Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Christian Feminist Theology? ~ And The Decline Of Family Values In America!

ARE YOU FAMILIAR WITH THE "CHRISTIAN FEMINIST THEOLOGY"?  ~  Don't feel bad, neither am I.  Yet that is the theological belief of Dr. Alison Downie, who earned her PhD in Systematic Theology at Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) with a concentration in "Christian Feminist Theology." 

Her academic interests include ecofeminist theologies, disability theologies, religious understandings of self and memoir, religious themes in literature and film, and interfaith dialogues.  She is also active in the scholarship of teaching and learning.  (https://www.iup.edu/religiousstudies/faculty/downie,-alison/)

That introduction and the article posted below made me think of our Sunday School Class last Sunday.  Our class is currently going through a Sunday School workbook titled "The ABC's of Christian Maturity, A-Z Bible Studies In The Meat Of The Word" by Robert J. Sargent.  We are currently up to "D" in our workbook and, as you might guess, our subject last Sunday was Divorce.  As our class began, Sunday School leader, Ben Gallardo, read from the introductory part of our lesson:

The United States of America leads the world in divorce. .  .  .  The divorce rate (in America) has tripled since 1960.  A University of Oklahoma study found the "no fault" divorce laws raised the divorce rate in 44 states. .  .  .

A 1988 study by the National Center for Health Statistics found that children in single-parent families (including those whose parents never married) are more likely to drop out of high school, become pregnant as teenagers, abuse drugs, and get into trouble with the law than those living with both parents.  [Sources:  Los Angeles Times, 5/27/96, Family Research Council, US Department of Health & Human Services.]

Does anyone notice a statistic, a time frame in that statement which could account for this decline in family stability and moral family values? 

Yes - 1960!

What happened in the early 1960s which could so drastically change family values and alter the family landscape in America?  Glad you asked.

In 1963 the atheist activist, Madelyn Murray O'Hair, teamed with the ACLU and petitioned the Supreme Court to remove God, the Bible, and prayer from all American public schools.  Along with the removal of God from our schools and public lives - two extreme changes were brought about by this 1963 Supreme Court decision:   (1) Evolution firmly replaced teaching of the Creation in our schools - from Kindergarten through college and university, and (2) Positive Moral Values could no longer be taught in our school systems.  That void of moral values was filled by the teaching of Relative Moral Values, i.e., Relativism.

What is Relativism?  Basically Relativism has one criteria for all moral values:  "If it feels right to you - it is right!"   Yes, folks, now everyone, from children in kindergarten, to young adults, to cranky old seniors - can establish their own moral values.  "If it feels right to you - it is right."  And that includes sexual activities, smoking, drinking, ignoring parental guidance, etc., anything that feels right to you, regardless of your age or maturity - IS RIGHT for you!  Forget how it impacts others.  All you need concern yourself with - is yourself.  After all, it is all "relative!"

And, heaven forbid that a student, especially a male student (who is a religious studies major)
in the lecture class taught by Dr. Alison Downie of Indiana University of Pennsylvania, appropriately named: "Christianity 481: Self, Sin, and Salvation" - should propose that there are only two genders.  How dare he suggest that God created man in His own image, that He created mankind as male and female:

Genesis 1:27, "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."

A student at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania was kicked out of a class on Christianity (for) arguing that there are only two genders.

Student, Lake Ingle, was suspended from Dr. Alison Downie's class on Christianity after he argued that there are only two genders.  After viewing a TED talk by transgender ex-pastor Paula Stone Williams, Ingle raised his hand and claimed that biologists believe that there are only two genders.

Ingle was immediately kicked out of class by the professor and asked not to return.  Now, pending an administrative investigation, Ingle - a senior - may not graduate in May.

In a shocking letter, Indiana University of Pennsylvania provost Timothy Moerland says that on top of Ingle’s suspension from the classroom, he will be required to apologize to the class.  Ingle will then be forced to listen to his peers describe how his comments made them feel.

Lake will write an apology to the professor which specifically addresses each of the disrespectful behaviors described above, demonstrating ability to take responsibility for inappropriate behavior which has significantly damaged the learning environment of this course. 

He will explain the importance of an atmosphere of safety for an educational environment, acknowledge how his class behavior has significantly damaged this classroom atmosphere, and explain how he will demonstrate respect for the professor, the course material, and all fellow students at each remaining class session. 

On March 8, Lake will begin class with an apology to the class for his behavior and then listen in silence as the professor and/or any student who wishes to speak shares how he or she felt during Lake’s disrespectful and disruptive outbursts on February 28.

“My professor is violating my First Amendment rights because of the fact that my views and ideology are different from hers,”
Ingle told Fox News in a comment.  “So she took it on herself to silence and embarrass me – bully me – for speaking up in class.”

“It is my firmest belief that every human being has the freedom and right to identify, dress, and represent oneself as they see fit,” Ingle added.  “I think this is all an attempt to silence my views personally because they contradict the ones she pushes in class.  .  .”

The Indiana University of Pennsylvania is a public research university located in Indiana, Pennsylvania.  Alison Downie, the professor for Ingle’s course, claims expertise in “Christian Feminist Theology.”  She is a faculty member of
Indiana University of Pennsylvania’s Women’s and Gender Studies program.

Ingle says that this incident has only strengthened his motivation to become a professor.  “When you see that kind of misuse of intellectual power, you want to be the person that comes back and does it responsibly and with morals,” Ingle said.  “Instead of being the purveyor of your ideology, you can be (should be) an educator.”   (http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2018/03/12/student-booted-from-christianity-class-for-arguing-that-there-are-only-two-genders/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social)

Dr. Alison Downie looks to be about mid-fifties, which would mean that she was born and grew up in the mid-1960s - and is a product of that "Relative Moral Values" generation.  Couple that with a PhD from a liberal university - and we have the perfect formula for creating a Liberal Feminist professor who will continue to propagate false doctrines such as a "Christian Feminist Theology."  

Is there any doubt in your mind why college age students today are so confused about God, moral values, and their own gender identity?  A great number of them grew up in educational environments which follow the Secular World's teaching - rather than the values found in God's Word?

Is there any doubt why so many young people are confused about their own gender, sexuality, and purpose in life - why they collapse emotionally when those values are challenged?  Can you see what that kind of "population indoctrination" means for the future of America and American families? 

Food for thought?  Absolutely.  Also it should be strong motivation for each of us to begin our own personal campaign of bringing the Word of God to a lost, fallen America and world?

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God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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