Thursday, June 6, 2024

What Do Barack Obama And George Wallace Have In Common? ~ They Are Both Racists!


BELIEVE IT OR NOT, America's first black president, Barack Obama - is trying to be the next George Wallace! Yes, Barack Obama (the president who could never find his own birth certificate) has realized (or maneuvered) that his puppet, Joe Biden, will not be able to successfully run in the 2024 Election.

And knowing that virtually all Americans do not want to see America further embarrassed by Cackling Kamala as the next Democratic presidential candidate - Obama is starting the subtle campaign to push his wife, Angry Michelle, as the next Democrat Party candidate for president.

In other words, "Barack Obama Is Trying To Emulate George Wallace! He Is Trying To Be The NEXT George Wallace!"

Racism, Racial Division, most frequently has come from two sources. And the following is my worldview of racial discrimination.

First, it grew in America in the 1600s to 1800s, costing over 600,000 American lives in the Civil War of 1861-1865. But over the next 100 years or so, thanks to a booster shot given it by President Eisenhower in 1957, the Civil Rights condition in America began to turn around. Racially divided schools became integrated, discrimination laws were enacted, and other changes were slowly making America more the land of freedom, for all people. I grew up in Alabama in the 1940s/50s and saw segregation and prejudice first hand. I praise God I was not raised in a home where prejudice and racism were practiced. But in hindsight I can see that racial discrimination, starting back in the early days of slavery in the l600s, was an evil passed on from parents to children, over and over again.

That is what kept it alive throughout the 18th, 19th, and most of the 20th century - parents who, as children, had learned this evil in their homes - then passed it on to their children, those children to their children - and the cycle continued. Were these bad people? No! Most were not, just folks who had heard, parroted, and accepted racial prejudice as normal in their homes and communities. They were just folks who did not know how to break the cycle.

President Eisenhower began to break that cycle when he signed the
Civil Rights Act of 1957, the first civil rights legislation since the Post-Civil War Reconstruction period (1865 to 1877). And he sent Federal Troops to protect the Little Rock Nine, a group of nine African American students, enrolled in Little Rock Central High School in 1957.

Second, and I believe most prevalent in America during my lifetime, racial division is used to gain political power - primarily by the Democratic Party.  One of the most flagrant abusers of that evil was George Wallace, the Democratic Governor of Alabama in the 1960s when racial tension ran high, fueled in a large part by Wallace himself, who nurtured it for political gain.  In his gubernatorial campaign, his campaign slogan was
"Segregation Now, Segregation Tomorrow, Segregation Forever."  

In my heart and mind, George Wallace was pure evil, for he was willing to sacrifice a large portion of the population of Alabama - for political purposes, power, and gain.  He was an expert at playing to that familial inbred racism, i.e., parent to child cycle, which had nurtured it for centuries.  Believe it or not, George Wallace was a greater embarrassment to me than our current Cackling Kamala!
When Wallace's term as governor ended and he could run no more - he pushed his wife, Lurleen, to the forefront, getting her elected governor of Alabama.  That made him Governor-in-fact.

Much like George Wallace making Lurleen his front puppet - I believe Barack Obama is subtly working on the same plan for the 2024 Election - get rid of Joe Biden and present his wife, Angry Michelle, as the best candidate to run against President Trump.  It is my opinion, and you can watch her current interviews and press meetings to verify what I believe is their intention - that Obama wants to get his wife elected - so that he can be President-in-fact. 

BARACK OBAMA has become the next GEORGE WALLACE!

Barack Obama has been the Master Puppeteer behind Joe Biden, how much more would he be behind his own wife, Angry Michelle?

Democrat George Wallace ran in the 1968 United States Presidential Election as the candidate for the American Independent Party against Richard Nixon, Republican, and Hubert Humphrey, Democrat.  Wallace did not expect to win the election, his strategy was to prevent either major party candidate from winning a majority in the Electoral College.

This would throw the election into the House of Representatives, where Wallace had influence and believed he would have bargaining power sufficient to determine, or at least strongly influence, the selection of the next president.  Personally, in hindsight, I believe I see the old Adversary guiding George Wallace's actions.  Who would you guess is guiding Barack Obama's actions?

Can you picture Barack Obama (with great disdain for whites) - standing shoulder to shoulder with George Wallace (with great disdain for blacks) - pushing Angry Michelle Obama to be president?

And just like George Wallace was fighting to spread Racial Discrimination for political gain, Obama has been, and is, copying Wallace's game plan.  George against Blacks - Obama against Whites.  There is no difference!

In the video below, Candace Owens shares her candid thoughts on how the Leftist Democrats have, for almost two centuries, lied to and used the black communities to keep them voting Democrat.  It is time to change all that - for I don't believe any American wants to give Barack Obama a third term in office hiding behind Angry Michelle's petty coat.  I urge you to watch this short 4-minute video:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Candace Owens: The Left Uses Racism to Control Black America
PragerU 4-Minute Video - February 17, 2020

Candace Owens speaking TRUTH! It's time for Black America to leave the Left.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And then I urge you to:




God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

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