Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Little Earthworm ~ God's Messenger?

Yesterday I posted a blog titled "Pastor Sam & Ida Lacanienta - Servants Of God!" - and my Christian brother and Friend in our International Bible Baptist Church of Riverside, Jerry Baker, responded, "I can’t wait to hear the earthworm story next time we meet."  So, let's talk about that earthworm and how it was responsible for me doing Christian apologetic writing for the past 30 years.

But first let me regress for a moment.  It was through the Godly love of Pastor Sam Lacanienta and his ministry partner and wife, Ida, that I was shown the way to the cross.  It was this man who first taught me in Bible Studies and Sunday School Classes.   It was this man who baptized me into the family of God. 
About fifteen years ago, he and his wife, Ida, went home to the Philippines to do ministry there.  She has since been promoted to heaven.  But he still has a dynamic, thriving Christian ministry in the Talakag Church on the Solid Rock, near Cagayan de Oro, Philippines.

In 1987 I became a new believer and as a baby Christian I was trying to understand God's will for my life, trying to understand the messages He has for me in His word, the Bible.  I was attending the Filipino-American Church of Irvine (California) and always looked forward to our Friday Night Bible Study.  It was during a warm spring day lunch break that my earthworm incident described below occurred. 

Later at our Bible study that evening, I shared my worm experience with our group and Pastor Sam, pastor at our Fil-Am Church of Irvine, suggested that I put it in writing.  Although God had given me the ability to write several years earlier, it never occurred to me to do Christian writing.  That suggestion from Pastor Sam was the catalyst which got me started.  So, if my writings bug you - blame Pastor Sam Lacanienta.  He started it!

So, back to my Worm Escapade!

It was a beautiful spring day, so I decided to walk to the Food Pavilion for lunch.  It was only three blocks from my office and a nice day for a walk.  Just by coincidence, I met Fred Almeda, one of our church Elders, at the Pavilion and had a nice lunch chat with him.  I always enjoy fellowship with Fred.

After lunch I strolled back toward my office.  At one spot there is a wide sidewalk and a beautifully landscape lawn with lush green grass.  An earthworm was crawling across the sidewalk toward the street.  On the street and on several other areas of the sidewalk I could see other worms that had been either crushed by cars, by people walking on the sidewalk, or killed by the heat of the sun beating down on the hot concrete.  My earthworm was totally oblivious to all this danger as he crawled away from the lush green grass, toward the hot deadly street.

I stood for a while watching it crawl.  I could see the danger the worm was in, but it could not.  It was just going from one place to another with no real sense of purpose.  That is what I imagine worms do.  They burrow or they crawl to reach another spot, but with no real purpose.  I decided to have mercy on my worm, pick it up, and lay it back into the lush green environment it had left.  To my surprise, the worm fought me fiercely.  Never had I seen an earthworm literally rear up and wriggle as furiously as did this one.  I remember thinking, "I'm only trying to save your life.  Why are you fighting me?"  Eventually I was able to pick up the worm, return it to the grass, and go on to work.

As I sat in my office I began to think about that worm and how many of us are like that little earthworm.  As I stood watching the worm I could see the green grassy area he had left - and I could see the dangers of the wide sidewalk and the street, which the worm could not see.  The worm's viewpoint, like ours, is finite, limited, just that little area of sidewalk before him.  He could not see the dangerous street, nor could he see the other dead worms who had attempted this trip before him.  Maybe he could look back and see the cool, green grassy area that he had left - but not what was ahead.  His view was very limited. 

I could not help thinking that we are like that worm.  We have a very finite view.  But God is standing over us and can see the dangerous streets ahead of us.  He can see the strewn bodies of those who had made this trip before us and others who are making this trip right now.  He can see the beautiful paradise awaiting us if only we will turn around and follow Him.  He is omniscient, He sees it all - but He will not force us to turn to Him.  We have to choose to turn and follow Him.  We have to let Him pick us up and put us back into His plan for our salvation.

How often have we furiously reared up and fought the Lord when He is only trying to show us the Way?  Yes, many of us are often like that worm.  We fight the Lord - instead of accepting His grace, mercy, and free gift of salvation.

Psalm 23:1-4, "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.  He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.  He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake.  Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."

Psalm 27:1, The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? .  .  ."

So, for my Christian brother, Jerry Baker, and all my Christian brethren - you and I are like the Obedient Worm who rests in the palm of our Lord's hand.  But there are still many, many in the world who are wriggling and resisting God's offer of rest in Him. 

That is what Jesus' Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15) is all about - that we should go into the world and tell folks that since God can love a lowly earthworm, He can surely love them.   They just need to stop wriggling, turn to Him, and accept His freely offered eternal love.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

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