Thursday, August 2, 2018

Are "YOU" Prepared And Willing To Be A Witness? ~ Revisited

Looking through my archives of past thoughts shared, I came upon this blog from 2016 which was born from watching the excellent video from Living Waters Ministry, Ray Comfort, titled:  "The Atheist Delusion."  In the video, Ray Comfort takes us from discussions on college campuses with self-professed student atheists, to recorded debates with leading atheist professors and activists.

Many times believers will be hesitant to witness to non-believers, out of fear that they will fail or do it wrong.  Not to worry, I know the feeling of "doing it wrong" - for I have had my share of "doing it wrong" episodes.  Let me share a few examples with you - as I share this great video showing how to do it right.

Keep in mind that sharing with a person who has just not taken the step to follow Christ - is a wee bit different than witnessing to an avowed atheist.  And, in this video, Ray Comfort is showing us the best way to witness to the latter group. 

In your life-long walk with the Lord, you WILL at some point face an atheist, agnostic, or hard-line non-believer.  That is why I offer this video"The Atheist Delusion" to enhance your witnessing tool box.

In this blog, besides sharing the very good video"The Atheist Delusion" - I also share flash-backs from my own personal life.

Are YOU Prepared And Willing To Be A Witness?
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I just watched the one hour video “The Atheist Delusion” created and published by Ray Comfort and Living Waters Ministry - and I find it fascinating, a must watch for everyone, believer and non-believer.  For the Christian believer, this one hour video should give you great material for witnessing to the non-believing world, with material even they will find difficult to deny.  

If you are not a believer, why should you watch this video?   Maybe you are an agnostic or an atheist, or maybe just a vanilla-flavored non-believer who has never taken the time to seriously think about your eternal future.  Every atheist I have encountered in my years of apologetic writing - tells me they are atheist because they are "thinking" people. 

There are even organizations named "Freethinkers" and "Freethought" in America and in many countries.  Sam Harris, a leading atheist author and the American version of England's Richard Dawson, has posted the forum: "Organizations for Freethinkers/Humanists Whatevers" where he begins:

Hey everyone.  I am very curious about people’s experiences with organizations for freethinkers/atheists/agnostics/whatevers.  I"m especially interested in your experiences with freethinker community types. 

I’ve recently joined the Ethical Culture Society here in New York City and its fascinatingly alike, and unalike, the Catholic parish I was born into in another part of New York City.  I’m fascinated and having the time of my life being a part of an actual community where I don’t have to pretend to believe one single thing.

Look again at Sam Harris' reason for not believing in God:  "He does not have to believe in a single thing!"   Can you imagine going through life - never believing in anything?  How sad.

So, if the atheists are supposed to be "thinking" persons, I put his question to them:   "Can YOU answer Ray Comfort's questions asked in this video honestly?  Or will you run and hide behind, 'It's too boring' ?"

In this video, evangelist Ray Comfort approaches and has an honest dialogue with a number of people, mostly young college students who, in the beginning, profess to being atheist.  But toward the end, a number of them admit to giving serious thought to God and eternal life in Jesus Christ.

This video became very personal for me, and it caused a number of flashbacks to earlier times.  In the video, one of the people Ray is talking with is an 18 year old black college student who, in the beginning said she is an atheist.  Toward the end of the video she admits that she wants to give serious thought about seeking Christ.  Ray, tells her, "Don't put off believing in Christ - for you don't know when you will die." 

That brought a real "no one is promised a tomorrow" flashback, from when I was about 25 years old.   Within a two year period, two young friends I worked with died suddenly of heart attacks.  One was 26 years old and a successful computer programmer at Ramo Wooldridge (later TRW).  His parents had traveled from the Midwest for his upcoming wedding.  I was with him Friday night at a friend's party.  He was joyful, enjoying life.  Saturday morning his parents found him dead in his bed, of a heart attack - 26 years old and apparently very healthy, now dead. 

The other friend and co-worker was a 21 years old I worked with at Scientific Data Systems who, from all appearances, was in apparently good health.  I saw him at work on Friday - and on Monday morning learned that he had died of a heart attack over the weekend.  I was in my mid-twenties, same age group as these two young friends.  That truly gave me food for thought.  But not for too long - for I was having too much fun in my secular world.

Another flashback:  Ray asked the young man, Andrew,  "When are you going to repent and believe?"  And he answers, "When I have a strong belief and I am ready to adhere to what God would like me to do."   

In other words, he wants to wait until he is good enough to satisfy God, which none of us can do, ever.  God takes us just as we are, warts and all.  But, actually, I believe this young man was saying that he wants to not think too much about hell, he wants to have his fun first - and then seek God when he is too old to enjoy the secular world.  That was me for fifty years.

Growing up in Alabama, I was exposed to the Christian faith, attended the Baptist church (unless there was a cuter girl attending the Methodist church) and I can honestly say that I cannot recall a time in my life when I did not believe in the existence of God and Jesus Christ.  I believed in His birth, death, and resurrection.  But, I just never took that final step and became a believer. 

Why?  Well, just as Ray tells several participants in this video, "If you believe and confess Christ as Lord and Savior - then you are held accountable to God, and not just to yourself."   Many folks are not comfortable with that.  For that puts hell into the picture, which made a lot of us very uncomfortable.  As a young adult, I felt a need to be in church - but the thought of hell made me uncomfortable, for I would have to give up my secular fun.

Later, I thought I had found the perfect solution.  I would find a church that would tell me there is no hell.  That way I don't have to worry about any consequences.  And, my Friends, I found what I was seeking.  I found an Air Force Chaplain from a large mainstream liberal denomination who assured me that hell was only a myth.  "Hallelujah!  Now I can party-hearty and not have to worry about consequences!"  I was a happy camper.  At least for the moment.

And I stayed in that lost frame of mind spiritually until I was fifty years old - until God led me to Pastor Sam Lacanienta and the Fil-Am Church of Irvine, California.  That pastor, and that church, was full of Godly love and they pointed me toward Biblical Truth and toward the cross.  Praise God I finally opened my eyes and listened to His message - just like a number of the young people in Ray's video.

One more flashback:  In the video a medical chart of the human body is shown.  That took me back to a day when I was in my doctor's office in the early 1990s.  I was sitting in the doctor's examining room waiting to have an x-ray.  On the wall I saw a chart of the human skeletal system.  The chart did not even include all the vital organs, blood vessels, arteries, etc. - just the skeletal structure, and yet it was still complex.  I thought to myself, "How can a person be a medical doctor, know all about the human body - and not believe in the God who made that body?"

In the video, Ray is talking with an older gentleman, Richard.  Richard tells Ray, "Believing in God makes no sense.  To me it is the dumbest thing."  At one point, Richard said he wanted to die, maybe kill himself.   As the video progresses, Richard begins to show emotion, finally asking, "Won't I be bored in heaven?"  Ray assures him that he will most certainly not be bored.  

Ray Comfort tells Richard, "I really hope you do believe, for I want to see you in heaven."

Richard's response:  "I'm a total stranger.  Why do you care about me?"   My Friends, that is an opening to share God's love.

And, Ray's dialogue with Richard brought a flashback from the early 1990s:  I was in a Coco's Restaurant in Costa Mesa.  As I was eating lunch, I overheard the hostess talking with an older gentleman behind me.  He had driven himself to the restaurant, but during lunch he had begun to feel very weak and was afraid to drive home.  The hostess asked if there was someone, a relative or friend, she could call to help him get home.  And, apparently there was no one.

I turned and offered to drive this gentleman, George, home.  Since George lived alone, that weekend Dory and I decided to visit him.  We talked for a while, then I began to witness to George about Jesus Christ.  Since I was a relatively new believer and was not really prepared to be a strong witness - George's response totally deflated my balloon. 

George told me, "I am a retired Christian."  Seeing my confusion, he continued, "I was a Christian.  But being a professional architect and believing in science - I had to walk away from Christianity, God, and the Bible."  At that time in my Christian life, I did not have the Biblical knowledge or maturity to respond to George's honest admission.  All I could do was tuck in my tail and walk away, totally defeated.

That was my first attempt to witness to a person - and my failure was devastating.  It was several years later before I would attempt to personally witness again.  Dory and I had an older friend, Mary, who had a stroke and was in the hospital.  I began to talk with her about Christ.  And after a short discussion, I overcame her few objections and began to lead her in the Sinner's Prayer. 

About halfway through leading her in praying to receive Christ, Mary said, "What?  I can't hear you."   I had forgotten that Mary had a hearing problem.  And this sudden reminder confused me and had me so flustered - that I forgot what I was saying.  Luckily, Dory saw my confusion and picked up where I had stopped and finished praying with Mary.

Driving home, I was so depressed at another failure.  But, then I realized - it was not up to me, a very limited man, to save Mary.  The Holy Spirit was in control and despite my clumsy attempt at witnessing - He was really in charge and leading Mary.  So much for Bill Gray being a great witness!  Thank you, Lord, for Mary - who was later promoted to heaven.

In the video, Ray asked a young man if he is a Christian.   He replied, "Well, I am Roman Catholic."   Ray asked him, "Are you born again?"  And, the young man replies, "I am not sure what that means."

Note:  In an earlier version of this blog, a good Friend thought the dialogue above was saying that Roman Catholics cannot be born again believers.  Being born again is not confined to any one church. 

A person can be a born again believer in any Christian church - although it is more common in those which teach "salvation by grace through faith - alone" (Ephesians 2:8-9) - than in others that lean toward works salvation.

Oh, what a flashback this discussion of "born again" brings!  About the year 2000, I was an elder at our Baptist church and one of my tasks was to make our weekly church Sunday Worship bulletin.  Each week I tried to include a one-page insert of encouragement or apologetics for those in our fellowship - an insert which could also be used for witnessing.  Frequently, my pastor and I would have conversations on the phone, planning next Sunday's program and just sharing with one another. 

The week that comes to mind, we were having a discussion about witnessing.  The question in our discussion that day was:  When we first meet a person and begin a dialogue, should we ask, "Are you a born again Christian?" or should we only ask, "Are you a Christian?"  I leaned toward asking about being born again.  My pastor leaned toward not using the words "born again" - for he felt that might confuse the person. 

After our phone conversation, I began to think more about our discussion and I wrote a bulletin insert exploring that question.  My tract began:

Recently, in a conversation with a close Christian friend, we were discussing whether we should ask a person, “Are you a Christian?” or should we say, “Are you a born again Christian?”  He tended to lean toward the first and his reason was that many people do not truly understand what being “born again” really means. 

Later, as I thought about our discussion, I became even more convinced that if people do not understand what being “born again” means - then it is our responsibility to help them understand.  We should not avoid the subject because they do not understand.  If you think about it, if a person doesn’t really understand what being “born again” means - it is possible that he/she is not a “born again” Christian?  That person should know what it means to have a close personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Just as Ray did in the video, if a person does not know the meaning of being "born again" - that gives us a great opening to witness.  Never waste a good opening when God presents it.

In one segment of the video, Raven-Symone, one of the hostesses on the television show The View declares, "You don't have to go to church on Christmas.  It is about being good.   And that is what all religions are about anyway, be a good person."  And, another hostesses tells her, "By grace through faith you have been saved."  And, Raven, confused asks, "What?"  

Why is Raven confused about God?  Or is she really hiding from God?  Raven is a confessed and committed lesbian, living in an active lesbian relationship.  She does not want God in her life - for that would mean giving up her active lesbian relationship.  So she convinces herself that all she has to do is be a good person.   My Friends, there will be many good persons - in eternal hell.

One young man defined himself as an atheist.  Then, when Ray Comfort asked if he, as a sinner, should be punished - he tells Ray, "He (God) made me that way.  Why should He punish me for being the way He made me?"  From his answer, do you really believe that young man is an atheist?  How can he be an atheist - if he believes God made him?

Or, is he like I was in my early 20s - seeking to hide from God, seeking someone to tell him there is no hell - so that he can continue to live his secular lifestyle?   If God doesn't exist - how could He have made him that way?  I find it hard to believe that this young man denies the existence of God.  To me, is seems He just does not want a relationship with God to interfere with his secular lifestyle.   Doesn't that sound like the Bill Gray I described above - looking for a church which would tell me there is no hell?

Toward the end of the video, when Ray asked the young people, "Do you know what God did for sinners so that we do not have to go to hell?"  And, virtually all of them said they did not know.   Do you need a better opening for your witness?

That is why we, as Christian believers MUST be sharing the Word of God with non-believers.  To make sure they know the Truth about Christ's atoning death which purchased the right for them - all who will believe and receive His free gift - to spend eternity in heaven with God, instead of in hell.  It is our responsibility to tell them.  Check out the Great Commission:  "GO, Make disciples (be a pointer toward Christ), Teach them (help them learn more about God and His Written Word, the Bible) - Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15.

"Wait a minute, Bill, you left out Baptize them!"   Glad you noticed.  When we GO and point folks toward Christ, i.e., make disciples - there is another very important step.  Bring them to church - get them involved in your corporate Bible studies, even one-on-one if appropriate - and help them grow in Biblical maturity as they assimilate more fully into your church fellowship family.  Once they have become a part of your fellowship family, as a family lead them into an even closer relationship with Jesus Christ - through a spiritual family witnessed Baptism.

One very good way to tell many folks about Christ and His love for them - is to share this video “The Atheist Delusion” with all your FRANs (Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors).

The Atheist Delusion video (2016) HD

Share this video and it may give you an opportunity to share the Word of God with a non-believer this week. 

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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