In my archives today I found this 2015 dialogue with a TimesDaily
Religion Forum Friend, Linda. It started as a Private Message, but
with her permission I shared it on the Religion Forum, in my Facebook
Notes, and in my Friends Ministry eNewsletter. Re-reading it today, and
considering that I have been blessed with new Friends since sharing
this writing two years ago - it seems timely to share it again. If you
have read it before, please be patient with me - for there may be one or
two new Friends who are wrestling with a question which might be answered here.
One of the greatest blessings in doing a writing ministry is
that most often my inspiration and subject matter come from
comments and questions sent to me by Friends. And, at times a
Friend's comments/questions will really stretch my ability to
answer. While I learn something new with every response I
write, some really make me work to be sure that I am not
slipping in some small instance of leaven which could lead
someone astray.
This response is one of those cases where I wanted to be sure
that I have checked and rechecked my thoughts - oftentimes
leaving it sit for a day and then going back and rereading
what I have written. And, that is why you will often see me
apologizing for taking a wee bit longer to send a response.
By the time I posted this response, I had read and reread it
15 to 20 times. And you may still find a point where you and
I have a doctrinal disagreement, which is no problem for that
just leads to deeper studies for both you and me. But,
hopefully you will find no typos or misspelled words.
That was the case with the e-mail from my long time Christian
sister, Linda. Her comments and questions come from her love
of Jesus Christ and her desire to better understand, and be
able to share, what God's Word is teaching us. Below is the
dialogue between Linda and me. I pray that it offers you one
or two "golden nuggets" which you can use when God
gives you an opportunity to be His witness.
On Apr 3, 2015, at
4:59 PM, Bill Gray wrote:
Linda, please forgive me for taking so long. As you requested, I am sharing this with
only you. However, I believe this may also be helpful to
others. With your permission I can remove your name in all
places (or leave it, as you choose) - so that you and I can
share this with many other people. Please let me know.
Thank you and God bless, Bill
Linda Responds:
Bill thank you so much for
all the time put into this for me. You answered so many
questions for me. Yes, you can share this with others and
put this on your Facebook. I think it could help people.
Friends in Christ, Linda
First, I apologize for taking
so long to respond to your e-mail. I pray that what I am
sending you is a better answer because of the delay, than
just shooting from the hip. Your e-mail reminds me of an
excerpt from the Charles Swindoll Bible Study Guide "The
Church: Purpose, Profile, Priorities." The first
chapter begins: "Socrates was wise, it is said, not
because he knew the right answers, but because he knew how
to ask the right questions."
You do me an honor with your questions. So, let me begin by
breaking your thoughts, comments, and questions down into
bite-size and attempt to respond to each separately :
On 3/22/2015, 3:59 AM, you wrote regarding my Facebook Note
"What Happens After We Die? - Does 'ANYONE' On The
Timesdaily Forums Know?":
this is Linda. In today's forum I didn't understand a
thing you said. I'm sorry. I've got (to) where I can't
grasp things when they are over my head. I want to know
so I can answer friends right on a certain subject.
Please let this letter be between you and me for a while.
Linda, there will always be
things we do not fully understand for now.
1 Corinthians
13:12, "For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then
face to face (with Jesus Christ). Now I know in
part, but then I shall know just as I also am known."
When we get to heaven, we
will have the greatest teacher that has ever been - for He
created everything. Will we go from fuzzy thinking to
knowing everything? No, that cannot be true; for if we
could know everything we will be like God - and that was
Lucifer/Satan's problem. He wanted to be like God (Isaiah
And, in a greater sense, not having unlimited knowledge is a
blessing. It means that throughout eternity, we will always
be learning. Imagine that. No boredom there! Every day we
will learn more - like being in the "Eternal Institute
of Higher Learning" and having the greatest of all
teachers. I can hardly wait to begin working toward that
You wrote:
have a personal relationship with my Lord. When I die I
believe that my soul goes to heaven, but on the day of
rapture, if I'm dead I will be resurrected from my grave
into heaven and have a new body. (If I am still alive at
the Rapture, then) In the twinkle of an eye after the
people (who) are dead are caught up, then I will be caught
up. I believe we will know each other, but will not love
one more than another.
I am glad you bring up the
Rapture. There are believers who deny that the Rapture will
happen, but I will not go into that discussion at this
time. Let me just say that John 14:1-3, 1 Corinthians
15:50-53, and 1 Thessalonians 13-18 definitely speak of
Jesus Christ coming for His church, His body of believers.
And, I do believe in a PreTribulation Rapture, i.e.,
that Christ will come to take (catch up, harpazō, rapiemur, rapture) all
believers from the earth before the beginning of the
seven year Tribulation (Revelation 3:10, 1 Thessalonians
1:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:9).
As believers, we may be dead or alive when the Rapture
occurs. Either way, this presents no problem for
believers. When we die in this mortal body - this lifeless
body, this shell, goes into the grave. It truly does die in
the sense that there is no longer any life in that decaying
body. But, our soul/spirit, which lives eternally, goes
directly into the presence of Jesus Christ (2
Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:22-23).
There are differing thoughts on the soul and spirit. We
know the body is merely the physical part of us which allows
us to interact with the world around us. And, when we die,
that body goes into the grave as an empty shell. But, what
is the soul and spirit? I look at our soul as being our
human personality, that which makes us distinct and
different from other people. Just as everyone has different
fingerprints, I believe we each have different, but often
similar, personalities. To me that is the soul.
And, I view the spirit as being our connection with God.
God is Spirit (John 4:24) and the believing man/woman
communes with Him, worships Him, in spirit. Because God is
Spirit, we commune with Him in spirit. And because Jesus
Christ resurrected and ascended in His immortal body, we
will commune with Him in our immortal bodies after we are
Just as God is a Triune God and the three Persons of the
Godhead, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, cannot be separated - we
believers are also triune beings: body, soul, spirit.
Eternally, our triune being will not be separated. Our
mortal body will be replaced by an immortal body (1
Corinthians 15:50-53), eternally existing with our
soul/spirit. In that sense, we are made in His image
(Genesis 1:26).
Man was created to have a very personal, direct line of
communication with God. We know from Genesis 3:8 that God
would walk in the garden with Adam and Eve. That is very
personal. Yet, when Adam disobeyed God, that personal
connection was broken - the spiritual connection between
God and man was broken. Immediately, man became "spiritually
dead" bringing about our proclivity toward sin - and man began the process of physical
death. Bodily deterioration, diseases, and illnesses are
part of the dying process of the mortal body which was
caused by Adam's fall.
Let me give you several excerpts to ponder. There are also
links where you may read each article in more detail:
Genesis 1:26-27
indicates that there is something that makes humanity
distinct from all the other creations. Human beings were
intended to have a relationship with God, and as such, God
created us with both material and immaterial parts. The
material is obviously that which is tangible: the physical
body, bones, organs, etc., and exists as long as the
person is alive. The immaterial aspects are those which
are intangible: soul, spirit, intellect, will, conscience,
etc. These exist beyond the physical lifespan of the
individual. (
The soul and the spirit are
connected, but separable (Hebrews 4:12). The soul is the
essence of humanity’s being; it is who we are. The spirit
is the aspect of humanity that connects with God. (
The Bible is not perfectly
clear as to the nature of the human soul. But from
studying the way the word soul is used in Scripture, we
can come to some conclusions. Simply stated, the human
soul is the part of a person that is not physical. It is
the part of every human being that lasts eternally after
the body experiences death. Genesis 35:18 describes the
death of Rachel, Jacob’s wife, saying she named her son
(Benjamin) “as her soul was departing.” From this
we know that the soul is different from the body and that
it continues to live after physical death. (
The human spirit was
damaged in the fall. When Adam sinned, his ability to
fellowship with God was broken; he did not die physically
that day, but he died spiritually. Ever since, the human
spirit has borne the effects of the fall. Before
salvation, a person is characterized as spiritually “dead”
(Ephesians 2:1-5; Colossians 2:13). A relationship with
Christ revitalizes our spirit and renews us day by day (2
Corinthians 4:16). (
In your comment above, you say:
When I die I believe
that my soul goes to heaven, but on the day of
rapture, if I'm dead, I will be resurrected from
my grave into heaven and have a new body.
That is true. This fallen
mortal body goes into the grave to decay back into dust
(Genesis 3:19, Job 34:15, Ecclesiastes 3:20). And, our
soul/spirit goes immediately into the presence of God. For
believers, to be absent from the body is to be present
with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:23).
1 Corinthians
15:51-52, "Behold, I tell you a mystery: We
shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed - in a moment, in the twinkling
of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet
will sound, and the dead (believers
in Christ) will be raised
incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, "For
the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a
shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the
trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ
will rise first. Then
we who are alive and remain shall be caught up
together with them in the clouds to meet
the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with
the Lord."
two Scripture passages tell us that, at the Rapture when
Christ comes to call home His church, his worldwide body
of believers - those who have died before He comes for us
will be raised first, as they should be. Then, in the
twinkling of an eye (virtually an immeasurable time) after they rise,
we believers who are still alive will be "snatched
out, raptured" to join them and Jesus Christ in the
At that moment, we will all have our new glorified,
immortal, incorruptible bodies, i.e., we will be
like Him (1 John 3:2) in that we will have immortal bodies
like His. We will not be divine deity, but we will be in
our immortal bodies which are like the immortal human body
He retained as He ascended into heaven.
Then, just as He led the Old Testament saints into heaven
(Ephesians 4:8), He will lead we who have been raptured
into heaven to be in the presence of God forever.
Next, in your comment above you say:
I believe we will know
each other, but will not love one more than
we will love all the saints in heaven - for God is love,
and all who will be in His presence eternally will know
only love. But, since we still have our soul, through
which we have special relationships with loved ones on
earth - I believe we will still have these special
relationships eternally. The Bible does not tell us that
we will lose those precious memories.
We will not be man and wife. But, the ones for whom we
have a special love on earth - will still be very special
to us. Yet without any jealousies. On earth, I have
had two special loves - my first wife, Betty, with whom I
had a close relationship until her death in 2001, even
long after we were no longer man and wife. And, my wife,
Dory, who has been my special love for thirty-seven years (now thirty-nine years)
and counting, will always be my special love into
eternity. Will Dory be jealous of Betty? No. She was
not jealous of her in our earthly lives; how could she be
jealous in our "God is love" immortal lives? They
will be sisters in Christ.
In heaven, my mother will always be my beloved mom. And,
I believe that all my loved ones will continue to hold a
special place in my heart. My immortal heart/soul will be
big enough to encompass all of God's people in love - and
to still have a special place for those who were so
special to me on earth.
Next, you wrote:
The one thing I don't know - if I were
to die today, do I go to that heaven where the streets
are gold and, etc., - or (do I) go to another
place until the Lord comes back and He builds the new
Jerusalem and the new heaven? I'm very mixed up about
that. Not that it matters, because I'm going to see my
Lord. Just wanted to know your opinion.
Are there, or will there be,
streets of gold in heaven? The abode of God will always be
perfect, whether He is residing in the "third heaven"
or in the New Jerusalem. The goldsmith puts newly mined
gold into the smelter to remove impurities. If all
impurities could be removed, the gold would be transparent.
You will notice that gold is rated: the highest man-given
rating for pure gold is 24 karat. But, is there anything in
this fallen world which is pure? No, in this worldly
existence, there will always be impurities. But, in God's
presence all impurities will be removed and just as pure
gold would be transparent, so will our eternal existence in
the presence of God be - without impurities, transparent and
Heaven’s streets
of gold are often referenced in song and poetry, but
harder to find in the Bible. In fact, there is only one
passage of Scripture that references streets of gold and
that is in the Holy City, the New Jerusalem: “The
great street of the city was of gold, as pure as
transparent glass” (Revelation
21:21). So does this verse tell us that there
will literally be streets of gold in heaven? And, if so,
what is the importance or significance of literal streets
of gold?
The Greek word translated
“gold” is chrusion, which can mean “gold, gold
jewelry, or overlay.” So to translate it “gold”
makes complete and perfect sense. In fact, struggles of
interpretation often come up when people attempt to
determine which parts of the Bible to take literally and
which parts to take figuratively. A good rule of thumb
when studying the Bible is to take everything literally,
unless it doesn't make sense to do so. (
Now that we have discussed
the Rapture, let's transition to the seven year Tribulation
and the 1000 year Millennial Kingdom of Christ on earth.
Before the Tribulation (PreTribulation), when we die or are
raptured from this mortal body - we will go directly into
the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ (2
Corinthians 5:6-8; Philippians 1:23). Until His
Second Coming, after the Tribulation, He is in heaven, the
abode of God - and we, Old Testament saints, New
Testament saints, i.e., the church, and the martyred Tribulation saints, will be in His heavenly presence.
In 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 Paul tells us that he was caught up
into "the third heaven" - into Paradise. How many heavens are there? We can view our
atmosphere as the first heaven, that which
surrounds our world. The second heaven would be
space, unfathomably huge, but still having limits set by
God. And, the third heaven as defined by Paul
is Paradise, the throne room of God.
If you recall, Old Testament saints resided in
Hades/Paradise (Luke 16:19-31) until Christ died and was
resurrected, leading them into heaven. Why? Because "no
one" - Old Testament or New Testament - can enter the
kingdom of God except through, or with, Jesus Christ (John
14:6). He had not yet come as the Incarnate God, the
Messiah, to be our Sacrificial Lamb offering. So the Old
Testament saints had to wait in Hades/Paradise for Him to
come and lead them into heaven.
During the three days between His crucifixion/burial - and
when He resurrected, I believe He spent that time
celebrating and sharing the eternal Word of God with the
saints waiting in the Bosom of Abraham, Hades/Paradise.
And, then He led them into heaven (Ephesians 4:8) relocating
Hades/Paradise to its new location, Heaven/Paradise.
The age in which
one lives has no bearing on the immortality of their
soul. As was stated previously, the main difference
between the death of the saints before the crucifixion and
resurrection of the Lord was that they were not granted
immediate access to Heaven as we believers are now.
Instead, they were gathered to a place of comfort and rest
called Paradise which was located in Abraham’s Bosom in
the heart of the Earth.
There they would abide until the atonement of their souls
and the payment for their sins had been accomplished by
the Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross (Hebrews
10). After His resurrection they were loosed from this “holding
area” (Ephesians 4:8-10) and were then able to
enter into Heaven where they live to this day waiting for
the resurrection of their glorified bodies. (
However, Hades/Torment (Luke
16:23) is still open for business and doing a landslide
business. That is the place where, at their mortal death,
all non-believers will go to wait, in full awareness, to be
resurrected for their judgment. After the 1000 year
Millennial Kingdom they will be resurrected into their
immortal bodies to stand before Jesus Christ at the Great
White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15) which is their
final judgment of punishment before they go into an eternal
existence void of God and His love, which can only be called
Since His death, resurrection, and ascension - all believers
who die go directly into His presence in heaven.
Was the Hades/Paradise of Luke 16:19-31 anything like the
Roman Catholic purgatory? No, for the Roman Catholic
concept of purgatory involves additional suffering, i.e.,
additional payment for sins committed in their mortal
Yet, when Jesus Christ died on the cross, He declared, "It
is finished!" (John 19:30). That meant His full work
of propitiation, atonement for the sins of all
mankind, was finished. He had finished the work given Him
by the Father. Now it is up to each individual person to
either accept that free gift of eternal life which He
purchased with His precious blood - or to reject that
It is
finished! Jesus' final word (tetelestai in
the ancient Greek) is the cry of a winner. Jesus had
finished His eternal purpose of the cross. It stands
today as a finished work, the foundation of all Christian
peace and faith, paying in full the debt we righteously
owe to God. (Pastor David Guzik, Study Guide for John 19)
His crucifixion was
"payment in full" for all sin - past, present, future
- of all people (Romans 6:10, Hebrews 7:27, 9:12, 10:10).
That was a "paid in full" pardon from our sin
prison. All we have to do to receive that full pardon - is
to accept His free gift of eternal life. When we, by grace
through faith, receive Him as our personal Lord and Savior -
we have eternal, never ending, life in Christ.
At His
resurrection Christ closed down Hades/Paradise and moved it
into heaven. It is now Heaven/Paradise or heavenly
Because of that, until His Second Coming after the
Tribulation, all believers who die, are raptured, or
martyred - will go immediately into heaven, Paradise.
Shortly after the Rapture, Israel will sign a seven year
peace accord with the Antichrist - which begins the clock
running for the seven year Tribulation on earth (Daniel
During that seven years of Tribulation the church will be in
heaven where we will stand before Christ at the Believers'
Judgment (Bema Seat Judgment), a judgment of rewards, or
lack of rewards, depending upon what we do in this mortal
life. In other words, today are we living for Christ - or
are we just "couch potato" Christians, saved but
doing nothing to bring others into the family of Christ?
That witnessing in His name is the "works" which
should follow salvation for all believers.
Yet, the Believers' Judgment has another very important
function. In this mortal life, when we become believers we
still have the curse of our sin nature upon us. God cannot
look upon sin (Habakkuk 1:13). We cannot work our way into
heaven, for when He looks upon us any works, any good deeds,
we might do to earn salvation - are as filthy rags in His
sight (Isaiah 64:6). On our own, with all the works or
good deeds we may attempt in an effort to work our way into
heaven - God looks at us and sees only a cesspool. So, how
do we get around that problem?
Simple. By the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ
we are saved, sealed in Christ, and indwelled by the Holy
Spirit (Ephesians 1:13, 2:8-9). The moment that happens,
we have the righteousness of Jesus Christ attributed
(imputed) to our account (Romans 3:21–22) - so when God
looks at us, He does not see our meager, frail works. He
sees only the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
Yet, as the Bride of Christ, we cannot participate in the
Wedding Feast of the Lamb in our filthy garments, nor can we
participate wearing borrowed gowns of righteousness. We
must be able to approach the throne of God in our own clean,
white robes of righteousness, our own gown of fine linen,
clean, and bright. The purpose of the Bema Seat Judgment in
heaven during the seven year Tribulation is two-fold: (1) to
reward believers - and - (2) to robe us in our own
fine linen, pure white wedding gowns drawn from the
righteous acts of the saints (Revelation 19:8).
What are the rewards for believers? First, at the Rapture, ". . we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, . . ." in our immortal bodies (1 John 3:2).
Then, there are other rewards for believers:
(1) The Imperishable Crown - 1 Corinthians 9:24-25,
(2) The Crown of Rejoicing - 1 Thessalonians 2:19
(3) The Crown of Righteousness - 2 Timothy 4:8,
(4) The Crown of Glory - 1 Peter 5:4
(5) The Crown of Life - Revelation 2:10, James 1:12,
At the Believers' Judgment, we, the promised Bride of
Christ, will receive our own robes of righteousness -
created from the righteous acts of the saints - righteous
acts of works done AFTER we have become believers and
followers of Jesus Christ:
Revelation 19:8,
"And to her (the church, the body of New Testament
believers, the Bride of Christ) it was granted to be
arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the
fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints."
The two key events for
raptured believers in heaven will be: The Believers'
Judgment where we will receive our own personal robes
of righteousness, and the Wedding Feast of the Lamb
when He takes us, His church, to be His Bride (Revelation
Then at the end of the seven year Tribulation, He returns again to earth, His Second Coming in
Glory. At His first coming, He came as the meek sacrificial
Lamb of God. At His Second Coming in Glory, He comes as
the conquering Lion of Judah (Revelation 19:11-21). This
will happen at the end of the seven year Tribulation when He
returns to earth to establish His Millennial Kingdom in
Jerusalem, sitting upon the throne of David in Jerusalem.
Then, Linda, you
Also do you think we will come back with
the Lord during the Millennium and help the Lord win
souls for Christ. I don't quite understand. He will
build a new world and a new heaven. Where are we going
to be?
First, let me clarify one point. All who
enter into His Millennial Kingdom will be believers. No
unbelievers will enter His Millennial Kingdom. So, at
that point in time, there will be no need to win souls
for Christ - for everyone in the Millennial Kingdom will
be believers. Mortal believers who survived the
Tribulation will enter the Millennium Kingdom in their
earthly bodies. And we who were raptured, along with
the Old Testament and Tribulation saints, will be there
in our glorified immortals bodies.
Those believers who survive the Tribulation will enter
the Millennial Kingdom in their mortal bodies, still
retaining their sin nature, yet without the temptations
to sin caused by Satan, for he will be locked in the
abyss for the 1000 years of Christ's Millennial Reign.
We who return with Christ (Old Testament saints,
Tribulation saints, and raptured New Testament church)
will be in our glorified immortal bodies. Yet, in the
Millennial Kingdom we will be in active fellowship with
those who survived the Tribulation and are still in
their mortal bodies. Those still in their mortal bodies
will be marrying and raising families just as we do
Now, here is the kicker. All who are born during the
Millennial Kingdom, because they are born in mortal
bodies, will also be born with the innate sin nature
inherited from Adam. So, they will need to personally
receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, just as we do
today. Those people will need to receive Christ - and
although there will be no temptation from Satan's crew -
we will still have to witness to them, i.e.,
encourage them to take the final step toward eternal
life in Christ.
During the 1000 year Millennial Kingdom, even though the
temptation of Satan and his demonic angels will not be
present, there will be many born during that 1000 years
who will not, out of neglect or just indifference,
choose to personally receive Christ. At the end of the
Millennium those who have not made a personal commitment
to Christ will comprise a large number, billions. And,
that is where Satan will get his army which he will lead
against Jesus Christ and the holy city of Jerusalem in
the final battle of history (Revelation 20:7-10).
In Revelation 20:1-3, we are told that Satan is locked
in the abyss for 1000 years - and, then it tells us, "after
these things (the 1000 years) he must be
released for a short time." Why? Why
must Satan be released one final time? So that all
those born during the Millennium will have one final
chance, using their God-given gift of "free will"
- to follow Christ or to follow the world, Satan. For
those who choose to follow Satan we are told:
Revelation 20:7-10, "Now
when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be
released from his prison and will go out to deceive
the nations which are in the four corners of the
earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to
battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea.
They went up on the breadth of the earth and
surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved
city. And fire came down from God out of
heaven and devoured them. The devil,
who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire
and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet
are. And they will be tormented day and night
forever and ever."
So, who will return with Christ at His Second
Coming in Glory?
Revelation 19:14,
"And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine
linen, white and clean, followed Him on
white horses."
Accompanying Him will be His
Bride, in our fine linen, white and clean, wedding gown -
now our victory gown. The Bride of Christ, the Old
Testament saints, the Tribulation martyrs, and His angels
will make up His returning army.
At the end of the seven year Tribulation, Christ will return
to establish His 1000 year Millennial Kingdom on earth. He
will sit upon the throne of David in Jerusalem and will be
the world leader, the perfect theocracy (Luke 1:32–33). At
His Second Coming, all believers in heaven (the church, Old
Testament saints, and Tribulation martyrs) return with Him
in our immortal bodies.
At the second
coming, these covenants will be fulfilled as Israel is
re-gathered from the nations (Matthew 24:31), converted
(Zechariah 12:10–14), and restored to the land under the
rule of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The Bible speaks of
the conditions during the millennium as a perfect
environment physically and spiritually. It will be a time
of peace (Micah 4:2–4; Isaiah 32:17–18), joy (Isaiah 61:7,
10), and comfort (Isaiah 40:1–2).
The Bible also tells us
that only believers will enter the millennial kingdom.
Because of this, it will be a time of obedience (Jeremiah
31:33), holiness (Isaiah 35:8), truth (Isaiah 65:16), and
the knowledge of God (Isaiah 11:9, Habakkuk 2:14). Christ
will rule as king (Isaiah 9:3–7; 11:1–10). Nobles and
governors will also rule (Isaiah 32:1; Matthew 19:28), and
Jerusalem will be the political center of the world
(Zechariah 8:3). (
During the seven year
Tribulation, Christ will anoint 144,000 Jews, 12,000 from
each of the twelve tribes. These will be like having
144,000 super evangelists sharing the Word of God around the
world. Why Jewish evangelists? Because the seven year
Tribulation, the time of Jacob's Troubles (Jeremiah 30:7), is primarily the time set aside
by God for the saving of His remnant of Israel, His people.
Although the Tribulation is primarily for the Jews, during
the Tribulation, many people, Jews and Gentiles, will be
saved - a multitude so great that it will be hard to count:
7:9-10, "After these things I looked, and behold, a
great multitude which no one could number, of all
nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before
the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white
robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out
with a loud voice, saying, 'Salvation belongs to our God
who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!' "
Who will populate the
Millennial Kingdom? We who return with Christ at His Second
Coming will be there in our glorified immortal bodies. And,
at the end of the terrible Tribulation when Christ returns,
although billions will have died during the Tribulation -
there will be many survivors, believers and non-believers.
What is Christ to do with these mortal survivors of the
Tribulation? He will convene the Sheep and Goat Judgment
(Matthew 25:31-46) and mortal non-believers who have
survived the Tribulation will go into eternal punishment
(Matthew 25:46). However, the believers who have survived
the Tribulation will go into His Millennial Kingdom in their
earthly mortal bodies (Matthew 25:34).
What will life be like in the Millennial Kingdom? Will
there be death in the 1000 year Millennial Kingdom?
David Guzik:
Study Guide for Isaiah 65
2. (20-25) The blessed
state of the millennial earth.
Isaiah 65:20-25, "No more
shall an infant from there live but a few days, Nor an old
man who has not fulfilled his days; For the child shall
die one hundred years old, But the sinner being one
hundred years old shall be accursed. They shall build
houses and inhabit them; They shall plant vineyards and
eat their fruit. They shall not build and another
inhabit; They shall not plant and another eat; For as the
days of a tree, so shall be the days of My people, And My
elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.
shall not labor in vain, Nor bring forth children for
trouble; For they shall be the descendants of the blessed
of the LORD, And their offspring with them. 'It shall
come to pass That before they call, I will answer; And
while they are still speaking, I will hear. The wolf
and the lamb shall feed together, The lion shall eat
straw like the ox, And dust shall be the serpent's food.
They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain,'
Says the LORD."
a. No more shall an infant from there
live but a few days … for the child shall die one
hundred years old: Quickly - as is the
prophetic habit - Isaiah shifts gears (from Isaiah
65:17-19), and now speaks not of the eternal state, but
of the millennial earth. There will be death in the
millennial earth, but in the transformed biology
and ecology of the world under the reign of Jesus
Christ, people will live incredibly longer, as they did
in the days before the flood.
i. In the
millennial earth, people will live so long that if
someone dies being (only) one
hundred years old, people will consider
that one accursed.
And, then the New Heaven, New
Earth, and New Jerusalem (Isaiah
65:17-19, Revelation 21, 22:1-5).
Linda, in your previous comment you mention the New Heaven, the New
Earth, and the New Jerusalem. Now, in this comment you
continue that thought:
Will (we) be going back and forth - and
will there will be animals in heaven. I love animals,
but I am not going to die (be upset)
if they aren't there, like some people would. I just
want to be with the Lord, and (with) the church praising
my Lord. I know (this is) a lot of questions for you.
Please answer them very plain to me if you will.
Friends in Christ, Linda
I have written quite a lot about the Millennial Kingdom of
Christ. Now we shift gears and look ahead, after Satan and
his demonic army have been dispatched, after all
non-believers since the Creation have been resurrected from
Hades/Torment and have been given their eternal immortal
bodies to stand before Christ at the Great White Throne
Judgment. They will go into eternal existence void of the
presence of God, which is hell.
But, we believers - from Adam and Eve until the last person
saved - will experience God creating His New Heaven, New
Earth, and He will bring the New Jerusalem down from
heaven. Will God destroy this earth and create a new one?
Or will He refurbish this old one, making it better than the
original Garden of Eden? Personally, I cannot say for sure
either way. The Bible does not say specifically, so we cannot be dogmatic on this point.
But the following commentary excerpts from Pastor David
Guzik seem to make sense. This commentary has a lot of good
content, food for thought, on this closing phase of mortal
earth time and the beginning of our glorious eternity in the
presence of God. You will find it interesting to visit this
Commentary link and read more:
Pastor David
Guzik, Study Guide for Revelation 21
b. A new heaven and
a new earth: The idea of a new earth, with a new
atmosphere and sky is a familiar theme in the Scriptures.
Many of the prophets, both Old and New Testaments, spoke
to this new heaven and new earth.
c. New heaven … new
earth: The ancient Greek word translated new here (kaine)
means "new in character, 'fresh'." It doesn't
mean "recent" or "new in time." This
isn't just the next heaven and the next earth; this is the
better heaven and better earth replacing the old (the
first earth had passed away).
i. Though some
disagree, such as Seiss, who argues passionately that
this earth will never be destroyed - we should also
understand that this is truly a new heaven and a new
earth, not merely a "remade" heaven and earth.
We know this because Jesus said that heaven and earth
shall pass away, but His word would live forever (Luke
21:33). Also, in Isaiah 65:17 God says prophetically
that He will create a new heaven and a new earth, and
the ancient Hebrew word for "create" (bara)
means to "create out of nothing" - instead of
re-fashioning existing material.
a. The holy city, New
Jerusalem: This is the Jerusalem of hope (Hebrews
12:22), the Jerusalem above (Galatians 4:26), the place of
our real citizenship (Philippians 3:20).
i. The terms
holy and new distinguish the city. Because it is holy
and new, it is different from any earthly city. The
name Jerusalem gives it continuity with earth,
especially with the place of our redemption.
ii. It is significant
that this glorious dwelling place of God and His people
is described as the holy city. Cities are places where
there are many people, and people interact with each
other. This isn't isolation, but a perfect community of
the people of God.
Linda, my Friend, I realize
that this is rather long. However, I would rather give more
than you ask - and let us sift through, panning for gold,
seeking any "golden nuggets" that may help us, you
and me, in our understanding of God's Word. Too much is far
better than too little.
With too much, we can skip over or discard that not needed
in our present study. With too little, that one answer,
that small needle in the haystack of eternity we need may
not be there. So, my Friend, I pray that I have encouraged
you, and all our Friends, to pan for eternal "golden
nuggets" which will help us share the Word of God with
God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,
