Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Truth About Planned Parenthood And All Abortion Providers

Hi to all my Friends,

In about 16 months, November 3, 2020, God and our fellow Americans will be asking us to go to the Voting Polls and use our votes to stand for Conservative Values across America.  Will you join your fellow Conservative Americans and VOTE - or will you stay home and allow the Secular Moral Values of the Liberal Left continue to suck the life blood and moral decency from the foundation of our Christian nation, the traditional family. 

One of the most important issues which we will be indirectly voting on in 2020 will be Abortion - and the Liberal Left's desire to continue legally funding cruel abortion murders of innocent babies, pre-born and born alive.

In this blog which I have titled "The Truth About Planned Parenthood And All Abortion Providers" - and in the associated video below, you will hear a woman, Priscilla Smith, from Yale Law School defending Planned Parenthood and Abortion, declaring D&E Dismemberment Abortion to be humane.   To me that is like comparing a guillotine beheading to nicking yourself shaving.

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For ease of reading and clarity I have copy/pasted the text of the associated article here:

Dismembering Living Unborn Babies Is ‘Very Humane’
Planned Parenthood Backer Tells Congress

(LifeSiteNews (dot) com/opinion)

September 11, 2015 (Live Action News) -- This week, the Congressional Judiciary Committee conducted its first hearing on the investigation of Planned Parenthood.

Titled “Planned Parenthood Exposed: Examining the Horrific Abortion Practices at the Nation’s Largest Abortion Provider” - this first hearing included four witnesses, one of which was Ms. Priscilla Smith, a Director and Senior Fellow at the Program for the Study of Reproductive Justice at Yale Law School.  Her comments before the committee were truly horrifying.

During the questioning period, Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte read from Justice Kennedy’s dissent in the U.S. Supreme Court Stenberg v. Carhart decision. Kennedy had quoted the testimony of Dr. Leroy Carhart, a famed and brutal late-term abortionist.

Carhart testified that he had personally “observed fetal heartbeat” on an ultrasound screen, even after substantial portions of the baby had been dismembered and pulled apart.  This type of abortion is known as a D&E abortion, or a “dismemberment abortion,” as the baby is literally torn and ripped apart, limb from torso.

Carhart’s testimony continued:  "The fetus in many cases dies, just as a human adult or child would.  It bleeds to death."

Bill Gray Note:  He neglected to add that the baby also experiences great pain as it is dying from the abortion.

After reading this (to Priscilla Smith), Rep. Goodlatte asked Ms. Smith:  "Do you believe this is a humane way to die?"

At first, Smith attempted to distinguish between abortions on viable and non-viable babies, but Goodlatte reminded her that Justice Kennedy had written of a baby whose arm was pulled off in an attempted D&E abortion, but was later born alive and lived.

Smith still reverted back to discussing only “pre-viable” babies.  Incidentally, the majority of D&E abortions are indeed performed on pre-viable babies, as they are performed all throughout the second trimester, yet viability does not change the horror of ripping apart a living human baby.

In a chillingly horrifying statement, Smith finally answered:  "Yes, a D&E procedure is a very humane procedure…"

As an abortion activist with decades of experience, Smith is fully aware of exactly what happens during a D&E abortion.  And yet she easily declares that it is “humane.”

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Bill Gray Note:  Viability, as the word has been used in United States constitutional law since Roe v. Wade, is the potential of the fetus to survive outside the uterus after birth, natural or induced, when supported by up-to-date medicine.  From a clinical perspective, a viable pregnancy is one in which the baby can be born and have a reasonable chance of survival.  By contrast, a nonviable pregnancy is one in which the fetus or baby has no chance of being born alive. (Nov 4, 2018 - Wikipedia).  

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Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortion doctor, described D&E abortions for the general public:

A second-trimester D&E abortion is a blind procedure.  The baby can be in any orientation or position inside the uterus.  Picture yourself reaching in with the Sopher clamp and grasping anything (any body part) you can.  At twenty weeks’ gestation, the uterus is thin and soft, so be careful not to perforate or puncture the walls. 

Bill Gray Note:  It is okay to kill the baby, but don't harm the mother's uterus.  How about we do not harm either?

Once you have grasped something inside, squeeze on the clamp to set the jaws and pull hard – really hard.  You feel something let go, and out pops a fully formed leg, about 4 to 5 inches long.  Reach in again and grasp whatever you can.  Set the jaw and pull really hard once again, and out pops an arm about the same length.  Reach in again and again with that clamp, and tear out the spine, intestines, heart, and lungs.

The toughest part of a D&E abortion is extracting the baby’s head
.  The head of a baby that age is about the size of a plum and is now free-floating inside the uterine cavity.  You can be pretty sure you have hold of it if the Sopher clamp is spread about as far as your fingers will allow.  You will know you have it right when you crush down on the clamp and see a pure white gelatinous material issue from the cervix.  That was the baby’s brains.  You can then extract the skull pieces.  If you have a really bad day like I often did, a little face may come out and stare back at you.

Congratulations! You have just successfully performed a Suction D&E abortion.

That’s humane?

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One of the witnesses in this Congressional Hearing is Gianna Jessen who survived a Saline Abortion attempt and was born alive on April 6, 1977.  I personally saw this young lady speak in person as a young teen, and heard her sing glory to God for her life.  Like the D&E Abortion, Saline Abortion is another inhumane method of performing abortions - where the saline solution is injected into the womb, using the acidic saline solution to burn the baby alive.  

The New York Times wrote regarding Saline Abortion:  "One doctor who 'conscientiously performs' saline abortions stated,  'When you inject the saline, you often see an increase in fetal movements.  It's horrible.'   Delivery occurs 24 to 48 hours after the fetus dies."

How can any method of abortion, ripping a baby apart or burning it alive in acidic saline solution, be considered humane - by any civilized human being?

Watch this video, then share it with your FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors).  In doing this, you may save the life of a baby - and the life of even one baby is worth all the effort we can muster to put a stop to all Infanticide, i.e., legalized murder of babies via abortion.

Chairman Goodlatte Question To Priscilla Smith, Minority Witness

I apologize for having to put such issues before you.  But just imagine your joy, and the joy of  God, if you can be instrumental in the saving the life of even one precious baby.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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