Saturday, September 29, 2018

FACI Reunion Today!

It is always fun to look back over our spiritual walk with the Lord.  My Christian life began in the Fil-Am Church of Irvine, California (FACI) in 1987 and through all those years I have worshiped, prayed, studied, and had great fellowship (spiritual and lots of good Filipino food) with many wonderful Christian brothers and sisters - young, in-between, and older. 

Dory and I have seen friends saved, families saved - and we have seen a number of our Christian Friends promoted to heaven.  Overall it has been a great three decades and counting in my walk with the Lord. 

Dory's Christian life began long before we met and she was the one who kept pointing me toward Him, even when I was being stubborn and obstinate.  She is proof that prayer works - for she prayed for me to be saved for ten years - before God orchestrated my meeting with Pastor Sam Lacanienta. 

Pastor Sam and Ida Lacanienta took Dory and me by the hand - and through six months of Bible study and worship - led me to the cross where the Holy Spirit claimed me as a child of God.

Lolita Mueller introduced us to Pastor Sam and invited us to FACI where the love of God enveloped me.  The next Friday Dory asked if I wanted to go to Bible study.  And I asked, "What is that?" - for in all my then fifty years, I had never heard of nor been invited to a Bible study. 

That Friday we went to my first Bible study at the home of Ed & Ligaya Nibut - and once again, in that FACI Bible study at the Nibut home, through all the people that evening, I felt covered by the love of God.   After attending FACI worship services and learning in FACI Bible studies for six months, I became a child of God.

Years ago, Lolita Mueller, who invited me to FACI - and Ed Nibut, at whose home I attended my first Bible study and began my lifelong learning of the Word of God through Bible studies - were both promoted into the presence of God.  Those two people who were instrumental in pointing me toward the Cross - have received their graduation crowns and are with Him.  One day we will all have a glorious reunion in heaven where I can embrace and thank both of them again.

Why am I telling you this story of the conversion of Bill Gray?  Glad you asked.

Today, at the home of Hal & Ligaya (Nibut) Lefler many of my long time Christian Friends are having a FACI REUNION.  As much as I would love to have seen and had fellowship with them, Dory and I were not able to attend.

But I wanted to do something special for all my FACI Friends, especially those from the early years.  So I have scanned a FACI booklet created for our official FACI Fourth Anniversary Celebration in 1992.  The booklet is entitled VISIONS and reflects the work of Pastor Sam, who in 1992, had for two years been the Baptist General Conference Western Coordinator For Church Planting in Filipino communities in Southern California, Arizona, and Nevada. 

This was the official Fourth Anniversary Celebration for the Fil-Am Church of Irvine (FACI).  FACI started with two Filipino families - the  Almeda family and the Lacanienta family.  

Within a few years we had California Filipino-American church fellowships in Irvine, San Juan Capistrano, Long Beach, Corona, Canoga Park, Eagle Rock, Claremont, San Diego, Oceanside, and National City.  And we had Bible study fellowships (the beginning on of new church fellowships) in Arizona and in Escondido, California.

The photos and stories shared in this booklet bring back many beautiful memories for me - and I pray for you also.  To accommodate as many folks as possible, in my Bill & Dory Gray Christian Ministries eNewsletter I have attached a copy of the booklet in both Adobe PDF format and also in Word DOC format.  Those will not show in this blog, but I can e-mail those attachments to anyone who will Facebook Message me your e-mail address.

And below are links to a YouTube video version and a URL linkable PDF version:

VISIONS in 1992 - Fil-Am Church Of Irvine (CA) FACI

VISIONS Of FACI - 1992 (URL linkable PDF file)

In other words, I want to make this treasured memory booklet available to all my Friends is a format which will allow you to enjoy the moment - that moment in 1992 when we celebrated an exciting Christian fellowship in the Filipino-American Church of Irvine, California.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Click on image to enlarge:

Friday, September 28, 2018

Are "YOU" Where God Wants You To Be?

TODAY A LONG TIME CHRISTIAN BROTHER, Tony Andaya, sent me a Facebook Message containing a short video from the Facebook group page: "Gods411."  The video was about a dream visit to God's Prayer Reception Center - and how many prayer requests God receives and answers - and how few answered prayers are followed up with a "Thank You" prayer to God.  I wanted to forward it, but could not - so I went the Gods411 page and among the many videos on that page, I could not find that specific one to forward.

However, another short video caught my attention.  It is titled "You Are Where God Wants You To Be."  It is about people who survived the 9-11 attacks - and most often for what would have been mundane reasons.  Or were they?  Did that little distraction happen for a reason?

The title "You Are Where God Wants You To Be" gave me a flash-back in my own personal life.  I spent most of my adult life working in the computer industry - as a Technician, Field Engineer, Instructor, Seminar Presenter, Sales Engineer, Marketing, Sales Management - and I met and worked with a lot of very successful people who became very wealthy in the computer industry.  Some you may know - names like Bill Gates and Paul Allen, whom I worked with at the small company MITS which was based in Albuquerque. 

Others whose names you may not recognize, such as Paul Terrell who, after I talked him into being an independent manufacturers' representative for MITS, took that to the next level and started the Byte Shop computer stores selling microcomputer products.  He turned that into the first retail computer store franchise chain, also called the Byte Shop - and retired wealthy at an early age.  And there are many more such people who have touched my life - or whose lives I touched during my long career in the computer industry.

So, what is the flash-back?  Glad you asked.   My wife and I are in the backside of life now - and we are not wealthy, we no longer have a big home nor take luxurious vacations.  And once in a while Dory will, jokingly, ask me, "How did you work with so many very rich people - and you are not rich?" 

And I have always answered her, "Today I am right where God wants me to be.  And I am rich.  I may not have financial wealth, but I am rich.  I have God, my Christian faith, a blessed Christian family, a loving Christian fellowship family, and a Christian writing ministry given to me by God.  I am indeed a very rich man."

I may not have earthly financial wealth - but knowing that, once in a while something I have written touched another, helped another - that is wealth untold.  About twenty years ago a Christian sister was going through a difficult time and thought she may have to send her daughter to live with family in the Philippines.  She asked me what she should do - and, believe it or not, that very week I was already writing a newsletter about knowing the will of God. 

I sent her an early copy, believing it would help her make that decision.  She did not send her daughter to the Philippines - and I know she enjoyed a full Christian life with that daughter afterwards.  Was it because of my newsletter?  I don't know.  I leave such things to God - and just keep on writing.

Circa 1998 I was working for a systems integrator computer company.  About 4:00 PM one Friday evening I received a call from a man in Houston who had one of our systems and was having problems.  I told him, "I can help you until 5:00 PM, but then I must leave for tonight is our Bible study."  That brought a smile to his voice and he asked, "Are you a Christian?"  As it turned out, he was also. 

When I told him about my newsletter, "The Good News" he asked to be on my mail list - and two weeks later I did another monthly mailing.   The following week he called again, telling me, "Bill, I got your newsletter.  It came just in time." 

Because others were in my office I could not ask what he meant - and the following week I left the company.  So I never knew what he meant by, "It came just in time."   In this life I will never know - but I have to feel that God had a reason for our interaction.  Many times we just have to leave things in God's hands and just keep on keeping on, doing the ministry He has given us.

Dory is still working hard as a Real Estate Broker.  But about twenty years ago, after seeing dramatic changes in the computer industry I had long called home, I went for a long period of time unemployed.  It seemed to me that God was calling me into a full time writing ministry, a non-profit ministry. 

No, not a 501(c)(3) type non-profit - just a plain old "no money coming in" type of ministry.  And I will say that for a while we had a pretty rough time financially - and we thank God for our daughter, Lana, who was always there for us.  Things got better when we could draw Social Security and with Dory's real estate business we get by.  God is good!

During the earlier years I did have a wee bit of help.  Almost thirty years ago when I was doing my initial snail-mail Christian Newsletter "The Good News" - a Christian sister in our Fil-Am Church of Irvine, Bless, gave me thirty postage stamps - which I greatly appreciated.  For at that time I was mailing the monthly newsletter to over 400 homes in America and to 60 homes in 12 other countries - at normal snail-mail rates and at my own expense.  So, yes, I am truly doing a "non-profit" ministry - and I thank God for it.

I want to thank my Christian brother, Tony Andaya, for sending me that short video about God's Prayer Reception Center.  For if he had not, I would not have found the group page "Gods411" and would not have found their video "You Are Where God Wants You To Be"  which encouraged me to write this blog.  Isn't it amazing how God uses us to encourage others, to point others, and sometimes to just give others a needed small shove in the right direction.  So, thank you, Tony, for your encouragement and your wee shove.

Now, my Friends, take a moment and watch this short motivational video.  Maybe it will remind you of a special moment:

You Are Where God Wants You To Be

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Watch This Film "Babylon USA" ~ Then Decide For Yourself!

Last week I watched a very good movie on YouTube titled "Babylon USA" - and I believe everyone, secular or Christian, should view this movie.  It is my belief that the content of this movie is accurate, but I do have several minor reservations.  The main narrator in the movie is Pastor Steven L. Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona.

And as had long been my habit, when I find a new church or ministry, even if it is Baptist - I will first look at their Statement of Beliefs, aka, their Doctrinal Statement.  In doing that for this church, I found that I agree with most of their Doctrinal Statement - with these exceptions: 

** We believe that the King James Bible is the word of God without error. 

Bill Gray Comment:  They declare themselves to be a KJV-Only church - and I do not agree with that position.
** We believe only in the local church and not in a universal church.

Bill Gray Comment:  While I believe fully in the local church and that all believers should be involved in a local church fellowship family - I am not sure what this church means by the "universal church."  The Bible teaches that ALL believers worldwide are members of God's family.  And the meaning of "the church catholic" is not the Roman Catholic church, but the universal church, the universal body of believers worldwide.

If this church is denying that universal worldwide view, which I do not believe they are, then I disagree with them.   If they are denouncing ecumenism, whereas all religions - Christian and all world religions - can come together and worship - I agree with them.  That level of ecumenism is not Biblical.  There is only one Way to eternal life with God and that is through Jesus Christ and the Christian faith.  It is not found in any of the world religions.
** We believe that the rapture will take place after the tribulation, but before God pours out his wrath on this earth.  We reject dispensationalism.

Bill Gray Comment:  The seven year Tribulation "IS" the wrath of God.  It is God's specific time to bring the remnant of His chosen people, Israel, into the Jesus Christ based family of God.  How is God's wrath poured out during the Tribulation?   Some of the wrath He allows Satan to administer (example:  see Job 1) - and the rest comes from God Himself.  This is His Refiner's Fire to bring the remnant of Israel into the family of God.

When this church rejects Dispensationalism - they are declaring themselves to be a Covenant Theology church. 

Covenant Theology teaches that the New Testament church has replaced the nation Israel as the chosen people of God.  In their teaching, Israel was the Old Testament "physical" chosen people of God - but because Israel repeatedly turned against God, the New Testament church has replaced Israel and is the "spiritual" chosen people of God.  This is called Replacement Theology and is not Biblical.

"Because Covenant Theology is built upon Replacement Theology, to remove Replacement Theology from Covenant Theology would collapse the entire system.  It would force Covenant theologians to accept that God has two distinct programs, one for Israel and one for the church.  Covenant theologians would have to define the church as beginning in Acts 2, in the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost 33 AD - with Israel being a separate entity.  Further, they would have to accept a literal, future Tribulation and the Millennium.  To accept this would turn them into dispensationalists." ("The Facts and Flaws of Covenant Theology, Part One" by Jim Showers, May 1, 2012  -  The Friends of Israel web site:  FOI (dot) org)

There are also several points in this movie which I am recommending - where I disagree with its teaching.  This does not detract from the value of the movie and its message to all people:

1.  I do not believe that the United States is the Great Harlot Babylon.  Yes, the United States is the main superpower in the world today - in military, in economics, in all ways.  But the Great Harlot or Whore Babylon (Revelation 17), I believe, is the United Nations.  All nations of the world will never surrender their sovereignty to America.  But all nations can be seduced into surrendering their sovereignty to the United Nations - under the guise of world peace.

"So, can the mystery of the whore of Babylon be solved?  Yes, at least partially.  The whore of Babylon is an evil world system, controlled by the Antichrist, during the last days before Jesus’ return.  The whore of Babylon also has religious connotations – spiritual adultery with the beast being the focus of an ungodly, end-times religious system."  ("What is the whore of Babylon / mystery Babylon?" - GotQuestions (dot) org)

And if you have been watching over the past several decades, you will have noticed that, starting with George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush - America began slowly allowing herself to be seduced by the United Nations.  That was the beginning of America's sovereignty being siphoned away to the United Nations.

Then during the eight years of the Obama Error, we saw Obama, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton kick into overdrive with their efforts to completely surrender our American sovereignty to the "The Beast on the East River" - the United Nations.  By the way, that phrase "The Beast on the East River" is the title of a book written by my Friend, Nathan Tabor, and published in 2006.

Foreward to the book "The Beast on the East River":

"Is the United Nations the benign force for good that so many proclaim?  Or is there a darker agenda at work behind the scenes?  Nathan Tabor reveals the sinister plan behind the glossy image of world cooperation painted by the United Nations and its defenders.

The Beast on the East River
includes original research into key policy areas, including population control, education, and the international criminal court.  And it offers practical steps that concerned American citizens can take before it's too late.

In his debut book, rising conservative voice Nathan Tabor offers a frightening exposé of the United Nations' global power grab and its ruthless attempt to control U.S. education, law, gun ownership, taxation, and reproductive rights.

"We are already very nearly at the point of no return,"
says Tabor, "and most Americans aren't even aware of the impending danger.  This book is a call to immediate action.  Read its contents very carefully.  What you will discover may surprise and anger you."

It is my contention that the United Nations' goal is to take control of the whole world and then divide it into regional sub-nation/states - with North America and South America being separate puppet sub-nations.  In other words, Canada and America, including Alaska, will be one United Nations Regional puppet state.  And Mexico, with South American nations, will be another regional sub-nation under the control of the United Nations.  And I believe there will be at least ten of those sub-nations or regional states around the world - the United Nations world.  See the map below. 
I first became Friends with Nathan Tabor about 2006 when he was the owner/publisher ofThe Conservative Voice, an internet newspaper with a worldwide audience of over 250,000 readers.  He asked me to become a guest columnist and for several years I did post my blogs there, mostly in the Faith & Family section, sometimes in the Politics section.

Nathan Tabor, a Christian brother,was born and raised in Owens Cross Roads, a small town south of Huntsville, Alabama.  He is a conservative Republican who now lives in North Carolina.  In 2004 he ran for a Congressional seat from North Carolina - and was supported by Pastor Jerry Falwell, Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina, and other well known Christian and political leaders.  He is still very active in the North Carolina Republican Party.

2.  In the movie, we are told that the Beast, the man of perdition, of Revelation will be a man possessed by Satan and simply called the Beast.  He will be killed at the mid-point of the Tribulation and will be revived, i.e., brought back to life (Revelation 13:3, 12, 14), presumably by the God allowed power of Satan.  At that time the Beast, the man of perdition, will be fully indwelled and possessed by Satan and will then be known as the Antichrist.  I do not agree.

My personal belief is that the Antichrist will be a man who is possessed by Satan from the beginning, but not indwelled by Satan.  He will be a very charismatic political figure who, empowered by Satan, will rise quickly to become a world power politician.  After the Rapture, he will negotiate a seven year Peace Accord with the nation Israel (Daniel 9:27).  That peace accord will set the seven year Tribulation clock ticking. 

This man of perdition, the Antichrist, most likely will be killed by a head wound - and brought to life again by the power of Satan(Revelation 13:3, 12, 14).  At that time, mid-tribulation, the Antichrist will not just be possesses by Satan - Satan will actually indwell him, taking over his body.   And that is when the Great Tribulation, the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation, will begin.  That last 3 1/2 years will be a period of persecution and wrath toward Christians like never before seen on earth.  And that is the Great Tribulation Jesus Christ is speaking of in Matthew 24:15-31.

That said, overall I say this is a very good movie and I highly recommend it to all my FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors).

"Babylon USA" Official Full Film

To supplement the teaching found in this very important video movie, there is a book about the One World Government which I also highly recommend.  I have this book in my personal library.   It is "En Route To Global Occupation" written by Gary H. Kah and published in 1992. 

The following short video is an interview with the author, Gary Kah.  I have read and referred to his book many times - but this is the first time I have had the opportunity to see and hear him in an actual interview.  I am very impressed with his poise, knowledge, and skill in explaining the dangers America is facing today.

En Route to Global Occupation -
Gary Kah

Former Government Liaison Reveals Chilling NWO Plan For America’s NEAR Future!

In this interview, Lyn Leahz, Host of Prophecy in the News, sits down with author, Gary Kah, to discuss political forces around the world that are pushing for a New World Order.  Because of his background in government, Gary was invited to join the WCPA (World Constitution and Parliament Association), overseeing the planning and implementation of the one world government.

No, I am not an alarmist, nor am I a conspiracy theorist.  I am a patriotic Christian American who has been aware of and watching the NWO trend.  However, that trend, specifically over the past thirty years, but actually going back to the time of President Woodrow Wilson (1913 - 1921) and his close personal advisor, Colonel Edward M. House (who was not a real colonel, but just assumed the title for show), and their work in forming the Council On Foreign Relations and the League of Nations (forerunner of the United Nations) - should be frightening to all Americans.  

For it was and is an effort to strip the United States of our status as a sovereign nation - slowly being drawn into the web of the United Nations' One World Organization.

But, YOU watch these videos and decide for yourself.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A Fun Dialogue With Ray!

Next to a good Bible study discussion, nothing is more fun than a good online dialogue with Friends who share a common interest, but may not necessarily be in full agreement on theology.  Tuesday evening when I came home from our Bible study, I had a Message from a new Friend, Ray.  And he had interesting questions and comments. 

I responded to his Message post and now I have given him a pseudonym instead of using his name - so that I might share our discussion with all my Friends. 

This dialogue is what ensued late Tuesday evening:

Ray:  Bill, could it be that Jesus is not coming back?  Matthew 24 has already been fulfilled.  Maybe there is no life after death.  I don't think anybody knows (for sure) that when we die that our souls go to heaven.  Just to let you know I have read the Bible from the beginning to end seven times - and have no idea how many times I have read the new Testament.

Bill Gray:  Hi Ray, Sorry to be delayed in responding.  I was at our Tuesday Evening Bible Study tonight and just got home.  But, back to your question and comments:  we either believe the Bible is the literal Written Word of God - or we must view it as just a book of allegories, symbolisms, just a good guideline for leading a good life - but not the literal Written Word, the sole authority for attaining salvation, eternal security, and daily walking in His Word.

Without the inspired, inerrant, literal Written Word, we have no security in Christ.  For if we view the Bible as just allegories, symbolisms, and myths - anyone can make the Bible say anything, support any theology - no matter how unBiblical.

That is the major difference between Conservative Christian theology and Liberal Christian theology.  We conservative theology believer view the entire Bible, all 66 books, as the Holy Spirit Inspired, Holy Spirit Inerrant, Holy Spirit Literal Written of God.  And the liberal theology folks just see it as a good book full of symbolisms, allegories, and suggestions on how to be a Christian.

But, let's look at your points individually:

1. Bill, could it be that Jesus is not coming back? 

What does the Bible say?

Titus 2:11-13, "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ."

John 14:1-3, "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."

Acts 1:10-11, "And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, 'Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.' "

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord."

Revelation 19:11-16, "Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. .  .  . And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: King of kings and Lord of lords."

Hebrews 9:28, "So Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation."

Jesus Christ came first as the Sacrificial Lamb of God to make propitiation, i.e., to make atonement for our sins, to reconcile us to God (Hebrews 2:17).

He will come again as the Roaring Lion of Judah:  Revelation 5:5, "But one of the elders said to me, 'Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.' "  

2.  Matthew 24 has already been fulfilled.

Bill Gray Response:  That is a Preterist view which says that the prophecies of the end times were fulfilled in 70 AD when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem.   Rather than reinvent the wheel, let me share from the writings of Dr. Ron Rhodes, of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries.

* Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary (1986). Major: Systematic Theology. Graduated with High Honors.

* Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary (1983). Major: Systematic Theology. Graduated with Honors. Elected to Dean's List

* B.A., Houston Baptist University (1979). Recipient of the Greek Excellence Award.

As time permits, Dr. Rhodes teaches apologetics at Veritas Evangelical Seminary (Murrieta, CA), Dallas Theological Seminary, Talbot Seminary and Biola University (La Mirada, CA), and other well-known seminaries.

His thoughts on Preterist Theology:

A favorite argument among preterists is that the book of Revelation was written prior to A.D. 70, and hence the book must have been fulfilled in A.D. 70 when Rome overran Jerusalem.  Futurists point out, however, that some of the earliest church Fathers confirmed a late date, including Irenaeus (who knew Polycarp, John’s disciple) who claimed the book was written at the close of the reign of Domitian (which took place from A.D. 81-96). 

Victorinus confirmed this date in the third century, as did Eusebius (263-340).  Hence, since the book was written after A.D. 70 - it could hardly have been referring to events that would be fulfilled in A.D. 70.

Against preterism, futurists note that key events described in the book of Revelation simply did not occur in A.D. 70.  For example, in A.D. 70 “a third of mankind” was not killed, as predicted in Revelation 9:18.  Nor has “every living creature in the sea died,” as predicted in Revelation 16:3.  In order to explain these texts, preterists must resort to an allegorical interpretation since they did not happen literally.

("The Problem with Preterism" -

We know that the apostle John wrote the book of Revelation on the island of Patmos during the reign of Emperor Domitian (81-96 AD) so it is accepted that the book of Revelation was written about 95 AD.  If the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD was the fulfillment of end times prophecies - why did John not mention that in his book of Revelation?

3.  Maybe there is no life after death.

That is combination of the teachings of:

1. Annihilationism
- that at death the sinner is merely destroyed rather than experience hell or the lake of fire.  Some of the churches which teach that are: Seventh-day Adventists, Bible Students (offshoot of Jehovah's Witnesses), Jehovah's Witnesses, Christadelphians, and followers of Herbert Armstrong.  And today it is a common theme in the "Feel Good" churches whose main purpose is to fill large churches - rather than teach the full Word of God.


2. There is no God
- Atheists, Secularists, Humanists, etc., declare that God is not real, that there is no life after death.  Their teaching is that this life, no matter how long or short - is all there is, there is nothing more after death.  Yes, it is sad that people could be so hopeless.  But I can attest to the fact that even at the age of 81, having lived what some would call a pretty good, fun filled life - it would be so depressing to believe that this very brief time on earth is all there is - and there is no Blessed Hope of eternal life in Christ.

These are His promises of Eternal life:

John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting (eternal) life."

John 10:27-28, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.  And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand."

Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord ."

1 John 2:25, "And this is the promise that He has promised us - eternal life."

1 John 5:13, "These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God."

To deny these promises - is to deny God and His Written Word.  And keep in mind that the word "eternal" means "never ending."  When He promises us never ending life - are we going to believe Him - or should we believe the atheists?

4. I don't think anybody knows (for sure) that when we die that our souls go to heaven.

The best way to find assurance is to seek it in the Word of God.

Paul to the church in Philippi in Philippians 1:21-24, "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.  But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell.  For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better.  Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you."

Paul to the church in Corinth in 2 Corinthians 5:7-8, "For we walk by faith, not by sight.  We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord."

Promise directly from Jesus found in John 14:1-3, "Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."

And God's promise of the Rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4:1617, "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.  Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord."

These are absolute promises from God's Word of eternal life in the presence of Jesus Christ in heaven.  That said, I believe the Bible teaches that our eternal heaven will be on the New Earth found in Revelation 21.

5. Just to let you know I have read the Bible from the beginning to end seven times - and have no idea how many times I have read the new Testament.

That is great news.  And, Ray, in the short time we have been Facebook Friends - I have come to believe that you toss out rhetorical questions and comments - just to test my response.  I love it! 

The apostle Paul tells us in Acts 17:11 to always test the teaching and the teacher against Scripture. Not that I consider myself a teacher - more of a study leader or one who just loves to discuss God's Word.   But it is good that you test me.  Thank you, my Christian brother. 

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


Sunday, September 23, 2018

"Why Can't A Woman Be Like A Man? - Or Something Like That!" - Revisited

At times Facebook reminds us of blogs we have posted in past years.  Often those can be very applicable to our lives today and the current political and religious environment today.  That is very true of a blog I posted on the TimesDaily Religion Forum and my Facebook Notes on this day, September 23, in 2013.  It was titled "Why Can't A Woman Be Like A Man? - Or Something Like That!"

Below is that blog, with a few minor grammatical and clarification updates, which I posted on the TimesDaily Religion Forum in 2013:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In a discussion regarding Biblical issues, if a person disagrees with you - what is the intelligent manner of handling that disagreement?  Whether on the TimesDaily Religion Forum, another social media forum, or in person - should you offer Scriptural references to support your contention?

Is it ever appropriate in a rebuttal to resort to name calling, denigration, offensive language, personal attacks against a person or that person's family?  Is it appropriate to accuse that person of hatred for disagreeing with you?  Isn't the latter much like accusing people who disagree with Obama politically and spiritually of being racist?  Just for disagreeing with a person on anther race, skin color, or ethnicity?

Obviously any person who truly believes in his/her understanding of the Bible and what God is teaching us in His Bible - will offer proof found in God's Word. 

"So, Bill, why is it necessary for you to even initiate a discussion on this particular subject?"  Glad you asked.

I am posting this blog because I have a number of Friends and family who are Roman Catholic and with whom I can have an intelligent discussions. Even at times, to the point of disagreement.  And neither of us resort to anger and name calling. 

It is my feeling that the person, Roman Catholic or Protestant, who resorts to this "third grade school yard" approach to rebuttal - is doing a great disservice to his or her own church and to the people in that church by casting a tainted cloud of anger over all who follow those same beliefs.

In a recent TimesDaily Religion Forum discussion titled "St. John of the Cross II" - I raised the question, "Who is 'John of the Cross'?  In the Bible I find John the Baptist and the apostle John - but, no John of the Cross.  Where do I find him in the Bible?"

And the Roman Catholic Friend who began the discussion tells me, "I never said this came from the Bible, nor did I ever imply it was biblical.  It's the thoughts of a Saint.  The same as if President Obama, Mother Teresa, or Sam the Rag Man commented on matters of religion.  Your hatred of the Catholic Church seems to be frustrating you."

Another more militant Roman Catholic Forum Friend posted, "Let the dumb ass keep looking in his Martin Luther book.  He can't read it anyway. . .   Challenge is one thing and lying is another.  (Bill) YOU LIE.  There's a difference."

An agnostic lady jumps in to support her Roman Catholic buddies, "Old Billy Bob is a lover of Satan for sure.  Have you ever seen him dispute it?  And you won't either, because every word and thought he has is a lie.  If he admitted it, that would ruin the job Satan gave him to do."

Then, a Christian Friend offers:

There are saints in heaven and there are saints on earth and all of them are saints because they were saved by the blood of Christ.  And none of them are special-order 'Saints' by virtue of any declaration by any Pope, council, or other self-assertive, unscriptural source of doctrinal fiction.

That comment is not stated in the tone I may have chosen, but, at least my Friends is offering some form of logical, informed rebuttal.

And, our militant Roman Catholic Friend replies so eloquently, "Well, you're as stupid as your running pal, Billy."

Thinking about this situation, I have to wonder, "Why can't we have civil, at least semi-intelligent, dialogues on issues which so greatly concern the eternal life of so many folks?"  In a civil dialogue, each side presents its Scripture-based position on issues affecting our salvation.  And we leave it to our reading audience to determine, as we are taught in Acts 17:11, which is correct when tested against Scripture.

That would be the most productive way of having discussions, regardless of whether we agree or disagree.  But, let us not allow our dialogues to become divisive in the family of God.  For that may cause some to fall short in attaining the salvation which Christ has purchased with His precious blood.

In writing this, because all of my Roman Catholic Friends in this discussion are female, I am reminded of the 1964 musical "My Fair Lady" when Professor Higgins, in his frustration, declares:

Why can't a woman be more like a man?
Men are so honest, so thoroughly square;
Eternally noble, historically fair.
Who, when you win, will always give your back a pat.
Why can't a woman be like that?

Why does every one do what the others do?
Can't a woman learn to use her head?
Why do they do everything their mothers do?
Why don't they grow up, well, like their father instead?

Why can't a woman take after a man?
Men are so pleasant, so easy to please.
Whenever you're with them, you're always at ease.

Replace the "woman" in these lyrics with "militant Roman Catholic Forum Friends" -- and "man" with all who attempt to dialogue with them.  And we have a pretty good fit.

Now, please keep in mind that I am not saying that all Roman Catholics are like these few ladies on the TimesDaily Religion Forum, for I know that is not true.  God instructed the Israelites to eat only unleavened bread every year during Passover, removing all yeast (which represents sin) - knowing that just a touch of yeast in the dough will affect all the dough.

In the same manner, these few militant, name calling Roman Catholics on the Religion Forum - casts shadows over all who sincerely wear the mantle of Roman Catholicism and who will, in a civil manner, carry all discussions to their eventual Biblical conclusion, "yet with gentleness and reverence" (1 Peter 3:15 nasb) or with gentleness and respect (niv, esv).

My Friends, of all flavors, it is my prayer that we might conduct ourselves in our TimesDaily Religion Forum dialogues, in dialogues on all social media venues, and in our personal discussions - with civility, "rightly dividing the Word of Truth" (2 Timothy 2:15) in gentleness, reverence, and respect - for our God and for one another.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Another Fantastic Tuesday Night Bible Study

WE HAD ANOTHER FANTASTIC TUESDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY at the home of Jun & Rachel Quintans.  One of the blessings of having been a Christian believer for over thirty years - is watching the young people in our fellowships grow in their love of God and family, in their love of knowing and sharing God's Word with their unsaved friends, and in their love of studying God's Word with fellow believers.

The group of young believers in our current Bible study is actually one of several groups Dory and I have watched grow up and have worshiped with over the years.  I was saved in Bible study at the Fil-Am Church of Irvine (CA) in 1987 and in the coming years had the pleasure of seeing four of the young men in our young adult group become pastors - and we thrilled seeing them marry girls from our young adult groups.  Dory and I have seen that first group of young Christians grow up serving the Lord, either in direct ministry or in being strong witnesses in their schools and work places.

In 1998 we moved to the Riverside/Corona area and became active in the Fil-Am Church of Corona (now CICF).  Once again we were blessed to watch a new generation of young Christians growing in their faith.  The Quintans family is a special blessing for us.  Rachel and her two young sons, John Nash and Michael, came to our Bible studies faithfully for about a year. 

Normally we do not give altar calls at Bible studies - but I can only suggest that God led Pastor Ed Dacio to give an altar call in one of our studies.  And about eight people stood and prayed to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  Rachel and her sons, John Nash, and Michael, stood together as part of that group and asked Christ into their hearts.

Later Jun told me that the boys came home from Bible study and began to witness to him.  The next week Jun came to church and invited Christ into his heart.  And since that day - the Quintans family have been stalwarts of faith - both at CICF and later in their current home church, Resolve Bible Church of Norco (RBC) under the spiritual guidance of Pastor Rudy Dolloso.

Over the years Dory and I have been so blessed to be in the family of God with the Quintans family.  In the photo below of our CICF young Christians you can see a young John Nash and to his right his younger brother, Michael.  We have watched this family grow in their faith, in their knowledge of God's Word, and in their faithfulness to God over the years.

I was not surprised when John Nash expressed his desire to one day become a pastor.  I credit Pastor Rudy for taking John Nash under his spiritual wing and guiding him, helping him prepare for the next step - seminary.  He is in his third year of seminary now, but because he also has a lovely wife, also named Rachel, and a beautiful young son, Johnny - it will take John Nash several more years to finish seminary.  But I can tell you this, nothing will stop him from achieving his goal of finishing seminary and becoming a fully ordained pastor.  I look forward to that day.

In the meantime, John Nash is serving as an Associate Pastor at Resolve Bible Church under Pastor Rudy.  And that is what made this Tuesday Night Bible Study so special for me - Associate Pastor John Nash Quintans was leading the study.    Our study, titled "Living In The Word", was taken from Psalm 119:9-16.  John Nash led us in discussing the different aspects of living in the Word found in this passage - which could be boiled down to treasuring His Word in our hearts, following His commandments, learning His statutes, i.e., the full World of God, rejoicing in His testimonies, meditating on His Word, and delighting in His Word.

During this discussion study, we also talked about several issues which many believers, and even pastors, are hesitant to discuss.  All in all, we had a very interesting, fruitful discussion of God's Word. 

One last thought - in the Young Christians group photo below, some are married and have children of their own, one has served in the military, and all of them are still grounded in God's Word and in the Christian faith.  That group, like the group Dory and I experienced at our Irvine church, the group we knew at our San Juan Capistrano church, and the group in our Long Beach church - are all great examples of Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."

Dory and I are blessed to be in the Family of God.  We are blessed that all our our immediate family are children of God.  And we are especially blessed to part of our local Filipino-American Christian fellowships in the Southern California area.  By the way, all of these church fellowships I have mentioned are Baptist.

Dory, Lana, and I worship at the International Bible Baptist Church of Riverside (IBBC-Riverside).  If you do not currently have a church home, we invite you to visit us and enjoy our Christian fellowship and worship.

You will find us at:

International Bible Baptist Church
5932 Challen Avenue, Riverside, California 92503.

(Off Cypress Avenue between Tyler and Van Buren Avenues)

We would love to have you, your family, and your friends join us for Christian fellowship and worship.

Our Morning Service
is at 10:30 AM

And our Main Worship Service

* Sunday School - 1:30 PM  ~  Join us in the sanctuary, for I know you will enjoy our study of God's Word.

* Worship Service - 2:30 PM  ~  Come worship the Lord with us.

If you are in the area on any Sunday, come join us for fellowship and worship.  The invitation is open and perpetually standing.

Let me close by suggesting:  Don't just go to church on Sundays.  God's fellowship is open 24/7/365 and since we are His ambassadors on earth (2 Corinthians 5:20) we also want to be in Bible Study, Sunday School, and Prayer Meeting with you.  We are here to study and share His Word with you and to pray with you.  Like the Quintans family, I was also saved in a Bible study and can assure you, that is where the rubber meets the road - when we sit together, open our Bibles, and discuss God's Word.   Hope I see you in Bible study.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Click on image to enlarge:

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

AT&T U-Verse "Internet Service" ~ The Ultimate Oxymoron!

GOTTA SAY:  SHAME ON AT&T U-VERSE!   ~  We all have smiled when we hear someone say that "Military Intelligence" is an oxymoron.  Of course we are all joking - but there were times when I was in the Air Force in the late 1950s that you could have convinced me.  But that is an old story.

Let me share a very recent story and I will declare that when AT&T U-Verse tells us they provide "Internet Service" - after yesterday I have to yell really loud:  OXYMORON!  OXYMORON!  OXYMORON!

"Okay, Bill, what has you on this rampage?"  Glad you asked.

Early yesterday I tried to access my e-mails via Thunderbird.  I could not.  It would not accept my password to send or receive e-mails.  After trying to resolve the problem without calling AT&T U-Verse Tech Support (a venture through cyber hell) - finally about noon I gave up and called Tech Support.  I was on the telephone with a gentlemen with an Asian accent (Indian, Pakistani, ?) for about an hour trying to fix my password problem. 

One of the first things he did was to check to see if AT&T U-Verse had me locked out and he determined that was not the case.  After about an hour, he gave us and referred me to the AT&T advanced technician department, Digital Assistance Service.

Great, now I am with the real AT&T Techies.  Surely this man with a lesser accent and with superior technical skills will be able to resolve my problem quickly.  One of the first things this man, Adam (honest, that is what he told me), was to check to see if AT&T U-Verse had me locked out for any reason.  Great, no lock out.

We spent about half an hour on the phone before Mr. High Techie told me, "Well, since you are using Thunderbird e-mail software - you will have to go to them for help.  We don't work on Thunderbird e-mail software."  

Well, wait a minute!  Duh!  Half the world is now using Thunderbird e-mail software - and the AT&T U-Verse Internet Service Provider - does not support it?  Really?  Or was that just Mr. High Techie giving up and throwing up his hands in a desperation effort?

By this time it is getting on toward afternoon and I had to get ready for our Tuesday Night Bible Study - so I also threw up my hands in desperation, gave up on sending or receiving any e-mails - and began to prepare for attending Bible study.

We had a great Bible study at the home of my long time Christian brethren, Jun and Rachel Quintans - great fellowship, solid dialogue study on Psalm 119:9-16, and yes, terrific Filipino food fellowship.  All in all, a great way to spend the evening.

And, about 10:30 PM I am home again - ready to face my E-Mail Dilemma.  By this time I had determined that AT&T U-Verse Tech Support was as helpful as having my thumbs and big toes cut off (old New Testament punishment for enemy kings to make them helpless) - and that somehow I would have to wade through my E-Mail problem alone.

So, encouraged by an evening of good Bible study, good fellowship, and good Pinoy food - I sat at my computer, opened my Thunderbird e-mail - and VOILA! - it was working!

See, I have always told you that going to Bible study did good things for you!

When I downloaded my e-mails, I found one from AT&T U-Verse, sent at 6:55 AM that morning, and titled:  "Your AT&T Access ID Is Temporarily Locked"

Their e-mail read:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hi Valued Customer,

For your security, we've temporarily locked your Access ID.  To unlock it, either reset your password online at or call us at 877.285.0144.

Get more tips on keeping your account and access ID safe. Personal accounts | Business accounts

Thanks for choosing us,


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Yes, AT&T sent me that e-mail at 6:55 AM yesterday morning - and then immediately "locked out my e-mail" so that I could not receive the encouraging warning e-mail they had sent to me.  DUH!

And what was even worse - the AT&T Tech Support ~ AND ~ the AT&T Advanced Digital Assistance Service BOTH first checked to see if I was locked out by AT&T - and neither of them found that very important security notice.  DOUBLE DUH!

And, that my Friends, is why I declare that AT&T U-Verse's claim to provide "Internet Service" ~ is absolutely a really big OXYMORON!

Bless their clueless little hearts, Bill 

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Monday, September 17, 2018

Welcome, Tony Alagao!

A Welcome Message To My Christian Brother, TONY ALAGAO!   ~   Dory and I have been inviting our long time Christian brother, Tony Alagao, to visit our church, International Bible Baptist Church of Riverside (IBBC-Riverside).  And last Sunday he came to our afternoon Worship Service.

Unfortunately I was not there, for a nasty old bug - coughing, runny nose, and achy breaky body feeling - forced me to stay home.  Some things we do not want to share with our brethren at church.  But I did watch the service live on Facebook and was very happy when I saw Tony sitting with Dory.

About 20 years ago, Tony and his late wife, Myra, arrived at the Fil-Am Church of Corona (now CICF) about the same time as Dory and me.  The church fellowship was beginning to grow and Pastor Ed Dacio asked Tony, Ferdy Cancino, and me to be the first Elder Board.  As Elders we also taught Sunday School classes, and as I recall we started with the book of Acts, which is a great place for a new, growing fellowship to begin.

At the time we arrived at the Fil-Am Church of Corona, there was no Bible study.  So I suggested Dory and I start one in our home - and with the help of Tony's wife, Myra, and Pastor Ed's wife, Cory, we started a Bible study.  After a while it outgrew our home - so we moved it to Tony and Myra's home in Corona.  And in a few years, we had outgrown their home and divided into four separate Bible study groups.

It makes my heart sing when I can once again worship and study God's Word with old and dear Christian friends.  It is never my intention to steal believers from other churches.  But if anyone is feeling homesick for a Filipino-flavored Christian fellowship - regardless of your nationality - I want to tell you about IBBC-Riverside.

Recently Tony and Linda Andaya, also long time brethren, joined our IBBC-Riverside family - and last Sunday seeing Tony Alagao there was another blessing to me.  As a Christian believer, all believers worldwide are my brothers and sisters in Christ.  But we also have a close local Christian fellowship family.  I was saved at the Filipino-American Church of Irvine (FACI) in 1987 and have always been very comfortable in a Pinoy flavored church fellowship. 

I suppose I am very comfortable in a Filipino fellowship because the Filipino culture is so similar to that of my Southern heritage.  In our Southern culture, family is very important - the same is true of the Filipino culture.  In our Southern culture, you WILL be offered food and a warm welcome when visiting a home - the same is true of a Filipino home.

Years ago I adapted the following wording written byPastor Vicente "Vince" Arnaldo of the Filipino-American Church of Irvine and used it in church flyers for several different Fil-Am churches:

Our church is:  A truly Christ-centered, Bible teaching church offering Biblical Christian values and morals within a traditional atmosphere of community or "Bayanihan."

Where the family . . .  ● grows in the Word of God  ● grows in fellowship with other Christians  ● grows in faith  ● grows in their God-given abilities  ● grows in their love for the Lord.

Where the individual grows in his/her walk with the Lord through fellowship and encouragement from other members, in a truly Bayanihan spirit.  It is like coming home.

So, regardless of your national heritage, in a Filipino-American Christian fellowship - "It will be like coming home!"

One thing I have long believed and stressed is:  We do not grow our church fellowship at the expense of other Christian fellowships.  I will invite all people to visit our church - but I will not invite you to leave your home church to join ours.

On the other hand, if you do not currently have a church home - or if you are feeling a bit homesick, we would love to have you visit our local Christian family.  Maybe you are feeling a wee bit homesick for that "Bayanihan" feeling of home.  You are welcomed to sample the hospitality in our home.

Let me invite you to visit us in worship any Sunday.  You will find us at:

International Bible Baptist Church
5932 Challen Avenue, Riverside, California 92503.

(Off Cypress Avenue between Tyler and Van Buren Avenues)

We would love to have you, your family, and your friends join us for Christian fellowship and worship.

Our Morning Service
is at 10:30 AM

And our Main Worship Service

* Sunday School - 1:30 PM  ~  Join us in the sanctuary, for I know you will enjoy our study of God's Word.

* Worship Service - 2:30 PM  ~  Come worship the Lord with us.

If you are in the area on any Sunday, come join us for fellowship and worship.  The invitation is open and perpetually standing.

And in closing, once again:  WELCOME TONY ALAGAO!   I pray you will continue to worship with us.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,
