Friday, July 20, 2018

Statement Of Faith ~ How Is Yours Coming?

A number of times in our Bible studies and Sunday School Classes at International Bible Baptist Church - Riverside I have shared my conviction that all believers should confirm their own personal Statement Of Faith, what YOU believe and what YOU share when following His Great Commission and being His witness to all the world. 

Yes, that should conform to the local church fellowship where you worship - but, you have to confirm your own personal beliefs - based upon your own study of Scripture.

How do you confirm your own Statement of Faith, so that you may affirm those beliefs when sharing with all the world?  Glad you asked.

I would suggest that your first step should be to put YOUR own personal list of "What I Believe" statements in writing and support each statement from Scripture.  That done, what do you do with your Written Statement of Faith now that you have confirmed it in writing?  Do you just fold it, put it in your desk drawer, and let it gather dust?  Or will you put it in your Bible so you might read it periodically?   I would suggest the latter. 

And, I would suggest you periodically revisit what you have written.  A year, two years from now - have any of those beliefs changed or been slightly modified as your grew in Biblical maturity?  If not, are you sure you have written what you believe from your own personal studies - and not what a pastor or a church has told you to believe?

Many years ago a dear Friend, Pastor Freddy Cortez, taught me to always be an Acts 17:11 Christian, testing the teaching and the teacher against Scripture.  Over the years that advise has held me in good stead.  Based upon his advise, when I encounter a new ministry, i.e., church, web site, or any Christian organization or ministry - the first thing I look for - before reading any of their material - is their posted Statement of Faith or Statement of Beliefs.  Believe it or not - there are people, ministries, and churches who refuse to post this vital information.

Some years ago I came upon the web site of a church in the Midwest - but could not find their Statement of Faith.  I sent them an e-mail asking if I had inadvertently missed that information.  A person from that church responded, "We do not post our Statement of Faith - because we do not want to offend anyone."   Yes, that was supposedly a Christian church - which would not share their Statement of Faith in Jesus Christ - to not offend anyone!

I replied, "Well, there are two things I am sure of - (1) you have offended God - and (2) you have offended me."

I have found other churches and ministries who have told me, "We don't hold to a formalized Statement of Faith.  We just prefer to affirm our love and acceptance of all people and make them feel welcome in our fellowship."  Really?  Affirming your faith in Jesus Christ in writing - is too formal and restricting to your fellowship?  Good luck!

And, to follow my own advise, this week I have revisited my own personal Statement of Faith, which is the same for our Bill & Dory Gray Christian Ministries.  And, yes, I made modifications.  Most were just grammatical corrections. 

But I have rewritten what we believe about the Bible.  I rewrote that statement to make sure it declares our firm belief "That the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and authoritative Word of God."  I want to make sure that what we believe about God's Written Word, the Bible, firmly supports our Conservative Christian faith.

STATEMENT OF FAITH - Bill & Dory Gray Christian Ministries


That the Bible
is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and authoritative Word of God.  The Bible is the sole authority for our Christian faith and Christian life.   The Bible is God's authoritative written revelation to man.   We believe in the verbal plenary inspiration of Scripture and that all 66 books of the Bible are without error in the original manuscripts.

We believe Scripture should be interpreted according to its historical, grammatical, and literal sense.  We believe that Divine inspiration extends equally and fully to all parts and words of the Bible, so that the whole Bible, in the original manuscripts, is without error in its moral and spiritual teaching and in its record of historical facts.

In one God, eternally existing
and manifesting Himself in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who before His incarnation, existed in the form of God and of His own choice lay aside His divine glory and became a man in every aspect, possessed of all the human characteristics of man.  He was and is fully God and fully man.

That our Lord Jesus Christ was supernaturally conceived
by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin, Mary.  He died on the cross for our sin; rose from the dead on the third day; and sits at the right hand of God the Father as the ONLY mediator between man and the Father.

That by His death on the cross
our Lord Jesus Christ, who was sinless, made a perfect atonement for our sin - that through His death on the cross the wrath of God against sinful man was appeased; and that His death on the cross provided grace for sinful man, which is why Jesus Christ is the ONLY path through which man can, of his own free will, have eternal life with God.

That through His resurrection on the third day
our Lord Jesus Christ defeated death, once and for all, and made redemption available to ALL who will believe in Him as Lord and Savior.

That the Holy Spirit is God
and is a person possessed of all the divine attributes of God.

That all who receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior become children of God,
joint heirs with Jesus Christ, have His promise of eternal life, and will never lose their salvation.

That the Holy Spirit indwells and seals all born-again believers
at the time of their conversion and that this is a once-for-eternity event.  We should be seeking filling (empowering) of the Holy Spirit daily, hourly, continually - through prayer, Bible study, and Christian fellowship.

That heaven and hell are real places
and these are the ONLY two choices man has for his eternal home.  Your choice must be made before this life is finished.  There is no second chance after leaving this life.

That everyone will face judgment before Jesus Christ.
  The believer to a judgment of eternal rewards - the non-believer to a judgment of eternal punishment in hell, the lake of fire.

In a Pretribulation Rapture
of the church, His body of believers worldwide.

In a Premillennial Second Coming of Jesus Christ
at the end of the seven year Tribulation, to establish His Millennial Kingdom, the Kingdom of God on earth.  For one thousand years He will rule the world, the perfect Theocracy, from the throne of David in Jerusalem.

As of today, July 20, 2018 - this is our Statement of Faith.  I welcome all questions or comments.  And I pray that, if you have not yet put your Statement of Faith in writing, this will encourage you to do it - for that can only strengthen your witness.

God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,


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