Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Donald Trump And The GOP Republican Platform!

Just as our church fellowship defines what it believes, teaches, and follows daily in our Christian walk by what we declare in our Church's Statement of Faith - a political party defines the Political Platform which guides that party and its candidates/members in their daily tasks of running OUR government.

I was happy, excited, but not surprised when I read the article below outlining the new Republican Party Platform for 2016.  This is absolutely a step in the right direction in Restoring America to the blessed-by-God nation we older Americans grew up in - and the blessed-by-God America which we want to leave to our younger fellow Americans, an America we want to leave to our children and grandchildren.

Because I believe this is so important for all of us to read and understand, I have copy/pasted the text from the web site page so that you can read it without the distraction of ads and other pop-ups cluttering the page. 

Admittedly I have added highlights, i.e., bold text, underlined text, italics, etc., to emphasize points which are important to me - and which I believe are important to all Conservative Americans. 


Trump Stuns GOP With Hugely Unexpected Change to Republican Platform

One of the most common lines of attack used against presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump during the Republican primary was that Trump wasn’t a real Conservative and was going to change the Republican Party if nominated.

While that certainly is still a possibility, it is looking increasingly unlikely, as the Republican Party just passed what is being called the “most Conservative platform” in GOP history.

“The influence of Trump is apparent, particularly on his signature issues of immigration reform and trade policy,” the U.K. Guardian reported.  The platform specifically called for building Trump’s border wall ~ rescinding President Barack Obama’s unconstitutional executive action on amnesty for illegal immigrants ~ enforcing U.S. immigration law, and ~ implementing an “America first” international trade policy.

Breitbart added that the platform ~ defined marriage as between a man and a woman ~ condemned the Supreme Court (repeatedly) for ruling in favor of same-sex marriage, and ~ strongly opposed abortion.

“We believe that our nation is most secure when the president and the administration prioritize readiness, recruitment, and retention, rather than using the military to advance a social or political agendas.  Military readiness must not be sacrificed on the altar of politically correct social agendas, which this administration has done,”  read the section of the platform on national defense.

The platform touched upon many key issues near and dear to conservatives and Republicans, like respecting American’s police officers.

“The media's crowing of the death of Reagan Republicanism has proven premature.  The Republican Party in 2016 has shown that it still holds to the timeless truths of constitutional fidelity that were the hallmark of Ronald Reagan, and that Conservatives of all stripes should enthusiastically mobilize to defeat Hillary Clinton in November,” explained Former Platform Committee Vice Chairman Ken Blackwell.

The platform was approved Monday by the same convention delegates who were slated to approve Donald Trump’s nomination Thursday after a final effort by “Never Trump” protesters was blocked.

What do YOU think of the Republican Party platform?   Share this on Facebook and Twitter and let us know!

After you have read the article above, please feel free to visit the original article via the URL link at the bottom to verify that what I have shared is accurate.  God bless you and your family - and - please exercise your God-given and American-defended right to VOTE IN NOVEMBER.

Because I believe this is so important for all Americans, I am sharing it on our Bill & Dory Gray Christian Ministries Blog, on my Facebook page, and via our Friends Ministry eNewsletter e-mail list.  Please feel free to forward and share it with all your FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors).

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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