Saturday, June 29, 2024

For Years I Have Read The "Grace In Focus" Magazine - But!

FOR YEARS I HAVE READ THE "GRACE IN FOCUS" MAGAZINE ~ Published by the Grace Evangelical Society, aka, Free Grace Movement.  And while I have many Christian brethren and Friends who worship in Free Grace churches, and are just as saved as me - I have never been able to agree with them completely. 

I love the articles in this magazine, I learn from them, yet there remains a couple of teachings and/or actions which I cannot fully digest.  I will say this to all my believing Friends, "I highly recommend the Grace in Focus magazine for your Christian and even leisurely reading."

Today, while eating breakfast I was reading the latest issue of Grace in Focus and the article "Is The Forgiveness Of Sins Equivalent To Everlasting Life?"  caught my attention.  It was written by Mike Lii, a finance attorney and a member of the Grace Evangelical Society Board of Directors.  As I was reading Mike's article, it suddenly dawned on me the root of my disagreement with the Free Grace teaching.

But first let me digress a wee bit.  During my 50 year career in the computer industry, I traveled a lot.  To the point that hotel rooms became more like home to me than did my actual home.  And often when I would have repeat visits to the same hotel and had found a specific room I liked - in making reservations I asked for that room.   Thomas Wolfe may have written the novel, "You Can't Go Home Again" - but in my hotel homes I was proving him wrong.

Traveling meant eating in restaurants, or room service in my rooms, and when I came home from a trip, being single I ate in restaurants.  So on the road or at home - I ate in restaurants.  Eating alone in restaurants, no matter how elegant or upscale, became boring - so I came with a good book to read during my meal. 

I remember a funny incident that happened years ago while I was reading and eating.  A lady walked by, stopped, and asked with that "Hi there, big boy" smile, "What are you reading?"  I smiled at her and replied, "It is 'The Life of Jesus'."  Her smile disappeared and she walked quickly away.

You can see how, after a while, I chose to eat most of my dinners in my hotel room while watching television, and then go for a walk.  And restaurant eating is why I was forced to learn to cook at home.

What was my favorite room service meal?  I would have to say that a Reuben sandwich with french fries, a bowl of fresh fruit, and a pot of coffee was number one on my dining list.

"Bill, why have you begun a blog addressing the Grace in Focus magazine, Free Grace Movement, faith, repentance, believing in Christ, and forgiveness of sins - and then switch over to a Reuben sandwich?"   I thought you would never ask!

In the Free Grace churches they teach we are saved by Faith, but without repentance.  To me, when I was saved by Faith in Jesus Christ, Repentance was an integral part of my Faith.  That would be like diving into a lake to swim, but not getting wet.  Can't be done!  Getting wet is an integral part of diving into the lake.  Just as Repentance is an integral part of being saved by Faith Alone.

And today reading the article
"Is The Forgiveness Of Sins Equivalent To Everlasting Life?" it suddenly dawned on me why I have never been fully able to accept the teachings of the Free Grace Movement.   Why?  They insist upon taking the teachings of the Bible and dissecting it down to the bare bones - then claiming the bare bone as the Gospel.

They do not separate the chicken or the egg - they insist upon taking the chicken apart instead and making that their doctrine.

In the article,
"Is The Forgiveness Of Sins Equivalent To Everlasting Life?"  - Mike Lii argues for separating "Believing in Christ" - "Forgiveness of Sins" - and "Eternal Life" - as being separate issues.   While to me, when by Faith I believed in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, All my sins were forgiven, and I had His Promise of Eternal Life.  That is one integral package:  Faith, Believing, Forgiven Sins, Eternal Life. 

Just as the Reuben Sandwich is made with corned beef on rye bread, topped with Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, and Russian dressing - then put on the grill and melted until the corned beef, cheese, sauerkraut, Russian dressing, and bread become ONE tasty meal ~ Salvation is one integral package:  Faith, Believing, Forgiven Sins, Eternal Life.   There is no such thing as Believing in Christ without forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

One last thought.  It seems to me that Bob Wilkin spends more effort arguing against John MacArthur, than against Satan!  I know, that is an exaggeration  - but that is often the feeling I get in reading his blogs and articles.  I read them because they are very worthwhile, but I would get more from them if he left John MacArthur at home.

I spent about 35 years in computer systems sales and marketing - and one practice which gave me success was ~ When with a prospective customer, tell him all the good features of your product and how it will fulfill his needs.  Do Not spend all your time knocking down your competitor.

If you have a great product, which we do - since our Eternal Life Doctrines are based upon our Bible - we do not need to spend a great deal of time downgrading the competition, but should spend all our time telling and showing folks what a great God and Savior we have in Jesus Christ. 

Let me close by suggesting that, if you do not already subscribe to the Grace in Focus magazine, DO IT!  If is FREE (great price).  

"It is
a free bimonthly publication, is filled with easy-to-follow topical and exegetical articles dealing with the Gospel and assurance.  The articles are both informative and motivational.  Many find the articles so helpful that readers file them for future use."  (This was copied from their Subscribe web site, but I agree)

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

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