Thursday, October 1, 2015

Christian Music Through The Decades!

Yesterday, I posted on Facebook and in my Friends Ministry eNewsletter a post which included an article by Bob Kauflin titled "What Pastors Wish Their Worship Leaders Knew" and in my post I included this excerpt:

"About fifteen years ago, I heard an interview on KWVE Christian Radio. The host was interviewing a couple who were both Christian entertainers and the Worship Leaders in their local Orange County, California, church. I will never forget what the husband said, 'When we are giving a concert to entertain people, we sing one way.  But, when we are acting as Worship Leaders in our church, we sing in a different way.'

Basically he was saying that in concert they entertain - but, when leading Worship in Music in their local church, they chose songs that the congregation can sing - and they meld their voices with the congregation."

All my Christian life, I have enjoyed a mixture of Christian music.  I like Contemporary Christian Music.  Not overly fond of the Christian Chorus music which was introduced by Pastor Chuck Smith and Maranatha! Music in the 1960s to reach the drugged out hippies with simplicity - and just repeats the same ten word over and over, fifteen times or more.  But, there is a lot of Contemporary Christian music which has been brought to us through Maranatha! Music, and Gospel songs, which have a lot of theological meat in them.

And, I love the old hymns for several reasons.  First, they seem to have more spiritual and theological meat in them.   And, second, they take me back to my younger days.  I fondly recall going with my grandparents to a small tent church, Baptist, with wood chips on the floor - hidden away in the forest a few miles from their farm.  The song which always brings that memory flooding back is Amazing Grace.  But, all the hymns give me a feeling of being closer to God. 

Over the years, we have seen hymnals disappearing from churches - and we have seen the Worship and Praise Teams, more and more, beginning to resemble an entertainment group, more that a Praise Team leading musical praise to the Lord.  That was the theme of my Facebook post and eNewsletter yesterday.   And, lo and behold, as if guided by the Holy Spirit, my Alabama home town Friend, Nancy DaVinci, posted the video below on Facebook.  Wow!  It is though we are in sync.

If you recall what the professional singers/praise team couple said above,
"When we are giving a concert to entertain people, we sing one way. But, when we are acting as Worship Leaders in our church, we sing in a different way."  And, I added:  Basically he was saying that in concert they entertain - but, when leading Worship in Music in their local church, they chose songs that the congregation can sing - and they meld their voices with the congregation.

Well, this video is a great example of all this.  First, the Rob Mills Family takes an old hymn, a standard, "Leaning On The Everlasting Arm" - which I also recall my grandfather's tent church singing.  I have also heard it in a few Baptist churches in the last twenty years, those which refuse to completely give up the old - just to adopt the new.

This man, Rob Mills, puts a new twist on that old standard.   He presents it as it would sound if it had been written for churches in later years, down through the decades.  He takes us decade by decade through each new variation of this old standard.   But, like I suggested about the
professional singers/praise team couple above, in his closing number he melds his voice with the people in the audience/congregation to sing "Leaning On The Everlasting Arm" as it was originally intended.
Rob Mills Family - Through The Decades

Does every hymn need to be sung like a funeral dirge?  Of course not!  A hymn does not lose it message if we sing it a bit more up tempo.  A great example is the recording of Amazing Grace done by Charlie Rich.  He sings this beautiful song in an upbeat tempo and it is great.   I recall, about 10-12 years ago, our church elder and Praise Team member, Ferdy Cancino, was at our home practicing a song with my wife, Dory.  When they took a break, I played this Charlie Rich version of Amazing Grace for Ferdy.  He loved it and immediately picked up his guitar to play along with the recording.
Charlie Rich ~Amazing Grace~  

So, whatever kind of Christian music you prefer, I am sure you will enjoy the Rob Mills Family presentation of "Leaning On The Everlasting Arm - Through The Decades."  And, I have a feeling that you will also enjoy the Charlie Rich song.   And, it is okay if you find yourself tapping your toes or moving your booty as Charlie sings.  That will only make God smile.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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