Monday, June 8, 2020

"Black Lives Matter" - OR - "Abortion" ~ Which Is More Important?

Are "BLACK LIVES MATTER" and "ABORTION" Strange Bedfellows? ~  Or is each the antithesis of the other?  How can a person say that "Black Lives Matter" - and then support the Abortion of Babies, especially Black Babies - the murder, infanticide, of hundreds of thousands of Black Babies?

Today we often see folks getting offended when someone says, "All Lives Matter!"  No, no they declare, it is "Black Lives Matter!"   In the Bible does God say "Black Lives Matter!" - OR - does He say, "ALL Lives Matter!"? 

When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in his Washington DC "I Have A Dream" speech, called for individuals to be judged by their character rather than their skin color - he was not calling for color blindness, but equality.  He wanted all people to have equal access to the same privileges, education, and power - based upon their abilities, not the color of their skin.  I believe that is what God is telling us in these Scripture verses:

Galatians 3:28, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that ANY should perish but that all should come to repentance."

Most folks interpret 2 Peter 3:9 to say that God is speaking only about salvation.  But I see it in a much broader sense.  I see the last phrase "
not willing that ANY should perish but that all should come to repentance" - to more accurately be read as "not willing that ANY should be excluded from God's care and love." 

In the video link below, the "Candace Owens Show (PragerU)" -
Hawk Newsome, Chairman of "Black Lives Matter NY" joins Candace Owens for an in-depth conversation discussing the issues of "Black Lives Matter" and "Abortion Rights."  He strongly calls for Blacks to protest and even riot - to protest what he says is Police Targeting And Killing Blacks. 

According to him, far too many blacks are killed by the police.  Isn't it true that a higher percentage of Blacks are committing crimes which end badly?  Shouldn't we be viewing this more as a Societal Problem, instead of a Police Problem, i.e., more Blacks born out of wedlock to young single mothers and being raised in a home without a father?

Yet, in the next breath, Hawk Newsome is a strong advocate for the right of Black Women to kill their Black Babies via Abortion, Infanticide.  It  would seem that, according to him:  Black Lives Matter - BUT - Black Babies Do NOT!

According to the Guttmacher Institute charts below - 37% of Abortions in America in 2004 (charts were made in 2008) are Black Babies.  In America today, on average there are 1,000,000 abortions each year.  At 37% of that, this means there are 370,000 Black Babies, i.e., Black Americans killed every year through Abortion. 

Compare that 370,000 Black Babies killed each year through Abortion ~ to the number of Blacks killed each year by (1) other Blacks - 7,550, and (2) by Law Enforcement Officers - 104.   Which should be viewed as the greater problem - Blacks killing Blacks, Police killing Blacks, or Abortionist killing Blacks?

Let's look at my sources for these facts:

Every Christian is concerned about justice.  When people break the law, they should be held accountable regardless of their race or color.  Christians cannot be consistent with the teachings of the Bible if they make decisions based on any form of prejudice.  Between 1976 and 2011:  There were 279,384 black murder victims - 262,621 were murdered by other blacks.  That is approximately 7,550 blacks killed every year by other blacks. .  .  .  . During that same period, approximately 104 blacks every year were killed by police in the United States.  This is not to infer that those killed by the police were killed unjustly. 

This is 7,550 blacks killed by other blacks - to 104 blacks killed by police each year.  Though blacks are 13 percent of the nation's population, they account for more than 50 percent of homicide victims.  Black-on-black murder is far and away more deadly than murder by white police officers.   (From "A Christian Response To The Riots In Ferguson, Missouri" - By Robert L. Dickie, All Grace Blog, Tuesday, August 19, 2014)

If Black Lives Really Matter to Hawk Newsome and all the protesters and rioters - then why are they NOT protesting against Abortion, against Planned Parenthood?

In a recent episode of Fox Nation’s “No Interruption” - Tomi Lahren sat down with Hawk Newsome, president of Black Lives Matter of Greater New York, who argued that his organization and others like it are justified in using destruction to call attention to their grievances with American society.  “The riot is the language of the unheard,” said Newsome, who compared modern-day protests to The Boston Tea Party.

Bill Gray Thought:  Why aren't Newsome's Black Lives Matter protesters and rioters raising their voices and burning Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Abortion Rate Among Black Women Far Exceeds Rate For Other Groups 
(Fox News)

Blacks do, indeed, have much higher rates of abortions than whites or other minority groups.  In 2000, while blacks made up 17 percent of live births, they made up more than twice that share of abortions (36 percent).  If those aborted children had been born, the number of blacks born would have been slightly over 50 percent greater than it was. .  .  .  In 1973, the year the Supreme Court rendered its Roe v. Wade decision, there were 11 abortions per 1000 women aged 15 to 44. 

Eight years later, that number doubled for the same group to 22.   In terms of the total number of abortions - 615,831 legal abortions took place in 1973 ~~ 1,300,760 in 1981 (doubled in only 8 years).  .  .  .  The Centers for Disease Control recorded detailed information on the race of those having abortions from 1970 to 1981.  It shows Roe’s impact on abortions by blacks in the years immediately before and after the decision.  The Supreme Court’s decision had the biggest impact on blacks, raising their share of abortions from 21 to 30 percent, while their share of live births only increased from 12 to 15 percent.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Black Babies In The U.S. Killed By Abortion In Large Numbers
(REALity - Real Women Of Canada - September 2018)

In the U.S., abortion has taken a terrible toll on the lives of black babies.  Nationally, black women terminate pregnancies at far higher rates than other women.  In 2014, 36% of all abortions were performed on black women - although they make up just 13% of the female population in the U.S.   Abortion deaths of black children far exceed deaths caused by cancer, violent crime, heart disease, AIDS, and accidents. .  .  .   It is shocking to think that more blacks have been killed by abortion than by the Klu Klux Klan

Between 1882 and 1968, 3,446 blacks were lynched by the Klu Klux Klan, but today abortion kills more black American babies in less than three days than the Klan killed in 86 years. .  .  It is well known that Planned Parenthood, founded by the racist and eugenicist Margaret Sanger, has established its abortion clinics in the vicinity of low-income black neighborhoods.  By doing so, its billion dollar industry keeps down the black population with death by abortion.

Bill Gray Thought:  Why aren't Newsome's Black Lives Matter protesters and rioters raising their voices and burning Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Abortion And Women Of Color: The Bigger Picture
(Guttmacher Institute, by Susan A. Cohen, Vice President, Guttmacher Institute)

This much is true: In the United States, the abortion rate for black women is almost five times that for white women.  Antiabortion activists, including some African-American pastors, have been waging a campaign around this fact, falsely asserting that the disparity is the result of aggressive marketing by abortion providers to minority communities.

The Issues4Life Foundation, a faith-based organization that targets and works with African-American leaders toward achieving the goal of "zero African-American lives lost to abortion or biotechnology" .  .  .  wrote to the Congressional Black Caucus to denounce "Planned Parenthood Federation of America" (PPFA) and its "racist and eugenic goals."  The group blamed PPFA and abortion providers in general for the high abortion rate in the African-American community - deeming the situation the "Darfur of America" - and called on Congress to withdraw federal family planning funds from all PPFA affiliates.

Bill Gray Thought:  Why aren't Newsome's Black Lives Matter protesters and rioters raising their voices and burning Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Are all these sources wrong about Black Deaths for:  (1) Black-on-Black homicides, (2) Police on Black deaths, and (3) Black Babies killed by Abortion?

Or should we look deeper at the motives of Black Lives Matter leaders such as Hawk Newsome?  Is Newsome really concerned about Black Deaths?  If so why is he not advocating Protests against Planned Parenthood? 

Could it be that he wants to milk both sides of the cow
:  (1) Protests/Riots against Police for the much smaller number of Black deaths from Police actions, overlooking the far greater number of black deaths cause by other blacks.  And then (2) he turns the cow around to Protest For The Right Of Black Women to kill their babies through Abortions?

Hawk Newsome, and all Black Lives Matter supporters, I have a serious question for you:  "At What AGE Do 'Black Lives Really Begin to Matter'?"

It is my personal belief that Hawk Newsome is in this game ONLY for the money and admiration he can get from it.  Much like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Clintons, Maxine Waters, and so many others. 

I put them all in the same pot with the Prosperity Preachers who make millions selling the Gospel.  These folks such as Newsome make money selling their twisted logic to millions of brainwashed Millennials who don't seem to be able to tie their own shoes, much less think for themselves.

Watch this video debate between Candace Owens and Hawk Newsome.  Then decide for yourself who you believe:

Candace Owens' Debate With BLM Leader, Hawk Newsome (PragerU)

Consider all these facts, then decide how YOU will vote in November.  Will YOU vote to continue allowing people such as these to bleed America, to destroy our America?  OR will YOU vote to Make America Greater Still - by reelecting President Trump?

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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