Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Tale Of Two Bibles ~ And A Gift Of Love!

THIS IS A TALE OF TWO BIBLES ~ AND A GIFT OF LOVE!   In 1987 I was led to the Filipino-American Church of Irvine (FACI) in Orange County, California.  In hindsight I see that it was the Holy Spirit leading a man lost in the world - into the Light of God.  Through the Pinoy love of God I experienced in the FACI fellowship family and especially in my first six months in their Bible studies, my eyes were opened and I became a Christ follower, a Christian. 

Once I became a believer, I began to read my Bible, alternating between the Old Testament and the New Testament - until I hit a brick wall.  At Bible study one Friday evening I told Pastor Sam Lacanienta, "I have been doing well until I hit the book of Romans.   I cannot make sense of it.  It is like butting my head against a wall."  He asked to see my Bible.  When I started attending the Bible studies, I brought the only Bible I had - a King James Bible given to me by Mormon visitors years before. 

Pastor Sam and the Fil-Am church were prepared for such possible problems.  They had a supply of new Study Bibles available.  That night he gave both Dory and me a new NASB Harper's Study Bible published by Zondervan.  For the past 32 years that has been my go-to Bible carrying me through many, many Bible studies, Sunday School classes, and worship services - and has been my main tool in the Christian writing ministry God gave me over 30 years ago.  Since my NASB Study Bible is now over 30 years old, it is getting a wee bit worn and old, but it still works for me.  When I go to church or Bible study, I always carry a notebook with me to use as a platform where I can lay my Bible.  Otherwise it may start to fall apart.

Years later Dory gifted her NASB Harper's Study Bible to a friend who was Roman Catholic, but had joined a Bible study group near her home.

A simple solution would be for me to buy a new Study Bible.  But unfortunately the Harper's NASB Study Bible has been out of print for about 25 years.  Next solution, buy a new Study Bible which is similar in quality, both print and study notes, to my current Bible.   But, sad to say, the only decent Christian bookstore in our area, the Berean Christian Bookstore in Riverside, was purchased by the Southern Baptist Convention - and closed.  It seems the SBC bought out many Christian bookstores - and in 2019 decided to close all of them.  Doesn't seem to be the Holy Spirit working, does it?

Someone suggested I go online to purchase a new Study Bible.  But that is not feasible for several reasons.  To buy a Bible online, I cannot be sure if the text, and even more important, the study notes, will enhance my studies.  I needed a Bible much like the one I have been using all my Christian life, but where to find one now?  There are pitfalls, even when buying a Bible in a Christian bookstore.

About 25 years ago I went to buy a Study Bible for a friend, Mary, who Dory and I had been inviting to church.  I found a beautiful Bible.  But when I opened it I found that the people who wrote the study notes were very undesirable - Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, and others from the "Name It And Claim It" Prosperity Gospel gang.  I put that beautiful Bible aside and found one that was not as attractive on the outside, but had great study notes inside.  I bought that one for our friend, Mary. 

Now I faced a similar dilemma.  Where do I buy a new Study Bible, NASB or NKJV, for myself?  The only decent Christian bookstores in our area are in some of the larger churches, i.e., Harvest International, etc. - but they are only open during Sunday church hours - when I am at my church.  What to do? 

Then I remembered that circa 2000 I saw a new Christian sister, Rachel Quintans in our Fil-Am Church of Corona (now CICF), who had the same Harper's NASB Study Bible as mine.  It had been gifted to her by our mutual Friend and Christian sister, Jean Fabian, who had been in the FACI church and Bible studies when I was saved in 1987.   She and Rachel were co-workers at a hospital in Orange County and she had gifted the Bible to Rachel.

Seeing Rachel in Bible studies over the past year or so, I noticed that she is using her digital Bible instead of the old fashioned paper Bible.   I wondered if she would want to sell the paper Bible?

I sent an e-mail:

Hi Rachel,  When we were all at CICF (back in the good old days), you had a Bible just like mine - "Harper Study Bible, New American Standard Bible" - published by Zondervan.   You told me that Jean Fabian had given it to you.  If you still have that Bible and are not using it, I would love to buy it from you.  My copy is over 30 years old and has been my go-to Bible all those years - and it is starting to show its age (not me, but my Bible).  Unfortunately that one has been out of print for many years.

I have been looking for a new Study Bible (NASB or NKJV) - but since the Southern Baptist bought and closed the Berean Christian bookstore in our neighborhood - I am having a hard time finding one that fits my needs.  Please let me know if you still have your copy, are not using it, and would be willing to sell it to me.   My love to you and all the Quintans Clan.

Rachel responded:

Hi Bro Bill – I still have it!  I do not use it as often as I should.  I usually use my digital bible via my cell phone.  It is my first Bible, but there is no one I would rather have it than YOU!   You can have it, no need to purchase it.

On Monday, November 25, 2019, my dear Christian sister, Rachel Quintans, came to our home and presented me with my new, almost new, much newer that my 30 year old -  Harper's NASB Study Bible.   Yes, I am a very happy camper!  I cannot express how much this new Bible means to me.

Circa 1999-2000, Rachel, her husband, Jun, and their two boys, Nash and Michael, were saved in our fellowship at the Fil-Am Church of Corona (now CICF).  And over the years Dory and I have worshiped with, done Bible study and Sunday School with, and been so blessed to have the whole Quintans clan as our Christian brethren.  One of our biggest thrills was to see their eldest son, John Nash, become an associate pastor at one of our local Fil-Am churches in Corona, while he is completing his studies in seminary.

So that is my tale of Two Bibles.  One which has served me well for almost 32 years ~ and now a virtually new duplicate which I pray will be serving me for another 32 years.  No laughing!  I do not intend to give up easily - unless I see Jesus Christ coming in the PreTrib Rapture before my next 32 years have come and gone.

Thank you, Lord, for my many Christian brethren, especially Sister Rachel Quintans and all the Quintans Clan.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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