Friday, July 29, 2016

Can A Person Be A Christian Believer ~ And Vote Democrat?

Today, I read a blog titled "Wake Up, Christians ~ There Is No Place For You In The Democrat Party!" written by a blogger named Matt Walsh.  And, it not only emphasized many points we must consider in the upcoming elections in November - but, it started me thinking about Republicans, Democrats - Conservatives, Liberals - politics, Christianity - and how they all play out in our daily lives.

Basically, the blog was a dialogue between Matt Walsh and a lady named Lana.  Lana was emphatic that she could be a devout Democrat and a strong Christian.  And, she berated Matt Walsh for his contention that - a person who votes for abortion, for same-sex marriage, for transgenderism and unisex bathrooms, etc. - all things which go against the Word of God - cannot be a Christian.  Instead of me taking a stand at this point, let me share my thoughts with you.  And, then I will let you read Matt Walsh's blog.  Then, YOU decide who is on the right track.

Some fifty plus years ago, I met a young lady who got me interested in politics.  Barry Goldwater was running for president against Lyndon Johnson - and since I could not tolerate Johnson, I became interested in her choice, Goldwater.  At the time Goldwater was labeled a Conservative Republican.  So, I became a Conservative Republican - even though for many decades I refused to vote party line.  As I have matured in my thinking and in my knowledge - I have come to realize that, today, Barry Goldwater would be considered a RINO (Republican In Name Only).  We have many of them in Washington DC today - who virtually agree with Obama on everything.

Why am I telling you this?  Well, back in 1964 when Goldwater ran for president - both parties, Democrat and Republican, consisted of politicians who were Liberal, Moderate, or Conservative.  You could have a Conservative Democrat who was a better Conservative than his Republican foe.  And, there were truly Moderates in both parties - real Moderates, not just politicians who are Moderate today and Liberal tomorrow - depending upon the audience he/she is addressing.

And, I believe the 1963 Supreme Court decision to remove prayer and God from our public schools was the beginning of the polarization we see today in the two parties - and in America.   That 1963 decision was the beginning, but the 1973 Supreme Court Roe v Wade ruling to make abortion the law of the land opened the flood gates.  Eventually leading to a Supreme Court decision making Same-Sex Marriage the new norm in America, followed closely by a blessing on Transgenderism.   Today, if we, the American people, do not start closing those flood gates - at some point in time it will be too late.

What has evolved today is a Democratic party which ranges from Liberal to extreme Liberal Socialism.  And, we have a Republican party which ranges from Conservative to extreme Right Wing Conservatism.   Neither extreme is good for America.  But, with no existing true Moderates today to balance the scales - that is what we have and we must choose between the two.

In a way, the Christian faith has suffered the same schism, but it goes back much further in time.   In the days following the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, we saw Gnostics and
Judaizers trying to infiltrate the Christian church to take it on a path away from Jesus Christ.  We saw legalistic and ritualistic church organizations taking control of Christian doctrines and faith.   And, in the 16th century we saw Martin Luther begin a Protestant Reformation in the Christian church.  Since then we have seen literally thousands of different church denominations and groups splitting apart and popping up, based on the Bible interpretation of one man or another.

As a result, within what I would call the legitimate Christian church, the body of Christ, we see a polarization similar to that in the political world.  Forgetting all the different micro-splits, i.e., Calvinism, Arminianism, Reform, Pentecostal, Holiness, Free Grace, etc. - the macro-split in the Christian church is basically:  Conservative vs Liberal.

What is the difference between the two?  Basically, it is how we view the Bible.

The Liberal Christian believes the Bible is a good book, but not necessarily the fully Inspired Word of God - and it is definitely not the Inerrant Word of God - and, in no way is it the Literal Written Word of God.  In most cases they view the Bible as good guideline for Christian living - but not God's inspired full revelation to man.  Other writings and societal norms must also be considered to determine how the Christian should respond to the pulls and tugs of modern society.

The Conservative Christian views the Bible as the Holy Spirit INSPIRED, Holy Spirit INERRANT, Holy Spirit LITERAL Written Word of God - His full revelation to man - and definitely God's Users' Manual for Christian living.

Does this mean that Conservatives are Christian - and Liberals are not?  No, in no way am I saying that.   A Christian believer is one who has heard the Gospel of Salvation, Believed in the Author of that salvation, and has been Sealed by the Holy Spirit into that Author (Ephesians 1:13).  It is a person who has been "saved by Grace though Faith in Him"  (Ephesians 2:8-9).

A person who believes and whose Christian life is based upon the Essential Christian Doctrines is a Christian believer, be he Liberal or Conservative.   We can still enjoy debating the Non-Essential Christian Doctrines - for they do not determine a persons salvation.  What are the Essential Christian Doctrines?

1. The Deity of Jesus Christ:  Preexisting deity, God incarnate - fully man; yet, fully God. 

2. The Trinity:  God eternally existing; one God manifested (revealed) in three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

3.  The Bible:  Is the Inspired Written Word of God and is the sole authority for Christian faith, salvation, and to guide our Christian life. 

4. Salvation by Grace:  By grace you are saved, through faith in Jesus Christ - plus nothing else. 

5. The Resurrection of Christ:  He rose from the dead, that we may also be resurrected into eternal life.   

6. The Gospel:  The birth, death, resurrection, ascension, and imminent return of Jesus Christ according to Scripture.  

7.  Heaven and Hell:  Both are real places and are the only two eternal destinations available to all mankind.
Keep in mind that when we say the Bible is the Inspired Written Word of God, that means He is the Author.  Can God makes mistakes?  No.  So, since He authored the Bible - it is without mistakes in the original autographs, i.e., manuscripts.  And, a God who can do that - can certainly maintain the integrity of His Book down through the ages.

We view the red letter text as actual words spoken by Jesus Christ, and that is true.  But, in a broader sense, every word of the Bible is from Jesus Christ - for He is God.  And, the Bible is from its Author, God.

In the beginning I mentioned the blog "Wake Up, Christians ~ There Is No Place For You In The Democrat Party!" written by Matt Walsh and published on July 28, 2016.  Let me offer you excerpts from that blog:

Dear Matt,

I’ve seen you write a few times this week that “Democrats can’t be Christian” or some such nonsense.  I’ve come to expect horrible things from you but these kinds of statements are despicable even by your standards.  You should be ashamed.  I know very many Christians are ashamed of you.  Guess what, Mr. Walsh?  I’m doing the impossible!  I am a devout Christian AND a loyal Democrat.  I go to church AND I vote for the D on the ticket.  I believe in the Bible AND in the principles of the Democratic Party.  See it is possible!  And come November I will be proudly voting for Hillary Clinton BECAUSE I’m a Christian.  So now hopefully you can stop spreading lies.  Thanks. – Lana

Hi Lana,

Please don’t misunderstand me. .  .  .  Christians can do anything and believe anything while still retaining the title of Christian — that is, so long as we define “Christian” as “Someone who (merely) says they are one.”

It’s no surprise that Democrats would define the term in such a way, seeing as how these days they even define “man” and “woman” that way.  In the Liberal world, in order to be something all one must do is declare that they are that thing. .  .  I’m of the opinion, however, that being a man involves more than merely saying you’re a man, and being a Christian involves more than simply saying you’re a Christian. 

So what else does it entail?  A Christian, by definition, believes that Christ is the Son of God ~ that He was sent to Earth to suffer and die for our sins, opening up the gates of Heaven for all who follow Him (John 3:16).  If we accept and believe this great Truth, we are Christian.  And we remain Christian even if we stumble, sin, and fall short of perfection, as I have done and continue to do more often than I care to admit.

When I say that Democrats can’t be Christian, .  .  .  I’m saying that being a “loyal Democrat,” as you describe yourself, requires that you fundamentally reject the authority of Christ

Not in the sense of sinning and falling short, but in the sense of actually disbelieving and condemning some of His most important teachings and some of the most essential lessons of Scripture.  .  .   You can believe and fall short at the same time, but can you believe in Christianity - and resolutely reject its precepts at the same time?   No, obviously not.  To believe in Christ is to believe and accept what He taught us.

So now that we’ve figured out what it means to be a Christian, we need to consider what it means to be a Democrat.  Specifically, what it means to be a loyal and current Democrat, as you’ve announced.  .  .   As for the fully aware and fully contemporary Democrats, I think their beliefs have been very well demonstrated by the convention this week. 

On Tuesday night, the DNC trotted the CEO of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, up to the podium to deliver a 15-minute sales pitch for abortion.

The next night, after the sales pitch, the president of the National Abortion Rights Action League strode confidently onto the stage to give a sort of client testimonial.  Not only does she run the abortion industry’s propaganda machine - but she is, as she happily professed, a satisfied abortion customer.

She bragged about her abortion
, explaining that she had to kill her child because he would have been too inconvenient at the time. 

The crowd roared with applause.  
Literally cheering for abortions.  That is the modern Democrat Party.

But their abortion love isn’t just hot air.  They put their money where their mouth is — or our money, I should say.  The Democrat Party is almost solely responsible for legalizing, funding, and facilitating the murder of 50 million humans.  And they’re quite proud of it.  They’ve placed abortion front and center, making it exceedingly clear that any “loyal Democrat” must not only approve of abortion, but respond with deafening applause at the sound of a baby’s skull being crushed.

Let me ask you this, Lana: "Would Jesus be in that crowd applauding as a mother boasts of killing her child?  Would Jesus nod approvingly at politicians who take money from families and use it to fund an industry that slaughters a million kids a year?  Is Jesus pro-abortion?  Can you be pro-abortion - while at the same time believing in and trusting Him?".  .  .  .

Aside from the verses explicitly condemning the act of murdering or hurting the innocent (there are many more that I did not list, in the interest of time), we know that the very story and life of Christ already disqualifies a Christian from supporting abortion.

Jesus was Himself at one point an unborn child.  If there were any questions before His arrival about the sanctity of human life, those questions were answered 2,000 years ago.  Answer me this:  "If unborn babies are not human, or are not people, or are not worthy of protection ~ then was Jesus not human, not a person, or not worthy of protection?"

If the life of the unborn is not sacred, then was Christ’s life not sacred?  Christ was fully human and fully God.  Whatever can be said of any human in the fetal state must also be said of Christ.  A worthless blob of cells, right?  Are you willing to say that about the fetal Christ?.  .  .  .

And it’s not just abortion, of course.  The Democrat Party, as you know, also considers the deconstruction of Traditional Marriage to be one of its crowning achievements.  Meanwhile, Jesus explicitly defined marriage as a covenant between a man and a woman (Matthew 19:5), and Scripture more than once condemns homosexual relationships as “degrading,” “unrighteous,” and “depraved” (1 Corinthians 6:9, Romans 1:26). .  .  .  But can we, as Christians, fundamentally deny God’s authority in this area?  It is one thing to stumble, but can we say, “Man can do what he pleases in the realm of sexuality and it is not a sin - because God was mistaken” ? .  .  .

So, can you be a Christian and agree with the Democrats on all of these points?  The answer is clearly no.  .  .  .  You simply can’t believe in both anymore.   (
So, my Friends, do you, as a Christian believer, support what God tells us in His Bible regarding key Biblical issues such as abortion, killing babies ~ the homosexual lifestyle, same-sex marriage ~ that a man can become a woman - or - a woman can become a man - simply be declaring themselves to be that gender, ignoring how God chose to create them? 

If you DO stand with God on these issues - then you need to stand with God and vote AGAINST the Liberal Socialist Democrat candidates.

If you DO NOT stand with God on these issues - then you are free to vote for the Liberal Democrat candidates or whomever you desire.

It is as simple as that.  Do you stand with God - or against Him?

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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