Saturday, July 30, 2016

Which Users' Manual Are YOU Using - Revisited

SOMETIMES IT IS GOOD TO REVISIT earlier thoughts and beliefs to test their validity and to test if we have matured and learned more on that issue.  On July 26, 2013, I posted the article below in my Facebook Notes and sent it to all in my Friends Ministry eNewsletter mail list.  Three days later, a very mature Christian brother in Oklahoma sent me a good response which adds new thoughts to my original post.
So, maybe this is a good time to revisit my dialogue with an agnostic Friend on the TimesDaily Religion Forum where I posted for seven years and see if my reasoning is still valid - and to revisit what my Christian Friend in Oklahoma, Brent Riggs, added to my thoughts.

Which Manual Are You Using?
July 26, 2013 at 12:04pm

Today, on the TimesDaily Religion Forum an agnostic Friend, Chick, tells me, "That is a problem I have with Christians - they believe everything in the bible, that it is true.  Well, actually, I don't have a problem with people believing the bible.  I guess what I have a problem with is that most Christians close their minds to the fact that other people's beliefs are just as valid as theirs."

My Friend, if you owned a high powered Maserati automobile and it came with the Maintenance & Operations Manuals from the manufacturer in Italy - would you believe that manual to be the true, valid, and accurate Manual to use?  Or would you just trust in the Model-T Ford manual you found in the attic?

That is why Christians rely upon the Bible given to us by God; for it comes from the Original Equipment Manufacturer Himself, God.   Yes, you could use your Model-T Ford manual - and, you may occasionally get something right.  When the manual tells you that a tire which is flat should be replaced; it matters little whether that info comes from your Model-T manual or from your Maserati Maintenance & Operations Manuals - that info is true.

However, if you are using your Model-T manual in an effort to fine tune the engine of your Maserati to make it run better - you will be in deep trouble.

That is exactly what happens when folks deny God and His Written Word, the Bible - and try to substitute Society's Norms Manual.  They get in trouble, finding that their spiritual engines run very rough.

Yes, you can go by the Liberal Society's Norms Manual today, i.e., look at two women or two men who today's society tell us are now married - and claim their homosexual or lesbian lifestyle is normal.   But, I promise you - their spiritual engine is running very rough.  Only a one man-one woman marriage as defined in God's Bible will correct their problem of spiritual sputter.

So, it is up to you.  Do you want a finely tuned spiritual engine - or do you want to sputter down life's highway, trying to appear as though your Maserati-styled spiritual engine is operating normally?   If you want a spiritual engine which is going to give you the performance you were designed for - you have to stay with the Original Equipment Manufacturer's manual, the Bible.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,   Bill

Hi all, When I posted that writing in Facebook Notes, I also sent it out to those in my Friends Ministry eNewsletter mail list.  This afternoon, July 26, 2013, an Evangelist Friend from Oklahoma City, Brent Riggs, sent this response: 

Bill, Sometimes I’ve found an actual comparison of incompatible beliefs to be an effective way to battle the “all beliefs are equally valid” nonsense….

For example -- Three beliefs from major religions:

1 – God is unknowable and the only way to be saved is to earn your salvation by good works – balance the scales in your favor and you have a chance, but you can never know for sure. 

2 – God is not a person but a force, energy, the totality of all things – you are not saved, you are absorbed back into the energy to come again in another form of energy.

3 – God is a real Being, a Person, who created us for His own glory and purposes; He has declared there is only one way you can be saved from eternal condemnation which we all deserve because of our sin; salvation cannot be earned, only accepted on His terms.

Those ideas are utterly incompatible.  They can’t all be equally true, therefore they can’t be all equally valid.  All religions are equally valid?   In any other subject (medicine, law, sports, trade skills, occupations) we would consider it INSANE and absurd and just plain old STUPID to declare “three incompatible statements are all equally true and valid” - but in religion, we pretend this is true.

Fact:  INCOMPATIBLE ideas/beliefs can’t all be equally true and valid.  They are either all false, or only one is true.  Either one of the three above is true, or they are all false.  To say they are all equally true and valid is stupidity on a grand scale, illogical in the extreme, and just denying the obvious - so that we don’t HAVE to choose a “truth.”

I have found that most people won’t continue to say “sorry, all beliefs are equally valid” when confronted with this real example.  .  . they will then switch to “you can’t know which one is true” - which branches into another discussion but at least you’ve gotten them past this absurd notion that all beliefs are valid and equal.  A ridiculous and truly idiotic idea we only apply to religions.  Brent
To all my Friends, I pray that you have found this dialogue useful and, just maybe you found a "golden nugget" or two that you might use when you are confronted with those types of questions from non-believing acquaintances and friends.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Why Voting for Donald Trump Is a Morally Good Choice!

Now we begin the final countdown to the November 2016 election which will determine, to a great extent, the future of America.  Basically it boils down to - do I want to see my children and grandchildren have an opportunity to live in an America similar to the great nation I enjoyed when I was starting on my life journey.  

Or do I want to see them live in the kind of America which has been molded by Obama and the Clintons - an America where increasingly we are being told to hide our Christian faith in the closet ~ an America where my wife, daughters, and granddaughters cannot feel safe using a restroom, dressing room, or public shower ~ an America which has replaced Positive Traditional Values with an amoral society's Relativistic Values, i.e., if it feels good to you, it is right.  No, that is not the America I want to leave for my children, grandchildren, and their children.

Today, on Facebook, I found an article from, a leading source for conservative news - and - political commentary and analysis.   The article is titled "Wayne Grudem - Why Voting for Donald Trump Is a Morally Good Choice" and was written by Dr. Wayne Grudem.  Most people who have attended a Christian school or seminary will easily recognize Dr. Grudem's name.   His book, "Systematic Theology," has virtually become "the" theology text book of choice in most Bible Colleges and Seminaries.   In my personal library I have his "Bible Doctrine, Essential Teachings Of The Christian Faith" which is a condensed version of his Systematic Theology text book.

Dr. Grudem is a prominent evangelical theologian, seminary professor, and author.  He is professor of Bible and Theology at Phoenix Seminary.  He was Chairman of the Department of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School - and has taught for over 35 years. 

So, when a man of Dr. Grudem's credentials, knowledge, and character tells me that voting for Donald Trump is a morally good choice - I listen!

What I am attempting to do in this writing is to give you a synopsis or condensed version of his article.  If you agree with this portion of his article, I pray you will visit the Townhall web site and read his full article.  Yes, I believe the information he gives us in this article is of critical importance for all Americans - for we will soon be deciding with our votes who will lead America into the future.   We will be deciding between a president who will set the course for the restoration of America and American values - or a president who will continue to pull America down into a socialistic cesspool.

In his article, Dr. Grudem offers you a comparison between another Clinton presidency - and a Trump presidency.  I pray you will pay close attention to what he tells us:

Why Voting for Donald Trump Is a Morally Good Choice
By Dr. Wayne Grudem - Jul 28, 2016

 Some of my Christian friends tell me they can’t in good conscience vote for Donald Trump because, when faced with a choice between “the lesser of two evils,” the morally right thing is to choose neither one. They recommend voting for a third-party or write-in candidate.

As a professor who has taught Christian ethics for 39 years, I think their analysis is incorrect. Now that Trump has won the GOP nomination, I think voting for Trump is a morally good choice.

A good candidate with flaws:  I do not think that voting for Donald Trump is a morally evil choice because there is nothing morally wrong with voting for a flawed candidate if you think he will do more good for the nation than his opponent. In fact, it is the morally right thing to do.

I did not support Trump in the primary season. I even spoke against him at a pastors’ conference in February. But now I plan to vote for him. I do not think it is right to call him an “evil candidate.” I think rather he is a good candidate with flaws.

He is egotistical, bombastic, and brash. He often lacks nuance in his statements. Sometimes he blurts out mistaken ideas (such as bombing the families of terrorists) that he later must abandon.  .  .  These are certainly flaws, but I don’t think they are disqualifying flaws in this election.

On the other hand, I think some of the accusations hurled against him are unjustified.  His many years of business conduct show that he is not racist or anti-(legal) immigrant or anti-Semitic or misogynistic – I think these are unjust magnifications by a hostile press exaggerating some careless statements he has made.  I think he is deeply patriotic and sincerely wants the best for the country.  He has been an unusually successful problem solver in business. .  .  But the main reason I call him “a good candidate with flaws” is that I think most of the policies he supports are those that will do the most good for the nation.

Seek the good of the nation:  Should Christians even try to influence elections at all? .  .  .  By way of modern application, I think Christians today have a similar obligation to vote in such a way that will “seek the welfare” of the United States.  Therefore the one overriding question to ask is this:  Which vote is most likely to bring the best results for the nation?

This year we have an unusual opportunity to defeat Hillary Clinton and the pro-abortion, pro-gender-confusion, anti-religious liberty, tax-and-spend, big government liberalism that she champions. I believe that defeating that kind of liberalism would be a morally right action. .  .  .  Some may feel it is easier just to stay away from this messy Trump-Clinton election, and perhaps not even vote. But the teachings of Scripture do not allow us to escape moral responsibility by saying that we decided to do nothing.

I am writing this article because I doubt that many “I can’t vote for Trump” Christians have understood what an entirely different nation would result from Hillary Clinton as president.  .  .  .

The Supreme Court with Clinton as president:  Hillary Clinton would quickly replace Justice Scalia with another liberal like Breyer, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagan.  This would give liberals a 5-4 majority on the Supreme Court even without Justice Kennedy, and 6-3 when he votes with them.

But that is not all. .  .   A President Clinton could possibly nominate three or four justices to the Supreme Court, locking in a far-left activist judiciary for perhaps 30 or more years.  .  . Judicial tyranny of the type we have seen when abortion rights and same-sex marriage were forced on the nation would gain a permanent triumph.

Abortion:  Voters should not doubt the power of the Supreme Court to abolish all these laws restricting abortions. Think of the power of the Obergefell v. Hodges 5-4 decision in June, 2015. It instantly nullified all the work that thousands of Christians had done over many years in persuading the citizens of 31 states to pass constitutional amendments defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman.  .  .  .  We lost – not at the ballot box, but because we had a liberal Supreme Court that nullified the democratic process regarding the definition of marriage.

Religious liberty:  The current liberal agenda often includes suppressing Christian opposition to its views. So a liberal court would increasingly nullify rights of conscience with respect to forced participation in same-sex marriage ceremonies or expressing moral objections to homosexual conduct.  .  .

Are my predictions about this kind of loss of religious liberty too grim?  The three Conservative Justices still on the Supreme Court expressed similar concerns just last month.  .   .  .

Christian business owners:  If Clinton appoints just one more liberal justice, it is likely that many Christian business owners will be targeted.  .  .  Step-by-step, Christians would increasingly be marginalized to the silent fringes of society. Is withholding a vote from Donald Trump important enough to pay this high a price in loss of freedom?

Christian schools and colleges:   A liberal Supreme Court would also impact education. Christian colleges would likely be found guilty of “discrimination” if they required adherence to the Bible’s standards regarding sexual conduct, or even required affirmation of primary Christian beliefs. .  .  .Colleges like Biola and Azusa Pacific could not long survive under those regulations.  .  .  Another possible target of the liberal agenda would be laws that allow for home schooling, if the secular/ liberal governmental hostility to home schooling in European countries is any indicator.

Churches:  Churches would not be exempt from the impact of a liberal Supreme Court.  The court could rule that any school district is allowed to ban churches from renting school buildings on Sundays, an action that could severely hinder the work of small churches and church planting in general.  .  .  . And some churches in Iowa have now been told that they have to make their bathrooms open to people on the basis of their “gender identity” if the churches are going to be open to the public at all.

Freedom of speech:  Freedom of speech would be increasingly restricted in the public square. In 2014, the Supreme Court ruled that prayers of visiting pastors who prayed “in Jesus’ name” when they opened a city council meeting were allowed under the Constitution, but .  .  . all four liberals (Justices ) who wanted to restrict such prayers are still on the court.

Criminalizing dissent:  Another troubling possibility is that liberal activists, once in power, would further entrench themselves by criminalizing much political dissent. We have already seen it happen with the IRS targeting of conservative groups.  .  .  .


The Supreme Court with Trump as president:   Trump has released a list of 11 judges to show the kind of nominee he would appoint to the Supreme Court. A lawyer familiar with many of these names has told me that they constitute a “dream list” of outstanding judges who would uphold the original meaning of the Constitution and would not create new laws from the bench.  .  .  .  Such a Supreme Court would finally return control of the nation to the people and their elected representatives, removing it from dictatorial judges who repeatedly make law from the bench.

Abortion:  Such a court would likely overturn Roe v. Wade and return abortion laws and the regulation of abortion to the states.

Religious liberty:  A conservative court would vigorously uphold the First Amendment, protecting freedom of religion and freedom of speech for Christian colleges, Christian ministries, and churches.

Freedom for Christian influence in politics:  Significantly, Trump has pledged to work to repeal the 1954 Johnson Amendment to the IRS code, which has been used for 62 years as a threat to silence pastors from speaking about political issues, for fear of losing their tax-exempt status.  .  .  .

How can we know that Trump won’t change his mind?   My reply is that we can never know the future conduct of any human being with 100% certainty, but in making an ethical decision like this one, we should base the decision on the most likely results. In this case, the most likely result is that Trump will do most or all of what he has said. .  .  .  And notice how Trump has changed his mind. He continues to move in a more conservative direction, as evidenced by his list of judges and his choice for vice president.  .  .  .  His choice of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate is an especially significant indication that he will govern as a conservative.

Minorities:  Two of the deepest causes of poverty among minority groups and racial tensions in our country are failing public schools in our inner cities and lack of available jobs. Trump expressed a commitment to solve these problems at several points in his acceptance speech at the Republican convention. He pledged to reduce taxes and regulations, leading to many more jobs.  .  .  . By contrast, Clinton will bow to the teachers’ unions and oppose school choice at every turn, and she will continue to strangle businesses with high taxes and regulations, preventing job growth.

What About Foreign Policy?

The Military:  Trump has promised to rapidly rebuild our depleted military forces, but Clinton would continue the liberal policy of eviscerating them through denying funding.  This is dangerous in light of increasing threats from China, Russia, Iran, and ISIS.

Borders:  Trump has repeatedly promised that he will finally secure our borders, an urgent need to protect the nation from ever more terrorists and drug smugglers.  Clinton will not do this but will continue to allow in what she thinks will be thousands of future Democratic voters.

ISIS and Terrorism:  Trump has pledged to aggressively attack and utterly defeat ISIS.  Clinton will continue the anemic Obama policy of periodic bombing runs and drone attacks, under which ISIS has continued to thrive.

China and Russia:  Trump will not let China and Russia and Iran push us around anymore, as Obama has done, with Hillary Clinton’s support when she was secretary of state.  If Trump is anything, he is tough as nails, and he won’t be bullied.

Israel:  Trump has promised to vigorously defend and support Israel, while Clinton will most likely continue the Obama administration’s criticism, snubbing, and marginalization of Israel.

Energy:   Trump has said he will approve the Keystone oil pipeline and grant more oil drilling permits leading to lower energy costs and providing thousands of jobs.

Executive Orders and Bathrooms:  Trump has promised to rescind many of the most objectionable executive orders given by President Obama, .  .  .  . including orders forcing schools to allow boys in girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms, in defiance of the will of the vast majority of Americans.   But Hillary Clinton would likely perpetuate and expand these policies.

Health Care:   Trump will work to repeal Obamacare, which is ruining the nation’s health care system, and replace it with an affordable free market system in which companies have the ability to sell insurance across state lines, thus substantially lowering insurance prices .  .  .  . But Clinton would continue to work relentlessly toward federal government control of our entire health care industry.

The Unprotected:  Trump will finally begin to recognize and protect what Wall Street Journal writer Peggy Noonan calls “the unprotected” in America -- people in lower income areas who cannot find good jobs, cannot find good schools for their children, do not feel protected from crime, and find their retirement savings are not enough because for years they have been earning no interest in the bank.  .  .  .

These American citizens recognize that Trump has built a business career on listening to experts, solving problems, and getting things done. They realize that Trump didn’t earn $4 billion by being stupid, and their instinct says that he might be exactly the right person to solve some of the biggest problems in a nation that has for too long been headed in the wrong direction and stuck in political gridlock.

They may not have college degrees but their old-fashioned common sense tells them that America would be a much better place if we no longer had to be afraid to say “Merry Christmas,” or that boys are different from girls, or that Islamic terrorists are Islamic terrorists. .  .  .

Does Character Matter?   “But are you saying that character doesn’t matter?” someone might ask.  I believe that character does matter, but I think Trump’s character is far better than what is portrayed by much current political mud-slinging - and far better than his opponent’s character.

To my friends who tell me they won’t vote for Trump because there is a chance he won’t govern at all like he promises, .  .  .  Consider instead the most likely results. The most likely result of voting for Trump is that he will govern the way he promises to do, bringing much good to the nation.

But the most likely result of not voting for Trump is that you will be abandoning thousands of unborn babies who will be put to death under Hillary Clinton’s Supreme Court ~ thousands of Christians who will be excluded from their lifelong occupations.  .   .  And you will be contributing to a permanent loss of the American system of government due to a final victory of unaccountable judicial tyranny.
When I look at it this way, my conscience, and my considered moral judgment tell me that I must vote for Donald Trump as the candidate who is most likely to do the most good for the United States of America.

However you decide to vote - I look forward to seeing YOU at the Voting Booth, literally or in spirit.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Friday, July 29, 2016

Can A Person Be A Christian Believer ~ And Vote Democrat?

Today, I read a blog titled "Wake Up, Christians ~ There Is No Place For You In The Democrat Party!" written by a blogger named Matt Walsh.  And, it not only emphasized many points we must consider in the upcoming elections in November - but, it started me thinking about Republicans, Democrats - Conservatives, Liberals - politics, Christianity - and how they all play out in our daily lives.

Basically, the blog was a dialogue between Matt Walsh and a lady named Lana.  Lana was emphatic that she could be a devout Democrat and a strong Christian.  And, she berated Matt Walsh for his contention that - a person who votes for abortion, for same-sex marriage, for transgenderism and unisex bathrooms, etc. - all things which go against the Word of God - cannot be a Christian.  Instead of me taking a stand at this point, let me share my thoughts with you.  And, then I will let you read Matt Walsh's blog.  Then, YOU decide who is on the right track.

Some fifty plus years ago, I met a young lady who got me interested in politics.  Barry Goldwater was running for president against Lyndon Johnson - and since I could not tolerate Johnson, I became interested in her choice, Goldwater.  At the time Goldwater was labeled a Conservative Republican.  So, I became a Conservative Republican - even though for many decades I refused to vote party line.  As I have matured in my thinking and in my knowledge - I have come to realize that, today, Barry Goldwater would be considered a RINO (Republican In Name Only).  We have many of them in Washington DC today - who virtually agree with Obama on everything.

Why am I telling you this?  Well, back in 1964 when Goldwater ran for president - both parties, Democrat and Republican, consisted of politicians who were Liberal, Moderate, or Conservative.  You could have a Conservative Democrat who was a better Conservative than his Republican foe.  And, there were truly Moderates in both parties - real Moderates, not just politicians who are Moderate today and Liberal tomorrow - depending upon the audience he/she is addressing.

And, I believe the 1963 Supreme Court decision to remove prayer and God from our public schools was the beginning of the polarization we see today in the two parties - and in America.   That 1963 decision was the beginning, but the 1973 Supreme Court Roe v Wade ruling to make abortion the law of the land opened the flood gates.  Eventually leading to a Supreme Court decision making Same-Sex Marriage the new norm in America, followed closely by a blessing on Transgenderism.   Today, if we, the American people, do not start closing those flood gates - at some point in time it will be too late.

What has evolved today is a Democratic party which ranges from Liberal to extreme Liberal Socialism.  And, we have a Republican party which ranges from Conservative to extreme Right Wing Conservatism.   Neither extreme is good for America.  But, with no existing true Moderates today to balance the scales - that is what we have and we must choose between the two.

In a way, the Christian faith has suffered the same schism, but it goes back much further in time.   In the days following the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, we saw Gnostics and
Judaizers trying to infiltrate the Christian church to take it on a path away from Jesus Christ.  We saw legalistic and ritualistic church organizations taking control of Christian doctrines and faith.   And, in the 16th century we saw Martin Luther begin a Protestant Reformation in the Christian church.  Since then we have seen literally thousands of different church denominations and groups splitting apart and popping up, based on the Bible interpretation of one man or another.

As a result, within what I would call the legitimate Christian church, the body of Christ, we see a polarization similar to that in the political world.  Forgetting all the different micro-splits, i.e., Calvinism, Arminianism, Reform, Pentecostal, Holiness, Free Grace, etc. - the macro-split in the Christian church is basically:  Conservative vs Liberal.

What is the difference between the two?  Basically, it is how we view the Bible.

The Liberal Christian believes the Bible is a good book, but not necessarily the fully Inspired Word of God - and it is definitely not the Inerrant Word of God - and, in no way is it the Literal Written Word of God.  In most cases they view the Bible as good guideline for Christian living - but not God's inspired full revelation to man.  Other writings and societal norms must also be considered to determine how the Christian should respond to the pulls and tugs of modern society.

The Conservative Christian views the Bible as the Holy Spirit INSPIRED, Holy Spirit INERRANT, Holy Spirit LITERAL Written Word of God - His full revelation to man - and definitely God's Users' Manual for Christian living.

Does this mean that Conservatives are Christian - and Liberals are not?  No, in no way am I saying that.   A Christian believer is one who has heard the Gospel of Salvation, Believed in the Author of that salvation, and has been Sealed by the Holy Spirit into that Author (Ephesians 1:13).  It is a person who has been "saved by Grace though Faith in Him"  (Ephesians 2:8-9).

A person who believes and whose Christian life is based upon the Essential Christian Doctrines is a Christian believer, be he Liberal or Conservative.   We can still enjoy debating the Non-Essential Christian Doctrines - for they do not determine a persons salvation.  What are the Essential Christian Doctrines?

1. The Deity of Jesus Christ:  Preexisting deity, God incarnate - fully man; yet, fully God. 

2. The Trinity:  God eternally existing; one God manifested (revealed) in three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

3.  The Bible:  Is the Inspired Written Word of God and is the sole authority for Christian faith, salvation, and to guide our Christian life. 

4. Salvation by Grace:  By grace you are saved, through faith in Jesus Christ - plus nothing else. 

5. The Resurrection of Christ:  He rose from the dead, that we may also be resurrected into eternal life.   

6. The Gospel:  The birth, death, resurrection, ascension, and imminent return of Jesus Christ according to Scripture.  

7.  Heaven and Hell:  Both are real places and are the only two eternal destinations available to all mankind.
Keep in mind that when we say the Bible is the Inspired Written Word of God, that means He is the Author.  Can God makes mistakes?  No.  So, since He authored the Bible - it is without mistakes in the original autographs, i.e., manuscripts.  And, a God who can do that - can certainly maintain the integrity of His Book down through the ages.

We view the red letter text as actual words spoken by Jesus Christ, and that is true.  But, in a broader sense, every word of the Bible is from Jesus Christ - for He is God.  And, the Bible is from its Author, God.

In the beginning I mentioned the blog "Wake Up, Christians ~ There Is No Place For You In The Democrat Party!" written by Matt Walsh and published on July 28, 2016.  Let me offer you excerpts from that blog:

Dear Matt,

I’ve seen you write a few times this week that “Democrats can’t be Christian” or some such nonsense.  I’ve come to expect horrible things from you but these kinds of statements are despicable even by your standards.  You should be ashamed.  I know very many Christians are ashamed of you.  Guess what, Mr. Walsh?  I’m doing the impossible!  I am a devout Christian AND a loyal Democrat.  I go to church AND I vote for the D on the ticket.  I believe in the Bible AND in the principles of the Democratic Party.  See it is possible!  And come November I will be proudly voting for Hillary Clinton BECAUSE I’m a Christian.  So now hopefully you can stop spreading lies.  Thanks. – Lana

Hi Lana,

Please don’t misunderstand me. .  .  .  Christians can do anything and believe anything while still retaining the title of Christian — that is, so long as we define “Christian” as “Someone who (merely) says they are one.”

It’s no surprise that Democrats would define the term in such a way, seeing as how these days they even define “man” and “woman” that way.  In the Liberal world, in order to be something all one must do is declare that they are that thing. .  .  I’m of the opinion, however, that being a man involves more than merely saying you’re a man, and being a Christian involves more than simply saying you’re a Christian. 

So what else does it entail?  A Christian, by definition, believes that Christ is the Son of God ~ that He was sent to Earth to suffer and die for our sins, opening up the gates of Heaven for all who follow Him (John 3:16).  If we accept and believe this great Truth, we are Christian.  And we remain Christian even if we stumble, sin, and fall short of perfection, as I have done and continue to do more often than I care to admit.

When I say that Democrats can’t be Christian, .  .  .  I’m saying that being a “loyal Democrat,” as you describe yourself, requires that you fundamentally reject the authority of Christ

Not in the sense of sinning and falling short, but in the sense of actually disbelieving and condemning some of His most important teachings and some of the most essential lessons of Scripture.  .  .   You can believe and fall short at the same time, but can you believe in Christianity - and resolutely reject its precepts at the same time?   No, obviously not.  To believe in Christ is to believe and accept what He taught us.

So now that we’ve figured out what it means to be a Christian, we need to consider what it means to be a Democrat.  Specifically, what it means to be a loyal and current Democrat, as you’ve announced.  .  .   As for the fully aware and fully contemporary Democrats, I think their beliefs have been very well demonstrated by the convention this week. 

On Tuesday night, the DNC trotted the CEO of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards, up to the podium to deliver a 15-minute sales pitch for abortion.

The next night, after the sales pitch, the president of the National Abortion Rights Action League strode confidently onto the stage to give a sort of client testimonial.  Not only does she run the abortion industry’s propaganda machine - but she is, as she happily professed, a satisfied abortion customer.

She bragged about her abortion
, explaining that she had to kill her child because he would have been too inconvenient at the time. 

The crowd roared with applause.  
Literally cheering for abortions.  That is the modern Democrat Party.

But their abortion love isn’t just hot air.  They put their money where their mouth is — or our money, I should say.  The Democrat Party is almost solely responsible for legalizing, funding, and facilitating the murder of 50 million humans.  And they’re quite proud of it.  They’ve placed abortion front and center, making it exceedingly clear that any “loyal Democrat” must not only approve of abortion, but respond with deafening applause at the sound of a baby’s skull being crushed.

Let me ask you this, Lana: "Would Jesus be in that crowd applauding as a mother boasts of killing her child?  Would Jesus nod approvingly at politicians who take money from families and use it to fund an industry that slaughters a million kids a year?  Is Jesus pro-abortion?  Can you be pro-abortion - while at the same time believing in and trusting Him?".  .  .  .

Aside from the verses explicitly condemning the act of murdering or hurting the innocent (there are many more that I did not list, in the interest of time), we know that the very story and life of Christ already disqualifies a Christian from supporting abortion.

Jesus was Himself at one point an unborn child.  If there were any questions before His arrival about the sanctity of human life, those questions were answered 2,000 years ago.  Answer me this:  "If unborn babies are not human, or are not people, or are not worthy of protection ~ then was Jesus not human, not a person, or not worthy of protection?"

If the life of the unborn is not sacred, then was Christ’s life not sacred?  Christ was fully human and fully God.  Whatever can be said of any human in the fetal state must also be said of Christ.  A worthless blob of cells, right?  Are you willing to say that about the fetal Christ?.  .  .  .

And it’s not just abortion, of course.  The Democrat Party, as you know, also considers the deconstruction of Traditional Marriage to be one of its crowning achievements.  Meanwhile, Jesus explicitly defined marriage as a covenant between a man and a woman (Matthew 19:5), and Scripture more than once condemns homosexual relationships as “degrading,” “unrighteous,” and “depraved” (1 Corinthians 6:9, Romans 1:26). .  .  .  But can we, as Christians, fundamentally deny God’s authority in this area?  It is one thing to stumble, but can we say, “Man can do what he pleases in the realm of sexuality and it is not a sin - because God was mistaken” ? .  .  .

So, can you be a Christian and agree with the Democrats on all of these points?  The answer is clearly no.  .  .  .  You simply can’t believe in both anymore.   (
So, my Friends, do you, as a Christian believer, support what God tells us in His Bible regarding key Biblical issues such as abortion, killing babies ~ the homosexual lifestyle, same-sex marriage ~ that a man can become a woman - or - a woman can become a man - simply be declaring themselves to be that gender, ignoring how God chose to create them? 

If you DO stand with God on these issues - then you need to stand with God and vote AGAINST the Liberal Socialist Democrat candidates.

If you DO NOT stand with God on these issues - then you are free to vote for the Liberal Democrat candidates or whomever you desire.

It is as simple as that.  Do you stand with God - or against Him?

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Things We Know About God

THINGS WE KNOW ABOUT GOD.  Have you ever sat down and tried to name all the attributes of God?  Well, that would be a daunting task, for His attributes are, in my thinking, unlimited.   However, there are many divine attributes of God which we should all be able to name rather quickly: 

~ God is Love - (1 John 4:8,16)
~ God is Just - (
Deuteronomy 32:4, Isaiah 45:21, Ezekiel 18:9)
~ God is Perfect - (
Deuteronomy 32:4, 2 Samuel 22:31, Psalm 18:30)
God cannot lie - (Hebrews 6:18)
~ God never changes - (Malachi 3:6).

And, there are those which we all know from memory: 

~God is Omniscient, all knowing - (Isaiah 46:9-10, Psalm 139:1-3, Matthew 10:29-30)

~ God is Omnipotent, all powerful - (Genesis 1:1, Job 42:2, Mark 6:30-44, Mark 4:37-41, Mark 5:35-43,  John 11:38-44)

~ God is Omnipresent, all places present - (Psalm 33:13-14, Psalm 139:7-10, Jeremiah 23:24, Proverbs 15:3).

Knowing these things about God, we can deduce that God is Perfect Love and God is Perfect Justice.  He has shown that for ". . .God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us"  (Romans 5:8).

We know God's desire for us, "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance"  (2 Peter 3:9).

And, we know, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).

Given those Scriptural facts, let's now examine the teaching of Predestination, more specifically Double Predestination.   Predestination is the Calvinist/Reform teaching that, before the Creation, God in His Sovereignty "elected" some of His created people to be saved, i.e., the Elect, those to spend eternity in His presence - an eternity full of love, happiness, and joy.

Double Predestination is the other side of the Elect coin which adds the logical and undeniable aspect that all who were not, in preCreation, chosen to be the Elect - have to be those whom God has chosen before the Creation to be condemned to eternal hell.  These are called the Reprobate and by the Calvinist/Reform teaching - these folks were condemned to hell before the Creation and will never have an opportunity to believe and follow Christ.

Double Predestination, by its nature, also has to deny that God has given the gift of Free Will to all mankind.  Free Will can be defined as the gift which God has given to each of us which allows us to choose to follow Jesus Christ and be saved eternally - or to deny Jesus Christ and be lost eternally.  If a person has been chosen by God, before the Creation, to be Reprobate - that would negate any gift of Free Will - for that person CANNOT choose to follow Christ.

Then, there is a softer version of Double Predestination (shall we call it the Soft-Soap Double Predestination?) which teaches that God has indeed, before the Creation, chosen the Elect and the Reprobate.  However, in this version, the Elect are chosen and cannot change that fact -  but, the Reprobate who were chosen to be lost eternally - can, by using their gift of Free Will still choose to follow Christ and be saved from their predetermined Reprobate state.  This sounds to me like some theologians who are not sure - working to create some wiggle room, just in case.

Let's get back to what I believe the Bible really teaches about God.   God is Perfect Love and God is Perfect Justice.  Those two have to balance one another - for God is not an unbalanced God.   In God's Perfect Love, He has decreed that "
whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).  That "whoever" means .  .  . well, it means WHOEVER!  It does not say, "whoever I previously chose" - or - "whoever is among the Elect."  No, it says - whoever, period!

Could we ever call God's Love and Justice perfect, perfectly balanced - if He created billions of human beings just for the purpose of sending them, without an opportunity to be saved - into eternal hell, to spend never ending eternity in great suffering and pain?  That is the only way to describe the teaching of Reprobate.  And, that is not a God of Perfect Love.

Perfect Love says that He loves every single person He has created, that He wants every person to be saved.  But, for love to be perfect, it must be
reciprocated.  If God loves us and "demands" that we love Him - that is not perfect love.  In that scenario we become nothing but people in servitude, a state of being a slave or completely subject to someone more powerful, a state of slavery or bondage.  

That is not the kind of love God wants from us.  He wants us to love Him as He loves us, freely and with our whole heart.  That is why He has given all people the gift of Free Will; which is a part of His grace (Ephesians 2:8-9) - that we might choose to love and adore Him, of our own free will and desire.

That is why, after we read 2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."

We must then align that with Romans 5:8, "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

This, then, is a good description of God's love:

1 John 4:7-11, "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.  He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.  In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.  In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation (the paid in full reparation) for our sins.  Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."

Nowhere in that passage, nor in all the Bible, will we find the teaching of Reprobate - that billions of created beings have been pre-condemned to eternal hell - without any means of following Christ into eternal happiness and joy.   That is not a God of Love.

"But, Bill, doesn't Ephesians 1 teach Predestination, that God chose us before the foundation of the world?"

Glad you asked!  Let's examine what Paul is teaching in that Scripture passage:  

Ephesians 1:4-5, "Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will."
When Paul, in Scripture, tells us "He chose us" - who is the "us" in this passage?  The apostle Paul is addressing this letter to the church, i.e., the fellowship, at Ephesus.  So, in that context, yes, God had chosen that "us" before the foundation of the world - for those are people who are believers.  They are already in the body of Christ, the church.  And, all believers are predestined to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ.

How do we know this?  Let's look at what Paul wrote in Romans 8:

Romans 8:29-30, "For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.  Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified."
Key phrases here:  "For whom He foreknew, He also predestined."   We have already agreed that God is Omniscient, all knowing - meaning that He knows all things about us, from the smallest (each hair on our heads) to the largest (who has, or will, become a believer).  That is the meaning of "foreknew," i.e., to know something before it happens.  

God knows every decision, good or bad, that YOU and I will ever make.  And, that includes knowing, foreknowing, if you and I will become believers in this mortal world.  For those who do become believers, "
He predestined, .  .  . He also justified; .  .  . and these He also glorified (or will glorify)." 

Yet, for those who do not become believers in this mortal world - they have condemned themselves to eternal hell.  They are not "predestined" to hell as reprobates - but, they have condemned themselves to eternal hell by not believing, by grace through faith, in the atoning blood, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven to be our only mediator between us and God.  In other words, it is self-condemnation - not predestined condemnation.

These things I firmly believe - for I believe that is what the Bible teaches us.  And, this is why it is so important when we visit a new Christian web site, blog, church fellowship, or any other Christian ministry - that we FIRST look at their Statement of Faith.  For their Statement of Faith tells us what they believe, and what they believe is what they will teach.   So, to avoid being exposed to teachings that are not Biblical - be a Berean (Acts 17:11) as Paul admonishes us - and test what that ministry or person is teaching, i.e., what they declare as their Statement of Faith.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Donald Trump And The GOP Republican Platform!

Just as our church fellowship defines what it believes, teaches, and follows daily in our Christian walk by what we declare in our Church's Statement of Faith - a political party defines the Political Platform which guides that party and its candidates/members in their daily tasks of running OUR government.

I was happy, excited, but not surprised when I read the article below outlining the new Republican Party Platform for 2016.  This is absolutely a step in the right direction in Restoring America to the blessed-by-God nation we older Americans grew up in - and the blessed-by-God America which we want to leave to our younger fellow Americans, an America we want to leave to our children and grandchildren.

Because I believe this is so important for all of us to read and understand, I have copy/pasted the text from the web site page so that you can read it without the distraction of ads and other pop-ups cluttering the page. 

Admittedly I have added highlights, i.e., bold text, underlined text, italics, etc., to emphasize points which are important to me - and which I believe are important to all Conservative Americans. 


Trump Stuns GOP With Hugely Unexpected Change to Republican Platform

One of the most common lines of attack used against presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump during the Republican primary was that Trump wasn’t a real Conservative and was going to change the Republican Party if nominated.

While that certainly is still a possibility, it is looking increasingly unlikely, as the Republican Party just passed what is being called the “most Conservative platform” in GOP history.

“The influence of Trump is apparent, particularly on his signature issues of immigration reform and trade policy,” the U.K. Guardian reported.  The platform specifically called for building Trump’s border wall ~ rescinding President Barack Obama’s unconstitutional executive action on amnesty for illegal immigrants ~ enforcing U.S. immigration law, and ~ implementing an “America first” international trade policy.

Breitbart added that the platform ~ defined marriage as between a man and a woman ~ condemned the Supreme Court (repeatedly) for ruling in favor of same-sex marriage, and ~ strongly opposed abortion.

“We believe that our nation is most secure when the president and the administration prioritize readiness, recruitment, and retention, rather than using the military to advance a social or political agendas.  Military readiness must not be sacrificed on the altar of politically correct social agendas, which this administration has done,”  read the section of the platform on national defense.

The platform touched upon many key issues near and dear to conservatives and Republicans, like respecting American’s police officers.

“The media's crowing of the death of Reagan Republicanism has proven premature.  The Republican Party in 2016 has shown that it still holds to the timeless truths of constitutional fidelity that were the hallmark of Ronald Reagan, and that Conservatives of all stripes should enthusiastically mobilize to defeat Hillary Clinton in November,” explained Former Platform Committee Vice Chairman Ken Blackwell.

The platform was approved Monday by the same convention delegates who were slated to approve Donald Trump’s nomination Thursday after a final effort by “Never Trump” protesters was blocked.

What do YOU think of the Republican Party platform?   Share this on Facebook and Twitter and let us know!

After you have read the article above, please feel free to visit the original article via the URL link at the bottom to verify that what I have shared is accurate.  God bless you and your family - and - please exercise your God-given and American-defended right to VOTE IN NOVEMBER.

Because I believe this is so important for all Americans, I am sharing it on our Bill & Dory Gray Christian Ministries Blog, on my Facebook page, and via our Friends Ministry eNewsletter e-mail list.  Please feel free to forward and share it with all your FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors).

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

For Years I Have Liked Charlie Rose - Until Tonight!

FOR YEARS, I HAVE LIKED CHARLIE ROSE even though I have long known that he leans toward the Liberal side of the political pond.  But, tonight I lost all respect for him as he dove head-first into the Liberal Socialist political sewer pond - when he brought Hillary on his show and figuratively handed her a hatchet to use on Donald Trump and Mike Pence. 

Over the years since Cigar Billy Bob won the White House, I have seen her evolve from the supportive wife - to a person who will say and do anything, trade anything or anyone within her grasp - to gain the personal power of the Oval Office for herself.

We saw her, over the years, look the other way as Cigar Billy Bob committed one act of womanizing after another ~ we saw her defend him in front of the whole world - and we later learned that she knew all along about the games Cigar Billy Bob and Monica played in the Oval Office.  In other words, all Cigar Billy Bob was, and is, to her is a stepping stone to her own power.  And, if she had to suffer indignities, if she had to pretend to be the loving wife to gain that desired power - nothing was beyond her.

We saw her stand beside Bill Clinton as he declared of Monica, "I did not have a sexual relationship with that woman!"  We saw her look the other way when Billy Bob declared under oath when asked about him and Monica in the Oval Office, "It all depends upon what IS is."  Duh!

And, we have seen her, over and over, swear that there was no sensitive or secret material on her private e-mail servers, sensitive and secret material which she offered on her private e-mail server for all the hackers of the world to read - including all the enemies of America.

So, tonight on the Charlies Rose Show, she first went after Mike Pence, who had been in Congress for twelve years before becoming governor of Indiana, declaring, "Do you realize that when he was in Congress, he voted to defund Planned Parenthood!" 

Wow!  That man is guilty!  He is guilty of wanting the save the lives of MILLIONS of babies who die of abortion, a large number through Planned Parenthood, each year in America!  Boy, is he guilty!  And I have no doubt that when Mike Pence gets to heaven - God will declare, "Well done, My good and faithful servant!" (Matthew 25:23).

Then she goes after Trump, saying that he is dishonest and cannot be trusted.  This from the woman who swore that she only used her personal e-mail server to send e-mails to Bill.   Then Bill admitted on national television that he does not do e-mails - and that he only received two or three e-mails from Hillary.  Hmmm?  Hillary needed a personal e-mail server to send two or three e-mails to Cigar Billy Bob?  That is interesting.  And, it is also interesting that our intelligence services have discovered a number of hackers in other countries who have admitted to hacking Hilliary's server.  Now, who could be telling the truth?

Hillary declared that Donald Trump in the White House would represent a great danger to Americans.   This is the Secretary of State who allowed Americans to be slaughtered in Benghazi - telling our military forces to stand down.

This is the same Hillary who has had millions of dollars pumped into her private "charity fund" (pun intended!) from leaders of Middle Eastern nations.  Hmmm?  Wonder what that will cost America if she is elected?

Hillary declared that Trump is against homosexuals, gay marriage, and LGBTQ people.  This is the same lady who, just a couple of years ago, went on national television and declared that she believes that only marriage between one man and one woman is right.  Hmmm?  A couple of years ago, she agreed with the Bible.   But, now that she believes it is to advantage - she is against the Bible.  Where do YOU really stand, Hillary - with God or against God?

As I said earlier, this is a woman who would say or do anything, to anyone, if she believes it will give her the power she so desperately graves.

Charlie Rose, my friend, it is sad that YOU have sold out to the Liberal Socialist factions.  What could possibly make you do that, what could possibly cause you to sell your integrity?  Inquiring minds want to know. 

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Saturday, July 16, 2016

Which Bible Translation Do You Prefer ~ And Why?

Which Bible translation do you prefer?   Do you know why?  Yes, we all have a favorite Bible translation and that is good - for that will help keep us in His Word daily, or at least more often.

But, I am sure that we all, at one time or another, have had one similar experience.  You are traveling away from home and look for a local church where you can worship that Sunday, or you visit another local church with a friend, or maybe you have moved to a new city and have found a new local Christian fellowship to be your home church.

That Sunday morning you get comfortable in this new church, stand for Responsive Scripture Reading - and suddenly get the feeling that you are standing in a room full of folks who are speaking foreign languages.  How did that happen?  

Well, what really happened is that the Responsive Reading leader is reading from his favorite translation, let's say a KJV - and you are reading from your favorite translation, let's say the NASB - and the person on your left is reading from an NIV translation - and the person on your right is reading from a NKJV translation - and the guy in front of you is reading a Holman translation - with the guy behind you reading from a Good News Bible or a Message paraphrase Bibles.   

Put it all together and you get Greek!   When that happens to me, I get so confused that I just stop reading and try to listen.

One way I have seen that "Greek speaking" problem solved was to project the Scripture passage on the screen or wall so that we all were reading from the same translation - and you will be amazed at how the volume and joy of reading together rose to a new height. 

But, which Bible translation to choose for your own personal study and for use in your worship services is a matter of choice.  The main goal is to encourage everyone to be in God's Word daily.

Personally, I often use different translations.  In my studies and in my writings I use the NASB and NKJV most often.  But, when the NIV or the KJV better illustrates the point I want to make, I will use one of them. 

However I will stay away from the paraphrase versions of the Bible, such as the Good News Bible, The Message, and similar paraphrases.  While paraphrase versions can be useful to get the gist of a Scripture verse or passage, I would never use nor recommend them for serious Bible study.   I view paraphrase versions as being more similar to commentaries than to Bible translations.

There are basically three schools of translation, and the one you choose depends upon what you want to accomplish.   These are the F
ormal Equivalence, Dynamic Equivalence, and the paraphrase.

Are you doing a serious study of God's Word?   If so, you should stick with the Formal Equivalence Bibles which are "word-for-word" translations.  The KJV (King James), NKJV (New King James), and NASB (New American Standard Bible) translations fall into this category.  The Holman would probably fall into this group also.

Or, are you are looking for a Bible translation which offers God's Written Word, but in a more readable style of English?  If so, you will find the Dynamic Equivalence translations which are "thought-for-thought" translations to be more to your liking.  Examples are the NIV (New International Version) and NAB (New American Bible).
The third category - paraphrase - is not really a translation.  It is more akin to a commentary.  Basically, the writer takes a Bible translation and writes, in his own words, what HE believes the original writer meant.  That description better fits a commentary than a Bible translation.

All of this is an introduction to this series of short videos taken
from the series entitled, "Which English Translation of The Bible is best for Christians to Use Today?  Is the King James Version of the Bible the only perfect translation today?"   This series was published on Oct 14, 2011.

John Ankerberg Show (KJV vs New Translations)

I pray you find these videos helpful. 

God bless, Bill