Monday, December 28, 2009


For the past three years, I have been posting on the Religion Forum of my hometown newspaper, the TimesDaily of Florence, Alabama. I began this when I found the Religion Forum dominated by a handful of atheists and secularists. It seemed the right thing to do; so I began posting, refuting their anti-God, anti-Christian posts. Besides this apologetics effort of shining the Light of the Gospel upon the darkness of atheism and secularism -- I also post new discussions sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the sake of new believers and new seekers.

The dialogue below is from a discussion titled "Did Jesus Really Heal People?" and the lady below, Lynn, tends to downplay the divine aspect of healing and attributes healing today to advances in technology. While I will admit that advances in medical knowledge and technology have brought healing to many -- I would not discount the fact that the Holy Spirit stands looking over the shoulder of every bio-medical engineer, doctor, and surgeon. If I, or a loved one, has to be on the operating table -- I will pray, "Thank you, Lord, for the knowledge You have given these surgeons -- and for guiding their hands."

On the Forum, my Friend, Lynn, tell us, "Back to topic: Did jesus really heal people? I think He did and it was documented historically. HOW He did it, however, was documented by people that had no understanding or knowledge of how He did it, so it seemed to be some mysterious action that was called a 'miracle.'"

True, how He heals is beyond our realm of knowledge. However, since we know that He is the Creator; that He created every single molecule in the universe -- how is it difficult for Him to heal that created being in an instant? We know that He could have created the universe in an instant; but, chose to do it in six days. So, what is so difficult with Him healing His creation in an instant; or in Him choosing to do it over a longer period -- or choosing to do it through people, such as medical doctors?

When He removed the cancerous looking black growth from my right temple; He could have done it in an instant -- but, instead chose to do it over a period of four days. Who am I to complain; He removed it without medical attention or help. You might call this a miraculous healing; I prefer to call it a divine healing.

Then, you tell us, "I do believe that Jesus was the son of God and therefore had total knowledge of the physical laws of this world. He knew what caused illnesses and afflictions and he also possessed the knowledge to cure them. Knowledge that we are only beginning to tap into today. He had complete control and authority of the physical and spiritual realms because he had complete knowledge of how they work and the laws governing them."

Actually, He is the Son of God and is the Creator. Jesus Christ is preexisting and is very much alive today, in heaven interceding for all believers. So, you and I have the preexisting Son of God sitting beside the Father as our intercessor -- and every time, each day, that you and I goof, every time we forget to do it God's way and try to do it our own way -- He is there to pull His cover of righteousness around us so that the Father does not see our indiscretion. We believers are truly blessed.

And, yes, He does indeed have a complete knowledge of physical laws and scientific laws -- since He created those laws when He created our physical being and our physical environment. And, yes, He does have complete control over all these laws in both the physical and spiritual realm. Therefore, an instant cure for him would be second nature. Or, using medical science to heal us is within His realm. After all, He chooses to use we mere humans as His "feet on the street" in sharing His Gospel; why not in healing His creations?

And, you quote: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke.

True, in a sense. However, this is where I will side with our science-minded Friends. Most often advances in technology follow a proven path of trial and error research.

Next, you tell us, "Technology is nothing more than knowledge. Jesus had 'technology' beyond anything that we have today. That's why even now, we don't understand how he did what he did."

Here I tend to agree with you -- that technology, or advances in technology, is merely gaining newer knowledge of things physical. I spent years as a Field Engineer in the computer industry. When I was faced with a computer that had a problem, my first step was to run through my memory bank of how it was supposed to work, then compare that with what it was currently doing. Based upon that information -- I would step into the realm of "educated guesswork."

In the older days of computer technology; when a computer failed, there were two approaches: the Shotgun approach where one would just start wholesale replacing of components until he stumbled upon one that fixed the problem; or the Rifle Shot approach, where one would analyze the problem, compare this knowledge to past experience, and using this knowledge, select the most likely component to replace. This often took longer; but, was more satisfying in the end.

And, I have often said that doctors do exactly the same kind of healing. Using their knowledge of the human body and after running a few tests -- they use the old "educated guesswork" approach, "Let's try this and see if it helps." Or, take two aspirins and call me in the morning.

But, Jesus Christ is another story. He does not use any form of "educated guesswork" -- for He has intimate knowledge of every molecule in our body. And, He has the ability to directly address each and every molecule in our body -- for He created them.

Is it necessary that we understand "how" He did it? No. What is necessary is that we have "faith" in the fact that He did do it.

Finally, you tell us, "I'm not saying he was an 'alien' with advanced technology that visited our planet...but that's a close comparison (and also why many people fall for that belief). He was, however, a 'visitor" to our physical world from a place that we cannot even comprehend. He was God in the flesh...he was from a different realm."

Here, you and I agree -- but, I might state it a wee bit differently. Was Jesus Christ an "alien" visiting our planet. No, we can never express it that way. An alien is one who comes from another land or place foreign to ours, i.e., an immigrant alien or an illegal alien. Jesus, in no way, could be called an alien to our world -- for He created it, it belongs to Him, it is His world -- more than it is ours.

True, when Adam disobeyed God and fell into sin; Adam gave the Title Deed to earth to Satan. However, that was only a Quick Claim Deed; Jesus Christ is still the owner -- and He will return after the Rapture and Tribulation to establish His Millennial Kingdom, the Kingdom of God on earth, for one thousand years; where He will rule the earth (the perfect theocracy) from the throne of David in Jerusalem.

Are God the Father and Jesus Christ in a different realm? Yes, they are in heaven. However, both secular and Christian scientists believe there are many more dimensions than the four that we know: height, width, depth, and time. They speculate that there are at least twelve dimensions; possibly more. Based upon that, heaven, and hell, would most likely be in another dimension or set of dimensions, possibly sharing our same physical space -- but, not experientially shared by we mortal humans.

Think about it. When Jesus Christ appeared to the disciples in the Upper Room, He did not come in through the door. He appeared, as from another dimension. When Jesus Christ appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus; He appeared as from another dimension. And, when Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus at the Transfiguration; they appeared as from another dimension.

In their immortal bodies, they can pass from one set of dimensions to another. And, when we are raptured and have our immortal bodies -- wow, imagine the possibilities.

So, do I believe that Jesus is still in the healing business today? Absolutely! However, I would not put any faith in those television miracle workers or their televised Healing Meetings. I do sincerely believe they will have to stand before Jesus Christ one day and explain why they used His good name in such a fraudulent manner.

I have personally seen too much divine healing to discount any miracle Jesus Christ might choose to give us.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

Bill Gray

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