Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Honey And Apple Cider Vinegar - God's Medicine?

Recently a Christian sister asked prayers on Facebook because she had real pain in her upper left arm.  Today she posted:  "It's a frozen shoulder... no biggie. I'll exercise it every day and I'll be good as new in a couple months."

I responded to her:   For a number of years I had joint aches and other related issues, was taking MSM / Glucosamine for it - and it was relatively expensive.  One month, about 10 years ago, I could not afford to buy that over-the-counter medication.  Talking with my brother in Alabama, he suggested I replace that with honey.  I decided to try it and in a couple of books on Folk Medicine, I found that apple cider vinegar makes a great aches and pain medicine when combined with honey.

I began putting an overflowing teaspoon of honey and one of apple cider vinegar in my morning coffee and in my before bed green tea / chamomile tea combo. Within a few weeks - no joint pains, no real aches.

And there are great benefits:  (1) It is much cheaper than the MSM / Glucosamine, (2) It adds great flavor to my coffee and tea, (3) and at the age of 81 years young, if I feel like walking to the store or just going for a long walk - not a problem.

An additional benefit I discovered during the many years I have been writing.  In the morning I get my cup of coffee, sit at my computer, and write a Christian blog and/or Friends Ministry eNewsletter.  Often I will get absorbed in writing and forget my coffee.  When I do reach for my coffee, it is cold.  And since I drink only black coffee - it has lost its flavor.

But, voila! - I have discovered that when I have added honey and apple cider vinegar to my coffee - even cold it still tastes great.

Good health and no more wasted coffee!   A win-win situation.

One last benefit I discovered.  Back in the late 1980s my mom had a problem with her jaw.  At times it felt like it was locking up - and she had to go to a dentist to have a procedure done.   Fast forward about 30 years and I started experiencing the same effect - it felt like my jaw bone joints were starting to bind or lock.  But once I began my regimen of honey / apple cider - it never happened again.

I am not a doctor and cannot tell anyone else what is good for them (except when I say God is the answer) - but from personal experience I will say that honey and apple cider vinegar in my morning coffee and evening tea have worked wonders for me. 

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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