Friday, September 22, 2017

How Should We View The Homosexual Lifestyle?

Over the past decade we have seen an unprecedented effort by the LGBTQ community and the Liberal activists to make the homosexual lifestyle the new "norm" in America and around the world.  No one, not even non-believers, can deny that the Bible, God's Word, clearly defines the homosexual lifestyle as being the antithesis of God's Word and His teaching.  Yet these groups want to put their desires and their beliefs above the moral and traditional family and sexual relationship established by God from the Creation. 

They want to adapt the Bible to fit their fleshly desires - instead of adapting their lives to fit God's design and teaching.

Below is a blog I posted on the TimesDaily Religion Forum, my Facebook Notes, and in my Friends Ministry eNewsletter in September 2013.  I have edited and updated it from the original, but have not changed the actual dialogue:

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How Should We View Homosexuals - As The Prehistoric People Did, Or With Realistic Knowledge?

September 22, 2013 at 3:29am

On the TimesDaily Religion Forum,
a Forum Friend, Kate Colombo, began a new discussion by posting a link to an article titled "The Muxes of Mexico: Inside The Community Where Cross-dressing Has Been Accepted Since The Time Of The Aztecs.”   The article begins:
"Far from being marginalized or persecuted, the homosexuals of the 'pueblo oaxacaqueno de Juchitan' in southern Mexico, with their striking dress and intricate makeup, are revered and have been since the time of the Aztecs."

My Forum Friend quotes from the article, "Each family has a Muxes.  Interesting that one says his family made him that way."

Having a homosexual, transgender, cross dresser, etc., in a family, in Mexico or in America, is not the norm - but, is, by far, the exception.  That is especially true in America where homosexuals are less that 2% of the 313.9 million (2012) population of America.

In the Fox News U.S. - Associated Press article p
ublished April 07, 2011, and titled "Demographer: Us Has 4M Adults Who Identify As Gay"  ( we read:

SAN FRANCISCO — How many gay men and lesbians are there in the United States?  Gary Gates has an idea but acknowledges pinpointing a solid figure remains an elusive task.

Gates is demographer-in-residence at the Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy, a think tank based at the University of California, Los Angeles.  For the institute's 10th anniversary this week, he took a scholarly stab at answering the question that has been debated, avoided, parsed, and proven both insoluble and political since pioneering sex researcher Alfred Kinsey said in the 1940s that 10 percent of the men he surveyed were "predominantly homosexual."

Gates' best estimate, derived from five studies that have asked subjects about their sexual orientation, is that the nation has about 4 million adults who identify as being gay or lesbian, representing 1.7 percent of the 18-and-over population.

And, if we look at the total population of America: 313.9 million (2012) - that 4 million gays
really represents only 1.27% of the American population - not 1.7% as stated in the article.

Why is that tiny minority able to change the laws of marriage for all Americans?  One reason is that we have a liberal president, Obama, who is pro-gay; and we have a liberal Senate which is pro-gay, and we have many pro-gay liberals in the House of Representatives, Congress.

Add to that the Liberal Theology churches that deny the Written Word of God, the Bible, which tells us that the homosexual lifestyle is an abomination.  These Liberal Theology churches declare the homosexual lifestyle to be the new societal norm.  In other words, they throw out God's Word - and replace it with Society's Word.

Now back to the
Daily Mail UK article published: September 2013 titled "The Muxes of Mexico: Inside The Community Where Cross-dressing Has Been Accepted Since The Time Of The Aztecs” - that article does not go back far enough.

Actually, homosexuality goes back to early Old Testament days.  An example is Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 13ff), and that lifestyle was prevalent in New Testament days, especially in Rome.   Many historians attribute Rome's corrupt sexual lifestyle to being a contributing factor in the fall of Rome.

In prehistoric times, when the people we now call Indians (a misnomer attributed to Columbus) migrated from Siberia, across the Bering bridge, into North America (Alaska) - and then, over thousands of years, migrated down into all of North and South America - there were homosexuals and bisexuals.  Although all Native American nations, with their varying languages, had different words for the homosexual; a common name and one used by anthropologist is the word "berdache" which basically meant "two spirits."

Those people we now call Native Americans, even from the first of them to cross the Bering bridge in prehistoric days - did not understand the homosexual.  In their superstitions and pantheistic religions they believed this "two spirit" person to have special spiritual abilities.  Because of these superstitions and their misguided "the earth and all things in it are God" religion, i.e., pantheism - the homosexual often became medicine men/women, or some other set apart spiritual functionary.  All of this was basically because these early Americans knew these people were different - and, in their simple, superstitious religions - gave them special treatment.

In our society, culture, and Christian environment today we know it is not a "two spirit" problem.  Instead it is a psychological disorder brought on by family environments and societal pressures.

My Forum Friend tells us of the article, "Interesting that one says his family made him that way." 

And, that agrees with what I just wrote or alluded to above - that the LGBTQ person is not born that way - but is a product of a fallen society.  All people are born with the innate desire to sin (Adamic Sin Nature) - but at birth that child is like a clean whiteboard where no one has written on it yet.  That is the newborn baby, clean and pure - but with an innate predisposition toward sin.

But very soon the family environment, society, peer pressures, etc., begin to write on that clean whiteboard, that innocent life - and what is written there will mostly determine what that child becomes as an adult.  From a Christian point of view, that is why it is so important that young children be exposed to a Christian family and church fellowship environment.

In my personal experience, I have been blessed to watch young children, as young as three year old and older, faithfully exposed to Family Bible Studies - and watch them grow into productive Christian adults.  At this moment I am thinking of two beautiful young sisters, 3 and 5 years old, whose mother faithfully brought them to our Bible studies. 

Both are now young adults, both have graduated from Christian based colleges, and both are effective Christian witnesses.  They are a story I will share later.  But, they are a great examples that if we expose our children to the right environment - they will grow into the kind of adults we all want our children to be when they go into the world.

We are not to hate or dislike the homosexual.  We are not to ostracize the homosexual.  But, we are not to do as the early Indian tribes did in their pantheistic superstitions and religions - and make special provisions, special laws just for the homosexual and LGBTQ community.

That is reverse discrimination against the heterosexual and Christian majority of our nation who still live traditional lifestyles - in favor of those who have chosen an aberrant lifestyle - if we choose to make special laws just for them.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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