Tuesday, July 19, 2016

For Years I Have Liked Charlie Rose - Until Tonight!

FOR YEARS, I HAVE LIKED CHARLIE ROSE even though I have long known that he leans toward the Liberal side of the political pond.  But, tonight I lost all respect for him as he dove head-first into the Liberal Socialist political sewer pond - when he brought Hillary on his show and figuratively handed her a hatchet to use on Donald Trump and Mike Pence. 

Over the years since Cigar Billy Bob won the White House, I have seen her evolve from the supportive wife - to a person who will say and do anything, trade anything or anyone within her grasp - to gain the personal power of the Oval Office for herself.

We saw her, over the years, look the other way as Cigar Billy Bob committed one act of womanizing after another ~ we saw her defend him in front of the whole world - and we later learned that she knew all along about the games Cigar Billy Bob and Monica played in the Oval Office.  In other words, all Cigar Billy Bob was, and is, to her is a stepping stone to her own power.  And, if she had to suffer indignities, if she had to pretend to be the loving wife to gain that desired power - nothing was beyond her.

We saw her stand beside Bill Clinton as he declared of Monica, "I did not have a sexual relationship with that woman!"  We saw her look the other way when Billy Bob declared under oath when asked about him and Monica in the Oval Office, "It all depends upon what IS is."  Duh!

And, we have seen her, over and over, swear that there was no sensitive or secret material on her private e-mail servers, sensitive and secret material which she offered on her private e-mail server for all the hackers of the world to read - including all the enemies of America.

So, tonight on the Charlies Rose Show, she first went after Mike Pence, who had been in Congress for twelve years before becoming governor of Indiana, declaring, "Do you realize that when he was in Congress, he voted to defund Planned Parenthood!" 

Wow!  That man is guilty!  He is guilty of wanting the save the lives of MILLIONS of babies who die of abortion, a large number through Planned Parenthood, each year in America!  Boy, is he guilty!  And I have no doubt that when Mike Pence gets to heaven - God will declare, "Well done, My good and faithful servant!" (Matthew 25:23).

Then she goes after Trump, saying that he is dishonest and cannot be trusted.  This from the woman who swore that she only used her personal e-mail server to send e-mails to Bill.   Then Bill admitted on national television that he does not do e-mails - and that he only received two or three e-mails from Hillary.  Hmmm?  Hillary needed a personal e-mail server to send two or three e-mails to Cigar Billy Bob?  That is interesting.  And, it is also interesting that our intelligence services have discovered a number of hackers in other countries who have admitted to hacking Hilliary's server.  Now, who could be telling the truth?

Hillary declared that Donald Trump in the White House would represent a great danger to Americans.   This is the Secretary of State who allowed Americans to be slaughtered in Benghazi - telling our military forces to stand down.

This is the same Hillary who has had millions of dollars pumped into her private "charity fund" (pun intended!) from leaders of Middle Eastern nations.  Hmmm?  Wonder what that will cost America if she is elected?

Hillary declared that Trump is against homosexuals, gay marriage, and LGBTQ people.  This is the same lady who, just a couple of years ago, went on national television and declared that she believes that only marriage between one man and one woman is right.  Hmmm?  A couple of years ago, she agreed with the Bible.   But, now that she believes it is to advantage - she is against the Bible.  Where do YOU really stand, Hillary - with God or against God?

As I said earlier, this is a woman who would say or do anything, to anyone, if she believes it will give her the power she so desperately graves.

Charlie Rose, my friend, it is sad that YOU have sold out to the Liberal Socialist factions.  What could possibly make you do that, what could possibly cause you to sell your integrity?  Inquiring minds want to know. 

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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