Friday, October 18, 2019

I'm From The Government, And I'm Here To Help!

Often we see stories shared on the internet, read them, and then move on - not knowing if the story is true or one made up to make a point.  The story below is like that, I have seen it often over the years - but today it rang a bell.  It was shared on Facebook by my hometown Friends, Patsy Congleton and Joey Plunk, and by another fellow American living in Panama, Greg Kitzmiller.

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Critical Life Lesson  "Do you know how to catch wild pigs?"

A chemistry professor at a large college in America had exchange students in his class.  One day in the lab, the professor noticed one young exchange student who kept rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt.

The professor asked the young man if he had a problem with his back.  The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back.  He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist regime.  He looked at the professor and asked a strange question, "Do you know how to catch wild pigs?"

The professor, thinking it was a joke, asked for the punch line.  The young man assured him it was no joke.  "You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground.  The pigs find it and begin to come every day to eat the free food."

"When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence on one side of the feeding area.  When the pigs get used to that partial fence, they begin to eat the corn again.  Then you put up another side of the fence.  They will soon get used to that and start to eat again, ignoring the fence.  You continue until you have all four sides of the fence installed with a gate in the last side.  By now the pigs, accustomed to the free corn, continue to come through the gate to eat free corn.  Then, you close the gate - and catch the whole herd."

The young student continues, "Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom.  Realizing they are trapped, they run around and around inside the fence, but there is no way out.  Soon they acquiesce, embrace the fence, and go back to eating the free corn.  They have become so used to the "free food" that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves.  So they passively accept their captivity."

He told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening in America.  The government keeps pushing us toward Communism and Socialism, keeps spreading the "free food" in the form of programs such as Supplemental Income, Tax Credit for Unearned Income, Tax Exemptions, Tobacco Subsidies, Dairy Subsidies, Payments to not Plant Crops (CRP), Welfare Entitlements, Free Medical, Free Education, etc. - and all the while we continue to lose our freedoms, a little at a time.  The government, one way or another, forces us to participate in many of these programs whether we want to or not.  ObamaCare is an prime example. 

One should always remember There is no such thing as a free lunch.  So when you continue to hear all the promises coming from the Liberal Left Socialist candidates - that YOU will receive lots of "free corn" - keep in mind that SOMEONE must pay for that corn.  Will it be you, your children, your grandchildren?   Is that the legacy you want to leave for them?   God help all Americans when the Liberal Left Socialist "Free Corn" Gate slams shut! 

Thought for today: "The problems we face now exist because the people who work for a living today ~ are outnumbered by those who only vote for a living."

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In 1776 America declared its independence.  On June 21, 1788, the day our Constitution was ratified, it became the official framework of the government of the United States of America.  And since then many brave Americans have died to defend that Constitution and the America it has defined.  Do YOU really want to give it away for "Free Corn"?

Your greatest weapon against that wall of "Free Corn" is YOUR VOTE.

VOTE CONSERVATIVE IN 2020, in all elections:  local, state, federal.

VOTE CONSERVATIVE IN 2020, for all candidates and on all issues.

Commit yourself to VOTE CONSERVATIVE IN ALL ELECTIONS, from this day forward.  

God bless America and keep her strong against all enemies, internal and external,


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