all be faithful to the
moving of God the Holy
Spirit's admonition to "Go,
Make Disciples, Baptize
Them, TEACH Them. . .
Be His Witnesses In All
The World" (Matthew
28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Mark
And let us trust
in God to give us the right and moral outcome of the political fracas
which is going to be played out in the following weeks.
November 3, 2020, a great
number of
Americans voted
for who will be our
President for the next
four years - and for many
Congressional seats, both
in the Senate and in the
House of Representatives.
America had a record number of people voting in this election - but I
am afraid that we Conservatives may not have taken the power of the
money behind the dark underbelly of politics in Washington DC as
seriously as we should have, assuming that the Democrats did not have a
strong candidate. But enough money can bolster the appeal of any
candidate - and we may be experiencing that in America in this election
I am afraid that we Conservatives may have fallen into the same mind
trap that we find in Aesop's Fable of the Tortoise and the Hare.
Tortoise was so much faster and stronger than Hare, that he decided to
take a nap during the race. When Tortoise woke, he found that the slow
Hare had won the race.
At this point, we must trust in God to protect the millions of babies
threatened by the possible election outcome - and trust Him to protect
our American sovereignty and freedom so many have fought and died to
protect. And we must trust in Him to keep President Trump strong and that
He will have President Trump's back as he fights against the Dark
Agenda alive in America today - and that President Trump is successful
in his battle to show the true winner in the election.
I suggest that you pay
particular attentions to Pastor Ed
Dacio's video first for a
very good reason. His
message is about our right
and our responsibility to
VOTE. He is not telling
us who we should have
voted for - only
reminding us of the
serious responsibility we
have to vote. Keep in
mind, there will be more elections in the future and we Conservatives
must be ready to take our responsibility of voting seriously.
Pastor Sam Lacanienta
continues his series on
the names and attributes
of God, short messages
with so much content,
definitely meat and not
milk messages (Hebrews
5:11-14, 1 Corinthians
In Pastor Freddy's message
this week, the first minute or so has no audio - but be patient for he
does have a very good message. Pastor Freddy is a very solid
Pastor/Teacher, with emphasis on Teaching, and his messages will help
us grow
stronger in our faith and
in our knowledge of God's Word, which is the heart of our
Pastor Sergio's message is on Biblical
Parenting taken from Genesis 18:18-19 and is a good teaching on raising
a strong Bible-centered Christian family. I must apologize for periods
of this message have audio volume problems - but it is still a good
message and worth listening more closely so that you do not miss any of
his teaching.
And once again I will emphasize that while I
do not believe God
caused the
CoronaVirus, I am
convinced that He is
using it to cause
His churches to move away
from "preaching to the
choir" in our local
fellowships - and to start
using the power of the
internet and social media
to take His Gospel of
Salvation to the far
corners of the earth.
Many churches and pastors
who had never learned to
use social media before to
share the Gospel, are now
very effectively using it
to share His Word.
Matthew 24:14, "And
this Gospel of the
kingdom will be preached
in all the world as a
witness to all the
nations, and then
the end will come."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I pray these video messages will help you during this time of isolation and trial, and even after we are back to having open church services once again - with assurances that with God's help we will all get through the valleys and come out stronger on the other side.
PASTOR SAM LACANIENTA - Talakag Church on the Solid Rock, Philippines (15 - 20 minutes)
PASTOR ED DACIO - Corona International Christian Fellowship, Corona, CA (20 - 30 minutes)
PASTOR FREDDY CORTEZ - Church of Hope, Aliso Viejo, CA (30 - 60 minutes)
PASTOR SERGIO NOLASCO - International Bible Baptist Church, Riverside, CA (50 - 90 minutes)
God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,
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