Thursday, July 11, 2024

This Has Been My "Dream Team" For A Very Long Time!

This Has Been My "Dream Team" For A Very Long Time! I am convinced that a Trump-Gabbard Team will turn ALL America RED in the November 2024 Elections. Before I show you absolute proof that I am right - I would like to share what we will be missing when Trump-Gabbard wins in November, as compared to the Biden-Harris team currently cluttering our White House and making America a laughing-stock all around the world.

First, we will see a president who will immediately begin to rebuild the strong America he built during his first term. We will see the China, Russia, Iran, North Korea coalition stop laughing, stifle their smiles, and start moving toward building a working coalition WITH America - and put away their rattling sabres.

We will see the American economy once again blossom - inflation will take a big dip - unemployment for ALL Americans will be drastically lowered - jobs will once again come back into America instead to countries who hate us. In other words, we will once again see the America we had between Jan 6, 2017 and Jan 6, 2021 - an America who, without doubt, had the strongest economy, the strongest military, the best controlled border, and happy, productive American Families.

Our borders will once again be closed to all except legal immigrants. The ILLEGALS, foreign terrorist, drug cartels, human trafficking cartels, and other undesirables that have been flooding into America through our OPEN borders - will begin to flow OUT of our borders and back into Mexico. Once again it will be Mexico's burden, not Americas!

Now to the good part. What will we lose by having Tulsi Gabbard as our next Vice President? We will have to learn to live without the Cackling - without the Word Salad - and without the VP who got into politics in California by having an up-close and personal relationship with the married California Democratic Political Boss, Willie Brown.

During the 2019 Democratic Primary Debates, Willie Brown publish a book of his memoirs as a Political Boss in California - and in his book he speaks about his affair with a young female attorney, Kamala Harris, and how he, because of their relationship, was responsible for getting her into politics, by getting her appointed as Attorney General of San Francisco, and then AG of California.

Willie was her ticket into politics. But for some reason, even though the book was published and ready to hit the stores - it disappeared. Hmmm? I wonder how much that cost the Democratic Party?

Although I realize we all will miss the amusement of the Cackling and the Word Salad, because I know YOU are a true Conservative American who wants to "Make America Great Once Again," aka, MAGA PLUS! Based upon our mutual love for America, we all want to see sanity revived once again - I ask you to take about an hour of your time and view these four very impressive videos.

What will you find in these videos? Before continuing let me digress a wee bit. I went on Google to find a better way to express a person who is articulate - and although I seldom read on the Quora site - this question which popped up on Google so strongly expresses the comparison I wanted to show between Cackling "Word Salad" Kamala and Tulsi Gabbard, I have to share it with you.

"Why is it that people who articulate and speak well - seem to be smarter than the average person who doesn’t pronounce their words thoroughly? Is their a correlation between articulation and intelligence?" (Quora) And I would have to answer that question with a really big YES!

In these four short videos, you will not find Tulsi "cackling" - you will not see her waving her arms and offering a diet of Word Salad. What you WILL FIND is a woman who is articulate, intelligent, patriotic, and a Vice President who could, without American missing a beat, step into the Oval Office and continue our American government, if for any reason President Trump could not finish this term in office.

This is an excerpt from a blog I wrote on April 9, 2024 titled "Why Would I Vote For Tulsi Gabbard To Be The Next Vice President?"

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Why Would I Vote For Tulsi Gabbard To Be The Next Vice President? ~ Thought you would never ask. Let's get serious. We now have seen a VP chosen, not for ability, competence, patriotism, and most certainly not for her ability to speak to an audience and discuss issues of importance to American families.

She was chosen because she is female and for her supposed ethnicity. Those are admirable traits, but definitely not qualifications to be VP - and one heartbeat from being President to the United States. And her "cackling" when asked a serious question is enough make a stone scream!

Then there is Tulsi Gabbard ~ a Lieutenant Colonel and Battalion Commander in the Army Reserves - Iraq War veteran - former Congresswoman - and 2020 Presidential Candidate. Tulsi enlisted in the Hawaii Army National Guard in 2003.

In 2004, she deployed for a year-long tour to Iraq where she served as a medical specialist. After being commissioned as a Second Lieutenant, she was stationed in Kuwait from 2008 to 2009, serving as a Military Police Officer. In July 2021, she was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.

Tulsi was elected to Congress as the Representative from Hawaii's 2nd Congressional District and served in that office from 2013 to 2021. And if one wants to play the race card - Tulsi was the first Samoan-American to be elected to Congress.

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Now I ask YOU to view these videos - and get ready to vote for a TRUMP-GABBARD Ticket in November 2024:

MASSIVE Prediction: Trump's VP Will Be Tulsi Gabbard! -
Donald Trump's VP Pick Could Be Tulsi Gabbard.
She'd Make A Great Vice president And This Is Why!
TayMerica - Jul 9, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard's Warning To America | CPAC 2024 Speech - Feb 2024

"Fight Of Our Lives" - Tulsi Gabbard Says Trump Needs A Strong Patriot As His VP Pick For 2024
PBD Valuetainment Podcast - Apr 27, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard's Rallying Cry for America
Turning Point Action Convention - Jun 18, 2024

God bless America,

Bill Gray

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