Wednesday, June 22, 2016

America Is Fast Approaching What Is Probably The Most Important Election In My Lifetime


"You" can chose to stay with the status quo of the current Obama administration and a revised, probably even worse, Clinton administration and their concerted attempts to pull America, and all Americans, into their quagmire of Liberal Socialism

- OR -

"You" can chose to elect a president who will work to pull America out of the quicksand of Socialism and restore a Conservative leadership in our homeland. 

We have only to look around the world (take a peek at the current socialist regime and situation in Venezuela) to see that Socialism (and it close siblings, Communism and Fascism) make a nation weaker, not stronger.  

Today, in an e-mail, I received the message below from AFA (American Family Association) president, Tim Wildmon, describing the recent meeting in New York between Donald Trump and Conservative Christian Leaders.  I have copy/pasted it all here because I sincerely believe it is very important for all Americans to read and understand its meaning for the future of America.  I also give the link below so you can verify that I have not altered the report from Mr. Wildmon.

Is Donald Trump the "perfect" person to be president of the United States and sit at one of the most important desks in the world, the Oval Office?  No.  But, when God needed someone who WAS perfect to save mankind - He could not find a "perfect" man either.  So, He had to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to save us. 

We all know that Jesus Christ is coming back again one day and will restore a new heaven and new earth.  However, until that happens - we must be doing the best we can, as rational and thinking Americans, to save this great country God has given us, America.  

How do we save America?  Well, voting to elect a person such as Hillary, who will just be a continuation of the previous Liberal Socialist Clinton administration and the current Liberal Socialist Obama administration - will only mean accelerating their existing efforts to destroy America. 

By voting for Donald Trump to be president of America, we have the opportunity to see what God will do with that unfinished lump of clay we fondly call "The Donald." 

"So, what are you suggesting, Bill?  Are you saying that God favors Trump in this election?"   Glad you asked!  But, to give you a concise answer, "No!  God is not taking sides in this election.  He is trusting us to be wise enough to elect the right leader."

However, I am suggesting - no, I am screaming it at the top of my lungs, "Hillary will mean the continued destruction of America and our American way of life.   Allowing God to mold Donald Trump into a strong Conservative president can mean the salvation and prosperity of America."

Am I saying that God favors Donald Trump in the next election?  No.  I am saying that God has given us, all of us, the common sense and intelligence to NOT vote for the continued destruction of America by Hillary and her Liberal Socialist party.

Please read the following report from Tim Wildmon of AFA (American Family Association) and decide for yourself who will be best for America and all Americans.  God bless, Bill

I just wanted to report back to you about the meeting in New York today between GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and Christian leaders from across the country.

Franklin Graham prayed to open the event. Dr. Ben Carson spoke and told us about the Donald Trump he had come to appreciate.  Gov. Mike Huckabee served as moderator and sat across from Mr. Trump.  Trump entertained questions from the likes of Dr. David Jeremiah, Dr. James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Kelly Shackelford, and Sammy Rodriguez.  The questions were about religious freedom, Israel, potential Supreme Court nominees, and abortion.

I thought his strongest answers were about the type of judges he would appoint.  I believe he fully understands the importance of this issue and said all his judges would be vetted by the Federalist Society - a stalwart conservative organization.  To me, this may be the most important issue of this campaign from the perspective of AFA and our supporters.  After all, the next president will likely appoint two or more Supreme Court justices in the next four years.  As we have seen over the last few years, it doesn't matter how many good laws are passed if the courts are going to strike them down.

Trump's weakness is that he did not clearly state his views in answer to the questions asked by Perkins and Shackelford about when religious freedom and the LGBT movement come into conflict, other than to say that these matters will be decided by the courts.  He repeatedly said he was for religious freedom and his fallback position was that he would appoint judges who would defend religious freedom.

Mr. Trump also said he was tired of the political correctness surrounding matters of our Christian heritage and used Christmas an an example.  He said companies want to profit off Christmas but then don't want to use the word "Christmas."  He said he says "Merry Christmas" and thinks the PC crowd just wants to change the greeting to something more generic - because it's another attempt to diminish the role of Christianity in America.  (This made me wonder if he's been reading the AFA Journal. Ha!)

Trump answered Dr. Jeremiah's question about Israel saying he would be a strong supporter of the nation of Israel and never understood Jewish Americans who vote for Democrats who don't support Israel.  Trump also understands the threat to our country by Islamic jihadism.  He has taken a lot of heat from the liberal media for criticizing the problems within Islam.

On a personal note, I met several people who have known Donald Trump personally for several years and said he is not the brash, arrogant, sometimes rude person he appears to be on television.  I will say without the media cameras in his face, he was pleasant, relaxed, funny, and more thoughtful.

I think it was admirable and honorable for Trump to meet with Christian leaders.  He is not our enemy.  I believe he has instincts that are reverent and patriotic.  He's 69 years old and remembers an America that was once a great country but has lost her way. 

But he also comes from a very secular world and that way of thinking is a part of who he is.  In some ways, he strikes me as an enigma, a man still searching for spiritual answers in his life.  But that's just my opinion.  I will say this, he is listening to some great men of God that I have a lot of respect for, and that's a good thing.

To conclude, who but the Lord knows what lies ahead for Donald Trump?  He wasn't my first choice for president but the majority of GOP voters chose him.  Now either he or Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States of America.  So if one of them shows genuine interest in understanding Christians better and says he will be our friend, I believe we should tell him what we think and where we stand.  To use a sports word, I think he's coachable.

I'm glad I came to New York.  It was worth it.  I would ask you to pray for Mr. Trump and our country.

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