Tuesday, November 28, 2017

What Do YOU Think About CoExist and The LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP Movement?

Last Sunday, in our worship service at International Bible Baptist Church (IBBC-Riverside), our associate pastor, Paul Garcia, shared a photo of a bumper sticker which has been seen on many cars in the past several decades.  The bumper sticker suggests that we should COEXIST - and, with that I can agree.  However, we must look much deeper at what that bumper sticker is advocating.  What is it really suggesting?

After the service I shared with Pastor Paul that one of the oldest churches in our city of Riverside actually teaches that misguided theology - that people from all religions, including atheism, can come together, sitting side by side, with each worshiping his own god or gods:

The Universalist Unitarian Church of Riverside, previously known as the All Souls Universalist Church, is a Universalist Unitarian church located in Riverside, California, United States.  It was built during 1891-92 and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places as "All Souls Universalist Church" in 1978. 

According to their web site:

We live out these Principles within a “living tradition” of wisdom and spirituality, drawn from sources as diverse as science, poetry, scripture, and personal experience.  These are the Six Sources our congregations affirm and promote:

•  Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life;

•  Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love;

•  Wisdom from the world's religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life;

•  Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves;

•  Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit;

  Spiritual teachings of earth-centered traditions, which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.

Another Universalist Unitarian church web site tells us: 

Universalist Unitarianism
is a liberal religion that encompasses many faith traditions.  Unlike most religions, it is not centered on specific theological beliefs.  Universalist Unitarians are free to search for truth on many paths. 

Universalist Unitarianism arose from two liberal religions, both of which were originally part of the Christian tradition.

believed in the oneness of God and questioned the Trinity.

Universalism was founded on the premise that a loving God would not condemn a person to eternal punishment for earthly errors.

The two denominations merged in 1961.  Over the years, Unitarian Universalism has evolved into an even more open and accepting faith.  (https://peoriauuchurch.org/whoweare_1.html)
And, following that line of thinking, we have this sermon from a Universalist Unitarian pastor who claims to have initially been a Baptist:

A Unitarian with a Dash of Baptist

Sermon by Universalist Unitarian Rev. Dr. Todd F. Eklof, May 28, 2017

One of the most frequent questions I’m asked is how I went from being a Southern Baptist to becoming a Universalist Unitarian?  As theologically different as these two faiths are, there is also much they have in common.  For me, becoming a UU wasn’t a radical shift, but the continuing evolution of the core values that drew me to the Baptist faith to begin with, values that abide in me still, values that are also at the core of Unitarian Universalism. .  .  .

Bill Gray Note:  Very similar rationalization which is used by most atheists and non-believers to justify a false theology or a self-imposed blindness toward God and spiritual reality.

My father, on the other hand, whom I’m confident was an undiagnosed, untreated paranoid schizophrenic, often spoke in religious terms, though only about his version of an authoritarian, punitive God of the Old Testament, and never about Jesus or as if he considered himself a Christian.  In his mind, he was God’s anointed agent, a delusion of grandeur symptomatic of his illness, and, in our home, he acted as if he was God. .  .  .

Bill Gray Note:  To deny God, he first denies his Christian earthly father, which he does with typical atheistic flair.

Yet we, as Universalist Unitarians, remain free to ordain and install our own ministers, and, thankfully, have a long history of breaking with tradition, calling upon women, gays, lesbians, transgenders, even a few atheists, to minister to us and to occupy our pulpits.

Bill Gray Note:  What more can be said?  In that church anyone who wants to stand and declare that their knowledge exceeds that of God - is welcomed into their pulpit and into their clergy.

If you will google "Humanist Manifesto" you will find three Manifestos published by the American Humanist Association whose logo declares "Good Without A God."  These declarations are:  Humanist Manifesto 1 (1933)  ~  Humanist Manifesto 2 (1973)  ~ and Humanist Manifesto 3 (2003).  Looking at these Manifestos, they are basically the American Humanist's atheistic Statements of Faith.  

And, very important to note - you will find that many of the people who signed these Humanist Manifestos are Universalist Unitarian pastors, along with many theologians from liberal universities and colleges.

On the web site for Humanist Manifesto 1 (1933) we find this introduction:

The time has come for widespread recognition of the radical changes in religious beliefs throughout the modern world.  The time is past for mere revision of traditional attitudes.  Science and economic change have disrupted the old beliefs.  Religions the world over are under the necessity of coming to terms with new conditions created by a vastly increased knowledge and experience.

In every field of human activity, the vital movement is now in the direction of a candid and explicit humanism.  In order that religious humanism may be better understood we, the undersigned, desire to make certain affirmations which we believe the facts of our contemporary life demonstrate.   (https://americanhumanist.org/what-is-humanism/manifesto1/)

And, all of that brings to me my reason for writing this blog.  Folks we have often heard the old idiom "from the sublime to the ridiculous."   What is an idiom?  It is a word or phrase used to describe a situation where something serious and important - is followed by something absolutely silly and ridiculous.  And I doubt I will ever find a better example of an idiom than this article posted on Facebook today. 

Basically it is taking us from Genesis 1:27, "So God created man in His own image;.  .  . male and female He created them"  ~ to LGBT, then LGBTQQIAP, and now to
LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP.   I know it is a silly question - but what can possibly follow this new Liberal slap in the face of God?

P' Sensitivity Training

BY Megan Fox, NOVEMBER 26, 2017

Gather 'round children!  The Canadian Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (Canada) has some super interesting new information for you!  First, we're going to learn a new acronym.  Can you say, "LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP?"  Let's try it to the tune of "Old MacDonald!"  Everyone sing along!  Next, we'll learn what these letters mean.  Are you ready?

L — Lesbian  -  Everyone knows what this is, right?

G — Gay  -  And I'm sure I don't need to explain this to you smarties!

G — Genderqueer  -  Now this one is new.  So let's make sure we all understand what this means:  "Genderqueer; denoting or relating to a person who does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions but identifies with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders."  That's easy, isn't it, kids?  Basically, this is a person who has no idea who or what "x" they are, okay?

B — Bisexual  -  That's self-explanatory, isn't it?

D — Demisexual  -  Oh boy!  Another new one!  Let's get out the ever-expanding queer dictionary to figure it out!  "A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone."   This used to be known as monogamous love.  But now we throw the word "sexual" on it to make it attractive to the kids.  Got it?

T — Transgender  -  You all know all about this one!  These are boys or girls who dress up like the opposite sex and want everyone to pretend not to notice!

T — Transexual  -  You are familiar with these people too!   Same as above, only they've gone through irreversible surgery to remove healthy body parts because of feelings.  Let them in your bathroom.   Everything is fine.

T — Two-Spirit  -  Oh my goodness!  How exciting!  It's another category no one on earth has ever heard of!  This one is complicated, dear ones.  For sure you have to be a Native American.  And smoking a lot of peyote could only help to understand what the heck a two-spirit is.  It appears to be a third gender, not yet discovered by science, and only found in the Native American community by gender studies majors who take adventure vacations and hang out in sweat lodges.

I — Intersex  -  This is that very rare condition that we used to call hermaphrodite, where a child is born with both sex organs of male and female.  It is very rare, as in, hardly ever happens.  It is a birth defect.

Note:  We are just motoring through all these new terms and if you need a snack to recharge, choose something high protein!  We are going to need those brains functioning at peak capacity for this one!

Q — Queer  -  Just when you thought you couldn't use the word "queer" because it's an insult, think again!  It's back!  Queer is an umbrella term designed to describe all people who aren't normies.  I think.  It's hard to tell.  These things do change on an almost daily basis.

Q — Questioning  -  This is a term used for people who are still deciding where they are going to fall on this list.  It seems contradictory to the "born that way" theory - to have a bunch of people still questioning their sexuality - but the LGBTQWTF brigade says it's fine, so rest assured, there's nothing to question about questioning.

A — Asexual  -  People who have no interest in sex.  This also used to be known as "people who are married with kids."  See the classic TV show "Married with Children" for an example.

A — Allies  -  People who "virtue signal" constantly on Twitter about supporting their LGBTQWTF friends and family.  These people aren't gay, queer, or even questioning!  They're simply shielding themselves from the "gaystappo" squads who come around looking for people who aren't properly broadcasting their approval of the queer agenda.  Be an ally, children... if you know what's good for you!

P — Pansexual  -  Just a more confusing way to say bisexual.  There really is no difference, only we pretend there is so we can use a word that reminds us of Greek mythology and it sounds more interesting than bisexual, which is so last decade.

P — Polyamorous  -  People who are basically leftover Hippies, who miss their communes.  Or hardcore Mormons.  Either way, they are people who like to have more than one partner, sometimes at the same time.

Now that we've finished our lesson for today, children, it's time for questions!   What's that?   "Why are there no furries on the list?"

AAAARRRRGHHHH!!!  The discrimination is rampant!  Get the markers!  Add a letter!  Print new flyers!

If you are wondering where all this could lead and why I take the time to post such blogs, you might want to read these two articles:

The LGBT Agenda vs. Religious Freedom


LGBT Activist Threatens to Burn Down Church

And, if that is not convincing to you, take a look at this very recent video posted by the professional hockey team, the Anaheim Ducks, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of hockey in America.  In it one of the Anaheim Ducks players is filmed walking through the Anaheim Ducks headquarter offices totally nude - while unsuspecting office workers look on in shock.  And this video was obviously approved by the Anaheim Ducks' management.  Does that give you food for thought?

Is this the Anaheim Ducks' management and team's way of giving all Christian believers, and God, the "Shove It!" salute?  Works for me - about as well as
Colin Kaepernick's salute to America and our American military.

(Anaheim) Ducks celebrate NHL anniversary with nude Ryan Kesler video


Folks, I realize I have given you a lot to think about - but, how else will you know how to respond when someone in the secular world asks you, "What do you think about the LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP Movement?"  Now you will not have to respond, "The what movement?"   Glad I could help.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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