Saturday, March 25, 2017

Still Truly Saddened In America Today!

The blog below was written two years ago, in July 2015, but unfortunately the racial and political divide created in the Obama years is still alive and well today.  When Obama was first elected in 2008, and even when he was reelected in 2012, we Conservative Americans - especially we Conservative Christian Americans - were very disturbed and worried what this would mean for America. 

Sadly we have seen what it meant ~ growing racial tensions - the beginning of socialized healthcare - same-sex marriage and LGBTQ lifestyles becoming the societal norm - Obama declaring that America is no longer a Christian nation - and so many other disturbing changes across America.

Yet in 2008 and 2012, even though we were disappointed and justifiably concerned - we accepted the outcome of the elections and determined to make a change in the next election of 2016.  We did make that change when we elected President Trump and Vice President Pence.  In other words, we were disappointed but we chose to constructively work toward making America great again through our votes.

Compare that to the way the Liberal Left has reacted to the outcome of the 2016 election - militant protests, physically attacking people who express Conservative beliefs, and doing just about anything the Soros/United Nations money could buy to disrupt American life - leaving no stone unturned to widen the racial, political, and religious divisions all across our beautiful homeland.

Folks, we can read the blog below and just "Read It And Weep!"  ~  OR  ~  we can start working harder toward creating an environment of Unity Across America.  Unless our Liberal Friends want to totally destroy America and the American way of life - they will join us in that effort. 

With that said, this is the blog I posted two years ago in 2015:

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TRULY SADDENED IN AMERICA TODAY! -  In less than two weeks I will be 78 years young, and what I see happening to my homeland, America, in the last few years is breaking my heart.   In the nearly 50 years I worked in the computer industry, I traveled to virtually every major city in America and a few in England and Scotland.  During those travels it has been my joy to take long walks - through countryside, through city streets, through local communities - just enjoying walking and seeing parts of America and the world we normally do not take the time to see in our very busy get-ahead world.

When I walk, I have always had the habit of speaking to people I pass on the street.  I suppose that is just part of my Southern heritage, mixed in the last 28 years with my Christian spirit.  There is an old saying, "Give away a smile - and it will always come back to you!"   I have lived by that philosophy and I have enjoyed the many smiles I have received in return.

Never in all those years have I been aware of any real racial tension when I walked.  People tell me, "You should not walk in that neighborhood.  It is too dangerous."  And, I replied, "Why?  Because their skin is a different color than mine?  We are all one race, the human race - created by God."

When I walk I speak to people as I pass - young, old, or whatever, and never notice a skin color.  My God is color-blind.  Isn't that what He would want of me?

In all my years of walking, the ONLY trouble I have ever had - has come from white teens.    A number of times in my walks I have met groups of young blacks, Hispanic, etc., wearing their "in the hood" clothing.  I always greet them, "Hi, guys.  How are you today?"   And, I would say that 90% have always responded in a civil manner; a few have just said nothing and walked on past.  But, the vast majority responded in the same tone with which I greeted them.

Only a couple of times have I had a problem?  About 15 years ago, Dory and I lived temporarily for several months in a city which was predominantly black.  The only trouble I had during that time was one evening as I was walking alone to a Bible study.   It was chilly and I was wearing my dark rain coat/wind breaker.  As I was walking, two white teen boys and a girl were standing in a home driveway.  One of the boys, trying to impress the girl I suppose, yelled, "Hey, Mr. Magoo!  How are you?"  

Well, to be honest, the movie with Leslie Nielsen had recently come out (1997) and I suppose, with my blonde hair (at that time) and my dark rain coat, I did look a wee bit like his Mr. Magoo character.  The teen girl he was trying to impress told him, "Why don't you just shut up?"   I just smiled and kept walking.

About ten years ago, Dory and I were taking an evening walk and talking about the effects of the 1963 Supreme Court decision to remove God and prayer from schools - done to appease the ACLU and Madelyn Murray O'Hair.  I reminded Dory that part of the ruling was also the removal of teaching Absolute Moral Values in schools - and replacing them with the teaching of Relativism, Relative Moral Values, i.e., if it feels right to you, it is right for you.  

So, under Relativism, if being promiscuous feels right to you - it is right.  If cheating on a test, or stealing from your neighbor feels right to you - it is right.  But, teachers, don't you dare teach Absolute Moral Values in our schools.  Why?  Because that is too closely related to Biblical Moral Values - which, since 1963, can never again be taught in America's public schools.

That evening, as Dory and I were walking and discussing this issue - we passed three white teens walking toward us, two boys and a girl.  I smiled and said, "Hi guys.  How are you?"

They did not say anything until they were about 10 to 15 foot past us.  Then, one of the boys, one who was very short, turned and yelled, "We are better than you, old man!  We are better than you!"   I could only assume he was trying to impress the girl.

I looked at Dory and told her, "That is exactly what you and I have been talking about tonight.  That is a result of our schools being forced to teach Relative Moral Values since 1963."   Respect for others, especially older people, is part of the collateral damage of removing God and Godly values from our schools.

Why am I writing about this now - and how does it tie in with my opening statement:  "

Well, as I have previously written, throughout the years, as I have walked in many cities and towns, I have treated people with respect, and except for a couple of incidents - I have been shown the same respect, regardless of color, ethnicity, or racial makeup.

Yet, in the past couple of years I have been seeing that change.  I have long felt that the Obamas do not like really like nor respect people they consider "not of color."  And I believe we are seeing their animosity being played out on the streets of America today.  I believe the Obamas and their Liberal Socialist administration have cultivated and created racial disharmony in America today.   It would seem that is their goal - to widen the gap of racial disunity.

In 1970, I attended a large Reform church in Garden Grove, California, even though I was not yet really a Christian believer.  After a year, I grew disenchanted with the pastor of that church, because I felt he was not exhibiting the Gospel message he was teaching, and I stopped attending.  Fast forward to 1977 when I met and married Dory.  She was attending that same church, so I joined her and we attended as a family - even though I was not all that thrilled with the pastor.  

One Sunday as we were leaving church, Duane, who was 12 years old then, made a comment - repeating almost word for word what he had heard me say about that pastor.   And, it was like someone throwing cold water in my face.  I realized then that I had to be careful about showing my attitude and sharing my words - for those we are responsible for most often will follow our lead.

That is what I believe has been happening in America since Obama was first elected.  The Obama arrogance and racial feelings have been spreading to many who foolishly voted him into office.

So, back to the reason for this writing.  One evening last week I walked a few blocks to my local Target store.   As I was walking down the rather wide sidewalk, a black family was approaching me, the mother pushing a baby stroller with two older children beside her, and a man and woman walking behind.  When I approached them, I moved to the far right side of the sidewalk, assuming she would veer a bit to her right, allowing us to pass one another.  The woman refused to veer to her right, pushing the stroller right at me, and giving me her Michelle Obama sneer.  I stepped into the grass to let them pass - and even smiled.  They walked past me with stone faces reminiscent of Michelle Obama - not even acknowledging me.

My Friends, that has never happened to me before, not in all my years of walking, even in predominantly black cities or areas - until now.  Not until the Obama-cultivated racial tension began spreading across America.   This is not the only incident of negative racial attitude I have experienced recently.  But, this one really put a punctuation mark on the whole issue.  Are the Obamas trying to start a racial war in America?  That is what worries me.

Has Obama been creating this racial divide - just to gain black, Hispanic, and gay votes for the Democratic party?  Is it really worth tearing our country apart just to get votes?  Evidently to those whose goal is to make America just another world community under the control of the United Nations - it is worth it.

Yet, I believe there are many, many millions of Conservative Americans, folks who are willing to stand up and be counted in the fight to maintain the sovereignty of our homeland.  I believe there are many, many millions of Conservative Americans who are ready to stop this takeover of America, to stop the Liberal Socialist and their RINO buddies from giving America away to international powers.   I believe there are many, many millions of Conservative Americans who will tell Obama, Rev. Wright, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, et al, that they cannot destroy our home by creating a racial war among true Americans.

How do we stop them?  WITH OUR VOTES! 

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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