Monday, October 21, 2019

Churches Leaving The Newly Liberalized Southern Baptist Convention

HAVE YOU EVER HEARD A PASTOR'S MESSAGE and think to yourself, "That has been heavy on my heart for a long time - and today the pastor is speaking to my heart."  My Friends, that is exactly what has happened with this video from today's sermon at the Grace Life Church of the Shoals in my Alabama hometown.  Pastor Jeff Noblit went right to my heart with this message:  "The Southern Baptist Convention is broken!" 

In recent weeks I have posted several short blogs about what I see happening in the Southern Baptist Convention.  I knew I am not the only Baptist believer who feels this way, but it sure affirms what I have seen happening when I hear Pastor Jeff Noblit share my same thought in his sermon today.

I have included the video of the worship service at Grace Life Church of the Shoals at the bottom of this blog.  If you want to skip the preliminaries and get right to his message, fast forward to about the 9 minute point.  Pastor Jeff speaks for about 20-30 minutes, then there is special music, and then Pastor Jeff continues again at the 41 minute point.  You can jump to these key times - or you can just enjoy the whole worship service, which I know you will enjoy.

But my main reason for posting this blog today is to make you aware of what is happening in the Southern Baptist Convention - and the dire effects that is going to have on Christian communities all across America.  Please, take the time to watch this video.  It is so important that you do and that you then share it with all your FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors).   We cannot allow Liberalism to continue this meteoric spreading through our Christian communities across America.

Below I have copy/pasted the text of the article associated with the video.  I did this to eliminate all the confusion caused by advertisements popping up all over the place while you are reading.

Large Southern Baptist Church Leaves Denomination Over Its Support of Beth Moore
By News Division · Published Oct 20, 2019 · Updated Oct 20, 2019

Another Southern Baptist Church has left the SBC over what many are calling a complete undoing of the Conservative Resurgence.  Pastor Jeff Noblit of the booming Grace Life Church of the Shoals (Muscle Shoals, AL) mentioned a number of problematic issues with their denomination but said that the denomination’s support for Beth Moore’s ministry was “the straw that broke the camel’s back."

Noblit announced to the congregation that he and the rest of the church’s elders were united in asking the church members to abandon the liberalizing denomination.

John MacArthur’s comments over the weekend, in which he said that Beth Moore should “go home” and stop preaching, should have received widespread approval in the SBC and would only a few short years ago.  Instead, SBC officials like Convention President, JD Greear, mocked MacArthur.  And other SBC leaders like Danny Akin rebuked MacArthur for his position on female preachers.  Previously, Russell Moore had said, “An SBC that doesn’t have room for Beth Moore doesn’t have room for a lot of us.”

Mentioned in his sermon is SBC support for Beth Moore - their leadership’s attacks on John MacArthur - the passage of Resolution 9 (promoting Critical Race Theory) - SBC leaders promoting Paula White - and it’s generalized liberalizing and its promotion of Social Justice.

The calmly-spoken but serious-minded pastor explained that churches that embrace feminism will embrace liberalism, and acknowledged that the SBC was beyond salvaging.

The sermon really was incredible, and we encourage you to listen to it.  You can see it below.  The announcement of the church’s choice to leave the denomination starts around the 9:35 minute mark.

Noblit told the crowd, “You can disagree with me, but if you do, you better come with an open Bible and about four hours.”

Many churches have left the SBC over this issue.  Fellowship Baptist Church in Sidney, Montana, was the first to do so in recent years over social justice last year, which was written about in Relevant Magazine, The Christian Post, and other publications.  Since then, hundreds have officially and/or unofficially left the denomination, pledging privately or publicly to never support the denomination again.  We have continually covered these departures at Pulpit & Pen.

Over the last few months I have really been bothered by the rapid shift of the Southern Baptist Convention toward Liberalism.  And the problems which Pastor Jeff Noblit outlines in his message have become a major burden on my heart.  I have long known that Calvinism has spread far and wide in the SBC, which has bothered me - and Pastor Jeff affirms that his church is Calvinist. 

That is not a problem since I have long ago put the Calvinist and Arminianist thoughts out of my theology, preferring to stand in the middle between the two.  I am not saying that my Calvinist and Arminianist brethren are not saved, only that I disagree with parts of their theology regarding salvation and keeping our salvation.

That said, I beg you to listen to Pastor Jeff's message, take it to heart, and then share it.  Let us keep the faith by sharing the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world.

One last thought on the Southern Baptist Convention.  In my Southern California neighborhood, the Berean Christian Bookstore has been a mainstay for over 30 years - and my go-to for all Christian material.  This past year LifeWay Christian Store, the retail arm of the Southern Baptist Convention's publishing company, purchased our local Berean Christian bookstore. 

Not sure how many others across the country they bought out.  And this year they announced plans to close all 172 of their stores, including the ones they have just purchased, by the end of 2019.  Is this a way for them to control what you read?  Do they want you to accept their new Liberal vision and interpretation of the Bible?

Recently I have decided that I need a new Study Bible, for my go-to Bible is over 30 years old and becoming a wee bit worn.  Then reality hit me.  There are no more Christian bookstores in our city.  There are Christian book stores in some of the large churches such as Harvest International - but they are only open during their Sunday worship service - when I am at my own church worship service.  I cannot buy a Study Bible online, for I want to see the study notes and who wrote them before I buy a new Bible.  I have a dilemma, accelerated by the SBC shutting down book stores all across America.  So what am I to do?  Thank you, Southern Baptist Convention.

Grace Life Church of the Shoals
Worship Service - Start At Pastor Jeff's Message

Grace Life Church of the Shoals
Worship - Full Worship Service

Large Southern Baptist Church Leaves Denomination Over Its Support of Beth Moore
(full article)
By News Division · Published October 20, 2019 · Updated October 20, 2019

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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