Thursday, July 7, 2016

Welcome To International Bible Baptist Church (IBBC-Riverside)

Often, over the years, I have compared a strong Christian church fellowship with a three legged stool.  Sound like a strange comparison?  Not really, let's look at what they have in common.  Because the stool has three legs, it is stable when you sit on it.  Remove one leg, and it becomes less stable, needing help to not fall.   Remove a second leg, and it become a very precarious perch.

A Christian fellowship should also stand on three legs:  (1) Worship service, fellowship, and sermon ~ (2) Sunday School ~ (3) Bible study.   Together the three form a strong Christian fellowship where believers will grow in their knowledge of God's Word, will become more grounded in their Christian faith, and can learn to share His Word with a fallen world.

Remove one of those Spiritual Legs and that fellowship becomes less stable.   Remove a second leg - and that fellowship is standing on a very precarious ledge.

For a long time Dory and I have been praying that God would guide us to such a Filipino-American fellowship in our area.  And, praise God, He has answered that prayer.

Two weeks ago, we visited a new ( to us) Filipino-American local church fellowship, IBBC-Riverside (International Bible Baptist Church), and were very excited about the welcome we received there.  When we arrived I had an immediate flashback to 1987 - and the first Sunday we visited the Fil-Am Church of Irvine (CA).  In 1987, at FACI, we were greeted with such love and warmth - that, even though I was not yet a believer - this made me want to keep returning to that fellowship.  And, six months later, through their weekly home Bible study I became a Christian believer.

That is the same kind of loving welcome we received at IBBC-Riverside on our first Sunday.   The following Friday evening, July 1st, we attended their home Bible study, and the following Sunday we came early so that we could attend their Sunday School Class.  That was followed by a truly inspiring worship service.

Dory and I are also very excited about their Youth and Young Adult ministries.  This is a Christian fellowship where everyone is involved and where everyone shares their Christian love and fellowship.

Yes, God has brought us to our Three Legged Church Fellowship, IBBC-Riverside.  Praise God.   And, we found a wonderful fourth dimension at IBBC-Riverside - their music!   The first thing we noticed was the abundance of musical talent in this fellowship.   Last Sunday, it seemed that every time I looked toward the piano - there was a different person playing, and playing well.  

Their music (now, our music) is a mixture of contemporary and hymnal Christian music.  When the choir sings, or there is a special number, I am blown away by the quality of their voices and the harmonious blending of those voices.  Their songs cause water to leak from my eyes.

With all this said, let me share with you three videos that Dory and I made during our July 3rd Worship Service.  I know you will agree with me that God has truly blessed this fellowship with abundant musical talent.

For our local Friends, IBBC-Riverside is located at:  10094 Cypress Avenue, Riverside, CA 92503.  Sunday School is at 1:30 PM, Worship Service is at 3:00 PM.  Come and see if what I have told you is true (sort of like Acts 17:11). 

International Bible Baptist Church (IBBC) Choir (Three videos)
God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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