Friday, June 21, 2019

The Revelation Record - Revealed!

WHILE ALL BOOKS OF THE BIBLE ARE IMPORTANT  ~  To me, the three key cornerstone books of Scripture are Genesis, John, and Revelation. 

Genesis is the beginning, setting the foundation of the Bible, God's Written Word, His complete revelation to man.  John tells us of God's plan of salvation for fallen man. 

The book of Revelation tells us step by step how God will first rescue His church, His bride, His worldwide body of believers before destruction falls upon the earth.  And Revelation tells us how God the Father will rescue the remnant of His chosen people, Israel, who had become His harlot wife - but through the Refiner's Fire (Malachi 3:2) of Tribulation the remnant of Israel will be raised in eternal glory.

And, as you and I know, the book which many pastors will not teach, which many folks tend to avoid in their Bible studies - is the book of Revelation.  Why?  Many are convinced that it is a confusing book of symbolisms, metaphors, and myths - intended to "scare the hell" out of us.  Far from the truth.  True, the book of Revelation does have its share of symbolisms and metaphors, but none of it is mythical.  It is God's revelation to man telling how He will end Satan's reign of fear, temptation, and sin - for all time - and usher in His plan of eternal life for all who will believe. 

Those who believe in this life will spend an eternity of joyful celebration in His presence.  Those who end this life still denying Him will spend eternity outside the loving presence of God, which can only be called hell.

Dr. Henry M. Morris, late founder of The Institute for Creation Research, was author of many books and Bible commentaries intended to help us better understand God's Users' Manual, the Bible.  In my opinion, his three most important books are:

The Genesis Record: A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings

The Revelation Record:
A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Prophetic Book of the End of Times

The Henry Morris Study Bible:
Apologetics Commentary and Explanatory Notes from the "Father of Modern Creationism"

Since the book of Revelation tends to be the one which causes most folks concern, I want to share this very valuable study tool with you.  I have Dr. Morris' book "The Revelation Record" in my personal library and have used it over and over in my study of End Times Prophecies.  Next to the Bible, it is one of my most cherished books.  And when God makes it possible, one day I will be able to afford to have these other two great books in my library.

To make your time of study in the book of Revelation and the End Times Prophecies more profitable, you will want to download and bookmark this online version of Dr. Morris' book, The Revelation Record.  This book is a verse-by-verse commentary on the book of Revelation.  When you open the link below in your browser, it will give you a page by page index of the book, opening with:


The Revelation Record was undertaken only after many years of study and teaching in this remarkable and climactic book of the Holy Scriptures, the last book of the Bible.  Even as promised in the opening verses of the book (Revelation 1:3), it has proved to be of great personal blessing, and I hope the results of this present study will also be of benefit and blessing to others who may read it.

Scientists do not often write expositions of Revelation, but the book is so full of allusions to natural phenomena that this lack of scientific attention is surprising.  Consequently, what might seem at first to be an unlikely background may actually, I hope, be helpful toward filling a real need.

Since so many previous writers have published studies on the Book of Revelation, the reader has a right to know what else, if anything, is different about this commentary.  In addition to the scientific flavor associated with the many natural phenomena and physical events described in Revelation, I have tried to emphasize the physical reality of the great events recounted in the book.  The Book of Revelation is not a theological treatise but an actual record of the final phases of world history, when the mighty King of Creation undertakes to finish the work He began long ago.

I have set an icon on my computer desktop so that I can quickly open the book and begin reading at the home page.  As you step through the pages, with verse-by-verse commentary, you will soon become familiar with the location of key verses, i.e., I know that page 27 explains Revelation 4:1 which is a type of pretribulational Rapture of the church.

So, click the link below and begin, or continue more effectively, your study of Revelation and End Times Prophecies.

The Revelation Record  Dr. Henry M. Morris
A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Revelation

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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