Wednesday, September 4, 2024

What Is Happening In Our Christian Churches?

WHAT IS HAPPENING IN OUR CHRISTIAN CHURCHES? ~ The video below reminds me that not all Christian churches have the same Biblical goal. Many churches I agree with completely - some not so much - and others I feel that we have a disconnect. The ones mentioned in the video and I definitely have a disconnect.

We all have seen this in action, churches more focused on filling pews, raising money, traveling around the world to evangelize rather than working where God planted you, enough programs to fill a book, and depending upon the latest "marketing" scheme learned in seminary.

About 10-15 years ago, I read a story about two churches in Southern California. They were located about 10 miles apart and began at about the same time.

One church using all the latest marketing plans learned in the pastor's fairly recent seminary training took off and really began to grow, all kinds of programs, all the latest tech tools, seats were ready to overflow. But then, the pastor began to see more and more empty pews, and was perplexed - what was happening, why was his attendance beginning to shrink? Why was his "marketing" plan not working now?

The other church 10 miles south began slowly, growing from a Home Bible Study - and continued to grow. The pastor from Church One asked him, "What marketing programs and plans are you using to grow your church?"

The pastor of Church Two told him, "None. I was driving on the freeway and praying about planting a new church, but not sure where. Suddenly I felt an urge to get off the freeway and drive around a local community. Driving in that community, I felt a strong desire to start a Bible Study in this neighborhood. I did, and eventually that Home Bible Study grew into the healthy church we have today."

The moral of that story is: Forget YOUR marketing plans - and seek GOD's marketing plan - which most often begins with a Home Bible Study.

One more thought. A great example is the church where I was saved in 1987, the Filipino-American Church of Irvine (CA). In 1971, God brought a young pastoral couple from the Philippines, Pastor Sam and Ida Lacanienta. He planted them in Orange County, CA, where Pastor Sam worked as an associate pastor in two different Baptist churches.

Circa 1975, Pastor Sam was an associate pastor at the Woodbridge Community Church in Irvine. Serving in that capacity, friends recommended he contact the Almeda family who were looking for a church. They met with the Almeda family and began a Bible Study in their home. That Bible Study grew and soon the Fil-Am Church of Irvine was born, becoming a daughter church of Woodbridge Community.

Over the next few years, Pastor Sam & Ida began to plant other churches in California and along the West Coast. Together they planted about 12 new churches in the "harvest field" where God had planted them. And their planting efforts virtually cost our church nothing, for they traveled by car, stayed with friends, and were frugal.

God planted the Lacanientas in California and they did His work in California and nearby states - a dozen churches, each with its own local pastor.

Moral of my story: Work where God plants you - do not try to second guess Him, thinking He put you here - but really needs you working on the other side of the world.

When God needed a Fil-Am pastor in Orange County, California, He planted the Lacanientas in that location. In the same way, when He needs a pastor in another country, He CAN raise up and plant a pastor there.

You just be content to work where He has planted you. And keep in mind that a local church and pastor has two goals given by God: Feed His local flock, THEN GO, use the resources of your local church, and honor His "marketing plan" by planting Daughter churches in nearby communities.

That is the formula: "NURTURE your local flock - PLANT new daughter churches in neighboring communities."

Then guide the pastor of that new church plant that he is to follow the same guidelines for church planting and growth from his new church plant.

Forget the other side of the world, God can take care of them, without you. YOU work where He planted YOU!

IF YOUR CHURCH has been active in your community for years - and apparently has not planted any daughter churches in neighboring communities - YOU should ask your pastor one very important question: "Has our church planted any daughter churches in neighboring communities? If not, WHY NOT?"

I do not know much about the gentleman who made this Video Short other than what he tells us in his video. But in this small snapshot of his ministry, I do agree with him. After watching the Video Short, do you agree with him? Is your church and your pastor planting daughter churches? If not, WHY NOT?

Church Growth - Stats %

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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