Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Feminist Pastor Gives Gloria Steinem Pagan Idol Sculpture Made Of Melted Purity Rings!

Everyday, I Thank God That I Am A Conservative (Fundamentalist) Christian!  "Bill, you are a Fundamentalist?"   You betcha!  

"What is a Conservative (Fundamentalist) Christian believer?"  Glad you asked.  A Conservative Christian, aka, a Fundamentalist Christian - is a believer who knows that the Bible is God's sole authority for mankind, His full revelation given to man to guide us in our daily Christian lives.  It is the Holy Spirit Inspired, Holy Spirit Inerrant, Holy Spirit Literal Written Word of God. 

Why do I say the "Written Word of God"?  Because Jesus Christ is the "Living Word (Logos) of God."  God gave His Son, Jesus Christ, to offer all who will, by grace through faith, believe in Him - freedom from the Penalty of Sin (Justification).   The Bible, God's Written Word, if followed daily gives us freedom from the Power of Sin (Sanctification).  And one day, when we die or are raptured, He will give us eternal freedom from the Presence of Sin (Glorification). 

A Conservative (Fundamentalist) Christian fellowship and we as individual believers hold to the Verbal Plenary Inspiration of Scripture, that all 66 books of the Bible are without error in the original manuscripts.  We believe that the Bible is without error in its moral and spiritual teaching and in its record of historical facts.  What does Verbal Plenary Inspiration of Scripture mean?  "Verbal" means that every word of Scripture is God-given.  "Plenary" means that all parts of the Bible are equally authoritative.  "Inspiration" means that every word in the Bible is divinely inspired.

When we build our Christian theology upon the full 66 books of the Bible, excluding none of Scripture - that theology cannot be wrong.  When looking for a church to be your home church fellowship, look for a Christian church which views the Bible this way, which teaches the Bible in this manner - and you cannot go wrong.

Many Liberal churches view the Bible in a much different way.  They see the Bible as a good book, a guideline for Christian living, but not the Inerrant, Literal Written Word of God.  To many in the Liberal persuasion the Bible is a dynamic document, one that is to be continually edited and updated, which changes, grows, or shrinks over time - according to the mores, the acquired customs and manners, of the secular society.

In our Conservative Christian churches, our Bible-based view is that the Secular Society must adapt to what the Bible teaches.  Most Liberals believe that the Bible should adapt to modern Secular Society's relativism and latest, ever changing, ever evolving beliefs.

Does the Bible teach that God and His Written Word change with the ever changing societal desires?

Malachi 3:6, "For I am the LORD, I do not change; . . . ."  ~  This tells us that God does not change.  He is immutable, unchanging.  His Word if perfect, His plan for mankind is perfect, His will for mankind is perfect, and His mercy and justice for mankind is perfect.  There is no need nor reason for Him to change.

Psalm 119:89, "Forever, O LORD,  Your word is settled in heaven."  ~  This tells us that God's Word, what we read in the Bible, is settled in heaven.  Since it is settled in heaven, nothing man can do on earth can change it.

So what happens when an individual, a church fellowship, or a denomination insists upon viewing the Bible as a changing, dynamic document?  In my lifetime I have seen that scenario played out over and over.  In the past few decades we have seen the results of such a Liberal Biblical view.  We saw America look the other way when a Roman Catholic president, John Kennedy, had thinly veiled adulterous affairs, openly cheating on his wife.  We saw a president, Bill Clinton, who professed to be Christian, but was having an adulterous affair in the Oval Office. 

In 2004, we saw  the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire ordain Gene Robinson
as a Bishop in that denomination.  And at the same time he was living an openly homosexual lifestyle with a partner.  We have seen denominations and individual churches openly accept people into church fellowship as pastors and other positions of leadership - while they are living in an active homosexual or lesbian relationship.  In doing this they are spitting on the Word of God and God Himself.

We have seen many churches, even including some Liberal Baptists churches, ordaining women as pastors.  The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship ordained a woman pastor,
Suzii Paynter, as their Executive Coordinator/Pastor over their whole denomination for the past five years.  We have seen the same heretical movements in other denominations where women have been elected to be the Executive Pastor over all the churches in those denomination.  Flagrantly ignoring the Word of God.

And more and more we are seeing mainline churches and denominations openly accepting the homosexual lifestyle (LGBTQ) as the norm, accepting that lifestyle within the leadership ranks of Christian churches.

Will Rogers, the famous American humorist, had a very appropriate quote that fits this situation very well, "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”   It most certainly seems that the Christian church, over the past 100 years, has been digging itself into a very deep hole - compromising with the secular humanist society..  And that is why we have the Secular Society and the LGBTQ activists raising the level of their all-out attack against the Christian faith, all across America.

In 1963 the Supreme Court evicted God and prayer from our public schools - and more and more from all public domain.  In 1973 the Supreme Court ignored God and legalized the murder, Infanticide, of unborn babies.   Then a few years ago, the Supreme Court ignored God and legalized homosexual marriage.  Now it appears we are on a fast track for the Supreme Court to once again ignore God and legalized the murder, Infanticide, of babies, even up to post-birth.   Today the push is to legalize the killing of babies who have
miraculously survived abortion attempts.  Society still wants to allow them to be murdered by the abortionist.

With all those compromises with the world in mind, the story below should not surprise anyone.  A tattoo covered Feminist who has been ordained and is pastor of a Lutheran church in Denver - believes that all young girls who have committed themselves to abstinence, i.e., chastity, until marriage, who have accepted a "promise or purity ring" to signify that commitment - are abused.  She asked them to mail their "promise rings" to her - so that she could melt them down to make a pagan idol.

We have all read in Exodus 32, when God had Moses with Him on Mount Sinai to receive the Ten Commandments - that the Jews whom God had led out of 400 years of slavery in Egypt, turned their backs on God and demanded that Aaron, their high priest, make for them a golden calf they could worship in place of God.  Aaron had them gather all their golden rings and jewelry to melt down and from that gold he made them a pagan golden calf to worship.   

Doesn't the action of this tattooed, feminist woman pastor ring true to the story of Aaron, the Jews, and the golden calf?  She had women mail her their "promise rings" and she had them melted down and made into a pagan vagina idol.  Imagine having your sons and daughters, your grandchildren come under the influence of such a person, a person professing to be Christian - but living and teaching pagan idol worship.

Dory and I are so blessed to be in the Christian family of IBBC-Riverside (International Bible Baptist Church) where we have so many youth and young adults, male and female, who are happily living their lives to serve the Lord and to walk in His ways - and not in the secular world's ways.  Every time we come together to worship and study - I am so blessed by each and every one of our young people.  In each of them, from the youngest and up, I truly see the virtuous life of a Conservative Christian believer who is thrilled to be serving Him.

Yet when I read the story below and watch this video, my heart breaks for the young people who have been lured into this evil woman's web of paganism.

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Feminist Pastor Gives Gloria Steinem Pagan Idol Sculpture
Made Of Melted Purity Rings!
THE DAILY WIRE, By Paul Bois, February 19, 2019

Well, she finally did it.  Feminist Lutheran "pastor" Nadia Bolz-Weber has given abortion propagandist Gloria Steinem the vagina sculpture she made of Christian purity rings last year, reports The Blaze.

Last November, the founding pastor (Nadia Bolz-Weber) of Denver’s House for All Sinners and Saints (Lutheran church) - who once described herself to The Washington Post as a "tatted-up, foul-mouthed" leader of a "new, muscular form of liberal Christianity" - announced on Twitter her "massive art project" - to create a golden idol to female genitalia in protest of evangelical purity.

"Beginning November 12th, until December 17th, you’ll have the opportunity to send in your purity rings to be melted down and recast into a golden vagina,"
she explained on her website about her plans to create her feminist idol. "This sculpture will be unveiled at the 2019 Makers Conference."

Women who sent Bolz-Weber their purity rings were given a "certificate of Impurity as well as a SHAMELESS impurity ring."  Evangelicals sometimes refer to such purity rings as "promise" or "chastity" rings.  They are typically given to young girls as a sign of promise to abstain from pre-marital sex.

When Bolz-Weber received enough rings, she had to hire a female welder to create the vagina statue after five men refused to make it.  Upon presenting the statue to Steinem at the 2019 Makers conference, the feminist pastor denounced the purity rings as a "footnote" in a vast history.

"Every single thing and person that seemed so powerful as to feel inescapable, I name them, and then I just go 'footnote,'"
Bolz-Weber said. "I mean, seriously - Pontius Pilate?  He's a footnote.  Your bully from middle school?  Footnote.  Your depression?  Footnote.  Your (nasty) boss?  Footnote.  All those things are very real, and the harm that they have on us and the world is also real."

"But to me, the whole point of having faith is that it allows us to believe in a bigger story than the one we tell ourselves,"
she added.  "Those purity rings are a footnote."

Bolz-Weber explained to HuffPost at the 2018 Makers Conference (that) her motivation (is) to "take down" the evangelical purity culture.

"This thing about women that the church has tried to hide and control, and that is a canvas on which other people can write their own righteousness - it’s actually ours,"
Bolz-Weber said.  "This part of me is mine - and I get to determine what is good for it, and if it’s beautiful, and how I use it in the world."

The Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America has developed generally liberal views on abortion, homosexuality, and universalism.  Bolz-Weber said her denomination has largely supported her.

According to The Christian Post, the modern purity movement among evangelicals began in the 1990s and 2000s partly because of Joshua Harris’ 1997 book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye," - in which he suggested that dating should only be for preparing for marriage.  Harris has since apologized for that viewpoint, saying he presented an unhealthy view of recreational dating.

"I didn't leave room for the idea that dating could be a healthy way of learning what you're looking for in a long-term relationship, that it could be a part of growing personally,"
he admitted.  "I gave the impression that there was one formula that you could follow, and if you followed that, you'd be happily married, God would bless you, and you'd have a great sex life and marriage.  Obviously, the real world doesn't work that way."

This woman's goal: "her motivation (is) to "take down" the evangelical purity culture." 

That ties in well with this story from 2013, when the lesbian journalist, Masha Gessen, stated that the real goal of the LGBTQ homosexual activists - is to eliminate marriage altogether

Most people were duped into believing that the LGBTQ activists really wanted to have marriages similar to traditional Biblical marriage, a couple committed to one another for life.  I believe this woman, this lesbian journalist, is more on target with the real goals of the LGBTQ community.

Homosexual Activist Admits True Purpose of Battle is to Destroy Marriage

The Illinois Family Institute

By Micah Clark  - April 6, 2013

Even knowing that there are radicals in all movements, doesn’t  lessen the startling admission recently by lesbian journalist Masha Gessen.  On a radio show she actually admits that homosexual activists are lying about their radical political agenda.  She says that they don’t want to access the institution of marriage; they want to radically redefine and eventually eliminate it.

Folks, as you can see, we Christian believers have our work cut out for us.   We have to stand strong against these attacks from the Secular Society, the Humanists, and the LGBTQ community activists - and keep sharing the Word of God, Biblical Truth, keep protecting our families, our children and grandchildren, from the lure of the pagan world.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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