Sunday, December 27, 2009


On September 11, 2003, God brought me together with the widow of an Air Force pilot, 1/Lt. Bob Ford, who was killed while he and I were stationed at Osan Air Base in Korea. Bob was killed in the crash of an F-86F jet fighter aircraft on March 11, 1957. Through a URL link in an e-mail someone sent me on September 11, 2003, I discovered and visited the Korean War Project web site. I found the Chat Room for my unit, the 311th Fighter-Bomber Squadron, where I found a short message posted by Libby Ford, Bob's widow. She had posted the message on September 11, 1999, after the Korean War Memorial committee refused her request to have Bob's name put on their memorial in Washington DC. She was very upset over their refusal.

I called Libby and told her that I had been stationed with Bob in Korea when he was killed. She asked if I would write my memoirs of that year so that she and his family would have some form of closure. I began to write the memoirs -- but, God put on my heart to do a memorial web site. And, through these last few years Libby and I have become good friends. Sometimes on the telephone, but more often in e-mails; she shared with me the joy of her children and grandchildren -- and the great sense of accomplishment she felt this year when her granddaughter, Laurie, earned her Ph.D. in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and this past July moved to Shreveport to begin her career as a forensic scientist.

My purpose in telling you all of this is that I want us all to pray that God will restore Libby's health and give her more time with her family; more time to enjoy watching her grandchildren's accomplishments in life -- all a tribute to Bob and Libby Ford. We very selfishly want Libby to be with us longer.

However, if it is God's will that she go to be with her Lord -- we know that she will also be with Bobby once again.

We am reminded of the apostle Paul's confession in Philippians 1:23-24, when he says to the people in the church of Philippi, "But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake."

I am sure that is Libby's feelings also: To go home to be with her Lord and with Bobby -- yet, a desire to remain here with her precious family. God knows which is best -- so, we must leave Libby in His loving hands.

But, I still ask everyone to pray that it be His will that Libby will stay with us for a long time. Please keep Libby and all her family in your prayers during this time.

If you have time, visit the Bob Ford Memorial web site. There you will find photos of Bobby and Libby when they met at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis in 1950, their courtship, and their wedding in 1953. You will find a page which which shows Bobby at Annapolis; then as he transferred to the Air Force and got his wings; of his time in Korea and his death; and his burial at Arlington National Cemetery. To me, Bob Ford was a hero -- and Libby Ford his princess. I believe you will enjoy their web site.

Thank you and God bless,

Bill Gray

Hi Bill - I'm Margaret Withrow, Libby's sister. Just wanted to let you know that Libby is in Virginia Beach General Hospital in Virginia. Beach, VA, and not expected to make it. Colon problems and infection in colon and liver, heart attack, and full of fluid. She is in emergency surgery now and I'm waiting to hear. I am keeping everyone posted by writing on her profile on Facebook.

I just wanted to thank you again for EVERYTHING you did for her. I don't think you will ever know how much it meant to her. You gave her closure with Bobby's death and I truly appreciate it too. You are a saint. We could certainly use your prayers now.

Many thanks and God bless you.

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