Sunday, May 19, 2024

Who Would YOU Believe?

WHO WOULD YOU BELIEVE? ~ One of America's greatest presidents?  An over-the-hill porn star?   Or a lawyer (don't laugh, I know this is a rhetorical question)?

Joe Biden is working day and night to destroy America.  All America knows that the only man today who is best prepared to save America is President Trump.  And the Leftist Democrats also know this - and it scares the devil out of them (if only that were possible!). 

Just as they did in the 2016 and 2020 elections - they will keep creating and spreading false claims and accusations, doing every underhanded and evil deed they can imagine - in their politically motivated attempt to blacken President Trump's character and reputation.

Now they are using an over-the-hill porn star and a questionable lawyer (why are you smiling?) in their attack on President Trump's character - screaming, "Trump paid hush money to the porn star!"  In their Leftist dominated court room with a Far Left judge presiding, whose son is a fund raiser for the Democratic Party - they accuse President Trump of paying hush money.  But they have not presented ANY evidence that he has actually committed a crime!

Just for the record, let's take a look at the Democrats' record in that arena of possible payoff funds and actual crimes.

1. Who remembers the Chappaquiddick incident When Senator Ted Kennedy was coming home from a late night party with a young woman in his car who was not his wife?   Seemed to have run in the family.  On July 18, 1969, 28 year old Mary Jo Kopechne died in a car driven off a bridge by U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy after leaving a party. 

Could alcohol have been involved in the wreck?  Kennedy was so afraid of having a black mark against his name and record - that he left Mary Jo to drown in his car submerged in water, without trying to help her - while he ran away looking for a way to hide his crime.  How much Hush Money changed hands in that incident?

2.  Let's look back some years, married Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt - had a mistress in Georgia.  In 1944 he died of a heart attack at the home of his mistress in Georgia.  That was before Viagra, so he must have been working pretty hard.  How much Hush Money changed hands in that incident?

3.  Democratic President John Kennedy and his brother, Democratic Attorney General Robert Kennedy - were very open and active womanizers, probably the worst we have ever had in the White House.  John Kennedy was even sharing a mistress, Judith Exner, with a New York Mafia boss, Sam Giancana.  Exner, while a mistress of President John F. Kennedy - was quoted Sunday as saying she carried both money and intelligence data between Kennedy and Chicago mobster Sam Giancana ”on at least 20 occasions” (Oct 7, 1991).

No security problems there! 
Not sure if the Kennedys paid Hush Money then, for they were flagrant in their adulterous activities - in Hollywood and in Washington DC.

4.  Remember Democratic President Billy Bob Clinton?  I believe he tried to out-womanize JFK, for he had women coming from every corner accusing him of rape and womanizing, both while governor of Arkansas and as president. 

Do you remember Monica Lewinsky, the 22 year old White House intern who Democratic President Bill Clinton use to hide under his desk where she proceeded to pay her oral sexual homage to the great man - or the other times he admitted to using a cigar on her as a sexual toy. 

I wonder how often she was hiding under his desk during meetings where he was discussing key and possibly secret security information with top echelon people in his administration?

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Now let's look at who took America into our many wars.

1. Democratic President Woodrow Wilson took America into World War 1.

2. Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt took America into World War 2.

3. Democratic President Harry Truman took America into the Korean War.

4. Democratic President John Kennedy took America into the Vietnam War.

5. Democratic President Lyndon Johnson greatly escalated the Vietnam War - sending hundreds of thousands more Americans into Vietnam. That was after his sincere (smile, smile) and adamant campaign promise in the 1964 Presidential Election campaign than he would NOT escalate the war. 

Right after taking office, he flooded Vietnam with American military personnel - 58,000 were killed in that war that Johnson was not going to escalate!

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Moving on, we all know that Democratic President Bill Clinton was so busy trying to beat JFK's record for illicit affairs - that he had no time to take us into a war.  However his sexual dalliances were so blatant that even grade school kids were asking, "What is oral sex?" when they should have been concentrating on their academic curriculum.

And let's not forget about our greatest FAKE president, Barry Obama!  Democratic President Obama, could never prove he was born in America (a Constitutional requirement for being president) - and the Democratic Party spent millions of dollars hiding all his records, even to this day. 

How could Obama, whose grandparents were middle class Kansas folks, his mother a college student in Hawaii, his father a Muslim from Kenya, and his step-father a Muslim from Indonesia  - afford to attend two of the most expensive colleges in America: Columbia University and Harvard University.  Wonder where that money came from to allow him to attend those very expensive colleges - without working?

He said he got a Harvard law degree and and he claimed to have been a law professor at Harvard.  But he never practiced law - and NO ONE has ever come forward to verify that he was their law professor.   Hmmm?   A professor MUST publish peer-approved books, articles, and other publications.  Where are Obamas?  Google "books written by Barack Obama" - and this is what you will find.

You will find that he has only written three autobiographical books:  "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance" (2004 when he was being prepped to run for president) -  'The Audacity of Hope' (during the 2008 presidential campaign) - and "A Promised Land" (2020 when he is hoping to run Michelle as president in 2024, making him the de facto president, like George Wallace did with his wife, Lurlene, in Alabama). 

Where are Obama's "law professor peer-approved" books and publications which all professors must publish?

And when Obama did get into the White House, by hook or by crook - his first international travel was to Saudi Arabia.  Why there?  So he could address his Muslim brothers and assure them, from a public platform, that America is NO LONGER a Christian nation.  Hmmm?  When did America become a Secular Nation like Russia?

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In conclusion, how is America's Economy faring under the Leftist Democratic Administration of Joe Biden?

In California, Democratic presidential hopeful and California governor, Gavin Newsom, can claim this:  SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - California-based 99 Cents Only Stores said Friday it will close all 371 of its outlets, ending the chain's 42-year run of selling an assortment of bargain-basement merchandise - c
iting Covid, Inflation, and Product Theft - all products of Leftist Democratic Policies.   

So far in 2024, "Family Dollar" has closed 620 locations throughout the country.  Coming in second is the "Rue21" department stores is closing 543 stores - Followed by "99 Cents Only Stores" with 371 closures - and "CVS Health" closing 315 stores 3 days ago.  How many jobs lost?  How many middle and low income families are looking for other places to shop?

Well known and loved Red Lobster is closing at least 99 locations nationwide.

Gee, I wonder if the new law signed last September by California Gov. Gavin Newsom, i.e., California Assembly Bill 1287, is seen in all states as a Red Flag for fast food restaurants and other stores catering to middle and low income families?  Newsom's new law includes a $20 per hour minimum wage for fast-food workers and a fast-food regulatory council which has the authority to raise the industry's minimum wage annually (Apr 24, 2024).

In conclusion, where do we see Leftist Democrats spending all their time and efforts?  Are they working on securing our borders?  NO!  Are they working to bring down Inflation to help all American families?  NO!  Are they working to help our Law Enforcement and First Responder Organizations combat the Crime Wave which has flourished during the Biden Administration?  NO!  Are they working on ways to help America's many homeless, especially our homeless veterans?  NO!

So what are the Leftist Democrats doing?  They are spending 90% of their time attempting to blacken the character of and convict President Donald Trump of false charges - and the other 10% of their time they spend trying to keep Old Joe Biden awake and to cover up his many gaffes - while Cackling Kamala is taking a public platform to tell America's youth to "Kick the F- - - - - - doors down!"  In a public forum and on national television!

Oh, and by the way, both Old Joe and Cackling Kamala are spending a lot of time and effort promoting their first priority, Abortion, to allow more "Murder by Abortion" of Americans' unborn and newly born babies, our future citizens.  Kind of reminds me of the way that Hitler's goons were promoting his effort to "Murder by Gas" all of our Jewish friends during World War 2.

Folks, this is a lot to consider, but if YOU want a better and more secure America for your families today - and a more secure future for your children and grandchildren - YOU will think long and hard about these facts - and - YOU WILL vote for President Trump in November 2024.

God bless America,

Bill Gray 
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