Wednesday, October 7, 2020

God vs Evolution - Who Wins?

GOD vs EVOLUTION - WHO WINS? ~  For years I read my hometown newspaper, the TimesDaily of Florence, Alabama, online - but would not venture into the forum section. Why?  Because what I had seen of forums convinced me that they are just "spitting contests" where folks go to vent their feelings, and often anger, toward others. 

And when I did look at forums, I found that virtually all the people who were posting - used pseudonyms.  Why use a pseudonym?  Because hiding under the veil of a phony name empowers folks to vent their feelings - without anyone knowing them.  An atheist on the forum once posted, "I will not use my real name, for I might want to run for an elective office" - and he did.

In January 2007, while reading the TimesDaily Online, I noticed a post in the TimesDaily Forums titled "What Is A Christian?"   Hmmm?  That got my interest - because I consider Alabama a strong part of the Bible Belt.  As I have often said, "Alabama is the Belt Buckle of the Bible Belt."

So, intrigued by that title, I ventured into the TimesDaily Forums to read what my hometown friends had to say about "What Is A Christian?" 

To my surprise, that section of the forums was dominated by two devout atheists, DeepFat and GoFish - with a number of agnostic and vanilla-flavored non-believers supporting their every word.  In other words, this was not a Christian section of the forums, it was the "Resident Atheist Corner of the TimesDaily Forums." 

So, as much as I disliked getting involved in a forum - someone had to step up and refute the atheists, agnostics, evolutionists, and other non-believers who were working hard to cast a bad light upon all Christians.  And in some cases, that also meant refuting a couple of very Legalistic Christian members.

Although I knew there were many Christians in the Shoals area, and many of them reading the forums - believers tend to be more passive than our friends from the other side.  I felt that someone had to step out of our "Christian Passive" room and respond to their outrageous claims.  And since no one else volunteered, I picked up the ball. 

After I had been on the forums for a few months, a Moderator messaged me, worried that I was using my real name.  I thanked him, but told him that I could not, in good conscience, post my Christian beliefs using a phony name.  And, praise God, he told me, "I will admit that watching your posts these few months, I have never seen you respond in anger nor post anything nasty to anyone."

I stayed on the TimesDaily Forums for almost eight years.  And shortly after I began to refute the false claims of the atheists and their friends - there was so much activity in reading the forums that the Moderator decided to create a separate section of the forums called the TimesDaily Religion Forum.

I offer this information so that I can make one major point which stands out in the video I am sharing.  When one speaks of "Evolution" there are two distinct levels of Evolution which need to be defined - Micro and Macro Evolution.  Let's define both:

1. Micro Evolution:  Over the millennia, fossil records do record changes within a species, i.e., a bird may have evolved into a different variation of the bird family.  In his book "On the Origin of Species" published in 1859, Charles Darwin discusses the Finch and how its beak has changed over the years.  That is change within a species, i.e., Micro Evolution. 

Fossil records show us the changes over the millennia in many different land dwelling, water dwelling, and amphibian creatures - but always within their species.  There are NO fossil records of any species becoming a different species, i.e., a fish becoming a dog or cat.  I know that sounds funny, but that is basically what Evolution teaches - that one species, i.e., ape - morphed into man.

Micro Evolution would have occurred over time due to climate change, change of environment, etc.  When God divided the people at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) - Ham's descendants migrated toward the harsher climates of the African nations.  Japeth's descendants migrated more toward the colder environments of what became the European nations.  And Shem's descendants migrated to the more moderate climates of the East. Over the millennia, there were micro changes which occurred as they adapted to their local environments.  That is Micro Evolution, within the species.

2. Macro Evolution:  The belief that an animal from one species, i.e., dog, cat, etc. - could evolve into another different species, i.e., a horse or kangaroo.  That an ape could evolve into a fully reasoning man.  Evolutionist believe that has happened.  God tells us that He created man "in His image" (Genesis 1:26).  God has never been an ape.  Who will you believe?

In this video you will see virtually all of the highly educated, very intelligent students, teachers/professors, and scholars - become dumb when asked to give one scientifically provable example of Macro Evolution - of one species changing into a different species.  None of them could answer that question. 

And neither can science, archeology, anthropology, etc., show even one fossil record to prove such a change has happened.  There are fossil records of apes, who remained apes - and there are fossil records of man, who remained man.  But as Rudyard Kipling wrote in his poem, The Ballad Of East And West, "Ne'er the twain shall meet."

With that said, I strongly encourage you to get a cup of coffee, or tea, relax for half an hour - and watch this very informative video all the way to the end.  And you will see that Evolutionists - highly revered scientists and professors, or advanced students - cannot truly defend Evolution.  While we Creationists know that when we stand Evolution - especially Darwinian Evolution - side be side with God's Word - God wins every time.

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Ray Comfort, founder of Living Waters Publications and The Way Of The Master Ministry
Aug 6, 2013 -

Hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists from some of the world's top universities:

• Peter Nonacs, Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA

• Craig Stanford, Professor, Biological Sciences and Anthropology, USC

• PZ Myers, Associate Professor, Biology, University of Minnesota Morris

• Gail E. Kennedy, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UCLA

A study of the evidence of vestigial organs, natural selection, the fifth digit, the relevance of the stickleback, Darwin's finches, and Lenski's bacteria - all under the microscope of the Scientific Method - observable evidence from the minds of experts.   Prepare to have your faith shaken.

"Evolution Vs. God" dubbed in Spanish:

"Evolution Vs. God" subtitled in Portuguese:

Like Us?

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World renowned atheist, Richard Dawkins, is quoted as saying, "Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence."   Yet, as we see in this video, it takes much more faith to believe in Evolution - than to believe in God's Creation.  Who do YOU believe - Evolution or God?

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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