Saturday, July 2, 2016

End Time Prophecy Charts

IN 1991, DURING THE DESERT STORM WAR IN KUWAIT, as the oil fields were burning and the smoke blackened the skies, our Friday Night Bible Study leader, Tom  Fletcher, chose to talk about End Time prophecies.  Since I was a relatively new Christian believer, when he started talking about the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Millennium, etc. - I had no idea what any of this was, nor how it applied to me.   I had no idea what the Rapture was - but, I sure was not going to let all my Christian Friends in that Bible study know that I was clueless.  So, I just smiled and listened.  Truth be known, in hindsight, I am sure that I was not the only one that night who was smiling in polite ignorance.

But, that is one of the key purposes of Bible study:  First, to learn more about God's Word.   And, second, to show us where we are lacking, and challenge us to dig deeper in our own personal Bible studies to become more knowledgeable of the treasures found in His Bible.

Shortly after that 1991 Bible study, I began my own study of End Time prophecies.  And, I have been studying it since then - and every day I learn something new.  God has a way of doing that; He will give us just enough to keep us fed - but, not too much that we become spiritually bloated.  For a long time, I wondered what happens to those believers who survive the Tribulation.  

Then, one afternoon as I was driving home from work, I was stopped at an intersection in Tustin, thinking only of getting home and relaxing - when the thought popped into my head, "At the end of the Tribulation, those who are believers will go into Christ's Millennial Kingdom in their mortal bodies."   Wow, where did that come from?  Of course, we know that it was the Holy Spirit giving me another spoonful.

Being a technically oriented computer sales/marketing type for many decades, I like to see things laid out and organized for my consumption.   So, about ten years ago, I decided to do my own End Time Charts.  After four years of work, I felt that I had charts good enough to share in Bible studies.  Yet, over the intervening years as I discovered errors, or places which needed more clarity - I have made changes.   Today, I feel that I have have a set of charts which are Biblically accurate.   However, if you find a mistake or any area you question - let me know so that we can talk about it.

With that said, let me offer my charts for your consideration.  The first chart is an overview.  Then, the next three charts go into more detail.

As I said, if you find a mistake or an area you question, let's talk.  You can e-mail me at - or add a comment here.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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