Friday, September 28, 2018

Watch This Film "Babylon USA" ~ Then Decide For Yourself!

Last week I watched a very good movie on YouTube titled "Babylon USA" - and I believe everyone, secular or Christian, should view this movie.  It is my belief that the content of this movie is accurate, but I do have several minor reservations.  The main narrator in the movie is Pastor Steven L. Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona.

And as had long been my habit, when I find a new church or ministry, even if it is Baptist - I will first look at their Statement of Beliefs, aka, their Doctrinal Statement.  In doing that for this church, I found that I agree with most of their Doctrinal Statement - with these exceptions: 

** We believe that the King James Bible is the word of God without error. 

Bill Gray Comment:  They declare themselves to be a KJV-Only church - and I do not agree with that position.
** We believe only in the local church and not in a universal church.

Bill Gray Comment:  While I believe fully in the local church and that all believers should be involved in a local church fellowship family - I am not sure what this church means by the "universal church."  The Bible teaches that ALL believers worldwide are members of God's family.  And the meaning of "the church catholic" is not the Roman Catholic church, but the universal church, the universal body of believers worldwide.

If this church is denying that universal worldwide view, which I do not believe they are, then I disagree with them.   If they are denouncing ecumenism, whereas all religions - Christian and all world religions - can come together and worship - I agree with them.  That level of ecumenism is not Biblical.  There is only one Way to eternal life with God and that is through Jesus Christ and the Christian faith.  It is not found in any of the world religions.
** We believe that the rapture will take place after the tribulation, but before God pours out his wrath on this earth.  We reject dispensationalism.

Bill Gray Comment:  The seven year Tribulation "IS" the wrath of God.  It is God's specific time to bring the remnant of His chosen people, Israel, into the Jesus Christ based family of God.  How is God's wrath poured out during the Tribulation?   Some of the wrath He allows Satan to administer (example:  see Job 1) - and the rest comes from God Himself.  This is His Refiner's Fire to bring the remnant of Israel into the family of God.

When this church rejects Dispensationalism - they are declaring themselves to be a Covenant Theology church. 

Covenant Theology teaches that the New Testament church has replaced the nation Israel as the chosen people of God.  In their teaching, Israel was the Old Testament "physical" chosen people of God - but because Israel repeatedly turned against God, the New Testament church has replaced Israel and is the "spiritual" chosen people of God.  This is called Replacement Theology and is not Biblical.

"Because Covenant Theology is built upon Replacement Theology, to remove Replacement Theology from Covenant Theology would collapse the entire system.  It would force Covenant theologians to accept that God has two distinct programs, one for Israel and one for the church.  Covenant theologians would have to define the church as beginning in Acts 2, in the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost 33 AD - with Israel being a separate entity.  Further, they would have to accept a literal, future Tribulation and the Millennium.  To accept this would turn them into dispensationalists." ("The Facts and Flaws of Covenant Theology, Part One" by Jim Showers, May 1, 2012  -  The Friends of Israel web site:  FOI (dot) org)

There are also several points in this movie which I am recommending - where I disagree with its teaching.  This does not detract from the value of the movie and its message to all people:

1.  I do not believe that the United States is the Great Harlot Babylon.  Yes, the United States is the main superpower in the world today - in military, in economics, in all ways.  But the Great Harlot or Whore Babylon (Revelation 17), I believe, is the United Nations.  All nations of the world will never surrender their sovereignty to America.  But all nations can be seduced into surrendering their sovereignty to the United Nations - under the guise of world peace.

"So, can the mystery of the whore of Babylon be solved?  Yes, at least partially.  The whore of Babylon is an evil world system, controlled by the Antichrist, during the last days before Jesus’ return.  The whore of Babylon also has religious connotations – spiritual adultery with the beast being the focus of an ungodly, end-times religious system."  ("What is the whore of Babylon / mystery Babylon?" - GotQuestions (dot) org)

And if you have been watching over the past several decades, you will have noticed that, starting with George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush - America began slowly allowing herself to be seduced by the United Nations.  That was the beginning of America's sovereignty being siphoned away to the United Nations.

Then during the eight years of the Obama Error, we saw Obama, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton kick into overdrive with their efforts to completely surrender our American sovereignty to the "The Beast on the East River" - the United Nations.  By the way, that phrase "The Beast on the East River" is the title of a book written by my Friend, Nathan Tabor, and published in 2006.

Foreward to the book "The Beast on the East River":

"Is the United Nations the benign force for good that so many proclaim?  Or is there a darker agenda at work behind the scenes?  Nathan Tabor reveals the sinister plan behind the glossy image of world cooperation painted by the United Nations and its defenders.

The Beast on the East River
includes original research into key policy areas, including population control, education, and the international criminal court.  And it offers practical steps that concerned American citizens can take before it's too late.

In his debut book, rising conservative voice Nathan Tabor offers a frightening exposé of the United Nations' global power grab and its ruthless attempt to control U.S. education, law, gun ownership, taxation, and reproductive rights.

"We are already very nearly at the point of no return,"
says Tabor, "and most Americans aren't even aware of the impending danger.  This book is a call to immediate action.  Read its contents very carefully.  What you will discover may surprise and anger you."

It is my contention that the United Nations' goal is to take control of the whole world and then divide it into regional sub-nation/states - with North America and South America being separate puppet sub-nations.  In other words, Canada and America, including Alaska, will be one United Nations Regional puppet state.  And Mexico, with South American nations, will be another regional sub-nation under the control of the United Nations.  And I believe there will be at least ten of those sub-nations or regional states around the world - the United Nations world.  See the map below. 
I first became Friends with Nathan Tabor about 2006 when he was the owner/publisher ofThe Conservative Voice, an internet newspaper with a worldwide audience of over 250,000 readers.  He asked me to become a guest columnist and for several years I did post my blogs there, mostly in the Faith & Family section, sometimes in the Politics section.

Nathan Tabor, a Christian brother,was born and raised in Owens Cross Roads, a small town south of Huntsville, Alabama.  He is a conservative Republican who now lives in North Carolina.  In 2004 he ran for a Congressional seat from North Carolina - and was supported by Pastor Jerry Falwell, Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina, and other well known Christian and political leaders.  He is still very active in the North Carolina Republican Party.

2.  In the movie, we are told that the Beast, the man of perdition, of Revelation will be a man possessed by Satan and simply called the Beast.  He will be killed at the mid-point of the Tribulation and will be revived, i.e., brought back to life (Revelation 13:3, 12, 14), presumably by the God allowed power of Satan.  At that time the Beast, the man of perdition, will be fully indwelled and possessed by Satan and will then be known as the Antichrist.  I do not agree.

My personal belief is that the Antichrist will be a man who is possessed by Satan from the beginning, but not indwelled by Satan.  He will be a very charismatic political figure who, empowered by Satan, will rise quickly to become a world power politician.  After the Rapture, he will negotiate a seven year Peace Accord with the nation Israel (Daniel 9:27).  That peace accord will set the seven year Tribulation clock ticking. 

This man of perdition, the Antichrist, most likely will be killed by a head wound - and brought to life again by the power of Satan(Revelation 13:3, 12, 14).  At that time, mid-tribulation, the Antichrist will not just be possesses by Satan - Satan will actually indwell him, taking over his body.   And that is when the Great Tribulation, the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation, will begin.  That last 3 1/2 years will be a period of persecution and wrath toward Christians like never before seen on earth.  And that is the Great Tribulation Jesus Christ is speaking of in Matthew 24:15-31.

That said, overall I say this is a very good movie and I highly recommend it to all my FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors).

"Babylon USA" Official Full Film

To supplement the teaching found in this very important video movie, there is a book about the One World Government which I also highly recommend.  I have this book in my personal library.   It is "En Route To Global Occupation" written by Gary H. Kah and published in 1992. 

The following short video is an interview with the author, Gary Kah.  I have read and referred to his book many times - but this is the first time I have had the opportunity to see and hear him in an actual interview.  I am very impressed with his poise, knowledge, and skill in explaining the dangers America is facing today.

En Route to Global Occupation -
Gary Kah

Former Government Liaison Reveals Chilling NWO Plan For America’s NEAR Future!

In this interview, Lyn Leahz, Host of Prophecy in the News, sits down with author, Gary Kah, to discuss political forces around the world that are pushing for a New World Order.  Because of his background in government, Gary was invited to join the WCPA (World Constitution and Parliament Association), overseeing the planning and implementation of the one world government.

No, I am not an alarmist, nor am I a conspiracy theorist.  I am a patriotic Christian American who has been aware of and watching the NWO trend.  However, that trend, specifically over the past thirty years, but actually going back to the time of President Woodrow Wilson (1913 - 1921) and his close personal advisor, Colonel Edward M. House (who was not a real colonel, but just assumed the title for show), and their work in forming the Council On Foreign Relations and the League of Nations (forerunner of the United Nations) - should be frightening to all Americans.  

For it was and is an effort to strip the United States of our status as a sovereign nation - slowly being drawn into the web of the United Nations' One World Organization.

But, YOU watch these videos and decide for yourself.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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