Monday, January 14, 2019

Why There Must Be A Pre-Tribulation Rapture Of The Church - Pastor Jack Hibbs

This is a great teaching video on the Rapture of the Church.  And from the Bible we know it must be a PreTribulation Rapture.  In this video Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills (CA) shared a great message yesterday telling us:

"The timing of the Rapture in relation to the Tribulation is one of the most controversial issues in the church today.  The three primary views are Pre-Tribulational (the Rapture occurs before the Tribulation) - Mid-Tribulational (the Rapture occurs at or near the mid-point of the Tribulation), and Post-Tribulational (the Rapture occurs at the end of the Tribulation)." 

So I invite you to experience the teaching of Pastor Jack Hibbs as he examines Scripture and makes a case for the Pre-Tribulation Rapture position of the church in this video.

By the way, this is the same doctrinal teaching you will find in our local church, International Bible Baptist Church of Riverside (IBBC-Riverside).  We believe and teach a PreTribulation Rapture of the church and a PreMillennial Second Coming of Christ. 

If you are seeking a home church or just want to share good fellowship, I invite you to check us out at IBBC-Riverside.  You will find us at:  5932 Challen Avenue, Riverside, California 92503.  And our services are: Morning Service at 10:00 AM, Sunday School at 1:30 PM, and Afternoon Service at 2:30 PM. 

Overall I view this video as a great teaching tool and would strongly suggest to all my Christian Friends that you share it will all your FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors) that they, too, might have the sense of eternal security which Christ has promised to all believers.

That said, there are several areas where I will take exception.  First, at about the 5 minute point, he states that all Christian churches agree that there will be a Rapture, yet they debate when it will happen.   That is not true.   If he had said all Dispensational Premillennialism churches and denominations agree there will be a Rapture, I would agree.  However those churches and denominations which teach Historic Premillennialism, Amillennialism, or Postmillenialism do not see a Rapture in our coming future.

And the second exception I will mention happens to be a grammatical boo-boo which I see and hear many otherwise intelligent and educated speakers making.  At the 9:24 minute point, Pastor Jack hit a hot button for me.  He states that "Jesus already delivered you and I from hell."   No, no, Pastor Jack, "Jesus already delivered you and ME from hell."   Jesus has not "delivered I from hell" - but He has "delivered ME from hell." 

Sorry for being side tracked folks, but this is one grammatical error which to me is like pouring salt on a new wound.  If a person is going to be a public speaker, do it right.  You would be surprised at how many very intelligent and educated people, such as Pastor Jack Hibbs, I see making that mistake in public speaking.  Unfortunately, throughout this great video Pastor Jack makes that same mistake over and over.  So he must believe it.

This mistake happens most frequently when a writer or speaker is using a compound sentence.  A compound sentence is one which is composed of two or more main clauses.  When we break Pastor Jack's compound sentence "Jesus already delivered you and I from hell"  down into its two main clauses, we get, "Jesus already delivered you"  and "Jesus already delivered I."    Would you say, "Jesus already delivered I"?  No!  You would say, "Jesus already delivered ME."   So, to prevent an "Arghhhh!" moment for the listening audience, the correct statement should be, "Jesus already delivered you and ME from hell." 

Please do not allow my "side note moment" to distract you from the important message of this video:  Jesus Christ is going to Rapture His church, His bride, from this earth BEFORE the Tribulation begins.  That is just one more layer of Eternal Security for all believers.  Two layers of assurance for all believers:  (1) When you believe, receive Christ, you HAVE Eternal Life and cannot lose your salvation, and (2) You WILL be Raptured before the Tribulation.  Those two you can take to the bank.

Now get a cup of coffee, or tea, sit back and enjoy this great teaching moment.

Why There Must be a Pre-Tribulation Rapture of The Church Real Life with Jack Hibbs  ~  Published on Jan 13, 2019

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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