Monday, August 23, 2010

A Forum Friend Accuses
Pastor Chuck Smith Of Heresy!

With the "information explosion" we have witnessed on the internet over the past 10 to 15 years -- we must also keep in mind that, jut because it is written on the internet -- does not make it true. It is not the Gospel -- unless you are reading the Bible online.

Much of what we read online is the opinion of another person -- and could true or it could be based upon false statements and a desire to get even with someone, or to best another, or it could be written by someone who does not have full knowledge of the subject or the issue. So, with all we read on the internet -- the best advise is to remember that just because it is published online does NOT make it true.

The dialogue below is a great example of that. Someone wanting to defame Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa has, it appears, purposely twisted what Pastor Chuck wrote in a book -- actually changing words -- to make his writing appear to say something different.

And, my Forum Friend, Beter, because I often quote Pastor Chuck's commentaries -- has tried to use this same false writing on the internet to declare Pastor Chuck a heretic. I suppose Beter feels that, if he can prove Pastor Chuck (my frequent reference source on Biblical issues) a heretic -- that, in turn, makes everything I write heretical.

Whenever we are sharing the Word of God with the unbelieving world, we will always have such burdens. We just have to look past the ones throwing stones -- to those standing behind who may read and who may be ready to allow seeds of salvation to be planted in fertile soil.

We stand on the words of our Lord and Savior, "If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you" (John 15:18). So, the rocks they throw are not bullets of destruction -- but, rather, they are Badges of Honor.

Grab your Full Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-20) and join in the battle! Start by sharing this with your Friends, Relatives, Associates, and Neighbors -- all your FRANs. Let's keep sharing the Word of God, the Gospel of Jesus Christ -- until He returns.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Bill Gray


In the discussion titled "The Holy Way" -- our Friend, Beter, takes a broadside swipe at Pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, California. And, this from a person whose tells us he/she is "Better Than You" -- i.e., the posting name BeternU. Personally, I do not think I am better than anyone else. I may be more blessed because I am a Christian believer -- but, I certainly am not "better than you." Only Jesus Christ can claim that title -- for He, indeed, is better than any of us.

Beter wrote, "Bill Gray -- I got yer Pastor Chuck Smith/Calvary Temple right heah! The man is a flaming false prophet. Per Wickipedia

Return of Christ in 1981: During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Chuck Smith wrote and published a prophetic timeline that predicted the Rapture would occur in 1981"

Beter, my Friend, normally, this is something I would not say to another Forum member -- but, my Friend, what you have written is a complete lie. And, the Wikipedia source you show states this disclaimer: "The neutrality of this article is disputed."

While that article does not disclose the name of the author; it could be one or more of a number of different people who have been asked to leave Calvary Chapel. An example is John Wimber who began to turn heavily toward Pentecostalism and got involved in such heretical teachings as Holy Laughter and other non-Biblical teachings. Pastor Chuck asked him to leave Calvary Chapel and Wimber started the Vineyard Churches, some of which are extreme Pentecostal.

Calvary Chapel has over 1100 churches worldwide, it is non-denominational, and calls itself a "movement" and not a denomination. Yet, if one of the churches which wears the Calvary Chapel name begins to teach beliefs other than those held by Calvary Chapel -- they will be asked to leave, just as was John Wimber. Last year, in their Annual Pastor's Conference, Pastor Chuck presented a White Paper in which he denounced the Emergent Church movement.

He asked all Calvary Chapel churches that choose to continue to follow the teachings of the Emergent Church movement to please remove Calvary Chapel from their name and to leave the Calvary Chapel movement. I applaud Pastor Chuck for this move to protect the integrity of Calvary Chapel and to assure that the teachings of all Calvary Chapel churches adhere to the previously established Statement of Faith of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.

By the way, I have absolutely no problem with the Statement of Beliefs of Calvary Chapel -- which mirrors my own personal Statement of Beliefs.

Yes, in leading a church movement for 45 years, a man will upset some and will make enemies. Obviously the person, or persons, who wrote this anonymous Wikipedia article is among that group. As I have always said -- if a pastor is not making some people uncomfortable with his messages and with his teachings -- he is obviously teaching a watered down, "feel good" Gospel. Pastor Chuck teaches the Gospel as it should be taught -- and, if that makes you uncomfortable -- you best look within yourself.

Now, Beter, let's look at the source of the statement you copy/pasted about Pastor Chuck Smith. This is the source, taken from a book written by Pastor Chuck Smith, that the anonymous author(s) used to write this untrue accusation:

This is from the References given for the Wikipedia article:

End Times: A Report on Future Survival, Chuck Smith, 1978 Smith, Chuck (1978). End Times: A Report on Future Survival. Maranatha House Publishers. pp. 35. ISBN 0-89337-011-8. "Jesus taught us that the generation which sees the 'budding of the fig tree,' the birth of the nation israel, will be the generation that sees the Lord's return. I believe that the generation of 1948 is the last generation. Since a generation of judgment is forty years and the Tribulation period lasts seven years, I believe the Lord could come back for His Church any time before the Tribulation starts, which would mean anytime before 1981. (1948+40+7=1981)"

In this article footnote you can see that Pastor Chuck has clearly written, "I believe the Lord could come back for His Church. . ." Notice that his says, "COULD come back" -- NOT "WOULD come back" -- as the anonymous writer(s) accused.

Beter, the statement you copy/pasted states: During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Chuck Smith wrote and published a prophetic timeline that predicted the Rapture would occur in 1981 Obviously the author of this article ignored his own footnote and changed "could" to "would." Are you willing to believe anything else this person will write?

Could Jesus Christ return and Rapture His church today? Absolutely! The return of Jesus Christ to rapture His church is imminent, meaning that it could happen at any moment -- or it may not happen for many years. We are told in Matthew 24:36-37, "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone. For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah."

And, we are warned, in Matthew 24:44 and in Luke 12:40 to be ready, "For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will."

So, yes, Jesus Christ could come today. He could come before I have a chance to post this writing. If you get to read this writing on the Religion Forum; then He has not come back yet. The Rapture has not occurred.

Or, He may not come in my lifetime. All I can do is to be ready to greet Him when He does come for all believers at the Rapture.

What Pastor Chuck Smith wrote in 1978, that He could come before 1981 -- was absolutely correct. The main prophecy gating His return is the nation of Israel being reestablished as a nation in their homeland -- which occurred in 1948. Like Pastor Chuck, I, too, believe the time may be near.

I have heard him refute people who teach a specific time for the return of Christ to Rapture His church. But, at no time have I ever heard him predict or give a date for the Rapture. That would be anathema to Pastor Chuck -- for he believes the Bible.

Pastor Chuck has and will say that many of the signs for the return are evident today -- starting with the return of the nation Israel to their homeland. He will quote many prophecies which show signs of the coming Rapture. But, he has never played the "this is the day" game.

I have never attended Calvary Chapel; but, I have followed the teachings of Pastor Chuck Smith for the last 23 years -- and I have NEVER heard him teach anything such as you, or these writers, have accused him. There have been times when I have disagreed with his teaching; but, that does not mean that he is a heretical teacher as you would have people believe. As a matter of fact, I do not know any pastor or Bible teacher that I have not disagreed with at one time or another. That does not make them or me wrong -- it just makes us good Bereans.

Beter, I am not sure what hang-up you have; but, this time, my Friend, you have written and copy/pasted an accusation which is totally false. I am just curious. You come on the Religion Forum and blast the writings of everyone who professes faith in Jesus Christ -- are you a Christian believer? If so, what church (not the specific church, but the denomination, affiliation, etc.) do you attend? What Bible teacher do YOU trust to teach the truth?

Let's talk about Calvary Chapel and Pastor Chuck Smith. Pastor Chuck came to Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa in 1965. At that time they had only about 20 members. Since then, Calvary Chapel has grown to over 1100 churches worldwide; many of them large enough in membership to be called megachurches. Why has Calvary Chapel had such phenomenal growth?

From the beginning, Pastor Chuck has always used expository Bible teaching, i.e., teaching through the Bible starting from Genesis 1:1 and teaching, verse by verse, all the way to Revelation 22:21. And, then, he starts all over again -- teaching through the Bible. Occasionally, he will take a break for a topical message -- but, the normal messages are expository. In this way, their teachings, and their theology, builds upon the complete Bible; not just chosen verses or passages.

As a comparison, Dr. Robert Schuller started the Garden Grove Community Church (now the Crystal Cathedral) the same year, 1965. What has he built? A huge glass cathedral dedicated to the memory of Robert Schuller? Since 1965, to the best of my knowledge, Robert Schuller's church has planted only two other churches, one for his son and one for his close associate, Dr. Leetsma -- both in affluent Orange County.

While in the same time period Pastor Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel has planted over 1100 churches worldwide. And, most of the Calvary Chapels have Christian schools for the K-12 level -- and, many have Bible Colleges for the adult believers and those preparing for a life of ministry.

Why the great difference between these two ministries, both begun in adjacent Orange County communities, the same year, 1965 -- but, with drastically different results?

My personal belief is that it is because Robert Schuller is Reform, i.e., Calvinist -- and apparently their approach is to build bigger and prettier cathedrals, but, with no emphasis on evangelism. I spent several years in Schuller's church and never, not even once, did I hear or see an altar call being given. Why? Because the Calvinists teach that God chose, before the Creation, who will be saved and who will be lost to hell. Thus, no real reason for an altar call or evangelism, and, no real growth except among the affluent of Orange County who want to hear "feel good" sermons. Three churches in 45 years!

On the other hand, Pastor Chuck Smith's whole ministry is built upon evangelism -- sharing the Word of God with the unsaved and the unchurched of the world. He truly follows the teachings of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15) to take the Gospel to the whole world. And, Calvary Chapel has seen extraordinary spiritual and numerical growth over the years. Over 1100 churches in 45 years!

Calvary Chapel has spawned other church groups, i.e., Horizon Christian Fellowship out of San Diego which has over 100 churches in its group -- and Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California. We are all familiar with the Harvest Crusades which happen in cities all over America where millions have heard the Gospel taught by Pastor Greg Laurie. All of this started from the ministry of Pastor Chuck Smith who came to a church of 20 people in 1965. I would say that this man is indeed doing the work of God in sharing the Gospel to the world.

To learn more about Calvary Chapel and what they teach, visit this web site:

Visit Pastor Chuck's personal ministry web site: The Word For Today -

Or, visit the web site of KWVE Christian Radio (107.9 FM): You can listen to live broadcasts. I believe you will find the Pastor's Perspective Radio Talk Show very interesting. It is on from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, California time -- and you can call in on an 800 number to ask questions of Pastor Chuck and other pastors.

And, if you would like to find a Calvary Chapel near you, visit this web site:

Beter, my Friend, you might do yourself a big favor if you will listen more closely to what Calvary Chapel and Pastor Chuck Smith teach. It could make an eternal difference in your life.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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