Monday, December 18, 2017

How Is Your Life Bible Reading Today?

THE VIDEO BELOW MAKES MY HEART SING! ~ And this shows that you can reach out to folks in many ways.  This tarmac worker is reaching those young children with dance - no words spoken, just love flowing from one to the other, though the glass and across the distance.

We can share our Christian faith the same way - just by reaching out, just by letting our Christian walk speak volumes to those we might not see - but who see us.

I have often heard the old maxim:  "Your Christian life may be the only Bible some will ever see.  How does it read?"  How is your life Bible reading today to those around you?

One evening years ago, Dory and I were coming home from a Bible study and I needed to stop at the Stater Brothers market in Tustin, California.  As I was standing in one of the aisles looking for a product, the lady (in an Hispanic couple) said to me, "You sure are happy!"  Surprised, I asked, "Why?"  And she told me, "You are singing."

While looking at the products on the shelf, I was unconsciously singing to myself a Christian song from our Bible study.  And the lady noticed my happiness.  That gave me a chance to tell her that I had been in a Bible study - and to share a Christian tract with her.

I once read a story of a pastor who was surprised when a lady told him, "Pastor, thank you for leading me to the Lord."    Somewhat embarrassed, the pastor told her, "I am sorry, but I don't remember meeting you."

She told him, "Several years ago, your mother was in the same hospital room with me. The privacy curtain was drawn, but as you read the Bible and prayed with her - I could hear you. And as you prayed with her - I also prayed to receive Jesus Christ.  Thank you so much!"

Dallas Airport Working Dancing With Children

How is your "Christian Life Bible" reading today?

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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