting that when these girls lost their faith, they also lost their salvation.  Not true!  Those girls may have lost their faith, i.e., they may have begun to doubt some of the teachings of God's Word.  But, if they were Christian believers, if they truly had Jesus Christ in their hearts (1 John 5:12, Ephesians 1:3, 4:30) - they may have temporarily lost or weakened their faith -- but, they DID NOT lose their salvation.  Once a child of God, always a child of God - as confirmed in John 10:28-29.

So, back to Sullivan's e-mail story:

A friend of mine who teaches theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville told me of three Catholic young ladies who were students there.  These girls were well-raised and strong in their faith when they got there.  But one night they got together and started talking about the best-selling atheist book written by Richard Dawkins titled: "The God Delusion."

Two of the girls decided they were going to read this book as sort of joke.  The plan was they were going to read this silly little atheist book, point out all of its flaws, refute of all of Dawkins' arguments, and make short work of this atheist nonsense.   Sadly, that's not what happened.

You see, although these girls were raised in a loving Christian environment, they were not trained on how to deal with arguments from atheists.  In all of their Christian upbringing, in all of those years attending church and reading the Bible, they were never given any good reasons to believe their faith was true.

So when these two girls read "The God Delusion" - they were won over.  Richard Dawkins convinced them that Christianity was a bunch of nonsense.

Yes, these two girls lost their faith from reading just that one book.  (see my note above, Bill Gray Refutation)  What happened next was that these two girls, now newly converted atheists, went back to tease and taunt the third girl about why Christianity was just a Santa Claus for grownups.  It's really sad but this kind of thing happens all the time.

So let me ask you this – could your kids read "The God Delusion" and come out with their faith intact?   Do your kids know what to say to other kids who have read "The God Delusion"?

Let me be blunt here – given our secular culture today, it is completely irresponsible, and dare I say it, a sin of omission - to send your kids out into the secular world without giving them proper training in Christian apologetics.  If you let your kids leave your home without teaching them how to defend their Christian faith to modern skeptics, you have done them a grave disservice.   

Scott Sullivan's e-mail gives the following writing and video link which I encourage you to visit:

WARNING: Studies Show That 60-90% Of Christian Kids Will Lose Their Faith During College

If you send your kids into the modern academic environment without proper preparation, their faith WILL BE CRUSHED.

Once again, let me reiterate:  If these girls had truly put their faith in Jesus Christ and the eternal salvation which He purchased with His blood on the cross, if they truly have Jesus Christ in their hearts as their Lord and Savior - their faith may be damaged through atheist/secular influence - but their salvation is still intact, protected by God Himself (John 10:28-29).

Over the years, I have had many non-believers scoff when I have shared material like that found in the link above.  Their explanation is almost always the same, "That is old news.  That does not happen anymore.  Bill, you are digging up relic material and trying to pass it off on us today.

Well, let me share an event which just happened this week at a School Board Meeting in Texas.  A seventh grade young lady bravely stands before the school board and shares how her teacher has attempted to force her secular humanism beliefs on her class - and threatened them will failure if they did not agree with her beliefs:

7th-grader Explains What Her Teacher Would Do If She Didn’t Deny The Existence Of God
Written by Michele Hickford, Editor-in-Chief on October 27, 2015

Jordan Wooley, a seventh grade student at West Memorial Junior High School in the Katy Independent School District outside of Houston, testified at a school board meeting last night that her teacher forced students to deny the existence of God and threatened them with failing grades if they refused to agree.

View this newest video and read the article which offers a transcript of this young lady's testimony before the school board.   Would you want your children or grandchildren in that school?

My Friend, in the last six decades, since the Supreme Court sided with Madelyn Murray O'Hair and the ACLU, evicting God and prayer from our public schools - the situation has grown increasingly worse.  

Today, our public schools across America, from Kindergarten through the 12th grade, will welcome gay activist speakers, will welcome two-mommy/two daddy speakers, will welcome Muslim speakers and folks from all the world religions into those schools to present their beliefs to our children. 

But, none of those public schools will invite a Christian to address the students.  Why?  Because it weakens their atheist, secular, humanist teachings.  Liberal - OKAY!  Conservative - GO AWAY!  

That is the mindset of our education systems today - from Kindergarten through college.  And, if we want to protect our children, WE have to prepare them before sending them into the lions' dens of current education.

Thank you for reading this message.  Consider it an investment in the future of your children and grandchildren.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Bill Gray

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Foreign Policy and the Constitution - Senator Tom Cotton

While I realize that political speeches are not everyone's cup of tea - I personally believe that, in America and the world today, we are in a situation which calls for we Conservative Americans to "sink or swim."    

And, I want to see all Americans "swimming" toward restoring our homeland to its pre-Obama state of world respect and economic growth.  That is why you see, and will continue to see, me add these questions to many of my Facebook posts:

Are YOU ready to VOTE IN 2016 to Restore Sanity In America?

Are YOU ready to VOTE IN 2016 to send all of the Liberal Socialists and RINOs home into permanent retirement?

Are YOU ready to VOTE IN 2016 to elect Conservative American Leaders who will listen, hear, honor, and respect the voices of "We The People" - spoken in English?

Let's all VOTE IN 2016 to take back our American homeland!   God bless you and God bless America, Bill

In recent past years, far too many Conservative Americans have become "couch potato" Americans - taking the position, "Well, my vote really does not count that much.  I will just stay home instead of voting; no need for me to waste my time."   At the same time the minority activist organizations are getting out the votes within their liberal, gay, illegal immigrant, etc., communities - and taking control of America away from the "We The People" majority who do not want to take the time to vote.   

That is why we have Same-Sex Marriage spreading across America.  That is why we see Amnesty Marches spreading across America.  That is why we are seeing a great Racial Schism growing in America.  That is why we are seeing these liberal motivated minorities taking over our school systems and teaching their beliefs to our children.

And, that is why we see Obama and his Liberal Socialist administration scoffing at and ignoring the Constitution which has been the building block, the foundation, of our American homeland for over 200 years.  

Finally, that is what Senator Tom Cotton is addressing in his speech below, given at the Hillsdale College’s Sixth Annual Constitution Day Celebration in Washington, D.C., on September 15, 2015.

In Senator Cotton's speech transcript below, the bold, italic, underline, and parenthetical emphasis is mine - to draw your attention to issues which I feel are urgent for us to consider, issues we should be talking about as the 2016 Elections are drawing close.  

If you do not have time to read the full transcript, I ask you to at least take note of those highlighted issues - and keep them in mind as you enter the voting booth to VOTE IN 2016.


Foreign Policy and the Constitution

By Tom Cotton, U.S. Senator from Arkansas
Hillsdale College "Imprimis" - October 2015 issue

Tom Cotton was elected to the U.S. Senate from Arkansas in 2014, following one term in the U.S. House of Representatives. He serves on the Senate Banking Committee, the Senate Intelligence Committee, and the Senate Armed Services Committee. A graduate of Harvard College, he studied government at the Claremont Graduate School and received his J.D. from Harvard Law School in 2002. In 2005, he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army, rose to 1st Lieutenant, and served deployments in Iraq with the 101st Airborne and in Afghanistan with a Provincial Reconstruction Team. His military decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, and Ranger Tab.

The following is adapted from a speech delivered on September 15, 2015, at Hillsdale College’s Sixth Annual Constitution Day Celebration in Washington, D.C.


In the last week, President Obama moved ahead with a nuclear-arms control agreement with a mortal and unrepentant enemy, having the support only of a rump, partisan minority in Congress.  This dangerous turn of events offers an occasion to reflect on the state of American foreign policy today and on the Constitution’s place in our foreign policy.

Over the past 25 years, a major preoccupation of foreign-policy elites has been to forge a new grand strategy for the United States.  Scholars and practitioners tend to see a foreign policy adrift after the fall of the Soviet Union, when containment of Soviet expansion became obsolete overnight.  Seeing no major ideological or military rival, some believed the Owl of Minerva had taken flight, and that the end of history had reduced the need for strategic thinking.  Alas, that fantasy came crashing down along with two big towers (World Trade Center) 14 years ago this month.  Again, foreign-policy elites searched for a new strategy, this time for the age of Islamic terror.

Circumstances do change, and foreign policy, often a matter of prudence, must change with them to achieve the same ends.  Too often, however, the search for a new strategy simply becomes the search for something new.  This way of thinking carries a hint of disdain for the principles and foreign-policy traditions of our past -- and disdaining those principles and traditions is a mistake.  When the makers of breakfast cereals roll out a new product, after all, they say it’s “new and improved,” because the former doesn’t necessarily imply the latter.

Likewise, every new and fashionable idea in foreign policy isn’t necessarily an improvement.  To the contrary, we ought to pay some respect to older foreign policy ideas -- the ideas that took us from a small and weak colonial outpost to the greatest superpower in history in just 170 years.  With that track record, common sense would suggest there’s something special we can learn from the Constitution -- and the strategies that arose from it -- to help us chart our way in the world.

* * *

Our Founders gave us a constitutional democracy, a system of government that informs our foreign policy just as it does our domestic policy.  For many foreign-policy elites, especially those abroad, this is a serious problem for U.S. foreign policy.  The Constitution empowers the people, these critics say, and the people, they believe, can be ignorant, emotional, and fickle, swinging wildly from war mongering to isolationism, from moralism to callousness.  Far better, they say, is what Walter Mead has called the “auteur theory of foreign policy” -- a foreign policy guided by a brilliant strategist, insulated from the unruly masses.

One hears an echo of this viewpoint in the praise for what these critics see as the coherent and decisive strategic thinking of Russia’s Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping.  Putin is praised as a brilliant strategist who is redefining 21st-century warfare.  Xi has been called a game-changer in China’s rise, one whose ambitions and power rival those of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.

I’ll admit that Putin and Xi may have stolen a march on our president here and there.  But that’s an indictment of President Obama’s particular abilities and policies, not of our system.  By the traditional measures of international influence -- economic might, per capita measures of well-being, military and trade cooperation agreements, cultural weight -- the United States far outpaces both Russia and China, as well as the rest of the world.

And while a brooding auteur (
a brilliant intellectual strategist) may in fact have strategic foresight, intellect, and prudence, no man is infallible, no matter how talented.  Napoleon, brilliant general that he was, still marched the Grand Armée across the Nieman River into Russia.  Otto von Bismarck toiled for decades to unify the German states, only to see his fragile work undone a few years later by Wilhelm II’s militarism and adventurism.  In the same way, I believe that over time Putin and Xi -- to say nothing of North Korea’s Kim Jong Un or the ayatollahs in Tehran -- will also miscalculate and suffer strategic setbacks.

But the United States is different from these regimes.  Our constitutional system doesn’t depend on brilliant leaders.  “Enlightened statesmen,” as Madison wrote in Federalist 10, “will not always be at the helm.”  Our system is based on individual rights, safeguarded by well crafted, ultimately democratic institutions. While we always hope for wise leaders, our Constitution works in their absence by filtering the wisdom of the people through those institutions.

Bill Gray Note:  The Federalist is a collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay promoting the ratification of the United States Constitution (Wikipedia).

A Federalist 10 Summary tells us, "Madison begins perhaps the most famous of the Federalist papers by stating that one of the strongest arguments in favor of the Constitution is the fact that it establishes a government capable of controlling the violence and damage caused by factions.  Madison defines that factions are groups of people who gather together to protect and promote their special economic interests and political opinions.  Although these factions are at odds with each other, they frequently work against the public interests, and infringe upon the rights of others."  (

This approach couldn’t be more at odds with the auteur theory of foreign policy.  From that perspective, our system looks like some kind of policy-making Frankenstein.  Authority is divided between the Executive and the Legislative, and the Executive itself is divided among competing departments.  The President and Secretary of State serve short tenures compared to the kings and ministers of the Old World.  Equal representation of states in the Senate gives considerable influence to regional interests.  The arcane rules of the Senate, along with the separation of powers itself, slow the whole process down.  How could this ever work?

Yet it does, again and again.  The talent of a single leader or a small group with outsized control over foreign policy can never match the moderation, prudence, and self-correcting capability of our constitutional democracy over the long term.  And in international relations, it’s the long term that counts.

In the realm of domestic policy, these ideas are familiar.  Our constitutional system works to ensure that all the individuals, interests, factions, lobbies, and others who influence and are influenced by domestic policy are more or less satisfied -- or perhaps minimally dissatisfied.  And the same thing plays out in foreign policy.  America’s foreign policy tradition is flexible, agile, and multifaceted - and it therefore tends to produce positive results for us in a complicated world.

Again, I cannot stress enough how alien and unfashionable this way of thinking is in Foggy Bottom (
Foggy Bottom is one of the oldest late 18th and 19th-century neighborhoods in Washington, D.C. where George Washington University is located) and in the West Wing, not to mention European ministries.  Among many foreign-policy elites, these democratic influences are something to be suffered and overcome -- as we’ve seen most recently in the debate about the Iran nuclear deal.

In the end, though, we usually survive mistakes by particular leaders because leaders are not the foundation of our system.  The foundation of U.S. foreign policy is the views and values of the American people, filtered by elected representatives through democratic institutions, proven by time.

This foreign policy tradition is not an accident.  When designing the Constitution, the Founders were very conscious of the need to invest the federal government with strong foreign-affairs powers, while accounting for the interests of the states and the people.

A driving force behind the Constitutional Convention was the failure of the Continental Congress to manage the foreign affairs of the young republic.  This imperative was clear in the ratification debates.  The first five papers of The Federalist are devoted to the necessity of blunting the influence of foreign powers and to the organization of U.S. military power.  Fifteen additional papers focus on international relations and civilian control of the military.

Against this background, the Constitution could be understood not only as a national charter, but also as a strategic document.  The institutions established by the Constitution to channel the conduct of foreign policy imply certain principles of foreign policy.  We ought to keep these timeless principles in mind as we craft strategy for today’s world.

One principle we find in the Constitution is so simple it’s usually overlooked: the states are stronger as a Union than as separate powers.  A Union of the states overcame divisions of culture, economic interest, and military capacity -- divisions that would have been exploited by foreign powers to turn one state against another, and to weaken and cow the American continent into submitting to their designs.

A Union strengthened the collective power of the states in their foreign relations.  It allowed them to pool their various resources to create advantages of scale and scope in military and economic power.  As Federalist 4 states, “The people of America . . . consider union and a good national government as necessary to put and keep them in such a situation as, instead of inviting war, will tend to repress and discourage it.”   Further, If [foreign powers] see that our national government is efficient . . . our trade prudently regulated, our militia properly organized and disciplined, our resources and finances discreetly managed, our credit re-established, our people free, contented, and united,  they will be much more disposed to cultivate our friendship - than provoke our resentment.”  Conversely, if the states remained divided, the U.S. would earn not only the “contempt” of foreign nations, but their “outrage.”

This principle came under threat -- but survived -- during the Civil War.  In his First Annual Message to Congress, President Lincoln sent a clear warning to foreign powers to refrain from interfering in the war.  At the same time, he acknowledged that “factious domestic division” exposed the nation to “disrespect abroad.”

We may take this principle for granted today, but it’s very much in play around the world.  The European Union, for example, has a greater combined population and economy than the U.S.   But political division greatly reduces the EU’s role in world affairs.  The smaller nation-states of Central and Eastern Europe, in particular, find themselves at risk from -- or perhaps at the mercy of -- Russia.  Likewise, the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, from South Korea to India, worry about China’s aggressive drive for regional hegemony.  Yet they struggle, due to their own enmity and rivalries, to form a united strategy to counter China.

The primacy of Union gives rise to a second, subsidiary principle:  treaties with foreign powers are very serious business, ought not be entered into lightly, and must be widely supported across the country.

The Founders believed the violation of major foreign commitments was a chief source of friction and war in international relations.   In fact, Federalist 3 recognized only two sources of war: direct violence and the breach of treaties.  Thus the Constitution requires that a major foreign commitment that binds our nation have a broad consensus among the people, and not result from the parochial interests of a minority or even a narrow majority.  As matters of war and peace, treaties should reflect a strong Union, not a divided nation.

This principle led to the Treaty Clause, which empowers the president to negotiate treaties - but requires two-thirds of the Senate to approve them and -- if necessary -- to demand changes. This extraordinary requirement is really just an ongoing expression of the original decision to form a Union.  And it has produced a system in which treaties routinely go through many iterations and rounds of negotiations, even after initial signature by the president.  Treaties throughout our history carry scores of conditions, reservations, and amendments added by Congress, precisely to ensure widespread acceptance among the people.

This was in fact how the first treaty ratified under the Treaty Clause played out.  The Jay Treaty with Britain -- negotiated by a co-author of The Federalist -- only gained Senate approval on the condition that Jay rework the treaty to add a clause regarding trade between the United States and the British West Indies.

Another principle of foreign policy rooted in the Constitution is that the Union must have a strong military, but one that is at the same time restrained and subject to the control of the people.

At the time of the Founding, a powerful and restrained military was something of an oxymoron.  Federalist 11, for instance, states that a strong military -- and in particular a strong navy -- is vital not only to deter aggression, but also to secure and expand international trade.  Yet Federalist 26 recognizes that military might has historically posed a grave threat to individual liberty.  This presented what seemed to be a Hobson’s choice (
a free choice in which only one option is actually offered.  As a person may refuse to take that option - the choice is therefore really decided between taking the option or not.  In other words, one may "take it or leave it." Wikipedia) between a strong military and a weak military, both of which would threaten liberty over time.

But our Founders charted a way out of this dilemma.  The Constitution empowered the president, as commander-in-chief, to defend against attack and take decisive military action where necessary.  At the same time, it entrusted the people’s representatives in Congress with a wide range of foreign affairs powers as a means of fostering prudence, democratic control, and protection against tyranny.  Thus only Congress can raise and support armies; only Congress may declare war and invoke the legal obligations and protections that this state of international relations confers; only Congress regulates foreign commerce, and with it control over important levers of influence with foreign nations in order to better relations, exact costs, and prevent war.

* * *

Under President Obama, there has been considerable drift away from all three of these principles.  And that drift has contributed to the general drift of U.S. foreign policy.  Even former President Carter has said, “I can’t think of many nations in the world where we have a better relationship now - than when he took over.”   Our interests are threatened, our alliances are stressed, our honor is stained, and our adversaries are increasingly tempted into new episodes of adventurism and aggression.

The most recent example of this drift is the Iran nuclear deal.   This is a major arms-control agreement with a mortal enemy -- an enemy with the blood of thousands of Americans on its hands, and for whom “death to America” is a foreign-policy bedrock.  And the agreement goes to the heart of the gravest threat facing the world: a terror-sponsoring state armed with nuclear weapons.  It is precisely the type of agreement that the Founders intended to be tested and refined by the treaty process.  It is precisely the type of agreement implicating matters of war and peace that must be supported by a widespread consensus of the American people.

But the President didn’t submit the Iran nuclear deal as a treaty.  From the beginning, his intention was to circumvent the people’s representatives and obligate the U.S. to the ayatollahs by a mere executive agreement.  Instead of rallying two-thirds of the Senate to support the deal, he relied on a tiny, partisan minority to protect his executive agreement from the judgment of the American people.

This is dangerous and nearly unprecedented.  Executive agreements are and should be reserved for technical matters.  Among the first executive agreements in our history were the 1792 agreements between the United States and other nations to coordinate mail delivery.  Executive agreements have also traditionally been used to assign claims and debts between nations.  These issues are low-stakes, and are not breeding grounds for armed conflict.  They are akin to deciding whether cars will drive on the right or left side of the road.  That’s why they do not need to be tested by a super-majority vote.

Nuclear weapons agreements are different.  The dividing line between subjects reserved for treaties and subjects reserved for less formal scrutiny is not precise at the margins.  But this isn’t anywhere near the margins.  Historically, major arms control agreements that bind the U.S. have almost invariably been reached through treaty.  One notable exception was the Agreed Framework with North Korea negotiated under President Clinton in 1994, which aimed at keeping North Korea from becoming a nuclear power.  I doubt President Obama would like to cite the North Korea case as precedent -- although it surely is a precedent in its contempt for Congress, and likely in its failure as well.

Why did President Obama ignore the Treaty Clause?  The answer is stunning.  Secretary of State Kerry lamented in testimony to Congress that it is “physically impossible” to get a treaty through the Senate in these polarized times. (Bill Gray Note:  And, that is exactly why the writers of the Constitution put the Treaty Clause in the Constitution)  

Of course, this (Kerry's) logic could apply to any politically inconvenient part of the Constitution.  Moreover, Secretary Kerry must have forgotten that, as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he guided a nuclear arms control treaty with Russia to ratification less than five years ago.

The simple fact is that the President ignored the Constitution because he knew the Senate would reject his deal.  This disregard for the Treaty Clause is the height of hubris.  It mistakes tunnel vision for principle - closed-mindedness for superior wisdom - and personal legacy for the vital national interest.  The nuclear deal with Iran is a travesty, one that betrays our close friend Israel, provides billions for Iran’s campaign of terror, and paves the way for Iran to obtain nuclear weapons capability.

Besides the immediate damage to our national security, the deal also damages the foundational principle that major foreign commitments should be backed by a broad consensus of the people as reflected by Congress.  This episode, added to the North Korea example, will make it extremely tempting for future presidents to avoid the expenditure of political capital required to pass a treaty.  Presidents will be tempted to reach expedient deals on momentous issues, deals that divide rather than unite the nation.

* * *

While the Iran deal is the latest blow to our foreign policy tradition, a long-festering wound is the decline of our military might.  Our military has endured 15 years of war and six years of repeated budget cuts.  It is now breaking under the burden of a mindless sequestration that indiscriminately cuts across the board and treats every dollar of federal spending equally -- whether for defense or for pork. 

As a consequence, our military is facing a crisis.
The Navy has 260 ships -- the smallest number since the end of the Cold War.  Our Air Force is the smallest and oldest force in our history.  The Army and the Marine Corps are on track to drop below 450,000 and 190,000 personnel, respectively -- the bare minimum levels our commanders say we need to fulfill our missions.

These unwise cuts to our military call into question U.S. resolve and security commitments.  It’s not a coincidence that, in the span of a few years, we have seen a revisionist Russia exert its will in Ukraine and in the Middle East - radical Jihadism metastasize across the Middle East and North Africa - China project power over more and more aerial and maritime territories - and Iran out-negotiate us while it spreads chaos across the Middle East through its proxies and clients.

This picture isn’t pretty, but as I said earlier, the American foreign policy tradition has a knack for self-correction, for turning the ship around and reversing past mistakes.  To make that happen, however, we need to look back to the foundational principles of our Constitution

To restore respect for the Treaty Clause, we must make every effort over the next year to isolate and impugn the President’s nuclear deal with Iran as a singular, one-off agreement that ought never to be repeated.  We must put every nation and every business on notice that this deal is temporary and unique.  They must understand that U.S. sanctions on Iran -- either through new legislation or through a new president -- will return. 

We must work to elect a new president who will rescind the Iran nuclear deal -- and who will restore the credible threat of force.

Put simply, our allies and our adversaries must understand that this nuclear arms control deal reached by executive agreement is not secure.  They have to understand that it is in our interest, and in their interest, to conclude stable and long-lasting agreements by way of treaties.  And all future presidents should see that building consensus through the constitutionally mandated advice and consent of the Senate will afford them a genuine, lasting legacy.

A restoration of the Treaty Clause must be accompanied by a restoration of our military might.  Frederick the Great said, “Diplomacy without arms is like music without instruments” -- in other words, inert, inaudible, and ineffective.  If we want our diplomacy to be effective and our agreements to be strong, we must rebuild our military.

The American tradition has never been to seek war, or to seek it first in a dispute.  Lincoln, again in his First Annual Message to Congress, prized diplomacy as a means of defusing tensions with foreign powers and maintaining our “rights and honor.”  But he also called for a military build-up.  “Aggressions,” said his Secretary of War Simon Cameron, “are seldom made upon a nation ever ready to defend its honor and to repel insults.”

To ensure that we are ready to defend our national honor today, we will need significantly more defense spending than Congress and the President have managed to agree upon in recent years.  Our current defense budget is little more than a political compromise, which may be appropriate for highway funding or tax policy, but which is no way to fund a military or to counter rising threats.  Congress and the President must return to the foundational principle that our military edge must not be challenged.  We must give our fighting men and women the resources they need to deter, fight, and win wars.

* * *

The Founders and generations of statesmen since have recognized the unique advantages with which the United States is blessed.  We are a continental nation, and we enjoy the protection of two oceans that separate us from the historic cauldrons of conflict in Europe and Asia.  We have abundant natural resources and an industrious society, making us a powerful trading partner.  Ours is a people slow to anger, but imbued with a martial tradition and a fighting spirit.  Our democratic culture is vigorous, resilient, and cherished by the people.  These strengths are channeled by the Constitution into our foreign policy tradition.  U.S. strategy abroad -- while not successful in every instance -- has brought us from being a world-affairs backwater to being the world’s superpower.

As we think about our future and new strategies, it would serve us well to look back at old truths.  We must hold fast to foundational principles.  We must continue our rich foreign policy tradition, and vigorously fight any efforts to undermine it.  While each Congress and president will have particular differences, we should all share the same goal: a world of peace and freedom, of prosperity and opportunity, of hope. 

We have a duty to be true to our beliefs, to use our great power wisely on behalf of freedom, guided by constitutional principle.  As Ronald Reagan admonished in his speech to the British Parliament in 1982, “Let us go to our strength.  Let us offer hope.  Let us tell the world that a new age is not only possible but probable.”


So, let me close by reminding you: 

Are YOU ready to VOTE IN 2016 to Restore Sanity In America? 

Are YOU ready to VOTE IN 2016 to send all of the Liberal Socialists and RINOs home into permanent retirement? 

Are YOU ready to VOTE IN 2016 to elect Conservative American Leaders who will listen, hear, honor, and respect the voices of "We The People" - spoken in English? 

Let's all VOTE IN 2016 to take back our American homeland! 

God bless you and God bless America, 

Bill Gray

Monday, October 26, 2015

Science Is Learning What God Has Always Known!

In 2015, I found an interesting article and video on Facebook.  The blog which I wrote at that time, I have updated so that we can better understand what happens when the secular world wants to stand science alongside its Creator, and call them equal.  It cannot be done. 

Below I am sharing the URL link to that short article and video.   I recommend
watching the video, then read the article.  From them, we learn that "Scientists At Large Hadron Collider Hope To Make Contact With PARALLEL UNIVERSE" and that, through work done at the Large Hadron Collider, Scientists hope to discover more about the creation of our universe.

That is commendable and I have no doubt that through work done by scientists at the Large Hadron Collider we have, and will continue, to learn more about our universe and find new ways to benefit humanity.

However, let's look at the two main points presented in the article and video: 

1.  The article says "Parallel Universe" but it goes on to explain that it really means multiple dimensions within our universe. 

That is something which theologians and Bible scholars have suggested for a long time.  And it is something which I have often suggested would appear to be a viable explanation of how our mortal world could coexist alongside heaven and hell - in the same spatial realm.  Our mortal world consists of four dimensions - height, width, length, and time.  
That is three spatial, i.e., physical, dimensions (length, width, height), and one temporal dimension, time, i.e., linear time.

Heaven and hell would consist of height, width, and length - for there is no linear time as we know it in heaven and hell, just eternity.  Our linear earth time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, . . years) was part of God's creation.

So, add those up and we see at least ten dimensions existing in the same spatial universe.

2.  The video tells us that through the use of the Large Hadron Collider, scientists may discover when and how the universe was created.

Isn't it amazing that billions of dollars are being spent attempting to tell us what the Bible has always told us:

First, the creation of the universe:   "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1).   This is the absolute answer and it only costs the price of a well studied Bible.

Second, regarding a multi-dimensional universe - the Bible does not speak directly to this issue.  However, there are many allusions in the Bible which strongly suggest that this is true.

John 20:19, "Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, 'Peace be with you.'"

John 20:26, "And after eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them.  Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, 'Peace to you!'"

Luke 24:36-37, "Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, 'Peace to you.'  But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit."

Consider those events.  The disciples were inside the Upper Room with the doors locked.  And, Jesus Christ suddenly appeared in their midst.  He did not come through the door.  Yet, He was there in His resurrected immortal human body.   How do we know He was in His resurrected immortal human body?

Luke 24:38-40, "And He said to them, 'Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts?  Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself.  Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.'  When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His feet.

Luke 24:41-43, "But while they still did not believe for joy, and marveled, He said to them, 'Have you any food here?'  So they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish and some honeycomb.  And He took it and ate in their presence."

Jesus Christ was not there.  And then, He was standing among them.  What is the logical, obvious explanation?  For me, it is that our mortal world, heaven, and hell share the same spatial space - but in different dimensions.  And, Jesus being in His immortal, glorified body can easily pass from one set of dimensions into another, from one spatial space into another.  

Another exciting consideration - when we are raptured into our immortal bodies, we will be like Jesus Christ (1 John 3:2 - not deity, but in our immortal bodies).  Is that how, in the New Heaven and New Earth of eternity (Revelation 21), we will be able to visit the New Jerusalem which descends from heaven, yet remains separate from earth?  Food for thought?  And, exciting!   "Beam me up, Scotty!"

It should be obvious to all people, especially Christian believers, that God created the heavens and the earth, and all that exists within those realms.  That includes all the sciences which define and govern the functioning of His creation - and all the laws which define and govern those individual fields of science. 

Science, all science, is a subset of His Creation.  In discussing the Creation, that is the meaning of ex nihilo - that He created the heavens, the earth, and all the sciences necessary to make them function - out of nothing, i.e., ex nihilo.

Basically, progress in scientific fields can best be explained as man discovering - what God always knew

In the video below, it explains how the Large Hadron Collider, science's relatively new toy, works.  But, the key point in this six minute video is toward the end, when we are told:

The moment after the Big Bang (two protons colliding in the Large Hadron Collider) particle tracks from these collisions will be analyzed by computers connected to the detectors.  And, it is hoped that these tracks will give a new insight into the very birth of our universe, how our universe evolved, what governs its behavior today, and where it is going in the future.

When I heard that statement, I could not help but think of this Scripture passage:

Romans 1:20-22, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.  Professing to be wise, they became fools."
So, as science learns more and more about our universe through such tools as the Large Haddon Collider - that should be drawing mankind closer and closer to God, the source of all knowledge.    Knowledge is a good thing - as long as we recognize the true Creator and Source of that knowledge - as long as we use those tools and that knowledge for good, and not evil.

I now invite you to watch the video and then read the article.

Video:  The LHC - The Large Hadron Collider. What is the LHC, how does it

Article:  Scientists At Large Hadron Collider Hope To Make Contact With Parallel Universe In Days
God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


The Gospel In One Word - TELEŌ - "It Is Finished!"

Recently, I received an e-mail from "Jesus.Org: Question of the Day" and it offered an adaptation from "The Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross - The Word of Victory," by A.W. Pink.  That site titled its article "The Gospel in a Single Word?"  

That was referring to the profound statement made by Jesus Christ when He hung on the cross, "It is finished!"   And, based upon the writing of A.W. Pink, that Question of the Day article is reminding us that, in the original Greek language, "It is finished!" is but a single word: 
teleō.   Strong's Concordance tells us that teleō (or tetelestai, derived from teleō ) means:

(1) to bring to a close, to finish, to end,

2) to perform, execute, complete, fulfill,

(3) to pay, as in tribute.  In John 19:30 the word means, "It is finished!"   Christ satisfied God's justice by dying for all, to pay for the sins of the the elect (all who will  by grace through faith, follow Christ).  These sins can never be punished again since that would violate God's justice.  Sins can only be punished once, either by a substitute or by yourself.

In another writing, we find:

What Was Finished?
By Dr. Ray Pritchard

"When he had received the drink, Jesus said, 'It is finished (Tetelestai).'  With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." (John 19:30)

Tetelestai comes from the verb teleō, which means "to bring to an end, to complete, to accomplish."  It's a crucial word because it signifies the successful end to a particular course of action.  .  .  But there's more here than the verb itself.  Tetelestai is in the perfect tense in Greek.
That's significant because the perfect tense speaks of an action which has been completed in the past - with results continuing into the present.  It's different from the past tense which looks back to an event and says, "This happened."  The perfect tense adds the idea that "This happened and it is still in effect today."

When Jesus cried out "It is finished," He meant, "It was finished in the past, it is still finished in the present, and it will remain finished in the future."

Note one other fact.  He did not say, "I am finished," for that would imply that he died defeated and exhausted.  Rather, he cried out "It is finished," meaning "I successfully completed the work I came to do."

Tetelestai, then, is the Savior's final cry of victory.  When he died, He left no unfinished business behind.  (Excerpted from "Tetelestai!" by Keep Believing Ministries [used by permission]).
Another writing explains further:

Those three words, “It is finished” come from one Greek word tetelestai or teleō.  The word tetelestai is unfamiliar to us, but it was used by various people in everyday life in those days.  A servant would use it when reporting to his or her master, “I have completed the work assigned to me” (see John 17:4).  When a priest examined an animal sacrifice and found it faultless, this word would apply. 
It doesn’t mean just to terminate something, but to carry a thing out to the full!  The word means, “It is finished, it stands finished, and it always will be finished!”   (Pastor Greg  Davenport -

The Jesus.Org article made me want to look further into the thoughts and writings of A.W. Pink, to know more about the man himself:

(A.W. Pink was) One of the most influential evangelical authors in the second half of the twentieth century.   Pink briefly studied at Moody Bible Institute in 1910 before taking the pastorate of the Congregational church in Silverton, Colorado, and in 1917 he became pastor of Northside Baptist Church, Spartanburg, South Carolina. 
By this time Pink had become acquainted with prominent dispensationalist such as Harry Ironside and Arno C. Gaebelein, and his first two books, published in 1917 and 1918, were in agreement with that theological position.  (

Then, I went in search of that full writing by A.W. Pink and found the following PDF article.  Below I am giving you only key excerpts from his finished work.  I highly recommend that you visit and save this full article for your own use and to share with others:



"When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished!" John 19:30

"It is finished!"  The ancient Greeks boasted of being able to say much, in little - "to give a sea of matter, in a drop of language" was regarded as the perfection of oratory.  What they sought is here found.  "It is finished" is but one word in the original (language), yet in that word is wrapped up the Gospel of God; in that word is contained the ground (foundation) of the believer’s assurance; in that word is discovered the sum of all joy, and the very spirit of all divine consolation.

"It is finished!"  This was not the despairing cry of a helpless martyr - it was not an expression of satisfaction that the termination of His sufferings was now reached - it was not the last gasp of a worn out life.  No, rather it was the declaration on the part of the divine Redeemer that all for which He came from heaven to earth to do, was now done - that all that was needed to reveal the full character of God had now been accomplished - that all that was required by law - before sinners could be saved - had now been performed: that the flail (scourge, beat) price of our redemption was now paid.

"It is finished!"  The great purpose of God in the history of man was now accomplished - accomplished de jure (in accordance with law) as it will yet be (accomplished) de facto (in reality).

1. Here we see the accomplished fulfillment of all the prophecies which had been written of him ere he should die.

This is the immediate thought of the context: "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said, It is finished" (John 19:30).  Centuries beforehand, the prophets of God had described step by step the humiliation and suffering which the coming Saviour should undergo (Psalm 22, Isaiah 53, read more at   

2. Here we see the completion of his sufferings.

But what tongue or pen can describe the sufferings of the Saviour?  O the unutterable anguish, physical, mental, and spiritual which He endured!  Appropriately was He designated "the Man of Sorrows."  Sufferings at the hands of men, at the hands of Satan, and at the hands of God.  Pain inflicted upon Him by enemies and friends alike.  From the beginning He walked amid the shadows which the cross cast athwart His path.

3. Here we see the goal of the Incarnation is reached.

Scripture indicates there is a special work peculiar to each of the divine persons, though, like the persons themselves, it is not always easy to distinguish between their respective works.  God the Father is specially concerned in the government of the world.  He ruleth over all the works of His hands.  God the Son is specially concerned in the work of redemption: He was the one who came here to die for sinners.  God the Spirit is specially concerned with the Scriptures: He was the one who moved holy men of old to speak the messages of God, as He is the one who now gives spiritual illumination and understanding, and guides into the truth.

4. Here we see the accomplishment of the atonement.

Above we have spoken of Christ reaching the goal of the Incarnation, and of the consummation of His mission to the earth; what that goal and mission were, the Scriptures plainly reveal.  The Son of Man came here "to seek and to save that which was lost" (Luke 19:10).  Christ Jesus came into the world "to save sinners" (1 Tim. 1:15).  God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, "to redeem them that were under the law" (Galatians 4:4).  He was manifested "to take away our sins" (1 John 3:5).  And all this involved the cross.

5. Here we see the end of our sins.

The sins of the believer - all of them - were transferred to the Saviour.  As saith the Scripture, "The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all" (Isa. 53:6).  If then God laid my iniquities on Christ, they are no longer on me.  Sin there is in me, for the old Adamic nature remains in the believer till death or till Christ’s return, should He come before I die - but there is no sin on me.  This distinction between sin IN (me) and sin ON (me) is a vital one, and there should be little difficulty in apprehending it.

Bill Gray Note:  Sin ON me Christ removed at the cross, making eternal salvation available to all who will receive His precious gift.   Sin IN me is the Adamic Sin Nature through which Satan tempts us and which causes many to reject Christ's offer of eternal life.

6. Here we see the fulfillment of the law’s requirements.

"The law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just and good" (Rom. 7:12).  How could it be anything less when Jehovah himself had framed and given it!  The fault lay not in the law but in man who, being depraved and sinful, could not keep it.  Yet that law must be kept, and kept by a Man, so that the law might be honored and magnified, and its giver vindicated.  .  .

But not only did the Saviour keep the precepts of the law, He also suffered its penalty and endured its curse.  We had broken it, and taking our place, He must receive its just sentence.  Having received its penalty and endured its curse, the demands of the law are fully met and justice is satisfied.

7. Here we see the destruction of Satan’s power.

See it by faith.  The cross sounded the death-knell of the devil’s power.  To human appearances it looked like the moment of his (Satan's) greatest triumph, yet in reality, it was the hour of his ultimate defeat.  In view of the cross (see context) the Saviour declared, "Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out" (John 12:31).  It is true that Satan has not yet been chained and cast into the bottomless pit.  Nevertheless, sentence has been passed (though not yet executed); his doom is certain; and his power is already broken so far as believers are concerned.

"It is finished!"  Reader, do you believe it?   Or, are YOU trying to add something of your own to the finished work of Christ to secure the favor of God?  All you have to do is to accept the pardon which he purchased.  God is satisfied with the work of Christ, why are not you?

"It is finished!"  Do you really believe it?  Or, are you endeavoring to add something of your own to it and thus merit the favor of God?  Some years ago a Christian farmer was deeply concerned over an unsaved carpenter.  The farmer sought to set before his neighbor the Gospel of God’s grace, and to explain how that the finished work of Christ was sufficient for his soul to rest upon.  But the carpenter persisted in the belief that he must do something himself. 

One day the farmer asked the carpenter to make for him a gate, and when the gate was ready he carried it away to his wagon.  He arranged for the carpenter to call on him the next morning and see the gate as it hung in the field.  At the appointed hour the carpenter arrived and was surprised to find the farmer standing by with a sharp axe in his hand. 

"What are you going to do?" he asked.  "I am going to add a few cuts and strokes to your work," was the response.  "But, there is no need for it," replied the carpenter, "the gate is all right as it is.  I did all that was necessary to it."

The farmer took no notice, but lifting his axe he slashed and hacked at the gate until it was completely spoiled.  "Look what you have done!" cried the carpenter.  "You have ruined my work!"

"Yes," said the farmer, "and that is exactly what you are trying to do.  You are seeking to nullify the finished work of Christ by your own miserable additions to it!" 

God used this forceful object lesson to show the carpenter his mistake, and he was led to cast himself by faith upon what Christ had done for sinners.  Reader, will you do the same?

Do YOU believe the declaration of Christ on the cross, "teleō, It is finished!"   Or are you depending upon a church, church rituals and traditions, church attendance, good deeds done for the poor, homeless, and destitute, or other good works of man - to buy your way into heaven?  Is the work of Christ, i.e., "It is finished!" sufficient to purchase your pardon, your eternal life in Christ - OR - do YOU have to help Him finish His work on the cross?   He is sufficient!  

No matter what any man or church may tell you, Jesus Christ is sufficient and His finished work on the cross is sufficient to purchase YOUR eternal salvation - IF you will just accept and receive His precious blood-purchased gift.

No church can save us.  No works can save us.  Only Jesus Christ in our hearts can save us.  That is explained very well in this beautiful Gospel song:

"It's Not What's Over the Door"

Some people think today, if heaven you would see
You must belong to their church or be lost eternally
But according to God's Word what he's still looking for
Is what he finds within your heart
And not what's over the door 

It's not what's over the door of the church that you attend
That makes you a child of God and a heavenly citizen
As the eyes of the Lord look this world o'er
There’s just one thing He's lookin’ for
Can’t you see that’s what’s in your heart
And not what's over the door

Does Jesus live in your heart, and have you been born again
Has the blood of Calvary's Lamb washed away all your sins?
Are you fully trusting in the crucified risen Lord
Can't you see that it's what's in your heart
And not what's over the door

Can’t you see that’s what’s in your heart
And NOT what's over the door.

Would you like to listen to this beautiful explanation of the Gospel:

Note:  In all the writings referenced above the parenthetical (except quoted Scripture verse definition), italic, underline, all cap words, and bold emphasis is mine.

My Friend, if you have received Jesus Christ into your heart, I praise God for your eternal Christian fellowship.  But, we all have one more task to finish.  No, not to work ourselves into heaven - but, to tell all our FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors) who do not yet know Christ as Lord and Savior - that they, too, can have His promise of eternal life. 

Share with them the truth and fullness of this Scripture passage:

John 3:16-17, "For God so loved the WORLD that He gave His only begotten Son, that WHOEVER believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."

In this Scripture passage, the word WORLD includes you, me, and every person ever born.

In this Scripture passage, the word WHOEVER includes you, me, and every person ever born.

The key or gating words in this Scripture passage are: 
"WHOEVER believes in Him."

WHOEVER, i.e., everyone - who believes in Jesus Christ and receives Him as Lord and Savior (John 1:12), has Jesus Christ in his/her heart and is eternally saved.

WHOEVER, i.e., everyone - who does NOT believe in Jesus Christ and receives Him as Lord and Savior (John 1:12), does NOT have Jesus Christ in his/her heart and is eternally lost.

1 John 5:12, "He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life."

So, my Friends, it is up to YOU and me to tell all our FRANs, "IT IS FINISHED!"   For our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ - was, is, and will always be - fully sufficient to purchase our eternal pardon through the power of His blood.   

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,
