Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Should "YOU" Vote Democrat Or Republican?

SHOULD "YOU" VOTE DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN?  ~  As Allen Parr suggests in the video below, and I agree with him, we should vote our Christian conscience - but we should not get angry nor divide from friends, loved ones, and family who have chosen to not vote the same. 

Share this video with them, have discussions with them - but do not build a wall between you and them over your choices of candidates and parties.

This video is a wee bit long, but the advantage is that Allen Parr takes the key, most important, issues and breaks then down - from a Democratic worldview and from a Republican worldview. 

Rather than belabor you with all my thoughts on this video, let me just share three key points in his summation which spoke to me:

1. "Do not vote based upon Race, (Skin Color), or Culture."

My Thoughts:  Far too many folks get caught up in emotion, pride of sameness, and far too many vote just for the sake of voting - without any real knowledge of the candidates for whom they are voting or the policies of those candidates.  They check to vote for or against an issue, with little or no knowledge of what it is and what it will, or will not, do to them and to our American nation.

2. "Be careful how you post on Social Media - discuss policies and issues you stand for, do not spend your time with personal attacks." 

My Thoughts:   As a career computer salesman for 35 years, I learned early in my career to not spend my sales face-time degrading and knocking my competition.  Spend that time more productively, telling your prospective client how well YOUR product will do his job. 

When I was making a sales presentation, if the client asks about a particular competitor - I would merely say something like, "They have a nice product" - and then get back to telling the client about the features of my product and how those features will fit his company's computer needs very well.

3 "Do not allow your politics to override your Christian faith.  Let your posts and conversations reflect more of Christ, than your party."

My Thoughts:   
You may have noticed over recent years that, although I call myself a Christian Apologetic Writer - I have been doing more and more Political Opinion Writing also.  A while back we visited a church Dory and I used to attend and where we have many friends. 

After the service the pastor asked to speak with me privately, where he told me, "Brother Bill, Since I have been on vacation the past few weeks, I have had time to read your blogs.  And for a Christian writer, you are too political.  That troubles me.  Let me pray for you."  I did let him pray for me, then Dory and I left.  I have never been back to that church since. 

We cannot remove all Christian faith from the halls of government.  While religious faith cannot be a criteria for holding office, a Christian believer should absolutely weigh the moral position and faith values of any person whom you are considering voting into office.  America should, and must, have a balanced level of Christian influence to stand with the secular movements within the halls of government.

If we do not, we will have an anti-God secular government - which is just another name for an Atheist / Communist government.  Russia and China are good examples of such governments - and we do not want that in America.

In another vlog I shared, Pastor Alton of Memphis, Tennessee, tells us in his sermon, "When you vote, if you compromise by deciding that you will just ignore the morally anemic values of the candidates - then they get into office and put into practice all those anti-God policies - YOU are responsible for making it possible for them to be in office, pushing their Immoral, amoral, and unGodly secular policies on our families."

So my Friends and Christian brethren, gather your family and friends and share this video with them - to prepare all of you for how YOU will vote in the very critical upcoming 2024 President Election.

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Should Christians Vote Democrat or Republican?  
THE BEAT by Allan Parr -  Sep 3, 2024

Should Christians vote Democrat or Republican in the upcoming 2024 presidential election?  In this video, Allen Parr gives a detailed breakdown of each party’s policies, and discusses which one more closely aligns with the Bible.

In his e-mail offering this video, Allen Parr tells us:  For this video, I did something I've never done before. I recorded this one three different times. With a topic like this, it was more important than ever that I said everything with carefully chosen words and the right tone. This may be the most controversial video I've ever done.

Today, we're going DEEP into the question of how Christians should vote.  With the election right around the corner, you're going to want to watch this whole video before casting your vote.  The video gives a very thorough and balanced BIBLICAL take on whether Christians should vote for Democrats or for Republicans.  And, as well, the video gives reasons why Christians who worship the same Jesus, read the same Bible - yet often choose to vote for one side or the other.

And, at the end, I'll tell you the issues that are most important to me and how I'm going to vote.  Now take a deep breath, view the video with an open mind - and if you choose to make a comment, please keep it kind and respectful!

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God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Click on the image to enlarge:

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