Saturday, October 31, 2015

Preparing Our Children - Through Bible Study And Sunday School

HOW IMPORTANT IS BIBLE STUDY IN A CHRISTIAN CHURCH?   For those Friends who have received my writings over the years, you may recall that I have often compared the Christian church to a three-legged stool.  What do I mean?  Well, a three-legged stool is pretty stable.  However, remove on leg and sitting on it becomes rather precarious.   Remove another leg and you are only bracing upon a single leg, not so stable.

A Christian church is much like that.  In my thinking, the three legs of Christian learning and maturity in a church consists of:  (1) the Sermon, (2) Sunday School, and (3) Bible Study.   How do I balance growth toward Christian Biblical maturity with those three?  The Sermon: I would suggest that, on the average, maybe 20% of what is taught is retained and leads toward Christian maturity.   In a church with a strong Christian Education foundation - I would say that Sunday School and Bible Study each contribute about 40% toward Christian maturity in believers.  

Why are Sunday School and Bible Study more effective than Sermons in growing believers toward Christian maturity?  Because in Sunday School and Bible Studies we have discussions, we share our thoughts, and we look at that Scripture verse or passage from the viewpoint of several other Christian believers.  In other words, we take apart each verse, jointly examine it in the light of our current knowledge, and we may even bring out thoughts that we have harvested from good commentaries.  In other words, we do what is taught in Christian seminaries - we are using some level of "exegesis" to examine, analyze, and seek divine knowledge of God's message to us in that verse or passage.

In a Sermon, even the best, we only sit and listen.   Do we learn from a good sermon?  Unless we are mentally blocking it - yes, we do.  But, recall how many times you have been listening to a Sermon - and your mind wandered to a task you need to finish, how many you were distracted by the actions of someone sitting near you, or you dozed off - just for a moment - but, what key point of God's Word did you miss in those moments of distraction or dozing off?

In an active Sunday School Class or Bible Study - that will not happen for you are participating in an active discussion on a subject dear to you, God's Word.

I was recently reminded of this when I received an e-mail from Scott M. Sullivan, Ph.D., President of Classical Theist Productions.  Yes, he is a Roman Catholic theologian.  So, why am I, a Protestant, quoting a Roman Catholic theologian?   For the same reason that I will quote a Calvinist or Arminian theologian on some of their writings - even though I do not support the full theology of either.

First, let me reiterate that no one is saved by a church, any church.  A person is saved in only one way (John 14:6):  through having a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ.  And, we do that "by grace through faith" alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).

If you recall, in another writing I recently shared the words of a Christian Gospel song which I find holds so much truth.  The chorus tells us:  "
It's not what's over the door of the church that you attend - That makes you a child of God and a heavenly citizen - As the eyes of the Lord look this world o'er - There’s just one thing He's lookin’ for - Can’t you see that’s what’s in your heart - And not what's over the door."

I cannot explain the Gospel any better.  It's Who you have in your heart, and not which church you attend (1 John 5:12) - that makes you a Christian believer.

Based upon that, I can read the writings of theologians from the Roman Catholic church,
I can read the writings of a Calvinist church, or from an Arminian church, or from a Pentecostal church, etc. - and learn from those writings.   But, let me be clear.  I will not share a writing which encourages praying to anyone except God.  I will not share a writing which negates the balanced attributes of Love and Justice of God - which both Calvinist and Arminian theologies teach.  In other words, before I share a writing with you, I will do as the apostle Paul teaches in Acts 17:11.  I will examine the teacher and the teaching against Scripture.   And, I strongly recommend you do the same when reading my writings.

So, why am I going to share with you the writings and video published by
Scott M. Sullivan, a Roman Catholic theologian?  Because what he is telling us goes beyond the Roman Catholic and Protestant boundaries.  He is telling us how to protect our children from the secular world's teachings.  He is telling us that we need to make sure our children are well grounded in their faith, not just from hearing the pastor or priest talk about if from the pulpit - but, from being deeply involved in the study of God's Word on a corporate level and on a personal level.  Help your children get into God's Word, the Bible.

Sullivan is telling us that we must help our children build a firm foundation of their faith now - so that when the winds of secularism begin to blow hard against their spiritual foundation, they can stand strong and defend their faith.  In other word, help your children build their spiritual home on the Rock, not on the sands of secularism (Matthew 7:24-27).  And, if you do, they will be able to stand against the storms of atheism, secularism, humanism, and other world teachings when they go out into the world, for education or for work.

Once again, let me be clear.   In Scott M. Sullivan's writing and video, he is offering a package which consists of books and further videos.   I am not recommending my Protestant Friends go that far; but, I am strongly suggesting that you take the meat of his discussion to heart.  And I am recommending that you find further apologetic material which supports and teaches your Biblical theological beliefs - teachings that you and your children can use to help prepare them to face the world outside your home and family environment.

This all boils down to one thing:  Prepare Your Children!  Prepare your children through your own Christian witness, your own strong Christian walk.   Prepare them by making sure they are well grounded and mature in the teachings of God's Word, the Bible.   Prepare them by attending church, Bible Studies, and Sunday School with them - in a church which you have already determined teaches solid Christian theology and doctrine.

Prepare them so that when they go away to school, to college, and later into the working world - they will have the Biblical foundation, knowledge, and wisdom to defend their faith - a foundation for them to stand upon when times get rough.

As you know, I have spent years debating and refuting atheists and other non-believers on different forums and venues.  But, unlike the three young ladies in
Scott M. Sullivan's example below - I was well grounded in my faith and in God's Word.  So, when atheists threw Richard Dawkins' book "The God Delusion" - and the writings of other atheists, at me - I was prepared to refute those false teachings.   Make sure you children are also prepared. 

Before you read the writing I share below, let me make one comment on Mr. Sullivan's story. 

In Scott M. Sullivan's e-mail story, he writes:

So when these two girls read "The God Delusion" - they were won over.  Richard Dawkins convinced them that Christianity was a bunch of nonsense.   Yep, these two girls lost their faith from reading just that one book.

Bill Gray Refutation:  In his writing, he seems to be suggesting that when these girls lost their faith, they also lost their salvation.  Not true!  Those girls may have lost their faith, i.e., they may have begun to doubt some of the teachings of God's Word.  But, if they were Christian believers, if they truly had Jesus Christ in their hearts (1 John 5:12, Ephesians 1:3, 4:30) - they may have temporarily lost or weakened their faith -- but, they DID NOT lose their salvation.  Once a child of God, always a child of God - as confirmed in John 10:28-29.

So, back to Sullivan's e-mail story:

A friend of mine who teaches theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville told me of three Catholic young ladies who were students there.  These girls were well-raised and strong in their faith when they got there.  But one night they got together and started talking about the best-selling atheist book written by Richard Dawkins titled: "The God Delusion."

Two of the girls decided they were going to read this book as sort of joke.  The plan was they were going to read this silly little atheist book, point out all of its flaws, refute of all of Dawkins' arguments, and make short work of this atheist nonsense.   Sadly, that's not what happened.

You see, although these girls were raised in a loving Christian environment, they were not trained on how to deal with arguments from atheists.  In all of their Christian upbringing, in all of those years attending church and reading the Bible, they were never given any good reasons to believe their faith was true.

So when these two girls read "The God Delusion" - they were won over.  Richard Dawkins convinced them that Christianity was a bunch of nonsense.

Yes, these two girls lost their faith from reading just that one book.  (see my note above, Bill Gray Refutation)  What happened next was that these two girls, now newly converted atheists, went back to tease and taunt the third girl about why Christianity was just a Santa Claus for grownups.  It's really sad but this kind of thing happens all the time.

So let me ask you this – could your kids read "The God Delusion" and come out with their faith intact?   Do your kids know what to say to other kids who have read "The God Delusion"?

Let me be blunt here – given our secular culture today, it is completely irresponsible, and dare I say it, a sin of omission - to send your kids out into the secular world without giving them proper training in Christian apologetics.  If you let your kids leave your home without teaching them how to defend their Christian faith to modern skeptics, you have done them a grave disservice.   

Scott Sullivan's e-mail gives the following writing and video link which I encourage you to visit:

WARNING: Studies Show That 60-90% Of Christian Kids Will Lose Their Faith During College

If you send your kids into the modern academic environment without proper preparation, their faith WILL BE CRUSHED.

Once again, let me reiterate:  If these girls had truly put their faith in Jesus Christ and the eternal salvation which He purchased with His blood on the cross, if they truly have Jesus Christ in their hearts as their Lord and Savior - their faith may be damaged through atheist/secular influence - but their salvation is still intact, protected by God Himself (John 10:28-29).

Over the years, I have had many non-believers scoff when I have shared material like that found in the link above.  Their explanation is almost always the same, "That is old news.  That does not happen anymore.  Bill, you are digging up relic material and trying to pass it off on us today.

Well, let me share an event which just happened this week at a School Board Meeting in Texas.  A seventh grade young lady bravely stands before the school board and shares how her teacher has attempted to force her secular humanism beliefs on her class - and threatened them will failure if they did not agree with her beliefs:

7th-grader Explains What Her Teacher Would Do If She Didn’t Deny The Existence Of God
Written by Michele Hickford, Editor-in-Chief on October 27, 2015

Jordan Wooley, a seventh grade student at West Memorial Junior High School in the Katy Independent School District outside of Houston, testified at a school board meeting last night that her teacher forced students to deny the existence of God and threatened them with failing grades if they refused to agree.

View this newest video and read the article which offers a transcript of this young lady's testimony before the school board.   Would you want your children or grandchildren in that school?

My Friend, in the last six decades, since the Supreme Court sided with Madelyn Murray O'Hair and the ACLU, evicting God and prayer from our public schools - the situation has grown increasingly worse.  

Today, our public schools across America, from Kindergarten through the 12th grade, will welcome gay activist speakers, will welcome two-mommy/two daddy speakers, will welcome Muslim speakers and folks from all the world religions into those schools to present their beliefs to our children. 

But, none of those public schools will invite a Christian to address the students.  Why?  Because it weakens their atheist, secular, humanist teachings.  Liberal - OKAY!  Conservative - GO AWAY!  

That is the mindset of our education systems today - from Kindergarten through college.  And, if we want to protect our children, WE have to prepare them before sending them into the lions' dens of current education.

Thank you for reading this message.  Consider it an investment in the future of your children and grandchildren.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Bill Gray

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