Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Sign From God?

This blog was originally posted in 2018, but looking at it tonight and noticing the relevance of God's Foreknowledge in our lives - I want to share it once more with all my Friends Ministry eNewsletter Friends and especially with those Friends new to my list. 

Personally I believe it is good to sometimes look back and see what God has done in our lives.  We cannot live in the past - but we can, and should, learn from what it has taught us, or what it may teach us today.

I have a number of good historical novels in my personal library - and some of them I have read 2, 3 times.  Each time I read them I see something I did not see before, so it is like reading the book for the first time. 

The greatest example of finding new "golden nuggets" in reading and rereading is the Bible, God's Word.  How many times have you read a Scripture passage, and then say to yourself, "I never noticed that before."  That is a benefit of continuing to consistently read God's Word.

A great example happened to me in 1998.  Dory and I were temporarily living in Moreno Valley, California, and we were attending a local church in that city.  One Sunday the pastor was teaching on Genesis 3, the deceit of the Serpent, the Old Adversary, and how he tricked Eve into eating from the forbidden fruit - and the pastor taught that when she did, she gave the forbidden fruit to Adam, her husband, who was with her and he ate.

When the pastor said that Adam was with her, I thought, "No, that is not in the Bible.  He must be ad-libbing, adding what he thinks probably happened.  But he should not be teaching that as though it is in the Bible."  I decided I would go to him privately after the service and ask why he taught it like that. 

In the meantime, I opened my Bible - and guess what?  Looking at Genesis 3:6 I found the words "She also gave to her husband WITH HER, and he ate."  I had never noticed those words "WITH HER" before.  I learned something new that day - something I had never noticed in previous readings.

Genesis 3:6, "So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate.  She also gave to her husband WITH HER, and he ate."

In my original 2018 post, the photo used was taken in 1970 when I was home for the funeral of my step-dad, Russell Arthur.  The photo was taken the day after the service when mom and I were taking my cousin, Libby, to the bus station for her to return home to Birmingham.  I have had this photo for many years - and I just today noticed something very unusual in it.

Do you see the cross (actually a telephone pole) sitting above my head?   Hmmm?   Was God telling me, many years later, that in 1987 I would meet a man, Pastor Sam Lacanienta, who would point me to the cross and to eternal life?

In 1970 I was very much into the world and far from being a Christian believer.  But looking back today, I have to wonder.   My step-dad, Russell, was born and grew up in rural Russellville, Alabama, and left there to serve in the Army in World War 2.   He met and married my mom circa 1948. 

When I was a young teen, he worked for a while at the Gibson Venetian Blinds shop in Sheffield, Alabama (in the building which later became the famous Muscle Shoals Sound Studio) and sometimes I would go with him to help in the installations.  The shop was owned by a close family friend, Pastor Gibson, who preceded Russell in death.

Russell's service and internment was at a small country Baptist country church outside of Russellville, Alabama.  After the service, leaving the church sanctuary, my mom and Mrs. Gibson walked up to me.  Mrs. Gibson looked at me and said, "Do you know that you look like Billy Graham?  One day I want to see you preaching on television just like him."

Since I was far from being a believer, but did not want to be rude to that lovely lady and family friend, I just thought to myself, "Lady, you are out of your mind!"   At that time, I was already thinking ahead to the following weekend when I would fly back to Southern California. 

I had made plans to take my girl friend and her mom and dad to a night club in Garden Grove, California, to see a group I really enjoyed, The Leland Four.  The group was entertaining at the Playgirl Club in Garden Grove and I was really looking forward to seeing them again.  That was my kind of preaching in those days.

Fast forward to 1987 when I did become a Christian believer - and I would have been so blessed to be even a tiny bit as good a Christian witness as Billy Graham.  Since that blessed life changing transformation at a Bible study in 1987, I am content and happy with the writing ministry God has given me - and I pray that He will help me be more effective in that ministry.

But imagine my surprise today, 2018, as I was collecting photos to use in a Mothers Day collage - I noticed that cross sitting above my head.  Wow!  I have had this photo in my collections since 1970 - and I just today noticed that cross sitting above my head!  A sign from God of my future life, which in His omniscience He could see - but I could not?  Or just an overactive imagination? 

Call it what you will - but I see that as a sign from God that He foreknew my Christian faith in the not too distant future - while I was still living in the world of night clubs, parties, and fast friends.

Yes, praise God, I believe that was symbolic of the cross of Jesus Christ calling to me even then.  Later when my brother, Bob, and I used to talk before his promotion to heaven - we both agreed that neither of us could remember a time in our lives when we did not believe that God, Jesus Christ, and His Word were real.  It just took me a long time to turn and walk His way.

I recall a story I read in Our Daily Bread, Fall 1991 issue.  It was written by Henry Bosch and tells of a missionary to the Kiowa Indians.

The first missionary to the Kiowa Indians was a woman named Miss Reside.  After living with the Indians long enough for them to know what it meant to be a Christian, they began calling her Miss Aim Day Co.

Explaining the significance of this name, Chief Bigtree said, "When we Kiowas see anyone on the wrong trail, we call out, 'Aim day co,' which means 'Turn this way.'  Our sister came to us from a far land and found us on the wrong path and in great danger.  She stood and called to us and said, 'Turn this way.'  Then she showed us the Jesus road.  God bless Miss Aim Day Co."

The Lord Jesus declared that there are only two paths to take in life.  One is the narrow way that ascends to life eternal; the other is the broad way that descends to the pit of destruction (Matthew 7:13-14).  And He tells us in Scripture that He is "the Way."

John 14:6, "Jesus said to him, “I am THE WAY, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

Jesus has not promised an easy life, the world's praise, or great material riches for following Him.  But He richly rewards those who take the narrow road.  He forgives their sin, gives them eternal life, and assures them that they will go to heaven.

Miss "Aim Day Co" did not stay in her comfort zone.  She went to where the Indians lived, she went to their comfort zone.  I'm quite sure she did not start beating them over the head with non-stop Scripture or demand that they learn her "Christianese" language.  No, I'm sure that she first learned how to tell them, in their own language, "Turn this way!  Aim day co!"

Every believer is an evangelist, a witness, an ambassador for the Lord.  With all earnestness, let's point others to Jesus.  Like Miss Aim Day Co, let's urge people, "Turn this way!"

Even back in 1970 when this photo was taken, Jesus Christ was calling my name in love - and later, in 1987, Pastor Sam Lacanienta was telling me, "Turn this way!"  Praise God they both loved me enough to make that difference in my life, in my eternal life.  Thank you, Lord, and thank you, Pastor Sam.
God bless, have a wonderful, blessed day,

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