Friday, September 9, 2022

Oneness Pentecostalism, The Trinity, And The Church Explained!

Recently A Friend Began Flooding Facebook With A Campaign Of False Teaching, "The Oneness Pentecostal Movement."

For the past few weeks I have refuted his bold posts and declarations.  But now I think it is time bring in the Christian A -Team who can better explain and expose those teachings which stray from true Christian Biblical teaching.  To do so, I have chosen two video playlists from my YouTube Channel.  Each is two short videos which better explain the Biblical Trinity, the Oneness Pentecostal false teaching, and how we can understand the difference.

The first playlist is two short videos from the Allen Parr Ministries.  In 2004, Allen Parr, Bible teacher and national speaker, earned his Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary.  His ministry, The BEAT, stands for "Biblical Encouragement And Truth" and is an online YouTube Channel created in 2015, a ministry birthed as a result of seeing an exodus in many churches away from the Word of God. 

These videos are solid teaching on the church movements which have strayed from the path of conservative Christianity, denying the Trinity - and could pull some new believers, as well as some older believers who have not built a strong foundation of Bible knowledge, into that wayward path with this false theological teachings..

The second playlist of two videos is from the late Dr. R.C. Sproul (1939–2017)Reformed theologian and ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church in America,  He was a pastor, a professor, an author, and the founder and president of Ligonier Ministries. 

His contributions in the areas of Biblical studies, theology, worldview and culture, Christian living, and church history are well known
across America and internationally.   Although I do not personally agree with Dr. Sproul's Reform / Calvinist theology - I do respect him as a great Christian scholar, pastor, and teacher.

As the German Lutheran theologian of the early seventeenth century, Rupertus Meldenius, admonished all believers in a tract on Christian unity written circa 1627, “In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In ALL Things Charity.“   We should all live by those wonderful words.

There are Essential Christian Doctrines which define our salvation and which cannot be compromised.  And there are many Non-Essential Christian doctrines and teachings which, while important to understand, interesting to discuss, and are helpful in making us more mature believers and witnesses. Yet they DO NOT define nor affect our salvation.

What are the Essential Christian Doctrines which cannot be compromised?

1. The Deity of Jesus Christ: 
Preexisting deity, God incarnate - fully man; yet, fully God.  (John 1:1, 1:14, 4:25, 8:58)

2. The Trinity:  God eternally existing; one God manifested (revealed) in three persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:1, 1:26,  John 1:1, Luke 3:21-22)

3.  The Bible:  Is the Holy Spirit inspired Written Word of God and is the sole authority for Christian faith, salvation, and to guide our Christian lives. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21)

4. Salvation by Grace:  By grace we are saved, through faith in Jesus Christ - plus nothing else. (Ephesians 2:8-9, Isaiah 51:6, Galatians 2:16, John 3:16, 6:47, 10:27-28, Romans 6:23, 10:9, 10:13, Hebrews 9:15)

5. The Resurrection of Christ:  He rose from the dead, that we may also be resurrected into eternal life.  (1 Peter 1:3, John 11:25-26, Acts 10:39-43)

6. The Gospel:  The birth, death, resurrection, ascension, and imminent return of Jesus Christ according to Scripture.   (Luke 1:26-38,  Matthew 1:20-25, Acts 2:24, 2:32, Romans 8:33-34, 1 Timothy 2:5, 1 Peter 2:24, 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, Matthew 24:36)

7.  Heaven and Hell:  Both are real places and are the only two eternal destinations available to all mankind. (Acts 1:9-11,  Hebrews 9:24, Psalm 139:7-8, Matthew 10:28, Mark 9:47, Luke 16:19-31)

To address the issues being raised by my Friend on Facebook surrounding Oneness Pentecostalism vs we who believe the Trinity is definitely taught in the Bible - I suggest you watch the first playlist featuring Allen Parr.  Then if you have the time, definitely watch the two videos from Dr. Sproul.  If not, save the link and come back later.  But I am convinced that if you are a Trinity believer, your knowledge and faith will receive a booster shot by watching these short videos.

If you are in a church fellowship which teaches there is no Trinity I suggest that after watching, following, and studying what these two amazing theologians are sharing with us in these videos, you will be like the gentleman below who responded to Dr. Sproul's video, "One in Essence, Three in Person: The Mystery of the Trinity" video:

Comment from follower:  Bill Iskra - 2 years ago ~  "I am a former Oneness Pentecostal.  I came to see even without contending for a doctrine of the Trinity - that God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit exist eternally and are in unity with one another.  I see the concept of 'persons' based upon the fact that God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost have a personal relationship with one another and with Christians."

Now get a cup of coffee, turn on your audio, and be thrilled as enjoy these words of knowledge and wisdom in these videos:

Allen Parr On The Trinity, Oneness Pentecostalism, And The Church

The Trinity - Dr. R. C. Sproul

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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