Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Church And The Homosexual Community!

ONE YEAR AGO, I posted this video on Facebook and reviewing it today - I feel an urgency to share it again.   With all the Liberal and Secular animosity toward our Christian faith - we in the church need to be very clear about what the Bible teaches us regarding viewing and relating to those in the Gay/Homosexual communities - and how we share that knowledge. 

It should never be a matter of hatred, bigotry, nor exclusion.  The issue should always be considered through the perspective and light of the Bible.   What does the Jesus Christ and the Bible say about sin?  Not just homosexual sin - but all sin.  And, that is what this pastor and panel of speakers is clearly telling us so well in this video. 

Basically, it all boils down to the fact that we ALL are sinners.  Believers are only "forgiven sinners."   And, a person who is "actively" living a sin lifestyle ~ any sin lifestyle ~ should not be a church leader:  pastor, elder, deacon, teacher, etc.   That is where some Liberal denominations have gone astray - in looking the other way to allow the appointing of people they like to leadership roles, i.e., bishop, pastor, etc., in denominations and local church fellowships.

That is wrong.  And, it harms the people they supposedly are trying to protect.  Can you imagine telling your son that it is okay to steal money, to cheat on tests at school, or to molest and harm an innocent young lady?  Now, imagine how you would feel when he has been arrested for those crimes (sins) and looks at you and asks, "Dad, why did you tell me it was okay?  Why did you tell me that no one would mind?  And, now I am going to prison because I listened to you!"  

Now, imagine millions of folks standing before Jesus Christ in judgment - and their only defense is, "My pastor told me it was not wrong" - or - "My church denomination assured me that You would not mind that I lived an active homosexual lifestyle!"  

And, Jesus Christ can only say, "I gave you a full revelation of what the Father wants from you.  It was all written in your Bible.  Why did you not follow the Father's Word - instead of other men?  I am sorry, it is too late now."

Imagine that conversation.  And, then promise yourself that YOU will NOT mislead others into believing that sin lifestyles are acceptable to God.  Promise yourself that YOU will only share the true Word of God with people - the full Word of God and not some society-altered version.   

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Bill Gray:  
August 17, 2015 at 4:34pm

THIS PASTOR IN THIS VIDEO EXPLAINS WELL what most of us in the Christian community have long shared:  God loves everyone.  God made salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, available to everyone.  God does not want anyone to be lost.

However, God gave all mankind the gift of "free will" - the ability to either follow Him or to deny Him.  We are all sinners, Christian believers are only "forgiven sinners."

The issue, as this pastor explains, is not what sexual inclinations or desires one might have, i.e., straight, gay, bisexual, etc. - but what one does with those sexual desires.  In Genesis 2 God defines and ordains marriage as a union between a man and his wife, i.e., between a man and a woman.  Sexual relationships in that context are blessed by God.

All other sexual relationships - straight, gay, bisexual, etc. - are forbidden by God and are considered sin, disobedience to God's will.

If a person chooses to live an "active sin lifestyle" - ANY sin lifestyle - that person is not a Christian believer for he/she is choosing to live a lifestyle which is the antithesis, the opposite, of a Christian lifestyle.

Can a professional killer be a Christian?  No, but a person who turns from that lifestyle CAN be a Christian.

Can a person who is a professional bank robber be a Christian?  No, but a person who turns from that lifestyle CAN be a Christian.

Can a person who is living in a Same-Sex Marriage or living an active promiscuous gay lifestyle be a Christian?   No. But a person who turns from that lifestyle CAN be a Christian.

And, I believe that is what this pastor is teaching.   God does not judge us because of our desires, be they sexual, stealing, killing, lying, etc.  He judges us by what we do with those desires.  That is His gift of "free will" - the ability to turn from what society calls "normal" or "right" - and to turn to what God, in His Written Word, the Bible, tells us is right.

Can I Follow Jesus And Be Gay?

I pray that you will choose to share this with all within your Circle of Influence, all your FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors).   The cost of not sharing it can be too high.  The cost of not sharing it could reach into your family, your friends, your church, your community - with negative results.  

Let's all tell people, all people, that God loves them - and because God loves them, we love them.

And, we love them too much to not tell them they are on the wrong path.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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